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"readingShow": "top"
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"text": "1 min read",
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"title": "asa.sbh.nz",
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"title": "asa.sbh.nz",
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"date": "2014-07-19T00:00:00.000Z",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 July 2014"
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"title": "Download Music Artist Images",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Download Music Artist Images",
"slug": "artists",
"date": "2008-07-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 July 2008"
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"excerpt": "<p>I was cleaning up my music collection yesterday by using <a href=\"http://www.discogs.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Discogs<OutboundLink/></a>, a great online Discography catalogue website, to download missing album cover art. I normally use the long-windedly named <a href=\"http://www.unrealvoodoo.org/hiteck/projects/albumart/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Album Cover Art Downloader<OutboundLink/></a> to download cover art, as it's pretty good and can grab images from various sources (amazon.com, yahoo, buy.com) - but there are some albums, especially bootlegs and the like, that aren't on Amazon. While using Discogs I saw that they have artist images (such as the one on the right), and started to download these to use like Album Art images, by naming the file folder.jpg and placing it in the artist's folder (My music collection is organised by First Letter\\Artist\\Album, e.g. A\\Aphex Twin\\Hangable Autobulb).</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
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"title": "Exploring New Zealand's COVID tools",
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"title": "Exploring New Zealand's COVID tools",
"slug": "covid",
"date": "2022-01-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 January 2022"
"regularPath": "/blog/code/covid/",
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"title": "Decoding tracer app QR codes",
"slug": "decoding-tracer-app-qr-codes"
"excerpt": "<p>I've been interested in the technology the government in New Zealand has chosen to use to help combat the spread of COVID-19. It's obvious that they are walking a tight rope between making effective tools and not unduly compromising the privacy of our citizens.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
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"title": "Decrypting encoded text",
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"title": "Decrypting encoded text",
"slug": "decrypt",
"date": "2008-03-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 March 2008"
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"title": "ROT13",
"slug": "rot13"
"level": 2,
"title": "Caesar Cypher",
"slug": "caesar-cypher"
"level": 2,
"title": "Encryption",
"slug": "encryption"
"level": 2,
"title": "Decryption",
"slug": "decryption"
"level": 2,
"title": "Code",
"slug": "code"
"level": 2,
"title": "Substitution Cypher",
"slug": "substitution-cypher"
"excerpt": "<p>I became interested in cryptography a few years ago, and have been slowly working my way through Bruce Schneier's <a href=\"http://www.schneier.com/book-applied.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Applied Cryptography<OutboundLink/></a>. From this, I became interested in simple forced decryption (cracking) of cyphers, and directed my attention to the ROT13 algorithm.</p>\n",
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"title": "Voltage Divider",
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"title": "Voltage Divider",
"slug": "divider",
"date": "2018-10-11T00:00:00.000Z",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 October 2018"
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"title": "Code",
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"excerpt": "<p>A friend who is studying Engineering at university asked me for help tutoring him for one of his degree projects where he was tasked with writing a voltage divider calculator:</p>\n",
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"text": "3 min read",
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"title": "My first web page",
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"title": "My first web page",
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"date": "1997-10-05T00:00:00.000Z",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 October 1997"
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"excerpt": "<p>At University we were tasked with creating a web page on the topic of patterns of innovation. I still have a copy of the page, and it shows a less than auspicious start to my website creating days!</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
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"title": "FishBarrel",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "FishBarrel",
"slug": "fishbarrel",
"date": "2011-10-09T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "9 October 2011"
"regularPath": "/blog/code/fishbarrel/",
"relativePath": "blog/code/fishbarrel/index.md",
"key": "v-14783c04",
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"excerpt": "<p>Back in the early days of my foray into skepticism, I found a Chrome plugin called <a href=\"https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fishbarrel/anacdmlkdpleidkhaenamooegbidibfg\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">FishBarrel<OutboundLink/></a> which makes it easy to gather data from a nonsense website and submit a complaint to the relevant regulatory body.</p>\n",
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"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.75,
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"title": "GraphQL, Graph DB, Graph API - what's with all these Graphs?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "GraphQL, Graph DB, Graph API - what's with all these Graphs?",
"slug": "graphs",
"date": "2020-07-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
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"Graph DB",
"Graph API"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "20 July 2020"
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"title": "Our Graph Technologies",
"slug": "our-graph-technologies"
"level": 3,
"title": "Graph API",
"slug": "graph-api"
"level": 3,
"title": "GraphQL",
"slug": "graphql"
"level": 3,
"title": "Graph DB",
"slug": "graph-db"
"level": 2,
"title": "So, how are they related?",
"slug": "so-how-are-they-related"
"excerpt": "<p>In my current role, I've found myself working with Microsoft's <a href=\"https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/overview\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Graph API<OutboundLink/></a> - and have implemented a Graph API MicroService in <a href=\"https://graphql.org/learn/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">GraphQL<OutboundLink/></a>. I've also recently been working on a side project to calculate Bacon Numbers for both actors/actresses and movies, and for this I've been using a <a href=\"https://neo4j.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Graph DB<OutboundLink/></a> - Neo4J. So, just why do these technologies have the word Graph in them, and how are they related? Let's find out!</p>\n",
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"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.685,
"time": 281099.99999999994,
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"title": "Tab or Space(s) to Indent?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Tab or Space(s) to Indent?",
"slug": "indent",
"date": "2018-10-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
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"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 October 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/code/indent/",
"relativePath": "blog/code/indent/index.md",
"key": "v-50be5ea2",
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"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Primer",
"slug": "primer"
"level": 2,
"title": "My History",
"slug": "my-history"
"level": 2,
"title": "Pub thoughts",
"slug": "pub-thoughts"
"level": 2,
"title": "Summary",
"slug": "summary"
"level": 2,
"title": "Conclusion",
"slug": "conclusion"
"level": 2,
"title": "This is serious",
"slug": "this-is-serious"
"level": 2,
"title": "Examples",
"slug": "examples"
"excerpt": "<p>Tabs vs Spaces - which one should be used when indenting code? I'm going to spoil the suspense right away by saying that the answer is clearly Tabs. However, it would be remiss of me not to describe what we're talking about, and why Tabs are the correct<sup>(TM)</sup> choice.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "7 min read",
"minutes": 6.575,
"time": 394500,
"words": 1315
"title": "Using AI to create a new religion",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Using AI to create a new religion",
"slug": "holyai",
"date": "2021-06-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
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"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 June 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/code/holyai/",
"relativePath": "blog/code/holyai/index.md",
"key": "v-6b18e002",
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"excerpt": "<p>I've always been fascinated by religious holy texts - they're such a product of the time they are written, and generally have little or no useful information for how to live one's life, unless you're willing to "interpret" them with a distorting lens that helps to bring them in line with modern ideas of how we should behave and treat each other. But, if I were to create a new religion, or cult, how would I go about it? Writing an entire book seems like hard work, so what if I could train some kind of deep learning bot on existing religious texts and then ask it to use its knowledge to create a new holy book.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "6 min read",
"minutes": 5.145,
"time": 308700,
"words": 1029
"title": "Code I've written, and more",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Code I've written, and more",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/code/",
"relativePath": "blog/code/index.md",
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"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.58,
"time": 34800,
"words": 116
"title": "Pubs not Puns",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Pubs not Puns",
"slug": "jest",
"date": "2020-08-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
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"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 August 2020"
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"key": "v-9411957c",
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"excerpt": "<p>I was talking with a friend today online, and he mentioned my love of pubs. This was actually a typo, as he was aiming to be sarcastic about my lack of love for puns:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.95,
"time": 57000,
"words": 190
"title": "ingoa.nz",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "ingoa.nz",
"slug": "ingoa.nz",
"date": "2015-11-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 November 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/code/ingoa.nz/",
"relativePath": "blog/code/ingoa.nz/index.md",
"key": "v-40959624",
"path": "/blog/code/ingoa.nz/"
"title": "Kodi NZ OnDemand Plugin",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Kodi NZ OnDemand Plugin",
"slug": "nzondemand",
"date": "2011-01-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 January 2011"
"regularPath": "/blog/code/nzondemand/",
"relativePath": "blog/code/nzondemand/index.md",
"key": "v-6f78c6e4",
"path": "/blog/code/nzondemand/"
"title": "A Better Path",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "A Better Path",
"slug": "picard",
"date": "2012-01-09T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "9 January 2012"
"regularPath": "/blog/code/picard/",
"relativePath": "blog/code/picard/index.md",
"key": "v-02fa7068",
"path": "/blog/code/picard/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.205,
"time": 12299.999999999998,
"words": 41
"title": "QR Code Generator",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "QR Code Generator",
"slug": "qr",
"date": "2018-10-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
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"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 October 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/code/qr/",
"relativePath": "blog/code/qr/index.md",
"key": "v-96ed1690",
"path": "/blog/code/qr/",
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"title": "Code",
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"excerpt": "<p>With the magic of <a href=\"https://vuejs.org/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Vue<OutboundLink/></a>, it's pretty easy to do a whole host of pretty cool things dynamically. As a quick example, here's a dynamic QR Code generator using a text box linked to the <a href=\"https://github.com/theomessin/vue-qriously\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">vue-qriously<OutboundLink/></a> library.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.68,
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"words": 136
"title": "Tone Generator",
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"title": "Tone Generator",
"slug": "tone",
"date": "2019-03-24T00:00:00.000Z",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 March 2019"
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"excerpt": "<p>Thanks to the generosity of a friend, my lounge now not only has a 7.2 embedded wall speaker setup, but the sofa also vibrates when there is a low bass rumble in the audio of whatever media I'm consuming. This effect has been achieved with the (mis)use of an <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aura_Interactor\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Aura Interactor<OutboundLink/></a> Shaker. The Aura Interactor was a device sold in the 1990s to gamers, and was a backpack with a low frequency speaker inside it. Rather than being designed to make noise, this speaker moves a large piece of metal back and forth without a diaphragm, and shakes whatever it's attached to. The rig comes with an amplifier, and takes a mono RCA input - which, thankfully, most subwoofers these days have an output for. My friend has collected a few of these devices over the years, removing the shaker from the backpack each time and bolting it to a piece of wood that is then bolted to the inside wooden frame of a sofa.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.965,
"time": 177899.99999999997,
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"title": "The importance of readable data structures",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The importance of readable data structures",
"slug": "readable",
"date": "2020-01-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
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"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "26 January 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/code/readable/",
"relativePath": "blog/code/readable/index.md",
"key": "v-222c4c1a",
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"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "The Code",
"slug": "the-code"
"level": 2,
"title": "Issues",
"slug": "issues"
"level": 2,
"title": "My Solution",
"slug": "my-solution"
"level": 2,
"title": "Lessons",
"slug": "lessons"
"level": 3,
"title": "Examples",
"slug": "examples"
"level": 3,
"title": "Summary",
"slug": "summary"
"excerpt": "<p>A friend asked for help on Facebook the other day with a programming problem. He needed to dynamically create a set of buttons, and was having problems looping through his variables that stored the data used to create his buttons, to create each button dynamically.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "8 min read",
"minutes": 7.285,
"time": 437100,
"words": 1457
"title": "Into War",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Into War",
"slug": "war",
"date": "2019-10-09T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "9 October 2019"
"regularPath": "/blog/code/war/",
"relativePath": "blog/code/war/index.md",
"key": "v-1e781c04",
"path": "/blog/code/war/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "DOSBox",
"slug": "dosbox"
"level": 2,
"title": "Launching",
"slug": "launching"
"level": 2,
"title": "What? How?",
"slug": "what-how"
"excerpt": "<p>A friend recently let me know of a <a href=\"https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=82902\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">tiny program<OutboundLink/></a> that runs a 3D scene with both audio and video. How tiny? The executable, a .com file, is 64 bytes in size (yeah, that's pretty damn small!), and the camera view is a flyover of a grassy field with a blue sky above. The audio is a single note played once, overlaid with the sound of a helicopter's whirring blades and a periodic swooshing noise that sounds like the wind. It seems too amazing to be real, especially when you've seen the video:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.775,
"time": 286500,
"words": 955
"title": "This Website",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "This Website",
"slug": "website",
"date": "2018-09-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 September 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/code/website/",
"relativePath": "blog/code/website/index.md",
"key": "v-52d06844",
"path": "/blog/code/website/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Vue",
"slug": "vue"
"level": 2,
"title": "Metadata",
"slug": "metadata"
"level": 3,
"title": "$page",
"slug": "page"
"level": 3,
"title": "$site",
"slug": "site"
"level": 3,
"title": "window.location",
"slug": "window-location"
"level": 3,
"title": "location.vue",
"slug": "location-vue"
"level": 3,
"title": "Category Page",
"slug": "category-page"
"excerpt": "<p>This website is built using <a href=\"https://vuepress.vuejs.org/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Vuepress<OutboundLink/></a> and a little bit of Vue magic. The <a href=\"https://github.com/markhoney/mark.honeychurch.org\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">entire source<OutboundLink/></a> for this site is on GitHub, and the config.js file has been set to build the site to the /docs folder. In GitHub this repository has been set to publish the site at /docs and has been given a custom domain name - mark.honeychurch.org.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.65,
"time": 159000,
"words": 530
"title": "$route",
"frontmatter": {
"date": "2018-09-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"slug": "route",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/code/website/route/",
"relativePath": "blog/code/website/route/index.md",
"key": "v-1b02cf5e",
"path": "/blog/code/website/route/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.02,
"time": 1200,
"words": 4
"title": "NZ XMLTV Listings",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "NZ XMLTV Listings",
"slug": "xmltv.co.nz",
"date": "2008-09-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 September 2008"
"regularPath": "/blog/code/xmltv.co.nz/",
"relativePath": "blog/code/xmltv.co.nz/index.md",
"key": "v-6aec741e",
"path": "/blog/code/xmltv.co.nz/"
"title": "$site",
"frontmatter": {
"date": "2018-09-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"slug": "site",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/code/website/site/",
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"key": "v-15ace378",
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"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.02,
"time": 1200,
"words": 4
"title": "Use a 1440 x 900 Resolution on Intel 865",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Use a 1440 x 900 Resolution on Intel 865",
"slug": "intel865",
"date": "2009-03-31T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "31 March 2009"
"regularPath": "/blog/howto/intel865/",
"relativePath": "blog/howto/intel865/index.md",
"key": "v-19e10ac4",
"path": "/blog/howto/intel865/",
"excerpt": "<p>As my laptop is currently b0rked, I'm using a desktop PC as my main machine. This PC has an onboard Intel 865 Video Card, but annoyingly doesn't offer the 1440x900 native resolution of my Dell monitor. After a lot of searching, I found a <a href=\"http://www.jjclements.co.uk/index.php/2007/07/19/intel-gfx-driver-resolution-fix/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">blog post<OutboundLink/></a> which came tantalizingly close to offering a solution.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.28,
"time": 136799.99999999997,
"words": 456
"title": "Restore an iOS13 backup to iOS12 or earlier",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Restore an iOS13 backup to iOS12 or earlier",
"slug": "ios",
"date": "2019-10-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 October 2019"
"regularPath": "/blog/howto/ios/",
"relativePath": "blog/howto/ios/index.md",
"key": "v-855c6a28",
"path": "/blog/howto/ios/",
"excerpt": "<p>I recently had to move from a nice shiny new iPhone XR to an older, slower iPhone 6 Plus. I started by making a backup of my iPhone XR, which was running iOS 13. Then I tried to restore this backup to the iPhone 6, but received an error:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.295,
"time": 77699.99999999999,
"words": 259
"title": "How To...",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "How To...",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/howto/",
"relativePath": "blog/howto/index.md",
"key": "v-ce037a30",
"path": "/blog/howto/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.02,
"time": 1200,
"words": 4
"title": "Make Your Printer Display PC Load Letter",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Make Your Printer Display PC Load Letter",
"slug": "pcloadletter",
"date": "2008-04-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "1 April 2008"
"regularPath": "/blog/howto/pcloadletter/",
"relativePath": "blog/howto/pcloadletter/index.md",
"key": "v-5a097544",
"path": "/blog/howto/pcloadletter/",
"excerpt": "<p>Whilst partaking in my daily browsing session of <a href=\"http://digg.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">digg<OutboundLink/></a>, I found a link to an article on Lifehacker of <a href=\"http://lifehacker.com/373817/top-10-harmless-geek-pranks\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Top 10 Harmless Geek Pranks<OutboundLink/></a> (presumably for April Fool's). Number 2 in the list is a link to a <a href=\"http://kovaya.com/miscellany/2007/10/insert-coin.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">perl script<OutboundLink/></a> which allows you to change the "Ready" prompt on HP printers using HPPJL (HP Printer Job Language).</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.455,
"time": 147300,
"words": 491
"title": "Turn on HTTP Transport on NexentaStor",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Turn on HTTP Transport on NexentaStor",
"slug": "nexentastor",
"date": "2008-08-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "20 August 2008"
"regularPath": "/blog/howto/nexentastor/",
"relativePath": "blog/howto/nexentastor/index.md",
"key": "v-811626e0",
"path": "/blog/howto/nexentastor/",
"excerpt": "<p>I'm currently preparing to build my new NAS (I'm waiting on a SATA motherboard to arrive) and upgrade the old NAS from <a href=\"http://www.gentoo.org/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Gentoo Linux<OutboundLink/></a> to <a href=\"http://www.nexenta.com/corp/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">NexentaStor<OutboundLink/></a>. The reason I'm changing is primarily so that I can use ZFS, which NexentaStor utilises (as it's a Solaris-based appliance). This is similar to NetApp's WAFL filesystem (and is currently the reason for a spate of <a href=\"http://www.sun.com/lawsuit/zfs/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">lawsuits<OutboundLink/></a> between Sun and NetApp), and so should offer decent performance benefits.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.22,
"time": 73200,
"words": 244
"title": "Monitor a Linux RAID5 Rebuild",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Monitor a Linux RAID5 Rebuild",
"slug": "raid5",
"date": "2008-08-24T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 August 2008"
"regularPath": "/blog/howto/raid5/",
"relativePath": "blog/howto/raid5/index.md",
"key": "v-ba96e620",
"path": "/blog/howto/raid5/",
"excerpt": "<p>My new NAS is currently rebuilding its RAID5 array, and I figured it'd be good to watch the progress of the rebuild. To this end, I hacked together a quick and dirty script to display the contents of /proc/mdstat at one second intervals. Just place the below code in a file called mdinfo.sh (nano mdinfo.sh and paste), make it executable (chmod +x mdinfo.sh) and run it (./mdinfo.sh). To quit, just press Control-C.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.125,
"time": 67500,
"words": 225
"title": "Another Year",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Another Year",
"slug": "anotheryear",
"date": "2017-08-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 August 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/anotheryear/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/anotheryear/index.md",
"key": "v-a1a50244",
"path": "/blog/life/anotheryear/",
"excerpt": "<p>Another year, another blog post.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.015,
"time": 60899.99999999999,
"words": 203
"title": "Blog",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Blog",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/",
"relativePath": "blog/index.md",
"key": "v-58043ea0",
"path": "/blog/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.38,
"time": 22800,
"words": 76
"title": "Happy Birthday",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Happy Birthday",
"slug": "birthday",
"date": "2015-08-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 August 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/birthday/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/birthday/index.md",
"key": "v-102fffde",
"path": "/blog/life/birthday/",
"excerpt": "<p>HAPPY BIRTHDAY! In a little over a month I will no longer be 39. I have no idea what I'll be doing to celebrate - probably a couple of quiet beers with a few friends in Wellington.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.2,
"time": 12000,
"words": 40
"title": "Games of my Youth",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Games of my Youth",
"slug": "arcade",
"date": "2020-07-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 July 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/arcade/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/arcade/index.md",
"key": "v-bf74b990",
"path": "/blog/life/arcade/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Missile Command",
"slug": "missile-command"
"level": 2,
"title": "720°",
"slug": "_720°"
"level": 2,
"title": "Jet Set Willy",
"slug": "jet-set-willy"
"level": 2,
"title": "Rampage",
"slug": "rampage"
"level": 2,
"title": "Shinobi",
"slug": "shinobi"
"level": 2,
"title": "Double Dragon",
"slug": "double-dragon"
"level": 2,
"title": "E.T.",
"slug": "e-t"
"level": 2,
"title": "Mine Storm",
"slug": "mine-storm"
"level": 2,
"title": "Chuckie Egg",
"slug": "chuckie-egg"
"level": 2,
"title": "Prehistoric Isle in 1930",
"slug": "prehistoric-isle-in-1930"
"level": 2,
"title": "PacLand",
"slug": "pacland"
"level": 2,
"title": "Splatterhouse",
"slug": "splatterhouse"
"level": 2,
"title": "Another World",
"slug": "another-world"
"level": 2,
"title": "Flashback",
"slug": "flashback"
"level": 2,
"title": "Prince of Persia",
"slug": "prince-of-persia"
"level": 2,
"title": "Golden Axe",
"slug": "golden-axe"
"level": 2,
"title": "Rainbow Islands",
"slug": "rainbow-islands"
"level": 2,
"title": "Tetris",
"slug": "tetris"
"level": 2,
"title": "Galaxians",
"slug": "galaxians"
"level": 2,
"title": "Alex Kidd in Miracle World",
"slug": "alex-kidd-in-miracle-world"
"level": 2,
"title": "Lemmings",
"slug": "lemmings"
"level": 2,
"title": "Sonic the Hedgehog",
"slug": "sonic-the-hedgehog"
"level": 2,
"title": "Leisure Suit Larry",
"slug": "leisure-suit-larry"
"level": 2,
"title": "Ghosts 'n Goblins",
"slug": "ghosts-n-goblins"
"level": 2,
"title": "Super Mario Bros.",
"slug": "super-mario-bros"
"level": 2,
"title": "Super Pang",
"slug": "super-pang"
"level": 2,
"title": "Gods",
"slug": "gods"
"level": 2,
"title": "Wolfenstein 3D",
"slug": "wolfenstein-3d"
"level": 2,
"title": "Street Fighter 2",
"slug": "street-fighter-2"
"level": 2,
"title": "Magic Carpet",
"slug": "magic-carpet"
"level": 2,
"title": "Tekken 2",
"slug": "tekken-2"
"level": 2,
"title": "Bomberman",
"slug": "bomberman"
"level": 2,
"title": "Virtua Fighter",
"slug": "virtua-fighter"
"level": 2,
"title": "Puzzle Bobble",
"slug": "puzzle-bobble"
"level": 2,
"title": "Micro Machines",
"slug": "micro-machines"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Dig",
"slug": "the-dig"
"level": 2,
"title": "Goldeneye",
"slug": "goldeneye"
"level": 2,
"title": "Time Crisis",
"slug": "time-crisis"
"level": 2,
"title": "Snake",
"slug": "snake"
"level": 2,
"title": "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2",
"slug": "tony-hawk-s-pro-skater-2"
"excerpt": "<p>As a kid, I played my fair share of video games - on arcade, console and PC. I thought it would be interesting to write down some of the games that I played a lot, along with where I played them, what system I played them on and what age I was at the time. Eventually I may turn this into a data table, or even just arrange it chronologically.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "9 min read",
"minutes": 8.18,
"time": 490799.99999999994,
"words": 1636
"title": "End Blasphemy Laws",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "End Blasphemy Laws",
"slug": "blasphemy",
"date": "2015-02-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "7 February 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/blasphemy/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/blasphemy/index.md",
"key": "v-54b98f04",
"path": "/blog/life/blasphemy/",
"excerpt": "<p>I'm currently involved in an <a href=\"http://end-blasphemy-laws.org/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">effort to have blasphemy laws in different parts of the world repealed<OutboundLink/></a>. Locally in New Zealand we currently have a <a href=\"http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1961/0043/latest/DLM329036.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">blasphemy law<OutboundLink/></a> that, although it's only ever been used once, seems to be quite strict and has no place in today's society. Of course I think it would be good to have this law repealed, and I am working with the <a href=\"http://humanist.org.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Humanist Society<OutboundLink/></a> (of which I am currently the President) to pressure the NZ government to repeal the law. Various blasphemy laws exist in many countries around the world, including Canada and Ireland as well as here in NZ.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 1,
"time": 60000,
"words": 200
"title": "Moving to Blogger",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Moving to Blogger",
"slug": "blogger",
"date": "2013-04-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 April 2013"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/blogger/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/blogger/index.md",
"key": "v-76be539e",
"path": "/blog/life/blogger/",
"excerpt": "<p>I'm currently trying to move my old blog to Blogger, as this is the only free online service I can find that will let me use my own domain name for my blog (both Wordpress and Drupal Garden will only allow custom domain names as a paid service). In part this post is to help me export my old Drupal blog, by giving me an idea of what the XML file for import should look like.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.395,
"time": 23700.000000000004,
"words": 79
"title": "The Isles of Blurry",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Isles of Blurry",
"slug": "blurry",
"date": "2008-06-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 June 2008"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/blurry/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/blurry/index.md",
"key": "v-a199a708",
"path": "/blog/life/blurry/",
"excerpt": "<p>Today I was perusing a <a href=\"http://dl.nin.com/kml/slip_dls.kml\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">KML file<OutboundLink/></a> in <a href=\"http://earth.google.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Google Earth<OutboundLink/></a> from the <a href=\"http://www.nin.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Nine Inch Nails<OutboundLink/></a>. The Nine Inch Nails recently released an album called <a href=\"http://theslip.nin.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">The Slip<OutboundLink/></a> as a free download, something which I applaud and which a couple of other high profile bands, <a href=\"http://www.inrainbows.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Radiohead<OutboundLink/></a> and <a href=\"http://www.saulwilliams.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Saul Williams<OutboundLink/></a>, have also done recently. While I was in Google Earth, I zoomed into the Isles of Scilly to see if they've been imaged at a decent resolution yet - and unfortunately, the islands are looking as smudged as ever!</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.27,
"time": 76200,
"words": 254
"title": "Sneaky Domain Registrars",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Sneaky Domain Registrars",
"slug": "domain",
"date": "2004-07-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 July 2004"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/domain/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/domain/index.md",
"key": "v-325dc9d0",
"path": "/blog/life/domain/",
"excerpt": "<p>Domain Registrars seem to be willing to resort to some pretty underhanded tactics when it comes to making money from you. Often the price offered for a domain name for the first year changes for subsequent years, quietly and without warning. A £10 domain name can become a £20 domain name with no explanation, for example.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.82,
"time": 49199.99999999999,
"words": 164
"title": "It's been a busy weekend",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "It's been a busy weekend",
"slug": "busyday",
"date": "2019-08-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 August 2019"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/busyday/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/busyday/index.md",
"key": "v-296cdb84",
"path": "/blog/life/busyday/",
"excerpt": "<p>It's been a busy weekend. I've been to the local Jehovah's Witness convention (twice), written some code for our next CoderDojo session, made progess on the Ingoa website project (that I've been working on for a while now), made halloumi, played games with the kids and drank some very tasty beer and port with friends.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.385,
"time": 23100,
"words": 77
"title": "My Last Exam (for at least a month)",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "My Last Exam (for at least a month)",
"slug": "exams",
"date": "2008-06-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 June 2008"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/exams/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/exams/index.md",
"key": "v-61674ec4",
"path": "/blog/life/exams/",
"excerpt": "<p>Woo hoo!</p>\n<p>I've just passed my Microsoft <a href=\"http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/exams/70-299.mspx\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">070-299<OutboundLink/></a>: Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network exam, which is the last exam I'll be taking until after Karen has left for England at the end of July. With this exam, I am now MCSA + Security certified. This complements the other Microsoft, Linux, NetApp, etc exams I have taken in the last few months.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.285,
"time": 77100,
"words": 257
"title": "A food kind of day",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "A food kind of day",
"slug": "food",
"date": "2019-02-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 February 2019"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/food/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/food/index.md",
"key": "v-b3fd6948",
"path": "/blog/life/food/",
"excerpt": "<p>It's my middle daughter's birthday today, and we've had a food centric day.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.04,
"time": 62400.00000000001,
"words": 208
"title": "My Favourite Games",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "My Favourite Games",
"slug": "games",
"date": "2021-02-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 February 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/games/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/games/index.md",
"key": "v-54fbe3fe",
"path": "/blog/life/games/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Puzzle - single player",
"slug": "puzzle-single-player"
"level": 3,
"title": "Braid",
"slug": "braid"
"level": 3,
"title": "The Talos Principle",
"slug": "the-talos-principle"
"level": 3,
"title": "The Gardens Between",
"slug": "the-gardens-between"
"level": 3,
"title": "The Room series",
"slug": "the-room-series"
"level": 3,
"title": "Portal 1 & 2",
"slug": "portal-1-2"
"level": 3,
"title": "The Unfinished Swan",
"slug": "the-unfinished-swan"
"level": 3,
"title": "Please, don't touch anything",
"slug": "please-don-t-touch-anything"
"level": 3,
"title": "What Remains of Edith Finch",
"slug": "what-remains-of-edith-finch"
"level": 3,
"title": "The Stanley Parable",
"slug": "the-stanley-parable"
"level": 3,
"title": "Limbo",
"slug": "limbo"
"level": 3,
"title": "Superliminal",
"slug": "superliminal"
"level": 2,
"title": "Puzzle - multi player",
"slug": "puzzle-multi-player"
"level": 3,
"title": "Human Fall Flat",
"slug": "human-fall-flat"
"level": 3,
"title": "Death Squared",
"slug": "death-squared"
"level": 3,
"title": "Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes",
"slug": "keep-talking-and-nobody-explodes"
"level": 3,
"title": "We Were Here series",
"slug": "we-were-here-series"
"level": 3,
"title": "Tick Tock: A Tale for Two",
"slug": "tick-tock-a-tale-for-two"
"level": 2,
"title": "Challenge - single player",
"slug": "challenge-single-player"
"level": 3,
"title": "Death Stranding",
"slug": "death-stranding"
"level": 3,
"title": "Supraland",
"slug": "supraland"
"level": 3,
"title": "Subnautica & Below Zero",
"slug": "subnautica-below-zero"
"level": 3,
"title": "Dr. Langeskov, The Tiger, and The Terribly Cursed Emerald: A Whirlwind Heist",
"slug": "dr-langeskov-the-tiger-and-the-terribly-cursed-emerald-a-whirlwind-heist"
"level": 3,
"title": "Firewatch",
"slug": "firewatch"
"level": 3,
"title": "Q.U.B.E. 1 & 2",
"slug": "q-u-b-e-1-2"
"level": 3,
"title": "N.E.R.O.",
"slug": "n-e-r-o"
"level": 3,
"title": "Mirror's Edge & Catalyst",
"slug": "mirror-s-edge-catalyst"
"level": 3,
"title": "The Turing Test",
"slug": "the-turing-test"
"level": 3,
"title": "Journey",
"slug": "journey"
"level": 2,
"title": "Challenge - multi player",
"slug": "challenge-multi-player"
"level": 3,
"title": "Viscera Cleanup Detail",
"slug": "viscera-cleanup-detail"
"level": 3,
"title": "Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime",
"slug": "lovers-in-a-dangerous-spacetime"
"level": 3,
"title": "Overcooked",
"slug": "overcooked"
"level": 3,
"title": "Manual Samuel",
"slug": "manual-samuel"
"level": 3,
"title": "Affordable Space Adventures",
"slug": "affordable-space-adventures"
"level": 2,
"title": "Platform",
"slug": "platform"
"level": 3,
"title": "Celeste",
"slug": "celeste"
"level": 3,
"title": "Gris",
"slug": "gris"
"level": 3,
"title": "Ori",
"slug": "ori"
"level": 3,
"title": "Unravel 1 & 2",
"slug": "unravel-1-2"
"level": 3,
"title": "Rayman Legends",
"slug": "rayman-legends"
"level": 2,
"title": "Competitive multi player",
"slug": "competitive-multi-player"
"level": 3,
"title": "Ultimate Chicken Horse",
"slug": "ultimate-chicken-horse"
"level": 3,
"title": "Stick Fight",
"slug": "stick-fight"
"level": 3,
"title": "Screencheat",
"slug": "screencheat"
"level": 3,
"title": "Gang Beasts",
"slug": "gang-beasts"
"level": 3,
"title": "Starwhal",
"slug": "starwhal"
"level": 3,
"title": "Halo",
"slug": "halo"
"excerpt": "<p>I don't play computer games very often, as it often feels like wasted time that could have been more productively spent elsewhere. However, I've come round to the idea that games can be used as down time, and that it's okay sometimes to just take time off and relax with a controller in hand. Funnily, a lot of the games I enjoy playing probably aren't considered relaxing. I tend to choose games that require a lot of thought - not strategy games but puzzlers, and also games that are artistic or different to the mainstream.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "12 min read",
"minutes": 11.395,
"time": 683699.9999999999,
"words": 2279
"title": "CoderDojo at Glenview",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "CoderDojo at Glenview",
"slug": "glenview",
"date": "2015-03-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 March 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/glenview/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/glenview/index.md",
"key": "v-684eff72",
"path": "/blog/life/glenview/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"http://porirua.coderdojo.org.nz/about/mentors/#leigh\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Leigh Hunt<OutboundLink/></a> and I have just run the first <a href=\"http://coderdojo.org.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">CoderDojo<OutboundLink/></a> session at <a href=\"http://glenviewschoolporirua.blogspot.co.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Glenview school<OutboundLink/></a> in Porirua East, a local <a href=\"http://tokelau.org.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Tokelauan<OutboundLink/></a> school. One of the things we've wanted to do for a while now is to run CoderDojo sessions at schools, and our first session at Glenview was a good experience.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.53,
"time": 31800,
"words": 106
"title": "Changing Headlines",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Changing Headlines",
"slug": "headlines",
"date": "2019-02-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 February 2019"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/headlines/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/headlines/index.md",
"key": "v-24ae1d84",
"path": "/blog/life/headlines/",
"headers": [
"level": 3,
"title": "Russia considers 'unplugging' from internet",
"slug": "russia-considers-unplugging-from-internet-2"
"excerpt": "<p>I read the BBC News to keep myself informed, and the BBC News app on my iPhone is one of the most used of all my apps.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 4,
"time": 240000,
"words": 800
"title": "Humanism - What's in a name?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Humanism - What's in a name?",
"slug": "humanism",
"date": "2021-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 February 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/humanism/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/humanism/index.md",
"key": "v-ad4eeba8",
"path": "/blog/life/humanism/",
"headers": [
"level": 3,
"title": "What Humanism isn't",
"slug": "what-humanism-isn-t"
"level": 3,
"title": "Humanism isn't a religion",
"slug": "humanism-isn-t-a-religion"
"level": 3,
"title": "Humanism is not human exceptionalism",
"slug": "humanism-is-not-human-exceptionalism"
"level": 2,
"title": "Then why is \"human\" in the name?",
"slug": "then-why-is-human-in-the-name"
"level": 2,
"title": "What prompted this post",
"slug": "what-prompted-this-post"
"excerpt": "<p>Occasionally I'm asked a simple question that is not easy to answer, and given that I'm the Vice President of the Humanist Society one of those tough questions is "What is Humanism?".</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.6,
"time": 96000,
"words": 320
"title": "My occasional life",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "My occasional life",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/index.md",
"key": "v-bd273884",
"path": "/blog/life/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.16,
"time": 9600,
"words": 32
"title": "JWs and Vue",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "JWs and Vue",
"slug": "jws",
"date": "2018-08-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 August 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/jws/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/jws/index.md",
"key": "v-3302289e",
"path": "/blog/life/jws/",
"excerpt": "<p>The other day a couple of friendly Jehovah's Witnesses, both of whom I've talked to over the past few years, came to my door to invite me to a conference - and so today I attended the Jehovah's Witness Convention in Te Rauparaha Arena in Wellington. It was great to be able to listen and observe, and I spent the time messaging an ex Jehovah's Witness friend and asking him to fill in some details about what I was seeing. It was great to get an insider's perspective of the event and the kinds of people who become Jehovah's Witnesses.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.91,
"time": 54600,
"words": 182
"title": "My new laptop keyboard",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "My new laptop keyboard",
"slug": "keyboard",
"date": "2019-01-22T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "22 January 2019"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/keyboard/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/keyboard/index.md",
"key": "v-e7768aec",
"path": "/blog/life/keyboard/",
"excerpt": "<p>Before Christmas my laptop keyboard started playing up, with the letters C and D working intermittently. I learned tricks to work around this - I kept the letter D in my copy buffer, and if I clicked the X key before clicking C, it would make it more likely for the C to work. I'd then just have to delete the X that I had typed. This quickly became second nature to me, but there were limitations.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.31,
"time": 198600,
"words": 662
"title": "MashUp",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "MashUp",
"slug": "mashup",
"date": "2016-08-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 August 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/mashup/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/mashup/index.md",
"key": "v-446a34d0",
"path": "/blog/life/mashup/",
"excerpt": "<p>Gosh, it's been exactly a year since my last post!</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.445,
"time": 26700,
"words": 89
"title": "MotorWeb's either dumb or devious",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "MotorWeb's either dumb or devious",
"slug": "motorweb",
"date": "2011-11-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "4 November 2011"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/motorweb/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/motorweb/index.md",
"key": "v-8fb0f24c",
"path": "/blog/life/motorweb/",
"excerpt": "<p>A MotorWeb poster in my local VTNZ made a startling claim about (presumably for sale) cars in New Zealand:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.065,
"time": 63900,
"words": 213
"title": "LPI 201",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "LPI 201",
"slug": "lpi201",
"date": "2008-03-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 March 2008"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/lpi201/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/lpi201/index.md",
"key": "v-49f4bdfc",
"path": "/blog/life/lpi201/",
"excerpt": "<p>I'm taking my Linux LPI 201 exam tomorrow, and am studying from the O'Reilly book <a href=\"http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/lpicertnut2/index.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">LPI Linux Certification in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition<OutboundLink/></a> and IBM's series of <a href=\"http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/lpi/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">LPI Tutorials<OutboundLink/></a>. Both are very thorough, and between them they're steered me through LPI 101 and 102, but as I'd paid good money to have the O'Reilly book shipped over from the USA (don't even get me started on book prices over here in New Zealand!) I was disappointed when studying the 201 materials to find that the quality is lower than that for the 10x exams. After sending in a support request, O'Reilly support were nice enough to point me to the <a href=\"http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/lpicertnut2/errata/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">errata page<OutboundLink/></a>, which I have now spotted as a link on the left of O'Reilly's page for the book.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.905,
"time": 54300.00000000001,
"words": 181
"title": "My Favourite Movies",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "My Favourite Movies",
"slug": "movies",
"date": "2021-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 February 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/movies/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/movies/index.md",
"key": "v-4bf7dd52",
"path": "/blog/life/movies/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "After the Wedding",
"slug": "after-the-wedding"
"level": 2,
"title": "Arrival",
"slug": "arrival"
"level": 2,
"title": "Audience of One",
"slug": "audience-of-one"
"level": 2,
"title": "Being John Malkovich",
"slug": "being-john-malkovich"
"level": 2,
"title": "Birdman",
"slug": "birdman"
"level": 2,
"title": "Blade Runner",
"slug": "blade-runner"
"level": 2,
"title": "Children of Men",
"slug": "children-of-men"
"level": 2,
"title": "Citizenfour",
"slug": "citizenfour"
"level": 2,
"title": "City Hunter",
"slug": "city-hunter"
"level": 2,
"title": "A Clockwork Orange",
"slug": "a-clockwork-orange"
"level": 2,
"title": "Cloud Atlas",
"slug": "cloud-atlas"
"level": 2,
"title": "Colossal",
"slug": "colossal"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Congress",
"slug": "the-congress"
"level": 2,
"title": "Constantine",
"slug": "constantine"
"level": 2,
"title": "District 9",
"slug": "district-9"
"level": 2,
"title": "Donnie Darko",
"slug": "donnie-darko"
"level": 2,
"title": "Eat Drink Man Woman",
"slug": "eat-drink-man-woman"
"level": 2,
"title": "Edge of Tomorrow",
"slug": "edge-of-tomorrow"
"level": 2,
"title": "Equilibrium",
"slug": "equilibrium"
"level": 2,
"title": "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind",
"slug": "eternal-sunshine-of-the-spotless-mind"
"level": 2,
"title": "Eyes Wide Shut",
"slug": "eyes-wide-shut"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Fifth Element",
"slug": "the-fifth-element"
"level": 2,
"title": "Four Lions",
"slug": "four-lions"
"level": 2,
"title": "Gattaca",
"slug": "gattaca"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Handmaiden",
"slug": "the-handmaiden"
"level": 2,
"title": "Hanna",
"slug": "hanna"
"level": 2,
"title": "Her",
"slug": "her"
"level": 2,
"title": "An Honest Liar",
"slug": "an-honest-liar"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Host",
"slug": "the-host"
"level": 2,
"title": "Human Traffic",
"slug": "human-traffic"
"level": 2,
"title": "In My Father's Den",
"slug": "in-my-father-s-den"
"level": 2,
"title": "Japanese Story",
"slug": "japanese-story"
"level": 2,
"title": "Jodorowsky's Dune",
"slug": "jodorowsky-s-dune"
"level": 2,
"title": "Juno",
"slug": "juno"
"level": 2,
"title": "La La Land",
"slug": "la-la-land"
"level": 2,
"title": "Lars and the Real Girl",
"slug": "lars-and-the-real-girl"
"level": 2,
"title": "the Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou",
"slug": "the-life-aquatic-with-steve-zissou"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Lobster",
"slug": "the-lobster"
"level": 2,
"title": "Lost in Translation",
"slug": "lost-in-translation"
"level": 2,
"title": "Mad Max: Fury Road",
"slug": "mad-max-fury-road"
"level": 2,
"title": "Magic in the Moonlight",
"slug": "magic-in-the-moonlight"
"level": 2,
"title": "MAgnolia",
"slug": "magnolia"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Man from Earth",
"slug": "the-man-from-earth"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Man who Wasn't There",
"slug": "the-man-who-wasn-t-there"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Martian",
"slug": "the-martian"
"level": 2,
"title": "Marwencol",
"slug": "marwencol"
"level": 2,
"title": "Meet Joe Black",
"slug": "meet-joe-black"
"level": 2,
"title": "Moon",
"slug": "moon"
"level": 2,
"title": "Mulholland Drive",
"slug": "mulholland-drive"
"level": 2,
"title": "Muriel's Wedding",
"slug": "muriel-s-wedding"
"level": 2,
"title": "O Brother, Where Art Thou",
"slug": "o-brother-where-art-thou"
"level": 2,
"title": "Oblivion",
"slug": "oblivion"
"level": 2,
"title": "Passengers",
"slug": "passengers"
"level": 2,
"title": "Prevenge",
"slug": "prevenge"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Quiet Earth",
"slug": "the-quiet-earth"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Remains of the Day",
"slug": "the-remains-of-the-day"
"level": 2,
"title": "Reservoir Dogs",
"slug": "reservoir-dogs"
"level": 2,
"title": "Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles",
"slug": "resurrect-dead-the-mystery-of-the-toynbee-tiles"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Royal Tenenbaums",
"slug": "the-royal-tenenbaums"
"level": 2,
"title": "Run Lola Run",
"slug": "run-lola-run"
"level": 2,
"title": "Scott Pilgrim vs. the world",
"slug": "scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world"
"level": 2,
"title": "Secretary",
"slug": "secretary"
"level": 2,
"title": "Sideways",
"slug": "sideways"
"level": 2,
"title": "Spotlight",
"slug": "spotlight"
"level": 2,
"title": "Sucker Punch",
"slug": "sucker-punch"
"level": 2,
"title": "Three Colours: Red",
"slug": "three-colours-red"
"level": 2,
"title": "Trainspotting",
"slug": "trainspotting"
"level": 2,
"title": "Twelve Monkeys",
"slug": "twelve-monkeys"
"level": 2,
"title": "Upstream Color",
"slug": "upstream-color"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Usual Suspects",
"slug": "the-usual-suspects"
"level": 2,
"title": "V for Vendetta",
"slug": "v-for-vendetta"
"level": 2,
"title": "Waru",
"slug": "waru"
"level": 2,
"title": "Watchmen",
"slug": "watchmen"
"level": 2,
"title": "Weiner",
"slug": "weiner"
"level": 2,
"title": "Whiplash",
"slug": "whiplash"
"level": 2,
"title": "White Men Can't Jump",
"slug": "white-men-can-t-jump"
"level": 2,
"title": "Witch Hunt",
"slug": "witch-hunt"
"level": 2,
"title": "Withnail & I",
"slug": "withnail-i"
"level": 2,
"title": "the World's Fastest Indian",
"slug": "the-world-s-fastest-indian"
"level": 2,
"title": "Zero Days",
"slug": "zero-days"
"level": 2,
"title": "Zombieland",
"slug": "zombieland"
"excerpt": "<!-- http://media:32400/playlists/379572/items?X-Plex-Token=qxay_LskerFSLLaLwyyF -->\n<p>Following on from the list of my <a href=\"../games\">favourite games</a>, I figured it would be interesting to write down my favourite movies, along with a sentence or two about why I like them so much.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.06,
"time": 183600,
"words": 612
"title": "Accepted for the NXE",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Accepted for the NXE",
"slug": "nxe",
"date": "2008-10-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 October 2008"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/nxe/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/nxe/index.md",
"key": "v-41054784",
"path": "/blog/life/nxe/",
"excerpt": "<p>I applied for the beta program for Microsoft's <a href=\"http://www.xbox.com/en-us/live/nxe/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">New XBox Experience<OutboundLink/></a> and received an acceptance email today. Hopefully the new dashboard will be available for download tomorrow, so I'll have that and the new version of <a href=\"http://ubuntu.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Ubuntu<OutboundLink/></a>/<a href=\"http://www.mythbuntu.org/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Mythbuntu<OutboundLink/></a> to download. Below is my acceptance email, as my way of gloating!</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.36,
"time": 141600,
"words": 472
"title": "Geeky/Funny number plates",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Geeky/Funny number plates",
"slug": "plates",
"date": "2008-01-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "26 January 2008"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/plates/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/plates/index.md",
"key": "v-15b27e9e",
"path": "/blog/life/plates/",
"headers": [
"level": 3,
"title": "A bright red car whose number plate is the hex value for red",
"slug": "a-bright-red-car-whose-number-plate-is-the-hex-value-for-red"
"level": 3,
"title": "Either existential angst or a pirate",
"slug": "either-existential-angst-or-a-pirate"
"level": 3,
"title": "Seen outside of a Spiritualist church",
"slug": "seen-outside-of-a-spiritualist-church"
"level": 3,
"title": "Seen outside of a Mind, Body, ~~Wallet~~ Spirit fair",
"slug": "seen-outside-of-a-mind-body-wallet-spirit-fair"
"level": 3,
"title": "My favourite Operating System",
"slug": "my-favourite-operating-system"
"level": 3,
"title": "Wise words from the Police",
"slug": "wise-words-from-the-police"
"excerpt": "<p>Personalised number plates are fairly cheap in New Zealand. This means that there are some good, and some bad, personalised cars on the roads. Here are some of the plates I've thought worthy of taking pictures of.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.555,
"time": 33300.00000000001,
"words": 111
"title": "Queenstown has an Infection",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Queenstown has an Infection",
"slug": "queenstown",
"date": "2006-01-29T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "29 January 2006"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/queenstown/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/queenstown/index.md",
"key": "v-2db611a2",
"path": "/blog/life/queenstown/",
"excerpt": "<p>While visiting Queenstown on the South Island of New Zealand, I noticed that the town was suffering from a rash of Tourist Information centres. I'm guessing that there's a financial incentive to offering yourself as a tourist information centre and selling tickets to some of the amazing nearby attractions, but do there need to be so many shops selling the same thing?</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.5,
"time": 30000,
"words": 100
"title": "Ouch!",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Ouch!",
"slug": "ouch",
"date": "2021-08-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 August 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/ouch/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/ouch/index.md",
"key": "v-16d064c2",
"path": "/blog/life/ouch/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "The Great Wall of China",
"slug": "the-great-wall-of-china"
"level": 3,
"title": "Franz Kafka",
"slug": "franz-kafka"
"level": 2,
"title": "Seikilos Epitaph",
"slug": "seikilos-epitaph"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Magus",
"slug": "the-magus"
"level": 3,
"title": "John Fowles",
"slug": "john-fowles"
"level": 2,
"title": "One Hundred Years of Solitude",
"slug": "one-hundred-years-of-solitude"
"level": 3,
"title": "Gabriel García Márquez",
"slug": "gabriel-garcia-marquez"
"excerpt": "<p>Today is the first day of a new lockdown, now that we have new COVID cases in New Zealand. It must be annoying for anyone who has a special occasion planned for today, like a birthday - hopefully they'll be able to make the best of it!</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "8 min read",
"minutes": 7.17,
"time": 430200,
"words": 1434
"title": "Dealing with Racism",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Dealing with Racism",
"slug": "racism",
"date": "2019-02-06T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "6 February 2019"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/racism/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/racism/index.md",
"key": "v-4e4c45fa",
"path": "/blog/life/racism/",
"excerpt": "<p>This week I have been in Brisbane, Australia on a training course. Yesterday evening, while in a pub with an Australian colleague, one topic we discussed was the Aboriginal community.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 2.005,
"time": 120300,
"words": 401
"title": "Stay off the Roads!!",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Stay off the Roads!!",
"slug": "roads",
"date": "2008-07-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 July 2008"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/roads/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/roads/index.md",
"key": "v-776343be",
"path": "/blog/life/roads/",
"excerpt": "<p>This is an advanced warning for anyone driving in and around Wellington, NZ. I have finally (at the ripe old age of 32) passed my driving test, or at least the first of two here in New Zealand, and am now allowed to drive without anyone supervising me.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.425,
"time": 25500,
"words": 85
"title": "My Skeptical Roots",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "My Skeptical Roots",
"slug": "roots",
"date": "2019-03-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "25 March 2019"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/roots/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/roots/index.md",
"key": "v-724e5c04",
"path": "/blog/life/roots/",
"excerpt": "<p>When I was in primary school, one of my school teachers (Mr Hanley) took it upon himself to encourage our intellectual curiosity. This was done through teaching us about classical greek geometry, telling us fables and stories with a moral lesson, promoting mathematics and science and teaching us about other cultures.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.775,
"time": 166500,
"words": 555
"title": "Oooooh, I'm scared!",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Oooooh, I'm scared!",
"slug": "scary",
"date": "2018-10-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 October 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/scary/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/scary/index.md",
"key": "v-0894c01e",
"path": "/blog/life/scary/",
"excerpt": "<p>I've just received a silly spam email that is a little different to anything I've received before. This one is nefarious enough that I could imagine some people being scared enough that they end up sending money to the doofus at the other end. I'm guessing that the list of emails they're using is pretty old, as they tell me how many UK pounds I need to pay and I've not lived in England for 12 years now.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.03,
"time": 181799.99999999997,
"words": 606
"title": "The Hard Sell",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Hard Sell",
"slug": "scare",
"date": "2011-07-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "4 July 2011"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/scare/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/scare/index.md",
"key": "v-e38122c4",
"path": "/blog/life/scare/",
"headers": [
"level": 3,
"title": "Add In's & Insurance",
"slug": "add-in-s-insurance"
"level": 3,
"title": "Ask for the Cash $$",
"slug": "ask-for-the-cash"
"excerpt": "<p>I saw the signs below in the back room of a travel agency in Wellington. Their brazenness shocked me - I've always known that underhanded tactics are used to sell, and upsell, in retail, but I'd kind of assumed that they were unspoken tactics - not officially sanctioned methods of selling to a customer.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.74,
"time": 44400,
"words": 148
"title": "SETI@HOME",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "SETI@HOME",
"slug": "seti",
"date": "2008-03-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 March 2008"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/seti/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/seti/index.md",
"key": "v-7f6c48ca",
"path": "/blog/life/seti/",
"excerpt": "<p>My most recent stats for SETI@Home can be seen at <a href=\"http://boincstats.com/stats/boinc_user_graph.php?id=8aa97f9df3024245aa460178ddd7db91\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">BOINC Stats<OutboundLink/></a>.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.08,
"time": 4800,
"words": 16
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts with Mark Honeychurch",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts with Mark Honeychurch",
"slug": "skeptical",
"date": "2015-08-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 August 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/skeptical/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/skeptical/index.md",
"key": "v-53617444",
"path": "/blog/life/skeptical/",
"excerpt": "<p>I filled in yesterday for Siouxsie Wiles yesterday on Graeme Hill's show on Radio Live - Skeptical Thoughts on Graeme's Weekend Variety Wireless show. Last night's episode was titled "<a href=\"http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/94312/Default.aspx\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Skeptical Thoughts with Mark Honeychurch<OutboundLink/></a>". Yesterday's chat was a good opportunity for me to talk about all things skeptical, and a great opportunity to speak about some of the nonsense currently happening in New Zealand.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.34,
"time": 20400.000000000004,
"words": 68
"title": "The Spam Dilemma",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Spam Dilemma",
"slug": "spam",
"date": "2008-07-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "1 July 2008"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/spam/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/spam/index.md",
"key": "v-c2653d74",
"path": "/blog/life/spam/",
"excerpt": "<p>Well, it didn't take long for the spam to appear on my blog - just a week or two after I enabled comments. At least I now know that someone (or some spider) has spotted my blog (oh, and there's Merryn as well!).</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.965,
"time": 117900,
"words": 393
"title": "Ticking On",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Ticking On",
"slug": "ticking",
"date": "2020-08-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 August 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/ticking/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/ticking/index.md",
"key": "v-39972f7e",
"path": "/blog/life/ticking/",
"excerpt": "<p>Once more unto the breach, with a seemlingly random post about what's been happening in my life.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.905,
"time": 114300,
"words": 381
"title": "Skeptic Zone Interview",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptic Zone Interview",
"slug": "skepticzone",
"date": "2015-03-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 March 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/skepticzone/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/skepticzone/index.md",
"key": "v-5f3e85be",
"path": "/blog/life/skepticzone/",
"excerpt": "<p>I was <a href=\"http://skepticzone.libsyn.com/the-skeptic-zone-334-11mar2015\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">interviewed the other day<OutboundLink/></a> by Richard Saunders on the Skeptic Zone Podcast about what's been happening with the <a href=\"http://skeptics.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">NZ Skeptics Society<OutboundLink/></a> since I became Chair. Moose and moa were mulled over. I was also asked about Shuzi Qi, as the Australian Skeptics had <a href=\"http://www.skeptics.com.au/latest/news/if-you-knew-shuzi/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">a good result<OutboundLink/></a> a few years ago dealing with them, and would like to see the NZ Skeptics attempting something similar. <a href=\"http://skepticsinthepub.net.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Skeptics in the Pub<OutboundLink/></a> was mentioned, and we talked about how popular our local pub meetings are. Something else that came up was the new look of the NZ Skeptics, with a new journal, logo and website - but I'll cover that in more detail in a future post.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.93,
"time": 55800.00000000001,
"words": 186
"title": "Trademe Complaint",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Trademe Complaint",
"slug": "trademe",
"date": "2008-03-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 March 2008"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/trademe/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/trademe/index.md",
"key": "v-47e39c44",
"path": "/blog/life/trademe/",
"excerpt": "<p>I recently sent a complaint to <a href=\"http://www.trademe.co.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Trademe<OutboundLink/></a> (New Zealand's eBay) about a trader called <a href=\"http://www.trademe.co.nz/Members/Listings.aspx?member=2046352\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">arenasports<OutboundLink/></a> who appears to have been selling lots of GPL software at ridiculous prices, as well as claiming that he was the author of the software. Despite an automatic response from Trademe saying that I'd receive a proper response within 24 hours, I still haven't heard anything back. I have noticed, though, that most of the auctions (apart from the one for <a href=\"http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=145217689\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Proficient PM Software<OutboundLink/></a>, which strangely keeps being advertised in the Vintage Computers section) have now been removed. From what I can tell, this guy has been on a <a href=\"http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=134759199\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">VMware course<OutboundLink/></a> recently, and has now discovered VMware's <a href=\"http://www.vmware.com/appliances/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Virtual Appliances<OutboundLink/></a>. For example, the Proficient PM Software above, which seems to be a fairly obscure piece of software from <a href=\"http://www.tfsla.com/eng/proficient.php\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Technology for Solutions<OutboundLink/></a>, has been released as a <a href=\"http://www.vmware.com/appliances/directory/744\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Virtual Appliance<OutboundLink/></a>.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.87,
"time": 172200.00000000003,
"words": 574
"title": "Psychic Cancelled due to Unforeseen Circumstances!",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Psychic Cancelled due to Unforeseen Circumstances!",
"slug": "unforeseen",
"date": "2013-08-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 August 2013"
"regularPath": "/blog/life/unforeseen/",
"relativePath": "blog/life/unforeseen/index.md",
"key": "v-2e683590",
"path": "/blog/life/unforeseen/",
"excerpt": "<p>A long-standing joke within skepticism is the idea that a psychic, who is able to see the future by communicating with spirits, would have to cancel an event due to "unforeseen" circumstances.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.885,
"time": 53100,
"words": 177
"title": "HP Enterprise AHS (Active Health System) File analysis",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "HP Enterprise AHS (Active Health System) File analysis",
"slug": "ahs",
"date": "2020-01-06T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "6 January 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/ahs/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/ahs/index.md",
"key": "v-876272c4",
"path": "/blog/projects/ahs/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Files",
"slug": "files"
"level": 3,
"title": "bcert.pkg - BCert (XML)",
"slug": "bcert-pkg-bcert-xml"
"level": 3,
"title": "file.pkg - File (TXT)",
"slug": "file-pkg-file-txt"
"level": 3,
"title": "clist.pkg - CList (BIN)",
"slug": "clist-pkg-clist-bin"
"level": 3,
"title": "counters.pkg - Counters (BIN)",
"slug": "counters-pkg-counters-bin"
"level": 3,
"title": "CUST_INFO.DAT - Cust Info (BIN)",
"slug": "cust-info-dat-cust-info-bin"
"level": 3,
"title": "*.zbb/*.bb - Black Box (BIN)",
"slug": "zbb-bb-black-box-bin"
"level": 2,
"title": "iLO",
"slug": "ilo"
"level": 3,
"title": "Firmware",
"slug": "firmware"
"level": 3,
"title": "BinWalk",
"slug": "binwalk"
"level": 3,
"title": "iLO4 Toolbox",
"slug": "ilo4-toolbox"
"level": 3,
"title": "Extraction",
"slug": "extraction"
"level": 3,
"title": "IDA Disassembler",
"slug": "ida-disassembler"
"level": 3,
"title": "Ghidra",
"slug": "ghidra"
"excerpt": "<p>I recently wrote an extractor for HP server AHS files, which are essentially archives of server health data that can be used by HP to help diagnose issues.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "35 min read",
"minutes": 34.855,
"time": 2091299.9999999998,
"words": 6971
"title": "Ambilight Clone",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Ambilight Clone",
"slug": "ambilight",
"date": "2016-11-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 November 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/ambilight/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/ambilight/index.md",
"key": "v-1b596ffe",
"path": "/blog/projects/ambilight/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Power Supply",
"slug": "power-supply"
"level": 2,
"title": "Controller",
"slug": "controller"
"level": 2,
"title": "LEDS",
"slug": "leds"
"level": 2,
"title": "Video",
"slug": "video"
"level": 2,
"title": "Previous attempt",
"slug": "previous-attempt"
"excerpt": "<p>I built a Philips Ambilight clone for my Sony TV using WS2812B LEDs and an ESP8266 controller. The ESP connects to the WiFi network, and Kodi sends updates on which colour each LED should be via UDP to Hyperion running on the ESP. I'm impressed with how well this worked over wireless.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.82,
"time": 49199.99999999999,
"words": 164
"title": "Fixing my Airbag",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Fixing my Airbag",
"slug": "airbag",
"date": "2012-11-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 November 2012"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/airbag/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/airbag/index.md",
"key": "v-1a24e158",
"path": "/blog/projects/airbag/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "OBDII",
"slug": "obdii"
"level": 2,
"title": "Improvise!",
"slug": "improvise"
"level": 2,
"title": "Setup",
"slug": "setup"
"excerpt": "<p>The warning light for the airbag on my Fiat Marea started lighting up, indicating a problem with the airbag. I read up on the issue, and found that it can be a problem with the wiring, and that once triggered the light would continue to illuminate until the fault was cleared in the onboard computer.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.89,
"time": 53400,
"words": 178
"title": "Home Automation",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Home Automation",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/automation/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/automation/index.md",
"key": "v-f4d67fb4",
"path": "/blog/projects/automation/"
"title": "Googly Eyes",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Googly Eyes",
"slug": "eyes",
"date": "2018-04-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "20 April 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/eyes/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/eyes/index.md",
"key": "v-0ed208d0",
"path": "/blog/projects/eyes/",
"excerpt": "<p>There's a lot of fun to be had with sticky googly eyes.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.205,
"time": 12299.999999999998,
"words": 41
"title": "Glitching a Yamaha Keyboard",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Glitching a Yamaha Keyboard",
"slug": "glitch",
"date": "2004-06-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 June 2004"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/glitch/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/glitch/index.md",
"key": "v-615b93ea",
"path": "/blog/projects/glitch/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Prototyping",
"slug": "prototyping"
"level": 2,
"title": "Testing",
"slug": "testing"
"level": 2,
"title": "Finished Product",
"slug": "finished-product"
"excerpt": "<p>This was a fun hack, although unfortunately I don't have many decent quality images of it. Myself and a friend, Dave, spent a couple of hours glitching a cheap second hand Yamaha keyboard.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.405,
"time": 84300,
"words": 281
"title": "Tech Projects I've built",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Tech Projects I've built",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/index.md",
"key": "v-0d0ba704",
"path": "/blog/projects/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.02,
"time": 1200,
"words": 4
"title": "Hotel Hacking",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Hotel Hacking",
"slug": "hotel",
"date": "2019-08-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "25 August 2019"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/hotel/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/hotel/index.md",
"key": "v-3e0a105e",
"path": "/blog/projects/hotel/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "IPConfig",
"slug": "ipconfig"
"level": 2,
"title": "Angry IP Scanner",
"slug": "angry-ip-scanner"
"level": 2,
"title": "TraceRoute",
"slug": "traceroute"
"level": 2,
"title": "NMap",
"slug": "nmap"
"level": 3,
"title": "Remote terminal",
"slug": "remote-terminal"
"level": 3,
"title": "Web Server",
"slug": "web-server"
"level": 3,
"title": "Integrated Lights Out",
"slug": "integrated-lights-out"
"level": 3,
"title": "Cisco Router",
"slug": "cisco-router"
"excerpt": "<p>I'm sitting here in my hotel room in Auckland, having driven a long way today - but I'm not tired. I've just connected to the hotel's free WiFi, which gets me thinking about a hotel I stayed in about 10 years ago in Brisbane, where I found that all the hotel's documents were accessible on an open SMB share on the wireless network. Hmmm, I wonder what the security's like here.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "10 min read",
"minutes": 9.03,
"time": 541800,
"words": 1806
"title": "IT-100 (EmergeCore IT In A Box)",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "IT-100 (EmergeCore IT In A Box)",
"slug": "it100",
"date": "2008-03-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 March 2008"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/it100/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/it100/index.md",
"key": "v-5f4959c4",
"path": "/blog/projects/it100/",
"excerpt": "<p>I recently bought a second-hand <a href=\"http://www.emergecore.com/products/index.php\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">IT-100 IT In A Box<OutboundLink/></a> from <a href=\"http://www.trademe.co.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">TradeMe<OutboundLink/></a> for NZ$180 - a bargain, as they retailed a couple of years ago for about US$1,500. The IT-100 is made by <a href=\"http://www.emergecore.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">EmergeCore Networks<OutboundLink/></a>, and is basically a PC in a small box with a Wireless card (802.11b), 2 NICs (one as a 4 port switch), a parallel port and 2 USB ports.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.735,
"time": 104100.00000000001,
"words": 347
"title": "Smart Mirror",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Smart Mirror",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/mirror/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/mirror/index.md",
"key": "v-0eb056d6",
"path": "/blog/projects/mirror/"
"title": "$5 Microscope",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "$5 Microscope",
"slug": "microscope",
"date": "2018-06-24T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 June 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/microscope/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/microscope/index.md",
"key": "v-127faab4",
"path": "/blog/projects/microscope/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Guess What",
"slug": "guess-what"
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.355,
"time": 21299.999999999996,
"words": 71
"title": "Smart Picture Frame",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Smart Picture Frame",
"slug": "picture",
"date": "2018-09-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 September 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/picture/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/picture/index.md",
"key": "v-0a589344",
"path": "/blog/projects/picture/",
"excerpt": "<p>I used a Raspberry Pi and old flatscreen monitor to build a picture frame. The images are Demotivators, and they're loaded by Kodi as a screensaver.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.155,
"time": 9300,
"words": 31
"title": "Server in a Pizza Box",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Server in a Pizza Box",
"slug": "pizza",
"date": "2003-05-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 May 2003"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/pizza/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/pizza/index.md",
"key": "v-4c69bfde",
"path": "/blog/projects/pizza/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Rear",
"slug": "rear"
"level": 2,
"title": "Front",
"slug": "front"
"excerpt": "<p>My first web server was a 233MHz Pentium PC squeezed into a small Pizza Hut pizza box.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.555,
"time": 33300.00000000001,
"words": 111
"title": "Reflowing NVidia solder",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Reflowing NVidia solder",
"slug": "reflow",
"date": "2011-06-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "1 June 2011"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/reflow/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/reflow/index.md",
"key": "v-09043292",
"path": "/blog/projects/reflow/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Graphics Cards",
"slug": "graphics-cards"
"level": 2,
"title": "Laptop",
"slug": "laptop"
"excerpt": "<p>I've managed to fix a few NVidia 8000 series devices that suffered from bad solder joints by heating the chip until the solder reflows. I used tin foil to protect the rest of the device from the heat, and heated with both an oven grill and a heat gun.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.52,
"time": 31200.000000000004,
"words": 104
"title": "Podcast Hardware",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Podcast Hardware",
"slug": "podcast",
"date": "2014-07-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 July 2014"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/podcast/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/podcast/index.md",
"key": "v-702edf1e",
"path": "/blog/projects/podcast/",
"excerpt": "<p>My friend Gordy helped out for my skeptical podcast by building a stand for the microphone arms.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.205,
"time": 12299.999999999998,
"words": 41
"title": "Augmented Reality Sandbox",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Augmented Reality Sandbox",
"slug": "sandbox",
"date": "2017-08-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 August 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/sandbox/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/sandbox/index.md",
"key": "v-7f5e8b7e",
"path": "/blog/projects/sandbox/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Video",
"slug": "video"
"excerpt": "<p>At <a href=\"http://coderdojo.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">CoderDojo<OutboundLink/></a> we walked the kids through building an <a href=\"http://idav.ucdavis.edu/~okreylos/ResDev/SARndbox/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">AR sandbox<OutboundLink/></a>.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.4,
"time": 24000,
"words": 80
"title": "Six screen desktop",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Six screen desktop",
"slug": "screens",
"date": "2012-05-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 May 2012"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/screens/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/screens/index.md",
"key": "v-10753904",
"path": "/blog/projects/screens/",
"excerpt": "<p>My desktop PC has 4 NVidia Quadro NVS 290 PCI-E graphics cards. They're not great, but three of them were free, and along with a whole bunch of free monitors (1280 x 960) from a work customer I managed to put a six screen setup.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.7,
"time": 42000,
"words": 140
"title": "Sky NZ Card Reader",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Sky NZ Card Reader",
"slug": "sky",
"date": "2011-05-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "25 May 2011"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/sky/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/sky/index.md",
"key": "v-2e9a73be",
"path": "/blog/projects/sky/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Sky Card",
"slug": "sky-card"
"level": 2,
"title": "Work Bench",
"slug": "work-bench"
"level": 2,
"title": "Resistors",
"slug": "resistors"
"level": 2,
"title": "Soldered",
"slug": "soldered"
"level": 2,
"title": "Capacitors and Crystals",
"slug": "capacitors-and-crystals"
"level": 2,
"title": "Finished Product",
"slug": "finished-product"
"excerpt": "<p>I have a server at home dedicated to media. It holds media files for TV shows and Movies, along with associated metadata, and also has several TV cards. Some of the TV cards are for DVB-S satellite TV, and to decode them I needed to be able to read my Sky card:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.115,
"time": 66900,
"words": 223
"title": "Hacking an XBox",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Hacking an XBox",
"slug": "xbox",
"date": "2003-04-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 April 2003"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/xbox/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/xbox/index.md",
"key": "v-021046a4",
"path": "/blog/projects/xbox/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.04,
"time": 2400,
"words": 8
"title": "Star Wars Lego",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Star Wars Lego",
"slug": "starwars",
"date": "2018-10-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 October 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/projects/starwars/",
"relativePath": "blog/projects/starwars/index.md",
"key": "v-0235361a",
"path": "/blog/projects/starwars/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "T-16 Skyhopper",
"slug": "t-16-skyhopper"
"level": 2,
"title": "Rey's Speeder",
"slug": "rey-s-speeder"
"level": 2,
"title": "T-47 Snowspeeder",
"slug": "t-47-snowspeeder"
"level": 2,
"title": "TIE Advanced Prototype",
"slug": "tie-advanced-prototype"
"level": 2,
"title": "X-Wing",
"slug": "x-wing"
"excerpt": "<p>I've purchased a few knock-off Lego Star Wars kits from AliExpress over the last few years. They're cheap, and fun to build.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.25,
"time": 15000,
"words": 50
"title": "Availability of Internet Addresses",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Availability of Internet Addresses",
"slug": "addresses",
"date": "2007-05-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 May 2007"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/addresses/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/addresses/index.md",
"key": "v-9c594004",
"path": "/blog/random/addresses/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "IPv4 Addresses",
"slug": "ipv4-addresses"
"level": 2,
"title": "IPv6 Addresses",
"slug": "ipv6-addresses"
"level": 2,
"title": "MAC Addresses",
"slug": "mac-addresses"
"excerpt": "<p>There are various addressing schemes on the internet - IPv4 and the new, still not very well adopted IPv6, MAC addresses, etc. I wonder how the number of each of these fares when stacked up against the world's population of ~7 billion people.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.085,
"time": 125100,
"words": 417
"title": "Reordering the Alphabet",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Reordering the Alphabet",
"slug": "alphabetise",
"date": "2021-02-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "15 February 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/alphabetise/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/alphabetise/index.md",
"key": "v-199cba3e",
"path": "/blog/random/alphabetise/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Vowels",
"slug": "vowels"
"level": 2,
"title": "Sounds",
"slug": "sounds"
"level": 2,
"title": "Frequency",
"slug": "frequency"
"level": 2,
"title": "Letter Names",
"slug": "letter-names"
"level": 2,
"title": "Letter Shapes",
"slug": "letter-shapes"
"level": 2,
"title": "Alphabet Name",
"slug": "alphabet-name"
"excerpt": "<p>I read a simple, obvious, but strange thought on the internet the other day, that the order of letters in the alphabet is, to some extent at least, arbitrary. I'm sure there are historical reasons why the alphabet is currently organised like it is, but it got me wondering if there might be a better way to organise things to make it easier to learn and use.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.915,
"time": 174900,
"words": 583
"title": "Homophones of letters of the Alphabet",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Homophones of letters of the Alphabet",
"slug": "alphabet",
"date": "2019-02-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 February 2019"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/alphabet/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/alphabet/index.md",
"key": "v-451e2840",
"path": "/blog/random/alphabet/",
"excerpt": "<p>My children and I were talking today about letters of the alphabet and how some of them are pronounced the same as words in the English language. We tried to list all the homophones we could think of for each letter of the alphabet, and it was interesting just how many there are.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.59,
"time": 155399.99999999997,
"words": 518
"title": "Skeptics' Star Signs",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptics' Star Signs",
"slug": "astrology",
"date": "2014-01-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "26 January 2014"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/astrology/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/astrology/index.md",
"key": "v-0423f23e",
"path": "/blog/random/astrology/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Data",
"slug": "data"
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.225,
"time": 73500,
"words": 245
"title": "Fried Chicken in London",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Fried Chicken in London",
"slug": "chicken",
"date": "2003-09-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 September 2003"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/chicken/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/chicken/index.md",
"key": "v-7266141e",
"path": "/blog/random/chicken/",
"excerpt": "<p>I've marvelled at the sheer number of Fried Chicken shops in London. KFC is the obvious, archetypal Fried Chicken joint, but the range of names I've seen while commuting through London on buses got me thinking about whether there was an A-Z of Fried Chicken takeaways in London.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.775,
"time": 106500,
"words": 355
"title": "Dissecting a COVID QR Code",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Dissecting a COVID QR Code",
"slug": "covidqr",
"date": "2021-06-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 June 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/covidqr/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/covidqr/index.md",
"key": "v-15ad1a7e",
"path": "/blog/random/covidqr/",
"excerpt": "<p>While I was in the pub recently, at a <a href=\"http://www.puzzledpint.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Puzzled Pint<OutboundLink/></a> event, I looked across the table at a New Zealand QR code image (used for scanning your location into the COVID tracking app) and wondered what data was encoded in the image. Thankfully, with the wonders of modern technology, it was pretty simple to disassemble the data there and then on my phone.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.41,
"time": 144600.00000000003,
"words": 482
"title": "Electronic Voice Phenomena",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Electronic Voice Phenomena",
"slug": "evp",
"date": "2019-01-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 January 2019"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/evp/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/evp/index.md",
"key": "v-086cc45e",
"path": "/blog/random/evp/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Voice Recorder",
"slug": "voice-recorder"
"level": 2,
"title": "Spirit Box",
"slug": "spirit-box"
"level": 2,
"title": "Code",
"slug": "code"
"level": 2,
"title": "Voice Recorder",
"slug": "voice-recorder-2"
"level": 2,
"title": "Spirit Box",
"slug": "spirit-box-2"
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_voice_phenomenon\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Electronic Voice Phenomena<OutboundLink/></a>, or EVP, are "voices" detected and recorded by ghost hunters using electronic audio recording equipment.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.91,
"time": 114600,
"words": 382
"title": "Domain Names are backwards",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Domain Names are backwards",
"slug": "dns",
"date": "2008-03-23T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "23 March 2008"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/dns/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/dns/index.md",
"key": "v-0487451e",
"path": "/blog/random/dns/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "URLs",
"slug": "urls"
"level": 2,
"title": "Problems",
"slug": "problems"
"level": 2,
"title": "Separating connection and path",
"slug": "separating-connection-and-path"
"level": 2,
"title": "HTTPS",
"slug": "https"
"excerpt": "<p>Domain names are backwards - and I'm <a href=\"https://www.bcs.org/content/conWebDoc/3337\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">not the only person<OutboundLink/></a> in the world who thinks so.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "6 min read",
"minutes": 5.095,
"time": 305700,
"words": 1019
"title": "Flipping a Quantum Coin",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Flipping a Quantum Coin",
"slug": "flip",
"date": "2018-12-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 December 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/flip/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/flip/index.md",
"key": "v-133162cc",
"path": "/blog/random/flip/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Heads or Tails",
"slug": "heads-or-tails"
"level": 2,
"title": "Roll a d20",
"slug": "roll-a-d20"
"level": 2,
"title": "Code",
"slug": "code"
"excerpt": "<p>I was watching a Sean Carroll video, and in the first few minutes Carroll used an Apple app to decide whether to hop left or right based on the results of a quantum event.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.575,
"time": 94500,
"words": 315
"title": "Honeychurch",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Honeychurch",
"slug": "honeychurch",
"date": "2000-09-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "25 September 2000"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/honeychurch/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/honeychurch/index.md",
"key": "v-33346a04",
"path": "/blog/random/honeychurch/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"slug": "st-mary-s-church-honeychurch"
"level": 3,
"title": "by Professor W.G. Hoskins",
"slug": "by-professor-w-g-hoskins"
"excerpt": "<p>I've always been interested in the history of my surname. Honeychurch is a village on Dartmoor, in Devon, England.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "6 min read",
"minutes": 5.955,
"time": 357300,
"words": 1191
"title": "Mark's.random(musings);",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Mark's.random(musings);",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/index.md",
"key": "v-83b0d244",
"path": "/blog/random/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.175,
"time": 10500,
"words": 35
"title": "Return On Investment for Lotteries",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Return On Investment for Lotteries",
"slug": "lottery",
"date": "2006-05-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 May 2006"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/lottery/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/lottery/index.md",
"key": "v-547d68c4",
"path": "/blog/random/lottery/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "England",
"slug": "england"
"level": 2,
"title": "New Zealand",
"slug": "new-zealand"
"excerpt": "<p>I thought it would be a good idea to look at the ROI (Return on Investment) for lotteries, to get an idea of just how bad they are, on average, as an investment. Some lottery prizes are fixed amounts, whereas for others we can work out an ROI based on average payouts.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.625,
"time": 157500,
"words": 525
"title": "Bands/Artists I've seen Live",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Bands/Artists I've seen Live",
"slug": "music",
"date": "2011-02-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 February 2011"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/music/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/music/index.md",
"key": "v-1a7467de",
"path": "/blog/random/music/",
"excerpt": "<p>Over the years I've seen quite a few bands playing live, and I figured I'd try to keep a list of the live music I've seen. This list isn't exhaustive, as I've forgotten quite a few of the events I went to during my time both at University in Bristol and during my years living in London.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.31,
"time": 18600,
"words": 62
"title": "An Alternative to our Decimal System",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "An Alternative to our Decimal System",
"slug": "octal",
"date": "2014-01-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 January 2014"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/octal/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/octal/index.md",
"key": "v-087e379e",
"path": "/blog/random/octal/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Base 8",
"slug": "base-8"
"level": 3,
"title": "Live Conversion",
"slug": "live-conversion"
"level": 3,
"title": "Code",
"slug": "code"
"excerpt": "<p>Our decimal system has its failings - it's not easy to do maths with. Any number that is a power of two would be a better base than base 10.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.495,
"time": 89700,
"words": 299
"title": "Picking Locks the Movie Way",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Picking Locks the Movie Way",
"slug": "picking",
"date": "2021-06-29T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "29 June 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/picking/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/picking/index.md",
"key": "v-13425c9e",
"path": "/blog/random/picking/",
"excerpt": "<p>For the last few months I've been honing my lock picking skills, by buying up as many cheap locks as I can find. Recycle shops have been great places to grab residential door locks, and I've found some bargains on TradeMe for padlocks. However, I got to thinking about the way that locks are often picked in movies, TV shows and computer games - with a bobby pin.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.09,
"time": 125399.99999999999,
"words": 418
"title": "My thoughts on the perfect OS",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "My thoughts on the perfect OS",
"slug": "os",
"date": "2005-05-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "26 May 2005"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/os/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/os/index.md",
"key": "v-15a379de",
"path": "/blog/random/os/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Config files as XML",
"slug": "config-files-as-xml"
"level": 2,
"title": "Sensible command line defaults",
"slug": "sensible-command-line-defaults"
"level": 2,
"title": "Standardised command-line options",
"slug": "standardised-command-line-options"
"level": 2,
"title": "Consistent file locations",
"slug": "consistent-file-locations"
"level": 2,
"title": "Consistent file names",
"slug": "consistent-file-names"
"level": 2,
"title": "Sensible filesystem layout",
"slug": "sensible-filesystem-layout"
"level": 2,
"title": "Easy deploy packages",
"slug": "easy-deploy-packages"
"level": 2,
"title": "Standardised Logs",
"slug": "standardised-logs"
"excerpt": "<p>As a way to air my frustrations at inconsistencies and bad design decisions in the Linux OS, specifically server distributions, I put together a list of ways I thought that the OS and its many daemons could be standardised and simplified. Here are my thoughts:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.14,
"time": 68399.99999999999,
"words": 228
"title": "Scamming Children",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Scamming Children",
"slug": "robux",
"date": "2018-11-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 November 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/robux/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/robux/index.md",
"key": "v-6ee635be",
"path": "/blog/random/robux/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "A Galaxy S9 for $3 - bargain!",
"slug": "a-galaxy-s9-for-3-bargain"
"level": 2,
"title": "Of course I want to win a fortune",
"slug": "of-course-i-want-to-win-a-fortune"
"level": 2,
"title": "I've won!",
"slug": "i-ve-won"
"level": 2,
"title": "Wow, this seems legitimate",
"slug": "wow-this-seems-legitimate"
"level": 2,
"title": "Gosh, silly me",
"slug": "gosh-silly-me"
"excerpt": "<p>My eldest daughter is a bit of an addict when it comes to the online game Roblox - in fact, all three of my daughters like playing the game. Recently my eldest daughter started getting spammed with in-game messages telling her to visit a URL to get free Robux. Robux is the in-game currency for buying accessories, outfits, etc, and can be purchased with real money. In this case, the URL was short and simple to type in:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.85,
"time": 231000,
"words": 770
"title": "Palindromic Times",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Palindromic Times",
"slug": "times",
"date": "2005-07-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 July 2005"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/times/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/times/index.md",
"key": "v-4934807e",
"path": "/blog/random/times/",
"headers": [
"level": 3,
"title": "Code",
"slug": "code"
"excerpt": "<p>Sitting on a bus one day in Iran, as we were driving through the desert, I was looking at a digital 7-segment clock at the front of the bus. Near the clock was a convex mirror, used by the driver to allow him to see everyone in the back. In noticed the reflection of the clock in the mirror, and it amused me that sometimes the value displayed on the mirror image of the clock would still be a valid time.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.27,
"time": 76200,
"words": 254
"title": "Bendy Propellers",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Bendy Propellers",
"slug": "propellers",
"date": "2019-02-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 February 2019"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/propellers/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/propellers/index.md",
"key": "v-fb52cfc4",
"path": "/blog/random/propellers/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "At rest",
"slug": "at-rest"
"level": 2,
"title": "Rotating",
"slug": "rotating"
"level": 2,
"title": "Pronounced",
"slug": "pronounced"
"excerpt": "<p>While flying back from Christchurch to Wellington today on a prop plane, I took pictures of a propeller both at rest and while spinning.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.415,
"time": 84900,
"words": 283
"title": "Super Powers",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Super Powers",
"slug": "super",
"date": "2018-12-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 December 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/super/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/super/index.md",
"key": "v-41ffd59e",
"path": "/blog/random/super/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "X-Ray vision",
"slug": "x-ray-vision"
"level": 2,
"title": "Invisibility",
"slug": "invisibility"
"level": 2,
"title": "Flying",
"slug": "flying"
"level": 2,
"title": "Strength",
"slug": "strength"
"level": 2,
"title": "Mind Reading",
"slug": "mind-reading"
"level": 2,
"title": "Teleportation",
"slug": "teleportation"
"level": 2,
"title": "Shape Shifting",
"slug": "shape-shifting"
"level": 2,
"title": "Healing",
"slug": "healing"
"level": 2,
"title": "Precognition",
"slug": "precognition"
"level": 2,
"title": "Speed",
"slug": "speed"
"level": 2,
"title": "Fire Starting",
"slug": "fire-starting"
"level": 2,
"title": "Milk",
"slug": "milk"
"level": 2,
"title": "Detecting Magazines",
"slug": "detecting-magazines"
"excerpt": "<p>I've often thought, when watching fictional TV shows and movies, about the feasibility of various superheroes/aliens/spellcasters/etc and their super powers. Some of them would conceivably be possible in a variant or other of our universe and its physics, but others don't seem like they'd make much logical sense no matter how you bend the laws of physics.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.075,
"time": 244500,
"words": 815
"title": "Travel",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Travel",
"slug": "travel",
"date": "2018-08-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Hong Kong",
"South Korea",
"South Africa",
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 August 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/travel/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/travel/index.md",
"key": "v-2ce9e6f2",
"path": "/blog/random/travel/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "1998",
"slug": "_1998"
"level": 2,
"title": "1999 - 2000",
"slug": "_1999-2000"
"level": 2,
"title": "2004 - 2005",
"slug": "_2004-2005"
"level": 2,
"title": "2005 - Now",
"slug": "_2005-now"
"excerpt": "<p>I've spent some time travelling around a few parts of the world, although there's a lot more to see! Here are some visas from countries I've visited, in the order that I first visited them and grouped by journey, as most of my travelling has been done in long trips:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.16,
"time": 129600.00000000003,
"words": 432
"title": "A Better Year",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "A Better Year",
"slug": "year",
"date": "2012-12-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "15 December 2012"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/year/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/year/index.md",
"key": "v-33eaeb2c",
"path": "/blog/random/year/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "13 Months",
"slug": "_13-months"
"level": 2,
"title": "Rearrange the months",
"slug": "rearrange-the-months"
"level": 2,
"title": "Extra days",
"slug": "extra-days"
"level": 3,
"title": "Predictability",
"slug": "predictability"
"level": 2,
"title": "Time",
"slug": "time"
"excerpt": "<p>The daft idea of the world coming to an end when the Mayan calendar ticks over got me thinking. What if we could start again with our calendar. Would it have 7 days and 12 months?</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.78,
"time": 166799.99999999997,
"words": 556
"title": "Bravo Award",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Bravo Award",
"slug": "bravo",
"date": "2015-08-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/94312/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/August15/160815_skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 August 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/bravo/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/bravo/index.md",
"key": "v-81bd4cc8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/bravo/",
"excerpt": "<p>A <a href=\"http://skeptics.nz/awards/bravo\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">bravo was awarded<OutboundLink/></a> at last year's conference to Graeme Hill for his ongoing promotion of science and challenging of pseudoscience on Radio Live.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.32,
"time": 19200,
"words": 64
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/94312/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/August15/160815_skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/index.md",
"key": "v-a7ff4cdc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Advertising Standards Authority Complaints",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Advertising Standards Authority Complaints",
"slug": "asa",
"date": "2015-08-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/94312/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/August15/160815_skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 August 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/asa/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/asa/index.md",
"key": "v-227b83d2",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/asa/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"http://asa.sbh.nz/?sbh\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">A new website<OutboundLink/></a> shows stats for ASA complaints. There are lots of companies making unsupported claims, such as Life Energy Designs - who tell us that the earth poisons us with Electromagnetic Waves ("Geopathic Stress") and that we should purchase their devices to keep us protected.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.245,
"time": 14700,
"words": 49
"title": "Martin Harris is Supreme Winner at the Pharmacy Awards",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Martin Harris is Supreme Winner at the Pharmacy Awards",
"slug": "awards",
"date": "2015-08-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/94312/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/August15/160815_skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 August 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/awards/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/awards/index.md",
"key": "v-743caf9e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/awards/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"http://www.pharmacyawards.co.nz/winners-2015/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">The awards<OutboundLink/></a> are hosted by the Pharmacy Guild of NZ and Pharmacy Today.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.75,
"time": 105000,
"words": 350
"title": "Dr Jim Mason - Creationist",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Dr Jim Mason - Creationist",
"slug": "jim",
"date": "2015-08-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/94312/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/August15/160815_skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 August 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/jim/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/jim/index.md",
"key": "v-60ff5554",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/jim/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"http://creation.com/dr-jim-mason\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Dr Mason<OutboundLink/></a> is currently <a href=\"http://creation.com/calendar\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">touring in New Zealand<OutboundLink/></a>:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.285,
"time": 17099.999999999996,
"words": 57
"title": "Waisake Naholo's miracle healing",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Waisake Naholo's miracle healing",
"slug": "naholo",
"date": "2015-08-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/94312/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/August15/160815_skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 August 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/naholo/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/naholo/index.md",
"key": "v-3837ec04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/naholo/",
"excerpt": "<p>Waisake Naholo's miracle healing\nWaisake Naholo has a cracked fibula - the smaller of the lower leg bones (alongside the tibia).</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.96,
"time": 57599.99999999999,
"words": 192
"title": "Resene Promotes Colour Therapy",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Resene Promotes Colour Therapy",
"slug": "resene",
"date": "2015-08-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/94312/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/August15/160815_skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 August 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/resene/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/resene/index.md",
"key": "v-5d6a6144",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/16/resene/",
"excerpt": "<p>Most of the serious claims have already been removed, after I talked to them on the phone, but Resene still <a href=\"http://www.resene.co.nz/homeown/use_colr/colour_therapy.htm\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">talk about crystal energy<OutboundLink/></a> and other nonsense concepts.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.155,
"time": 9300,
"words": 31
"title": "The Wilhelm Scream",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Wilhelm Scream",
"slug": "wilhelm",
"date": "2009-05-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 May 2009"
"regularPath": "/blog/random/wilhelm/",
"relativePath": "blog/random/wilhelm/index.md",
"key": "v-41b4dd84",
"path": "/blog/random/wilhelm/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.02,
"time": 1200,
"words": 4
"title": "GOP Candidates and Vaccines",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "GOP Candidates and Vaccines",
"slug": "gop",
"date": "2015-09-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/100607/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Sept15/200915-Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "20 September 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/09/20/gop/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/09/20/gop/index.md",
"key": "v-69150ff0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/09/20/gop/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Trump",
"slug": "trump"
"level": 2,
"title": "Rand Paul",
"slug": "rand-paul"
"level": 2,
"title": "Dr Carson",
"slug": "dr-carson"
"excerpt": "<p>There was a <a href=\"http://edition.cnn.com/2015/09/17/opinions/graham-cnn-debate/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Republican candidate debate<OutboundLink/></a> on Wednesday, and I thought it would be good to look at the wrong-headed thinking of some of the candidates regarding vaccines.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.435,
"time": 146100,
"words": 487
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/100607/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Sept15/200915-Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/09/20/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/09/20/index.md",
"key": "v-8c802abc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/09/20/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/08/index.md",
"key": "v-31340dfe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/08/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "IgNobel Prizes",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "IgNobel Prizes",
"slug": "ignobel",
"date": "2015-09-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/100607/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Sept15/200915-Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "20 September 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/09/20/ignobel/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/09/20/ignobel/index.md",
"key": "v-fdb1b328",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/09/20/ignobel/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Duration of Urination Does Not Change With Body Size",
"slug": "duration-of-urination-does-not-change-with-body-size"
"level": 2,
"title": "Is 'Huh?' a universal word? Conversational infrastructure and the convergent evolution of linguistic items",
"slug": "is-huh-a-universal-word-conversational-infrastructure-and-the-convergent-evolution-of-linguistic-items"
"level": 2,
"title": "What Doesn't Kill You Will Only Make You More Risk-Loving: Early-Life Disasters and CEO Behavior",
"slug": "what-doesn-t-kill-you-will-only-make-you-more-risk-loving-early-life-disasters-and-ceo-behavior"
"level": 2,
"title": "Reduction of Allergic Skin Weal Responses by Sexual Intercourse in Allergic Patients",
"slug": "reduction-of-allergic-skin-weal-responses-by-sexual-intercourse-in-allergic-patients"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Case of Moulay Ismael-Fact or Fancy?",
"slug": "the-case-of-moulay-ismael-fact-or-fancy"
"level": 2,
"title": "Walking Like Dinosaurs: Chickens with Artificial Tails Provide Clues about Non-Avian Theropod Locomotion",
"slug": "walking-like-dinosaurs-chickens-with-artificial-tails-provide-clues-about-non-avian-theropod-locomotion"
"level": 2,
"title": "Pain Over Speed Bumps in Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis: Diagnostic Accuracy Study",
"slug": "pain-over-speed-bumps-in-diagnosis-of-acute-appendicitis-diagnostic-accuracy-study"
"level": 2,
"title": "Hemolytic Activities of Stinging Insect Venoms",
"slug": "hemolytic-activities-of-stinging-insect-venoms"
"level": 3,
"title": "Bald-faced hornet",
"slug": "bald-faced-hornet"
"level": 3,
"title": "Yellowjacket",
"slug": "yellowjacket"
"level": 3,
"title": "Bullet ant",
"slug": "bullet-ant"
"excerpt": "<p>The Ig Nobel Prizes honor achievements that make people laugh, and then think. <a href=\"http://www.improbable.com/ig/winners/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">The prizes<OutboundLink/></a> are intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative — and spur people's interest in science, medicine, and technology.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.625,
"time": 157500,
"words": 525
"title": "Appetite for diet supplements benefits few, experts say",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Appetite for diet supplements benefits few, experts say",
"slug": "supplements",
"date": "2015-09-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/100607/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Sept15/200915-Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "20 September 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/09/20/supplements/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/09/20/supplements/index.md",
"key": "v-e704ea68",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/09/20/supplements/",
"excerpt": "<p>A <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11515327\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Southern Cross survey<OutboundLink/></a> suggested some 1.56m New Zealanders regularly took the products. About 750,000 had done so for at least five years.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.745,
"time": 44700,
"words": 149
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Simon Pound",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/101151/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Sept15/270915_skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
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"title": "Kiwi traveller in Peru dies after Amazon drug ritual",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Kiwi traveller in Peru dies after Amazon drug ritual",
"slug": "ayahuasca",
"date": "2015-09-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Simon Pound",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
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"key": "v-580ff7a6",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/09/27/ayahuasca/",
"excerpt": "<p>Matthew Dawson-Clarke, 24, from Auckland was in Peru and <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11516673\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">took part<OutboundLink/></a> in a cleansing ceremony.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.59,
"time": 35400,
"words": 118
"title": "Blood Moon on September 28 will bring huge earth-destroying earthquakes",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Blood Moon on September 28 will bring huge earth-destroying earthquakes",
"slug": "moon",
"date": "2015-09-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Simon Pound",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/101151/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Sept15/270915_skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 September 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/09/27/moon/",
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"key": "v-bf9a1544",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/09/27/moon/",
"excerpt": "<p>A <a href=\"http://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/584602/Rare-Blood-Moon-September-huge-earth-destroying-earthquakes-prophets-warn-USA-pope\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">blood moon<OutboundLink/></a> is a new name for a lunar eclipse, where the earth travels between the sun and the moon. The full moon turns red.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.47,
"time": 88200,
"words": 294
"title": "California's Drought Is A Government Conspiracy",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "California's Drought Is A Government Conspiracy",
"slug": "drought",
"date": "2015-09-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Simon Pound",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/101151/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Sept15/270915_skepticalthoughts.mp3",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 September 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/09/27/drought/",
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"key": "v-6436a674",
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"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"http://sacramento.cbslocal.com/2015/09/22/growing-number-believe-californias-drought-is-a-government-conspiracy/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Apparently<OutboundLink/></a> the current drought in California is a conspiracy.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.605,
"time": 36300,
"words": 121
"title": "Dalai Lama Says a Female Successor Should Be Very Attractive",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Dalai Lama Says a Female Successor Should Be Very Attractive",
"slug": "lama",
"date": "2015-09-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Simon Pound",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/101151/Default.aspx",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 September 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/09/27/lama/",
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"key": "v-47b0d45e",
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"excerpt": "<p>The Dalai Lama has <a href=\"http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2015/09/24/dalai-lama-women-attractive_n_8186726.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">spoken about his successor<OutboundLink/></a>, and suggested that if it's a woman, they would have to be attractive.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.3,
"time": 18000,
"words": 60
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
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"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
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"title": "Jesus brain scan a miracle",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Jesus brain scan a miracle",
"slug": "scan",
"date": "2015-09-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Simon Pound",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/101151/Default.aspx",
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"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 September 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/09/27/scan/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/09/27/scan/index.md",
"key": "v-10d849de",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/09/27/scan/",
"excerpt": "<p>Stuff <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/marlborough-express/news/72011849/double-lung-transplant-gives-hope\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">published an article<OutboundLink/></a> last week about Tamaha McDonald, from Blenheim, who is currently living in Mexico. Tamaha's wife, Jennifer, suffers from a lung condition which means that she needs a double lung transplant. They are currently raising money to help with this.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.515,
"time": 30900.000000000004,
"words": 103
"title": "Clairvoyant solves phantom freaking out Dunedin",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Clairvoyant solves phantom freaking out Dunedin",
"slug": "ghost",
"date": "2015-10-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Simon Pound",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/101721/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct15/Skeptical041015.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "4 October 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/04/ghost/",
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"key": "v-0af6077c",
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"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/entertainment/clairvoyant-solves-phantom-freaking-out-dunedin-avid-060a2b340101010501010f1013-000000-97788d49d0df0094-e2420060dd44-a8b1\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Regent theatre, Dunedin<OutboundLink/></a>, playing Phantom of the Opera.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.505,
"time": 30300,
"words": 101
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Simon Pound",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
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"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct15/Skeptical041015.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/04/",
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"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Haka gives ABs more than a psychological lift",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Haka gives ABs more than a psychological lift",
"slug": "haka",
"date": "2015-10-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Simon Pound",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/101721/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct15/Skeptical041015.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "4 October 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/04/haka/",
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"key": "v-e5c4f084",
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"excerpt": "<p>A <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/rugby/72080175/haka-gives-abs-more-than-a-psychological-lift\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">silly article<OutboundLink/></a> on Stuff recently talked about the benefits of a haka before playing rugby:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.92,
"time": 55200,
"words": 184
"title": "NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today's Mars",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today's Mars",
"slug": "mars",
"date": "2015-10-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Simon Pound",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/101721/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct15/Skeptical041015.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "4 October 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/04/mars/",
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"key": "v-c06aee04",
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"headers": [
"level": 3,
"title": "After NASA Announces It Found Water On Mars, Rush Limbaugh Says It's Part Of A Climate Change Conspiracy",
"slug": "after-nasa-announces-it-found-water-on-mars-rush-limbaugh-says-it-s-part-of-a-climate-change-conspiracy"
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-confirms-evidence-that-liquid-water-flows-on-today-s-mars\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">NASA announced<OutboundLink/></a> ahead of time that it would be holding a press release about an important discovery. Lots of speculation, as always. Maybe life on mars, although no hardware to test properly for life on Mars.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.12,
"time": 67200,
"words": 224
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
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"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct15/111015_Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3",
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"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Doctors and pharmacists clash over complementary medicines",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Doctors and pharmacists clash over complementary medicines",
"slug": "pharmacy",
"date": "2015-10-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Simon Pound",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/101721/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct15/Skeptical041015.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "4 October 2015"
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"key": "v-52f98384",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/04/pharmacy/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Pharmacy Council is trying to change part of its Code of Ethics: Here is the old code:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.385,
"time": 83100,
"words": 277
"title": "More sex for a healthy prostate - report",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "More sex for a healthy prostate - report",
"slug": "prostate",
"date": "2015-10-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Simon Pound",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/101721/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct15/Skeptical041015.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "4 October 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/04/prostate/",
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"key": "v-5a39c29e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/04/prostate/",
"excerpt": "<p>One in 13 men will develop prostate cancer before the age of 75.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.2,
"time": 72000,
"words": 240
"title": "Online real estate agency offers ghost-free home certification",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Online real estate agency offers ghost-free home certification",
"slug": "ghost",
"date": "2015-10-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/102360/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct15/111015_Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 October 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/ghost/",
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"key": "v-7497dfec",
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"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"http://www.housenetwork.co.uk/ghost_free_service.asp\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">House Network<OutboundLink/></a> in the UK is offering a <a href=\"http://www.cnet.com/news/real-estate-service-offers-ghost-free-home-certification/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">ghost-free home certification<OutboundLink/></a> service, and they point to a report that says that:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.73,
"time": 43800,
"words": 146
"title": "The world ends... again",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The world ends... again",
"slug": "armageddon",
"date": "2015-10-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/102360/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct15/111015_Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 October 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/armageddon/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/armageddon/index.md",
"key": "v-fa3babc4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/armageddon/",
"headers": [
"level": 3,
"title": "October 8th",
"slug": "october-8th"
"level": 3,
"title": "NZ Skeptics conference…",
"slug": "nz-skeptics-conference"
"excerpt": "<blockquote>\n<p>During the recent visit of Pope Francis to the United States, in every city he visited, (Washington DC, New York City and Philadelphia,) there were people at the fringes of the largest crowds wearing bright yellow shirts, often carrying large yellow signs, handing out literature proclaiming the end of the world for October 7, 2015 from eBible Fellowship, led by Chris McCann.</p>\n</blockquote>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.96,
"time": 117600,
"words": 392
"title": "Perth Electrical Engineer finds errors in climate models",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Perth Electrical Engineer finds errors in climate models",
"slug": "climate",
"date": "2015-10-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/102360/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct15/111015_Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 October 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/climate/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/climate/index.md",
"key": "v-393b17de",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/climate/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"http://www.skepticalscience.com/david-evans-understanding-goes-cold.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Dr David Evans<OutboundLink/></a> has found that, while the underlying physics of the model is correct, it had been <a href=\"http://www.news.com.au/national/western-australia/miranda-devine-perth-electrical-engineers-discovery-will-change-climate-change-debate/story-fnii5thn-1227555674611\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">applied incorrectly<OutboundLink/></a>.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.605,
"time": 36300,
"words": 121
"title": "NHS wants to employ a Spiritual Healer",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "NHS wants to employ a Spiritual Healer",
"slug": "nhs",
"date": "2015-10-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/102360/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct15/111015_Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 October 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/nhs/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/nhs/index.md",
"key": "v-53756936",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/nhs/",
"excerpt": "<p>The NHS are <a href=\"https://www.jobs.nhs.uk/xi/vacancy/3dd4cf544c0502eb362f8492aea7dd7b/?vac_ref=913927029#.VhUNq33fjGx.facebook\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">advertising<OutboundLink/></a> for a <a href=\"http://www.reiki.org/reikinews/rn090199.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">spiritual healer<OutboundLink/></a>.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.05,
"time": 63000,
"words": 210
"title": "MagneSleep lost an ASA complaint",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "MagneSleep lost an ASA complaint",
"slug": "magnesleep",
"date": "2015-10-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/102360/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct15/111015_Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 October 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/magnesleep/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/magnesleep/index.md",
"key": "v-97b93d04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/magnesleep/",
"excerpt": "<p>MagneSleep <a href=\"http://asa.sbh.nz/complaint/15360\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">lost an ASA complaint<OutboundLink/></a> about a magnetic bracelet they sell, and they don't like me</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.14,
"time": 68399.99999999999,
"words": 228
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/10/index.md",
"key": "v-6ead4b1e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Zimbabwe prophet's attempt to prove he can walk on air' falls flat",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Zimbabwe prophet's attempt to prove he can walk on air' falls flat",
"slug": "prophet",
"date": "2015-10-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "http://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/102360/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct15/111015_Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 October 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/prophet/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/prophet/index.md",
"key": "v-2c926680",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/10/11/prophet/",
"excerpt": "<p>Shepherd Bushiri has <a href=\"http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3256188/Zimbabwe-prophet-s-attempt-prove-walk-air-falls-flat.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">claimed in a video<OutboundLink/></a> that he is walking on air.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.9,
"time": 54000,
"words": 180
"title": "End of the World Predictions",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "End of the World Predictions",
"slug": "end",
"date": "2015-11-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "15 November 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/11/15/end/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/11/15/end/index.md",
"key": "v-2b886028",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/11/15/end/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Jehovah's Witnesses",
"slug": "jehovah-s-witnesses"
"level": 2,
"title": "Adventists",
"slug": "adventists"
"level": 2,
"title": "Harold Camping",
"slug": "harold-camping"
"level": 2,
"title": "Skeptics Conference",
"slug": "skeptics-conference"
"level": 2,
"title": "Upcoming predictions",
"slug": "upcoming-predictions"
"level": 3,
"title": "Religious",
"slug": "religious"
"level": 3,
"title": "Scientific",
"slug": "scientific"
"excerpt": "<p>There has been a major end of the world prediction about every 100 years or so from 66AD onwards. Then from 1500AD (16th Century) every 10 years, then by the 1970s pretty much every year.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.855,
"time": 231300,
"words": 771
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/11/15/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/11/15/index.md",
"key": "v-7b03f904",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/11/15/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/11/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/11/index.md",
"key": "v-54f3ea04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/11/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Save the Wellington Astrology Centre",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Save the Wellington Astrology Centre",
"slug": "astrology",
"date": "2015-12-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 December 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/astrology/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/astrology/index.md",
"key": "v-242c69c0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/astrology/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Wellington Astrology centre, a drop-in office in central Wellington, is struggling to make ends meet and has turned to Pledge Me to <a href=\"https://www.pledgeme.co.nz/projects/4312-save-the-welington-astrology-centre\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">raise funds<OutboundLink/></a>. It's been running since 2011, but now needs $3,000 to cover the next 3 months of bills.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.355,
"time": 21299.999999999996,
"words": 71
"title": "Faith healer Rod Parsley seeks conventional treatment for throat cancer",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Faith healer Rod Parsley seeks conventional treatment for throat cancer",
"slug": "cancer",
"date": "2015-12-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 December 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/cancer/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/cancer/index.md",
"key": "v-55e61f5e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/cancer/",
"excerpt": "<p>Rod Parsley of the World Harvest church isn't relying on his healing abilities to treat his throat cancer but is seeking actual medical treatments.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.17,
"time": 70199.99999999999,
"words": 234
"title": "Eighty children get chickenpox at school that calls for 'tolerance' of vaccine dodgers",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Eighty children get chickenpox at school that calls for 'tolerance' of vaccine dodgers",
"slug": "chickenpox",
"date": "2015-12-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 December 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/chickenpox/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/chickenpox/index.md",
"key": "v-50a4165e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/chickenpox/",
"excerpt": "<p>Up to 80 kids - 1 in 4 - at Brunswick North West Primary School in Melbourne have <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/australia/74981701/eighty-children-get-chickenpox-at-school-that-calls-for-tolerance-of-vaccine-dodgers\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">contracted chicken pox<OutboundLink/></a>. The school is tolerant or even welcoming of parents who choose not to vaccinate their kids. Newsletters have reiterated this view:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.77,
"time": 46200,
"words": 154
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/index.md",
"key": "v-450d020a",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Disciplined osteopath George McKenzie yet to apologise",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Disciplined osteopath George McKenzie yet to apologise",
"slug": "osteopath",
"date": "2015-12-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 December 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/osteopath/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/osteopath/index.md",
"key": "v-9fc6822c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/osteopath/",
"excerpt": "<p>An osteopath in Christchurch <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/74844622/disciplined-osteopath-george-mckenzie-yet-to-apologise\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">has been disciplined<OutboundLink/></a> for treating a patient's toothache by touching her breast.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.25,
"time": 195000,
"words": 650
"title": "Marlborough clairvoyant steals $250,000 from couple in rest home",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Marlborough clairvoyant steals $250,000 from couple in rest home",
"slug": "psychic",
"date": "2015-12-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 December 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/psychic/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/psychic/index.md",
"key": "v-99d55b04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/psychic/",
"excerpt": "<p>Former accountant turned psychic <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/74733853/marlborough-clairvoyant-steals-from-elderly-couple\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">took $250 thousand<OutboundLink/></a> from an elderly couple in a rest home who had been friends with him for 30 years. The money was taken over a period of 12 years.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.94,
"time": 56400,
"words": 188
"title": "Bronx priest stole more than $1M from two NYC churches",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Bronx priest stole more than $1M from two NYC churches",
"slug": "priest",
"date": "2015-12-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 December 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/priest/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/priest/index.md",
"key": "v-f8418684",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/priest/",
"excerpt": "<p>A Bronx priest <a href=\"http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/bronx-priest-sued-allegedly-stealing-1m-churches-article-1.2462101\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">stole more than $1M<OutboundLink/></a> from two NYC churches, and used the cash on a wild S&M romance with his beefy boyfriend</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.665,
"time": 39900.00000000001,
"words": 133
"title": "Anti-vaxxer's baby hospitalised with whooping cough",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Anti-vaxxer's baby hospitalised with whooping cough",
"slug": "vaccines",
"date": "2015-12-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 December 2015"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/vaccines/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/vaccines/index.md",
"key": "v-51ebf5de",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/13/vaccines/",
"excerpt": "<p>Australian Anti-vaccination activist's 11 week old daughter <a href=\"http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/antivaxxers-baby-hospitalised-with-whooping-cough-20151211-gll6hl.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">hospitalised for whooping cough<OutboundLink/></a>, which kills 1 in 200 children who pick up the infection.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.41,
"time": 24599.999999999996,
"words": 82
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/index.md",
"key": "v-0aae3b8c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2015/12/index.md",
"key": "v-3c5ecade",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2015/12/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Are antioxidant-rich products good for us?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Are antioxidant-rich products good for us?",
"slug": "antioxidant",
"date": "2016-02-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "7 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/antioxidant/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/antioxidant/index.md",
"key": "v-1305569c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/antioxidant/",
"excerpt": "<p>Research is <a href=\"http://www.nutraingredients-usa.com/Research/Antioxidant-supplements-still-not-an-athlete-s-best-training-partner\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">coming to light<OutboundLink/></a> that antioxidants in food and drinks are not useful to aid health, and may actually be damaging to us.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.85,
"time": 51000,
"words": 170
"title": "KFC wins payout over China mutant chicken rumours",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "KFC wins payout over China mutant chicken rumours",
"slug": "kfc",
"date": "2016-02-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "7 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/kfc/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/kfc/index.md",
"key": "v-0c9454e4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/kfc/",
"excerpt": "<p>(Although we all know that fast food is not generally a great nutritional choice, there's a lot of nonsense out there about how bad fast food is. The most pernicious is about how fast food doesn't rot, and people have shown this by keeping McDonalds burgers for years, with only minimal breakdown of the food. Of course, it's been shown that in the same conditions where McDonalds burgers don't rot, organic home-made burgers don't rot either)</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.175,
"time": 70500,
"words": 235
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/index.md",
"key": "v-230a0280",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Sandy Hook truther to face jury",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Sandy Hook truther to face jury",
"slug": "sandy",
"date": "2016-02-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "7 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/sandy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/sandy/index.md",
"key": "v-b4b49918",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/sandy/",
"excerpt": "<p>Matthew Mills believes that the Sandy Hook school massacre in the US didn't happen. Unfortunately he's taken his belief to an extreme, publicly harassing the sister of one of the victims, a school teacher called Victoria Soto. Victoria has been hailed as a hero for her efforts to protect the children under her care, and lost her life in the process. Matthew believes that Victoria never existed, and has been harassing her sister in an effort to get her to admit this.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.79,
"time": 47400.00000000001,
"words": 158
"title": "Split verdict for 'pH Miracle' author",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Split verdict for 'pH Miracle' author",
"slug": "ph",
"date": "2016-02-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "7 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/ph/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/ph/index.md",
"key": "v-c1cc4f84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/ph/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_O._Young\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Robert Young<OutboundLink/></a> is an alternative medicine practitioner who believes that disease is caused by a pH imbalance in the blood. He's written books about his beliefs, and runs a retreat where for $2,000 a day he can treat you by balancing your blood pH to treat cancer, lupus and diabetes, amongst others.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.25,
"time": 135000,
"words": 450
"title": "Jonathan Sarfati's New Zealand Visit",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Jonathan Sarfati's New Zealand Visit",
"slug": "sarfati",
"date": "2016-02-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "7 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/sarfati/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/sarfati/index.md",
"key": "v-182107b6",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/sarfati/",
"excerpt": "<p>I went to see Creation Ministries International speaker <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Sarfati\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Jonathan Sarfati<OutboundLink/></a> give a couple of talks in Wellington last week. Jonathan was brought up in New Zealand, and was once the national chess champion.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.31,
"time": 78600.00000000001,
"words": 262
"title": "Donald Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Donald Trump nominated for Nobel Peace Prize",
"slug": "trump",
"date": "2016-02-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "7 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/trump/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/trump/index.md",
"key": "v-56d098aa",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/07/trump/",
"excerpt": "<p>Someone has <a href=\"http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/feb/2/donald-trump-nominated-nobel-peace-prize/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">put Mr Trump forward<OutboundLink/></a> for this year's Nobel Peace Prize. Supporters said in the submission that Mr. Trump deserved the prize for:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.71,
"time": 42599.99999999999,
"words": 142
"title": "Fast food Fakery",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Fast food Fakery",
"slug": "fast",
"date": "2016-02-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/112772/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Feb16/Skeptical070216.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/fast/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/fast/index.md",
"key": "v-5245fdbe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/fast/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "What a Happy Meal looks like after six years",
"slug": "what-a-happy-meal-looks-like-after-six-years"
"level": 2,
"title": "KFC wins payout over China mutant chicken rumours",
"slug": "kfc-wins-payout-over-china-mutant-chicken-rumours"
"excerpt": "<p>A couple of stories about fast food that set off my skeptical alarm bells this week.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.425,
"time": 85500,
"words": 285
"title": "Whakatane flip-flops on fluoride",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Whakatane flip-flops on fluoride",
"slug": "fluoride",
"date": "2016-02-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/112772/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Feb16/Skeptical070216.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/fluoride/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/fluoride/index.md",
"key": "v-1af8fd3e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/fluoride/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.845,
"time": 50699.99999999999,
"words": 169
"title": "Bags with coins in spotted at Muriwai Cafe",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Bags with coins in spotted at Muriwai Cafe",
"slug": "coins",
"date": "2016-02-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/112772/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Feb16/Skeptical070216.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/coins/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/coins/index.md",
"key": "v-009488bc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/coins/",
"excerpt": "<p>Hang bags of water around to <a href=\"http://www.snopes.com/critters/wild/flies.asp\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">keep flies away<OutboundLink/></a>. Coins or bits of tin foil can be used inside the bags.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.33,
"time": 79800.00000000001,
"words": 266
"title": "David Icke Coming to New Zealand",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "David Icke Coming to New Zealand",
"slug": "icke",
"date": "2016-02-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/112772/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Feb16/Skeptical070216.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/icke/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/icke/index.md",
"key": "v-2de072be",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/icke/",
"excerpt": "<p>David Icke was last in NZ in 2011. He'll <a href=\"http://theworldwidewakeup.consciousevents.co.za/?product=david-icke-live-at-the-logan-campell-centre-auckland\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">talk in Auckland<OutboundLink/></a> about his new book (surprise, surprise!), lizards, the illuminati and <a href=\"https://chemtrailsnorthnz.wordpress.com/2016/02/07/david-icke-coming-to-auckland-in-august/#more-16016\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">many other nonsense subjects<OutboundLink/></a>.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.435,
"time": 26100,
"words": 87
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/113511/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Feb16/Skeptical210216.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/index.md",
"key": "v-6d1c4c10",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/112772/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Feb16/Skeptical070216.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/index.md",
"key": "v-6fd9b170",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Homeopathy effective for 0 out of 68 illnesses, study finds",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Homeopathy effective for 0 out of 68 illnesses, study finds",
"slug": "homeopathy",
"date": "2016-02-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/113511/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Feb16/Skeptical210216.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/homeopathy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/homeopathy/index.md",
"key": "v-7e357684",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/homeopathy/",
"excerpt": "<p>Last year professor Paul Glasziou from Bond University in Australia headed up a team that wrote a systematic review of systematic reviews on homeopathy as part of a report for Australia's National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.845,
"time": 110700,
"words": 369
"title": "Sea monster washes up in Australia",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Sea monster washes up in Australia",
"slug": "monster",
"date": "2016-02-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/113511/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Feb16/Skeptical210216.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/monster/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/monster/index.md",
"key": "v-6c65e0ba",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/monster/",
"excerpt": "<p>Yet another sea monster <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11590644\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">has been found<OutboundLink/></a>, this time in Swansea, NSW, Australia. Ethan Tipper posted the photo on Facebook, asking "What the f*** is this?".</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.4,
"time": 24000,
"words": 80
"title": "Texas Board of Education hopeful believes Obama was a homosexual prostitute",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Texas Board of Education hopeful believes Obama was a homosexual prostitute",
"slug": "texas",
"date": "2016-02-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/113511/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Feb16/Skeptical210216.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/texas/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/texas/index.md",
"key": "v-2ae794bc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/texas/",
"excerpt": "<p>In the United States, the Texas board of education is very important because the state is so large. This means that the board has a large sway over which textbooks are used nationwide in schools. Historically Texas has been a battleground for creationism, with efforts to get as many fundamentalist Christians onto the board of education as possible.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.665,
"time": 99900,
"words": 333
"title": "Justice Scalia murder conspiracy",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Justice Scalia murder conspiracy",
"slug": "scalia",
"date": "2016-02-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/113511/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Feb16/Skeptical210216.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/scalia/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/scalia/index.md",
"key": "v-ef8c9dc4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/scalia/",
"excerpt": "<p>Antonin Scalia, a conservative Supreme Court judge in the US, died this week at age 79. Scalia took some strange legal views in his time, such as this one on evolution:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.905,
"time": 114300,
"words": 381
"title": "New video of 'Yeti' at ski resort sparks Internet debate",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "New video of 'Yeti' at ski resort sparks Internet debate",
"slug": "yeti",
"date": "2016-02-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/112772/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Feb16/Skeptical070216.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/yeti/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/yeti/index.md",
"key": "v-6ad2c41e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/14/yeti/",
"excerpt": "<p>There is a <a href=\"http://www.ksl.com/?sid=38448957&nid=711\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">one second shaky video<OutboundLink/></a> of a Yeti, along with a higher resolution picture.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.94,
"time": 56400,
"words": 188
"title": "Shane Warne believes alien experiments turned monkeys into humans",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Shane Warne believes alien experiments turned monkeys into humans",
"slug": "shane",
"date": "2016-02-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/113511/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Feb16/Skeptical210216.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/shane/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/shane/index.md",
"key": "v-51161bb0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/21/shane/",
"excerpt": "<p>Shane Warne is currently appearing on Australia's version of I'm A Celebrity ... Get Me Out Of Here!. He <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/cricket/76923096/shane-warne-believes-alien-experiments-turned-monkeys-into-humans\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">announced on the show<OutboundLink/></a> that <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/sport/news/article.cfm?c_id=4&objectid=11590197\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">he thinks<OutboundLink/></a> aliens created the pyramids in Egypt, and that they also engineered humans:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.695,
"time": 41699.99999999999,
"words": 139
"title": "NZ gets its first Flying Spaghetti Monster marriage celebrant",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "NZ gets its first Flying Spaghetti Monster marriage celebrant",
"slug": "fsm",
"date": "2016-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/fsm/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/fsm/index.md",
"key": "v-29498f20",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/fsm/",
"excerpt": "<p>After the <a href=\"http://www.venganza.org/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster<OutboundLink/></a> successfully applied for the ability to register marriage celebrants last year, their first celebrant has <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/77306457/NZ-gets-its-first-Flying-Spaghetti-Monster-marriage-celebrant\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">now been approved<OutboundLink/></a>. Karen Martyn is willing to travel to anywhere in the country to perform a pastafarian wedding ceremony.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.145,
"time": 68700,
"words": 229
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/index.md",
"key": "v-165e9542",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Sydney IV.ME clinic closed after client hospitalised",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Sydney IV.ME clinic closed after client hospitalised",
"slug": "iv",
"date": "2016-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/iv/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/iv/index.md",
"key": "v-17bd5cfe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/iv/",
"excerpt": "<p>A new trend started recently, when IV "hydration" clinics opened in Australia late last year, called <a href=\"http://www.ivmeaustralia.com.au/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">iv.me<OutboundLink/></a> and the <a href=\"http://www.hangover.clinic/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Hangover Clinic<OutboundLink/></a>. The clinics offer customers a range of treatments, consisting of IV drips with various mixes of saline, vitamins, painkillers and oxygen.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.645,
"time": 38700,
"words": 129
"title": "Acupuncture Works! (Not really)",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Acupuncture Works! (Not really)",
"slug": "acupuncture",
"date": "2016-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/acupuncture/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/acupuncture/index.md",
"key": "v-0c948fde",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/acupuncture/",
"excerpt": "<p>On Thursday I went to Cafe Scientifique, a regular meeting in Wellington where talks are given about a scientific topic.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.335,
"time": 80100,
"words": 267
"title": "NZ Natural Health Products Bill",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "NZ Natural Health Products Bill",
"slug": "natural",
"date": "2016-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/natural/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/natural/index.md",
"key": "v-3c6ce6e4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/natural/",
"excerpt": "<p>Submissions are closing next week for the <a href=\"http://www.parliament.nz/en-nz/pb/legislation/bills/00DBHOH_BILL11034_1/natural-health-and-supplementary-products-bill\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Natural Health and Supplementary Products bill<OutboundLink/></a>, which seeks to regulate alternative medicine. Although there are several issues, such as the use of "historical evidence" being allowed, the bill in general is positive. People are encouraged to read the bill and make a submission.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.49,
"time": 29400,
"words": 98
"title": "Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay more than AU$100 million in suit linking talcum powder to ovarian cancer",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay more than AU$100 million in suit linking talcum powder to ovarian cancer",
"slug": "talc",
"date": "2016-02-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 February 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/talc/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/talc/index.md",
"key": "v-0bf3e81e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/28/talc/",
"excerpt": "<p>Jacqueline Fox, who died last year, had used Johnson & Johnson's talcum powder for 35 years on her genitals.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.73,
"time": 43800,
"words": 146
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/116614/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Mar16/Skeptical130316.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/03/13/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/03/13/index.md",
"key": "v-192265e8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/03/13/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/02/index.md",
"key": "v-298042de",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/02/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Ten of the healthiest herbs and spices to keep you fighting fit",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Ten of the healthiest herbs and spices to keep you fighting fit",
"slug": "herbs",
"date": "2016-03-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/116614/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Mar16/Skeptical130316.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 March 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/03/13/herbs/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/03/13/herbs/index.md",
"key": "v-bfb7e2c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/03/13/herbs/",
"excerpt": "<p>An <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/well-good/teach-me/77463930/ten-of-the-healthiest-herbs-and-spices-to-keep-you-fighting-fit\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">article on Stuff<OutboundLink/></a> makes a lot of claims about these herbs and spices, but makes sure to qualify their claims with phrases such as:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.8,
"time": 108000,
"words": 360
"title": "The Mandela Effect",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Mandela Effect",
"slug": "mandela",
"date": "2016-03-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/116614/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Mar16/Skeptical130316.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 March 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/03/13/mandela/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/03/13/mandela/index.md",
"key": "v-5d101c6c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/03/13/mandela/",
"excerpt": "<p>The <a href=\"http://mandelaeffect.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Mandela Effect<OutboundLink/></a> is where people have <a href=\"http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-mandela-effect\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">false memories of past events<OutboundLink/></a>, and decide that there's been a jump to an alternative universe where history is different.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.635,
"time": 98100,
"words": 327
"title": "Adult Coloring Books and Mandalas, A Warning For Christians",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Adult Coloring Books and Mandalas, A Warning For Christians",
"slug": "mandala",
"date": "2016-03-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/116614/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Mar16/Skeptical130316.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 March 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/03/13/mandala/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/03/13/mandala/index.md",
"key": "v-2b68ce5c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/03/13/mandala/",
"excerpt": "<p>A Christian blogger <a href=\"https://thelasthiker.wordpress.com/2016/02/16/adult-coloring-books-and-mandalas/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">has warned<OutboundLink/></a> that <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandala\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">mandalas<OutboundLink/></a> in adult colouring in books could be dangerous. She suggests that the magical new age claims made about mandalas are true, that they have the ability to heal if you meditate on them and that a good way to do this is to colour them in. Of course, as these magical claims are not Christian, they must be bad and Christians should stay away from them.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.77,
"time": 46200,
"words": 154
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/03/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/03/index.md",
"key": "v-df4dfa84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/03/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Call for council to make Christchurch parks spray-free",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Call for council to make Christchurch parks spray-free",
"slug": "spray",
"date": "2016-03-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/116614/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Mar16/Skeptical130316.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 March 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/03/13/spray/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/03/13/spray/index.md",
"key": "v-3262ac10",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/03/13/spray/",
"excerpt": "<p>Christchurch council has voted 12-1 to look into ceasing use of glyphosate to kill weeds. The decision seems to have been made based on a recent International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) report which labels glyphosate as "probably carcinogenic". Many other products come under a similar classification, such as coffee, alcohol and bacon. The important question isn't "is it carcinogenic?", but "how carcinogenic is it?". (Paracelsus)</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.04,
"time": 62400.00000000001,
"words": 208
"title": "Family First vows to fight move to de-register it as charity",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Family First vows to fight move to de-register it as charity",
"slug": "charity",
"date": "2016-04-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 April 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/charity/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/charity/index.md",
"key": "v-25ac9f34",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/charity/",
"excerpt": "<p>Family First may be <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11618411\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">de-registered as a charity<OutboundLink/></a> soon. They have been sent a notice of de-registration from Charities Services, but plan to fight it in court. They have previously defended against an attempt to be de-registered <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11473926\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">last year<OutboundLink/></a>.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.56,
"time": 33600,
"words": 112
"title": "Water fluoridation - DHBs to take control from councils under Govt proposal",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Water fluoridation - DHBs to take control from councils under Govt proposal",
"slug": "fluoride",
"date": "2016-04-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 April 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/fluoride/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/fluoride/index.md",
"key": "v-7b1d8a44",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/fluoride/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Health Minister (Jonathan Coleman) and Associate Health Minister (Peter Dunne) are proposing to move the decision about water fluoridation out of the hands of local councils, and giving the responsibility to DHBs.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.18,
"time": 70800,
"words": 236
"title": "Claims chiropractors can treat ADHD, allergies 'misleading' customers",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Claims chiropractors can treat ADHD, allergies 'misleading' customers",
"slug": "chiro",
"date": "2016-04-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 April 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/chiro/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/chiro/index.md",
"key": "v-78acbfe2",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/chiro/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Chronic misleading online advertising by chiropractors",
"slug": "chronic-misleading-online-advertising-by-chiropractors"
"level": 3,
"title": "Findings",
"slug": "findings"
"excerpt": "<p>Mark Hanna and I wrote <a href=\"https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal/read-the-journal/all-issues/2010-2019/2016/vol-129-no-1432-1-april-2016/6856\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">a letter<OutboundLink/></a> to the New Zealand Medical Journal about research we had completed <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/78433012/Claims-chiropractors-can-treat-ADHD-allergies-misleading-customers-study\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">showing that<OutboundLink/></a> the majority of chiropractors break the Chiropractic Board policy on advertising. The policy states:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "7 min read",
"minutes": 6.97,
"time": 418200,
"words": 1394
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/index.md",
"key": "v-05678286",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Luckiest Lotto stores revealed",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Luckiest Lotto stores revealed",
"slug": "lotto",
"date": "2016-04-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 April 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/lotto/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/lotto/index.md",
"key": "v-17693de8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/lotto/",
"excerpt": "<p>The NZ Herald <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11623223\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">published a list<OutboundLink/></a> of the top 5 luckiest stores, and went so far as to claim that your chances of winning the lottery would increase if you visit one of these stores!</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.415,
"time": 24900,
"words": 83
"title": "Skeptics' visit to the Mind Body Spirit Fair",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptics' visit to the Mind Body Spirit Fair",
"slug": "mind",
"date": "2016-04-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 April 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/mind/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/mind/index.md",
"key": "v-5a0443c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/mind/",
"excerpt": "<p>A group of 9 skeptics visited the <a href=\"http://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2016/mind-body-spirit-fair/lower-hutt\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Mind Body Spirit fair<OutboundLink/></a> in Taita, Wellington yesterday. We had a good time, and saw lots of weird and wonderful things on offer.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.075,
"time": 64500,
"words": 215
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/04/index.md",
"key": "v-119c7ac4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Former anti-vaxxer's emotional plea following newborn daughter contracting whooping cough",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Former anti-vaxxer's emotional plea following newborn daughter contracting whooping cough",
"slug": "whooping",
"date": "2016-04-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 April 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/whooping/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/whooping/index.md",
"key": "v-7b56d0fe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/04/17/whooping/",
"excerpt": "<p>An Australian woman with a newborn has passed whooping cough onto her daughter, and now <a href=\"https://au.news.yahoo.com/a/31273981/dead-in-your-hands-former-anti-vaxer-s-emotional-plea-following-newborn-daughter-contracting-whooping-cough/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">wishes she'd taken the vaccine<OutboundLink/></a> she was offered:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.61,
"time": 36600,
"words": 122
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/05/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/05/index.md",
"key": "v-d9c459e8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/05/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "1080 blamed for kiwi bird deaths",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "1080 blamed for kiwi bird deaths",
"slug": 1080,
"date": "2016-06-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/05/1080/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/05/1080/index.md",
"key": "v-6579051e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/05/1080/",
"excerpt": "<p>An image of dozens of dead kiwis was recently used by an anti 1080 Facebook activist group, <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/New-Zealands-not-clean-green-351886364952193/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">New Zealand's Not Clean Green<OutboundLink/></a>, to show that the poison is harming local wildlife.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.85,
"time": 51000,
"words": 170
"title": "Family First research 'high school level' statistics",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Family First research 'high school level' statistics",
"slug": "family",
"date": "2016-06-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/05/family/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/05/family/index.md",
"key": "v-5b23f87e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/05/family/",
"excerpt": "<p>Family first have <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/80508306/lobby-group-family-first-blames-unmarried-couples-for-child-poverty\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">confused correlation and causation<OutboundLink/></a> in a recent report, and stated that unmarried couples are a major cause of child poverty.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.38,
"time": 82800,
"words": 276
"title": "Osteopath admits performing acupuncture without qualifications",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Osteopath admits performing acupuncture without qualifications",
"slug": "acupuncture",
"date": "2016-06-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/05/acupuncture/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/05/acupuncture/index.md",
"key": "v-ede141b0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/05/acupuncture/",
"excerpt": "<p>Valerie Todd, an osteopath, has been <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/80566232/Wellington-osteopath-admits-performing-acupuncture-without-qualifications\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">found guilty<OutboundLink/></a> by the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal of performing acupuncture on three patients in Nelson in 2014 without the required qualifications, and will likely be fined $1,500 and a portion of the trial costs.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.63,
"time": 37800,
"words": 126
"title": "Rush Limbaugh weighs in on Harambe the gorilla",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Rush Limbaugh weighs in on Harambe the gorilla",
"slug": "limbaugh",
"date": "2016-06-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/05/limbaugh/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/05/limbaugh/index.md",
"key": "v-343424c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/05/limbaugh/",
"excerpt": "<p>Rush Limbaugh, US radio talk show host, has used a <a href=\"http://www.rawstory.com/2016/05/confused-rush-limbaugh-thinks-evolution-is-a-hoax-because-cincinnati-gorilla-never-became-human/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">conversation about Harambe the gorilla<OutboundLink/></a> to argue that evolution does not work.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.96,
"time": 57599.99999999999,
"words": 192
"title": "Climate change deniers added to Christchurch coastal erosion panel",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Climate change deniers added to Christchurch coastal erosion panel",
"slug": "climate",
"date": "2016-06-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/climate/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/climate/index.md",
"key": "v-38f52d28",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/climate/",
"excerpt": "<p>There is now a second panel that has been convened to review Christchurch Council's "Tonkin Taylor" coastal erosion report. The panel has been instructed to:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.965,
"time": 57900,
"words": 193
"title": "Singer Bobby Brown claims he had sex with a ghost",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Singer Bobby Brown claims he had sex with a ghost",
"slug": "bobby",
"date": "2016-06-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/bobby/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/bobby/index.md",
"key": "v-4d5167cc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/bobby/",
"excerpt": "<p>Bobby brown has <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/news/article.cfm?c_id=1501119&objectid=11652857\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">spoken out<OutboundLink/></a> about having sex with a ghost!</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.825,
"time": 49500,
"words": 165
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/index.md",
"key": "v-3826f7d4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "National MP Maureen Pugh 'doesn't believe in pharmaceutical drugs'",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "National MP Maureen Pugh 'doesn't believe in pharmaceutical drugs'",
"slug": "pugh",
"date": "2016-06-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/pugh/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/pugh/index.md",
"key": "v-743e2884",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/pugh/",
"excerpt": "<p>Maureen is the newest member of parliament, a National Party MP who seems to have a few pseudoscientific beliefs.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.29,
"time": 77400,
"words": 258
"title": "Alt Med peddler Chris Savage stopped at Auckland airport",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Alt Med peddler Chris Savage stopped at Auckland airport",
"slug": "savage",
"date": "2016-06-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/savage/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/savage/index.md",
"key": "v-348414de",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/savage/",
"excerpt": "<p>Chris Savage, an ex police officer from Australia, has a long history of being outright dangerous. He's anti-vaccine, and claims to be able to treat autism and cancer with magnesium (chloride) and DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) infusions. He's currently in New Zealand, and has been treating people while claiming he's a doctor.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.42,
"time": 85199.99999999999,
"words": 284
"title": "Dodgy claims made about sawdust therapy in Auckland",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Dodgy claims made about sawdust therapy in Auckland",
"slug": "sawdust",
"date": "2016-06-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/sawdust/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/sawdust/index.md",
"key": "v-b2254088",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/12/sawdust/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"http://ikoispa.co.nz/enzyme-spa/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Ikoi spa<OutboundLink/></a> is offering an "enzyme spa", where you are buried in rice bran, sawdust and other organic material. <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=11654947\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Claims are being made<OutboundLink/></a> that this can help digestion, circulation and the immune system, but as usual there is no good evidence that it does anything of the sort!</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.38,
"time": 22800,
"words": 76
"title": "Bilderberg Group meeting in Watford, England",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Bilderberg Group meeting in Watford, England",
"slug": "bilderberg",
"date": "2016-06-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/bilderberg/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/bilderberg/index.md",
"key": "v-49fcd61e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/bilderberg/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Bilderberg Group <a href=\"http://www.bbc.com/news/business-22806891\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">met last week<OutboundLink/></a>, and there were protests by the usual conspiracy crowd.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.82,
"time": 49199.99999999999,
"words": 164
"title": "Beauty Clinics are treating people instead of referring them",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Beauty Clinics are treating people instead of referring them",
"slug": "beauty",
"date": "2016-06-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/beauty/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/beauty/index.md",
"key": "v-31acc0c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/beauty/",
"excerpt": "<p>Consumer NZ <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=11657183\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">used secret shoppers<OutboundLink/></a> to visit 46 NZ beauty clinics with a raised skin spot. The issue was such that the undercover person should have been referred to a GP, but 7 of the 46 clinics said that they were able to treat the problem themselves, with lasers, electrocution, needling or cutting.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.44,
"time": 26400,
"words": 88
"title": "Dr Shaun Holt warns about cancer cures",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Dr Shaun Holt warns about cancer cures",
"slug": "holt",
"date": "2016-06-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/holt/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/holt/index.md",
"key": "v-231c4d04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/holt/",
"excerpt": "<p>A young woman <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=11659148\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">died this week<OutboundLink/></a>, while she was trying to raise $70k to fund and alternative cancer treatment at the Brio Clinic in Thailand. Amanda Ferreira also died last month from cancer. She had been to the Brio clinic once, and had been raising money to have further treatment there. Common treatments are heat therapy, ultrasound and pH transformation (probably alkaline).</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.855,
"time": 51300,
"words": 171
"title": "CYF can't say if they pay for alternative treatments",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "CYF can't say if they pay for alternative treatments",
"slug": "cyf",
"date": "2016-06-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/cyf/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/cyf/index.md",
"key": "v-6c4b5904",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/cyf/",
"excerpt": "<p>Chris Hyde from the Timaru Herald <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/81096657/Vulnerable-children-undergo-alternative-medicine-treaments-but-CYF-refuses-to-give-details\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">received a response<OutboundLink/></a> to an OIA request to CYF this week. There was a recent case where a man was convicted for child abuse of CYF kids in Timaru, and he was used by CYF as an EFT practitioner.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.64,
"time": 38400,
"words": 128
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/index.md",
"key": "v-3d2d7df4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "UFO Spotted in Christchurch",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "UFO Spotted in Christchurch",
"slug": "ufo",
"date": "2016-06-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/ufo/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/ufo/index.md",
"key": "v-5fa64fe8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/19/ufo/",
"excerpt": "<p>There have been <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/81128823/footage-of-mystery-night-sky-objects-triggers-more-sightings-theories.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">multiple sightings<OutboundLink/></a> of UFOs in Christchurch this week, prompted by footage recorded by Oisin Lavelle. The footage shows a coloured blob moving erratically.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.955,
"time": 57300,
"words": 191
"title": "1,000 UK Vets say homeopathy should be banned",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "1,000 UK Vets say homeopathy should be banned",
"slug": "homeopathy",
"date": "2016-06-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "26 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/homeopathy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/homeopathy/index.md",
"key": "v-47e632c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/homeopathy/",
"excerpt": "<p>A <a href=\"https://www.change.org/p/the-royal-college-of-veterinary-surgeons-a-call-to-ban-veterinary-surgeons-from-prescribing-homeopathy-as-a-treatment-for-animals\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">petition on change.org<OutboundLink/></a> has been <a href=\"http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/06/24/homeopathy-can-kill-pets-and-should-be-banned-say-vets/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">signed by 1,000 vets<OutboundLink/></a> asking for the UK to blacklist homeopathy as a treatment that vets can prescribe for animals. Over 2,500 people have signed it in all.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.05,
"time": 63000,
"words": 210
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/index.md",
"key": "v-f31b3464",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Blink-182 Guitarist denies he's left band to chase UFOs",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Blink-182 Guitarist denies he's left band to chase UFOs",
"slug": "ufos",
"date": "2016-06-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "26 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/ufos/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/ufos/index.md",
"key": "v-696c563e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/ufos/",
"excerpt": "<p>Tom DeLonge, the guitarist of a rock band in the US which was popular in the early 2000s has denied rumours that he's quit the band to focus on research into UFOs and aliens.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.65,
"time": 39000,
"words": 130
"title": "NZ Herald prints article saying that taking selfies can damage your skin",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "NZ Herald prints article saying that taking selfies can damage your skin",
"slug": "selfies",
"date": "2016-06-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "26 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/selfies/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/selfies/index.md",
"key": "v-2ef496d6",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/selfies/",
"excerpt": "<p>A dermatologist at a recent anti-ageing conference <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=11659146\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">has said<OutboundLink/></a> that regularly exposing the face to the light and electromagnetic radiation from smartphones can speed up ageing and wrinkles. Doctors even claim they can tell which hand a person holds their phone in just by looking at which side of the face is most damaged.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.27,
"time": 76200,
"words": 254
"title": "Tony Robbins followers injured walking on hot coals",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Tony Robbins followers injured walking on hot coals",
"slug": "robbins",
"date": "2016-06-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "26 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/robbins/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/robbins/index.md",
"key": "v-2237eb6c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/robbins/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.23,
"time": 73800,
"words": 246
"title": "Stuff removes article on Colloidal Silver",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Stuff removes article on Colloidal Silver",
"slug": "silver",
"date": "2016-06-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "26 June 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/silver/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/silver/index.md",
"key": "v-df7bba84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/26/silver/",
"excerpt": "<p>Stuff published an <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/beauty/80087820/colloidal-silver-the-wonder-liquid-that-has-multiple-beauty-uses\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">advertorial article<OutboundLink/></a> last week claiming that colloidal silver - small particles of silver in a cream or spray - could treat a variety of medical conditions. The article was written by a sales representative from Skybright Natural Health, a company which sells colloidal silver products. She said:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.665,
"time": 99900,
"words": 333
"title": "Christchurch City Council to reduce use of weedkiller",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Christchurch City Council to reduce use of weedkiller",
"slug": "glyphosate",
"date": "2016-07-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 July 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/03/glyphosate/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/03/glyphosate/index.md",
"key": "v-46ab6a9e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/03/glyphosate/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.08,
"time": 64800.000000000015,
"words": 216
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/06/index.md",
"key": "v-76397b44",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/06/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "110 Nobel laureates tell Greenpeace they are wrong about GMOs",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "110 Nobel laureates tell Greenpeace they are wrong about GMOs",
"slug": "gmo",
"date": "2016-07-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 July 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/03/gmo/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/03/gmo/index.md",
"key": "v-fc40d9c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/03/gmo/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.25,
"time": 75000,
"words": 250
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/03/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/03/index.md",
"key": "v-5d26dc12",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/03/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Jail time for dad who treated son's meningitis with alternative treatments",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Jail time for dad who treated son's meningitis with alternative treatments",
"slug": "jail",
"date": "2016-07-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 July 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/03/jail/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/03/jail/index.md",
"key": "v-9bc00344",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/03/jail/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.78,
"time": 46800.00000000001,
"words": 156
"title": "Noah's Ark \"replica\" opens in Kentucky, US",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Noah's Ark \"replica\" opens in Kentucky, US",
"slug": "ark",
"date": "2016-07-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 July 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/10/ark/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/10/ark/index.md",
"key": "v-744011f8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/10/ark/",
"excerpt": "<p>Australian Ken Ham's Creation "Museum" has opened its newest attraction, the Ark Encounter, on Thursday.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.085,
"time": 65099.99999999999,
"words": 217
"title": "Ken Ring tells people not to trust anything",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Ken Ring tells people not to trust anything",
"slug": "ken",
"date": "2016-07-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 July 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/03/ken/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/03/ken/index.md",
"key": "v-5c2240c8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/03/ken/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.52,
"time": 31200.000000000004,
"words": 104
"title": "Bee Venom is supposedly an effective cosmetic",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Bee Venom is supposedly an effective cosmetic",
"slug": "bee",
"date": "2016-07-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 July 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/10/bee/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/10/bee/index.md",
"key": "v-8fca7698",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/10/bee/",
"excerpt": "<p>Yet another <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503708&objectid=11668334\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">infomercial style article<OutboundLink/></a> has been published on the NZ Herald, this time talking about the benefits of bee venom. Abeeco are a major seller of bee products in New Zealand, and they have several successful ASA complaints against them. Abeeco talks in the article about their products, but all they are able to produce in support of them is anecdotes - no proper data. The article even has an 0800 number at the bottom, and although it just says to call the number for "more information", nowhere does it state that the number is Abeeco's sales line!</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.8,
"time": 48000,
"words": 160
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/10/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/10/index.md",
"key": "v-023000da",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/10/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "US man thinks he knows \"the secret\" to winning the lottery",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "US man thinks he knows \"the secret\" to winning the lottery",
"slug": "lottery",
"date": "2016-07-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 July 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/10/lottery/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/10/lottery/index.md",
"key": "v-6e3a6434",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/10/lottery/",
"excerpt": "<p>This weekend's lottery Powerball jackpot was worth $40 million, with 3 winners. The <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11670844\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">NZ Herald<OutboundLink/></a> and Newstalk ZB reported on <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Lustig\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Richard Lustig<OutboundLink/></a>, a US man who has won several prizes and written a book explaining how to win the lottery.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.4,
"time": 84000,
"words": 280
"title": "Sensing murder episodes are being rerun on TVNZ",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Sensing murder episodes are being rerun on TVNZ",
"slug": "murder",
"date": "2016-07-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 July 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/10/murder/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/10/murder/index.md",
"key": "v-19cd5a84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/10/murder/",
"excerpt": "<p>I was asked for my thoughts about the most recent Sensing Murder re-run last week, and an article was published on Monday talking about the program. I talked with journalist Carly Gooch about how there are only around 60 unsolved murders from the last 100 years, and that it wouldn't take much for a "psychic" to memorise some of the details of each of these cases. I also managed to find an article online from 5 years before the program was filmed which detailed most or all of the facts that the psychics were able to produce.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "6 min read",
"minutes": 5.39,
"time": 323400,
"words": 1078
"title": "Muslim call \"For Public Purity\", asking for people to hide dogs, appears to be a hoax",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Muslim call \"For Public Purity\", asking for people to hide dogs, appears to be a hoax",
"slug": "dogs",
"date": "2016-07-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 July 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/dogs/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/dogs/index.md",
"key": "v-a222edc4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/dogs/",
"excerpt": "<p>A leaflet has been shared in several british towns purporting to be from an unknown Muslim organisation, "For Public Purity", asking for locals to refrain from taking their dogs out in public as it is an affront to Islam. However, Muslim groups deny that there is any effort on their part to ban dogs and that the leaflets are likely a hoax designed to foment unrest in England.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.69,
"time": 41400,
"words": 138
"title": "Sad news for Pastafarianism",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Sad news for Pastafarianism",
"slug": "fsm",
"date": "2016-07-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 July 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/fsm/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/fsm/index.md",
"key": "v-b27a172c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/fsm/",
"excerpt": "<p>A couple of weeks ago Rachel Hoover from Illinois was allowed to use a photo with her wearing a colander for her driver's license, as it is the usual headgear for pastafarians. This week she has been asked by the Secretary of State, John Kerry, to submit a new driver's license photo <a href=\"http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2016/07/10/illinois-pastafarian-told-to-get-a-new-drivers-license-without-a-colander-on-her-head/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">without the colander<OutboundLink/></a>.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.39,
"time": 23400.000000000004,
"words": 78
"title": "FYI needs help categorising OIA requests",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "FYI needs help categorising OIA requests",
"slug": "fyi",
"date": "2016-07-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 July 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/fyi/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/fyi/index.md",
"key": "v-2e926304",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/fyi/",
"excerpt": "<p>FYI is a great website for making Official Information Act requests. You can submit a request to a government department through the site and all correspondence is made public on the site.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.255,
"time": 15300,
"words": 51
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/index.md",
"key": "v-a91b6be8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "The NZ Herald does it again with \"natural\" remedies for glandular fever",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The NZ Herald does it again with \"natural\" remedies for glandular fever",
"slug": "natural",
"date": "2016-07-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 July 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/natural/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/natural/index.md",
"key": "v-799ee258",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/natural/",
"excerpt": "<p>Somebody <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/opinion/news/article.cfm?c_id=466&objectid=11675270\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">asked Sandra Clair<OutboundLink/></a> from Artemis, who writes for the Herald and sells natural remedies:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.575,
"time": 34500,
"words": 115
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/07/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/08/07/index.md",
"key": "v-6f1f918c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/07/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "David Icke Auckland Talk",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "David Icke Auckland Talk",
"slug": "icke",
"date": "2016-08-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "7 August 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/07/icke/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/08/07/icke/index.md",
"key": "v-61839c7e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/07/icke/",
"excerpt": "<p>Here are my bullet points and photos from David Icke's recent 12 hour talk given in Auckland:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.83,
"time": 169800,
"words": 566
"title": "Brian Cox argues with Australian senator about climate change",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Brian Cox argues with Australian senator about climate change",
"slug": "brian",
"date": "2016-08-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 August 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/brian/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/brian/index.md",
"key": "v-13f246ee",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/brian/",
"excerpt": "<p>Brian Cox argued with Australian senator <a href=\"http://www.desmogblog.com/malcolm-roberts\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Malcolm Roberts<OutboundLink/></a> on TV show Q&A about climate change, accusing NASA and other organisations of "corrupting" temperature data.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.935,
"time": 56100,
"words": 187
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/index.md",
"key": "v-8d9c49c8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Not all water in NZ is chlorinated",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Not all water in NZ is chlorinated",
"slug": "chlorine",
"date": "2016-08-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 August 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/chlorine/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/chlorine/index.md",
"key": "v-1f08d43e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/chlorine/",
"excerpt": "<p>After a recent second campylobacter issue in Havelock North, it turns out that the Hastings water supply is not treated with chlorine to kill bacteria.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.095,
"time": 65700,
"words": 219
"title": "Naturopathic Murder",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Naturopathic Murder",
"slug": "murder",
"date": "2016-08-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 August 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/murder/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/murder/index.md",
"key": "v-67c0795e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/murder/",
"excerpt": "<p>I totally agree that people should not be allowed to talk about treating health conditions if they have not received approval, and hopefully the upcoming Natural Health Products bill will be a step in the right direction in New Zealand for ensuring claims can't be made without good evidence.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.645,
"time": 38700,
"words": 129
"title": "Stuff article on superfoods actually talks sense!",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Stuff article on superfoods actually talks sense!",
"slug": "superfoods",
"date": "2016-08-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 August 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/superfoods/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/superfoods/index.md",
"key": "v-53ffc43e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/superfoods/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/well-good/teach-me/83315683/step-away-from-the-kale-new-research-suggests-science-is-lacking-on-superfoods\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">An article on Stuff<OutboundLink/></a> has done a good job of explaining that superfoods aren't all they're cracked up to be.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.73,
"time": 43800,
"words": 146
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/index.md",
"key": "v-2bbc023e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Witch Doctor in Wellington",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Witch Doctor in Wellington",
"slug": "witch",
"date": "2016-08-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 August 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/witch/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/witch/index.md",
"key": "v-6f7c50ec",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/21/witch/",
"excerpt": "<p>There were several witch doctors in Auckland last year, and they eventually left the country after efforts were made to clamp down on them, including some successful ASA complaints.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.265,
"time": 75899.99999999999,
"words": 253
"title": "We should all drink alcohol for our health",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "We should all drink alcohol for our health",
"slug": "alcohol",
"date": "2016-08-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 August 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/28/alcohol/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/08/28/alcohol/index.md",
"key": "v-1ea30ee0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/28/alcohol/",
"excerpt": "<p>The <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=11698859\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">NZ Herald reports<OutboundLink/></a> that "a leading scientist" (Dr Poikolainen) has said a bottle of wine a day would do no harm to your health, and that drinking more than the current recommended daily amount of alcohol is more beneficial than not drinking at all. Dr Poikolainen has also written a book on the subject - <a href=\"http://www.perfectdrinking.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">"Perfect Drinking and its Enemies"<OutboundLink/></a>:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.785,
"time": 47100,
"words": 157
"title": "Chiropractic for Pregnancy Issues?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Chiropractic for Pregnancy Issues?",
"slug": "chiro",
"date": "2016-08-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 August 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/28/chiro/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/08/28/chiro/index.md",
"key": "v-3284b0aa",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/28/chiro/",
"excerpt": "<p>A woman has made the news today because she has been denied treatment for a medical condition, symphysis pubis dysfunction, <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/83470214/woman-shocked-health-insurer-southern-cross-doesnt-cover-pregnancy-illnesses\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">related to her pregnancy<OutboundLink/></a>. Southern Cross Insurance have said that the reason for not paying for treatment is that pregnant women in New Zealand are eligible for free healthcare, and so their policies don't cover pregnancy.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.465,
"time": 87900,
"words": 293
"title": "Are processed foods causing mental illness?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Are processed foods causing mental illness?",
"slug": "processed",
"date": "2016-08-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 August 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/28/processed/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/08/28/processed/index.md",
"key": "v-142e1ed0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/28/processed/",
"excerpt": "<p>Julia Rucklidge from Canterbury University <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11700382\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">has suggested that<OutboundLink/></a> processed food may be a cause of a mental illness epidemic.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.08,
"time": 64800.000000000015,
"words": 216
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/08/index.md",
"key": "v-dad67bc4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/28/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/08/28/index.md",
"key": "v-6274244e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/28/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "SBH press complaints",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "SBH press complaints",
"slug": "sbh",
"date": "2016-08-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 August 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/28/sbh/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/08/28/sbh/index.md",
"key": "v-27d262fa",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/08/28/sbh/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Society for Science Based Healthcare has recently submitted complaints about articles in two newspapers.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.385,
"time": 83100,
"words": 277
"title": "Free Effective Altruism book",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Free Effective Altruism book",
"slug": "altruism",
"date": "2016-09-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 September 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/altruism/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/altruism/index.md",
"key": "v-03308c04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/altruism/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Effective Altruism movement is becoming popular in New Zealand. The basic idea is that logic and critical thinking can be applied to charity giving, and that charities range from being great at helping people to being as good as useless, or even detrimental.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.595,
"time": 35699.99999999999,
"words": 119
"title": "Atheist documentary maker comes to NZ",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Atheist documentary maker comes to NZ",
"slug": "better",
"date": "2016-09-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 September 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/better/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/better/index.md",
"key": "v-7552d69e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/better/",
"excerpt": "<p>Chris Johnson created a coffee table book a few years ago, quoting atheists talking about their life without god. The book was titled A Better Life, and the strap line explains exactly what the book is about - "100 Atheists Speak Out on Joy & Meaning in a World Without God".</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.14,
"time": 68399.99999999999,
"words": 228
"title": "Homeopathy Column being removed from local paper",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Homeopathy Column being removed from local paper",
"slug": "homeopathy",
"date": "2016-09-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 September 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/homeopathy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/homeopathy/index.md",
"key": "v-afa972c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/homeopathy/",
"excerpt": "<p>Mark Hanna at the Society for Science Based Healthcare has complained recently about the Napier Courier's column written by a local homeopathy business, called "Homeopathy Hub". the weekly column made many daft claims about the effectiveness of homeopathy, such as:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.905,
"time": 54300.00000000001,
"words": 181
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/index.md",
"key": "v-26216bce",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Trump gets medical opinion from Oz",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Trump gets medical opinion from Oz",
"slug": "trump",
"date": "2016-09-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 September 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/trump/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/trump/index.md",
"key": "v-7706b638",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/trump/",
"excerpt": "<p>As part of the US presidential election circus, and given that both candidates are two of the oldest candidates ever, health records have become a part of the debate.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.96,
"time": 57599.99999999999,
"words": 192
"title": "Stuff uncritically publishes more medical nonsense",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Stuff uncritically publishes more medical nonsense",
"slug": "nonsense",
"date": "2016-09-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 September 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/nonsense/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/nonsense/index.md",
"key": "v-3872d484",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/18/nonsense/",
"excerpt": "<p>Stuff have <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/well-good/teach-me/84227575/healing-foods-for-spring-allergies\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">reprinted another article<OutboundLink/></a> from Juice Daily, which claims that garlic, pineapple, a salt water gargle and chicken soup can help with allergies. Of course, this is all unproven tosh and certainly not good medical advice. Thomas Lumley at Stats Chat does a good job of <a href=\"http://www.statschat.org.nz/2016/09/14/why-links-matter/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">deconstructing the article<OutboundLink/></a>, going through all the links in the article and checking out the evidence for the claims. Unsurprisingly, the given evidence is very thin:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.285,
"time": 77100,
"words": 257
"title": "Dodgy Thai cancer clinic criticised",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Dodgy Thai cancer clinic criticised",
"slug": "clinic",
"date": "2016-09-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "25 September 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/25/clinic/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/09/25/clinic/index.md",
"key": "v-7908281e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/25/clinic/",
"excerpt": "<p>The infamous <a href=\"http://www.brio-clinic.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Brio clinic<OutboundLink/></a> in Thailand has sucked in unsuspecting kiwis, promising to treat them with unconventional therapies for cancer. One <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11710998\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">unfortunate victim<OutboundLink/></a>, Holly Devine, died after raising $55,000 on Givealittle for treatment at the clinic, but before attending the clinic.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.345,
"time": 80700,
"words": 269
"title": "Anti Fluoride Group to promote DHB Candidates",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Anti Fluoride Group to promote DHB Candidates",
"slug": "fluoride",
"date": "2016-09-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "25 September 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/25/fluoride/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/09/25/fluoride/index.md",
"key": "v-ff3a6444",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/25/fluoride/",
"excerpt": "<p>There is currently a bill working its way through parliament which proposes moving the decision to fluoridate water supplies away from local councils and into the hands of DHBs. This appears to be a very good move, as fluoridation is a health issue and DHBs are much better suited to weighing up the pros and cons than local councils are. Councils in NZ have historically been bamboozled by Fluoride Free NZ, our local anti fluoride group, and have in some cases made decisions to remove fluoride.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.02,
"time": 61200,
"words": 204
"title": "Homeopathy Column removed from local paper",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Homeopathy Column removed from local paper",
"slug": "homeopathy",
"date": "2016-09-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "25 September 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/25/homeopathy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/09/25/homeopathy/index.md",
"key": "v-66ea3b1e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/25/homeopathy/",
"excerpt": "<p>Mark Hanna at the Society for Science Based Healthcare has complained recently about the Napier Courier's column written by a local homeopathy business, called "Homeopathy Hub". the weekly column made many daft claims about the effectiveness of homeopathy, such as:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.54,
"time": 92400,
"words": 308
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/25/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/09/25/index.md",
"key": "v-69aaded4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/25/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/09/index.md",
"key": "v-0d24fc04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Indonesian \"Bigfoot\" caught on camera",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Indonesian \"Bigfoot\" caught on camera",
"slug": "bigfoot",
"date": "2016-10-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Peter Elliott",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/130488/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct16/231016_WvW_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 October 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/10/21/bigfoot/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/10/21/bigfoot/index.md",
"key": "v-905a5b68",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/10/21/bigfoot/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11730146\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Footage has emerged<OutboundLink/></a> from Indonesia that is claimed to be evidence of Indonesia's bigfoot, Orang Pendek.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.73,
"time": 43800,
"words": 146
"title": "Chinese Man telling women's futures by touching their breasts!",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Chinese Man telling women's futures by touching their breasts!",
"slug": "breasts",
"date": "2016-10-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Peter Elliott",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/130488/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct16/231016_WvW_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 October 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/10/21/breasts/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/10/21/breasts/index.md",
"key": "v-ef99c8c8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/10/21/breasts/",
"excerpt": "<p>A Chinese man appears to have invented <a href=\"http://nextshark.com/strange-chinese-mystic-fondling-breasts/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">a novel way<OutboundLink/></a> to tell the future. He puts his hand down a woman's top, feels her breast, and presumably uses the information he gleans to work out what is in store for the woman. Of course, by using cold reading a fortune teller</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.505,
"time": 30300,
"words": 101
"title": "US Pastor says that Pokemon are \"digital demons\"",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "US Pastor says that Pokemon are \"digital demons\"",
"slug": "pokemon",
"date": "2016-07-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 July 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/pokemon/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/pokemon/index.md",
"key": "v-721dba84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/07/17/pokemon/",
"excerpt": "<p>Pokemon Go is a new game where people have to use their phones and walk around their neighbourhood catching Pokemon (little animals) and visiting pokestops. Many churches are pokestops, as places of worship have been registered.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.91,
"time": 54600,
"words": 182
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Peter Elliott",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/130488/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct16/231016_WvW_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/10/21/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/10/21/index.md",
"key": "v-5cd9d4ca",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/10/21/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "MedSafe has registered over a thousand unproven homeopathic health products as medicines",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "MedSafe has registered over a thousand unproven homeopathic health products as medicines",
"slug": "medsafe",
"date": "2016-10-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Peter Elliott",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/130488/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct16/231016_WvW_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 October 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/10/21/medsafe/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/10/21/medsafe/index.md",
"key": "v-3d3985b6",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/10/21/medsafe/",
"excerpt": "<p>Here's a press release that was sent out recently about a complaint I'd made to the ASA. As a result of the complaint, we uncovered the fact that Medsafe "grandfathered" in over a thousand of Weleda's homeopathic products. Medsafe registered these products as medicines without checking if there was evidence that they work, and despite a general understanding within science that homeopathy is ineffective. All they checked for is that there were no records of the products being unsafe, and given that homeopathy is normally nothing more than sugar pills or sugar water there were unlikely to have been any safety issues.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.525,
"time": 151500,
"words": 505
"title": "Rival \"health\" bracelet sellers in NZ end up in punch-up",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Rival \"health\" bracelet sellers in NZ end up in punch-up",
"slug": "zenteq",
"date": "2016-10-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Peter Elliott",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/130488/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Oct16/231016_WvW_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 October 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/10/21/zenteq/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/10/21/zenteq/index.md",
"key": "v-f3517104",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/10/21/zenteq/",
"excerpt": "<p>An incident at the Hawke's Bay Better Home and Living Show has made the news because it made the courtroom. There were sellers of two different brands of health bracelet at the show, Shuzi and Zenteq.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.395,
"time": 83700,
"words": 279
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/10/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/10/index.md",
"key": "v-5fe40184",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/10/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts/tabid/506/articleID/132514/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Nov16/131116_WvW_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/13/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/11/13/index.md",
"key": "v-39a75474",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/13/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Go Green Expo full of woo",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Go Green Expo full of woo",
"slug": "green",
"date": "2016-11-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts/tabid/506/articleID/132514/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Nov16/131116_WvW_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 November 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/13/green/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/11/13/green/index.md",
"key": "v-5f6b8844",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/13/green/",
"excerpt": "<p>I went to the Go Green Expo yesterday, along with other skeptics. The expo is meant to showcase green products and services, but many of the stalls promote alternative health.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.91,
"time": 114600,
"words": 382
"title": "Skeptics Conference",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptics Conference",
"slug": "conference",
"date": "2016-11-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 November 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/27/conference/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/11/27/conference/index.md",
"key": "v-6ea1d2be",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/27/conference/",
"excerpt": "<p>We have some great speakers for this year's Skeptics Conference, including Susan Gerbic who runs the Guerrilla Skepticism on Wikipedia project. Her team put a lot of work into adding a skeptical angle to Wikipedia pages and fleshing out pages of interest to skeptics, such as those of famous scientists.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.73,
"time": 43800,
"words": 146
"title": "Bioptron call me",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Bioptron call me",
"slug": "bioptron",
"date": "2016-11-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 November 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/27/bioptron/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/11/27/bioptron/index.md",
"key": "v-5019729e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/27/bioptron/",
"excerpt": "<p>After last Sunday's show, when I talked about Bioptron at the Go Green Expo, a Bioptron rep called up RadioLive and asked for me to contact them. I called, and was then contacted the next day by a Division Manager for Bioptron - David.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.015,
"time": 60899.99999999999,
"words": 203
"title": "The Vice President-Elect is crazy!",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Vice President-Elect is crazy!",
"slug": "vice",
"date": "2016-11-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts/tabid/506/articleID/132514/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Hill/Nov16/131116_WvW_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 November 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/13/vice/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/11/13/vice/index.md",
"key": "v-3e4596be",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/13/vice/",
"excerpt": "<p>Obviously people around the world are painfully aware of the many crazy beliefs held by president-elect Donald Trump. However, what's less well known is the range of nonsense that Mike Pence, America's future Vice President, believes.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.1,
"time": 66000,
"words": 220
"title": "Lots of earthquake nonsense",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Lots of earthquake nonsense",
"slug": "earthquake",
"date": "2016-11-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 November 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/27/earthquake/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/11/27/earthquake/index.md",
"key": "v-2a8efa44",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/27/earthquake/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Palmerston North woman claims her assistant dog can anticipate earthquakes",
"slug": "palmerston-north-woman-claims-her-assistant-dog-can-anticipate-earthquakes"
"level": 2,
"title": "Brian Tamaki blames earthquake on gays",
"slug": "brian-tamaki-blames-earthquake-on-gays"
"level": 2,
"title": "Earthquake Lights",
"slug": "earthquake-lights"
"level": 2,
"title": "Earthquake predicted, due to Supermoon",
"slug": "earthquake-predicted-due-to-supermoon"
"level": 2,
"title": "Seismic Boat caused quakes",
"slug": "seismic-boat-caused-quakes"
"excerpt": "<p>There have been a few stories in the news recently about earthquakes that have left me feeling skeptical:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.945,
"time": 176700,
"words": 589
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/11/index.md",
"key": "v-36e6bf1e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/04/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/12/04/index.md",
"key": "v-082c3a04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/04/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/27/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/11/27/index.md",
"key": "v-3177c3c0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/11/27/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "NZ Skeptics Conference",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "NZ Skeptics Conference",
"slug": "conference",
"date": "2016-12-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "4 December 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/04/conference/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/12/04/conference/index.md",
"key": "v-2d87eafe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/04/conference/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Awards",
"slug": "awards"
"level": 3,
"title": "Skeptic of the Year",
"slug": "skeptic-of-the-year"
"level": 3,
"title": "Bent Spoon",
"slug": "bent-spoon"
"level": 2,
"title": "Speakers",
"slug": "speakers"
"level": 3,
"title": "Loretta Marron",
"slug": "loretta-marron"
"level": 3,
"title": "Richard Saunders",
"slug": "richard-saunders"
"level": 3,
"title": "Susan Gerbic",
"slug": "susan-gerbic"
"level": 3,
"title": "Tania Lineham",
"slug": "tania-lineham"
"level": 3,
"title": "Mark Hanna",
"slug": "mark-hanna"
"level": 3,
"title": "Catherine Low",
"slug": "catherine-low"
"excerpt": "<p>Here are my notes from this year's NZ Skeptics conference:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.915,
"time": 114900,
"words": 383
"title": "Colin Meads using \"magic water\" for his cancer",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Colin Meads using \"magic water\" for his cancer",
"slug": "colin",
"date": "2016-12-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 December 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/colin/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/colin/index.md",
"key": "v-3f577a5c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/colin/",
"excerpt": "<p>I was contacted by a journalist about a local cancer "cure", Te Kiri Gold, and sent a response (with a little help from ex-chair of the NZ Skeptics, Vicki Hyde):</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.375,
"time": 202500,
"words": 675
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/index.md",
"key": "v-5677a7fe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Applied Kinesiology",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Applied Kinesiology",
"slug": "kinesiology",
"date": "2016-12-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 December 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/kinesiology/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/kinesiology/index.md",
"key": "v-15a0822c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/kinesiology/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Society for Science Based Healthcare were asked about Applied Kinesiology this week and I helped to write this response to questions:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.3,
"time": 258000,
"words": 860
"title": "New Sensing Murder Episode being recorded",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "New Sensing Murder Episode being recorded",
"slug": "murder",
"date": "2016-09-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "25 September 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/25/murder/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/09/25/murder/index.md",
"key": "v-bd8acd04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/09/25/murder/",
"excerpt": "<p>Despite much criticism of both the original broadcasts and the recent reruns, it appears that TVNZ are recording a <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/84602549/cold-case-murder-to-be-probed-in-sensing-murder-episode\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">new episode<OutboundLink/></a> of Sensing Murder. The episode focuses on a murder in Napier in 2008.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.79,
"time": 107400,
"words": 358
"title": "Earthquake \"predictor\" shows his true colours",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Earthquake \"predictor\" shows his true colours",
"slug": "nigel",
"date": "2016-12-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 December 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/nigel/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/nigel/index.md",
"key": "v-1de91db6",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/nigel/",
"excerpt": "<p>Nigel Antony Gray, who "predicted" last month's earthquake on Facebook, has recently shown just how daft, and dangerous, he is.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.03,
"time": 61800.00000000001,
"words": 206
"title": "MMM Scam hits Nigeria",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "MMM Scam hits Nigeria",
"slug": "mmm",
"date": "2016-12-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 December 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/mmm/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/mmm/index.md",
"key": "v-59cda602",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/mmm/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"http://mmmglobal.org/mmm_abroad/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">MMM<OutboundLink/></a>, An investment scheme that has been in trouble around the world appears to have collapsed in Nigeria. The MMM scheme has seen its founder, Sergey Mavrodi, jailed in Russia in the past, but is still operating in many countries:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.125,
"time": 67500,
"words": 225
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/12/index.md",
"key": "v-c4810204",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/index.md",
"key": "v-da4308ec",
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"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/135838/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/Jan 2017/29_01_17_Mark.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/01/29/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/01/29/index.md",
"key": "v-15d085bc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/01/29/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Scientology \"Ideal Org\" Grand Opening",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Scientology \"Ideal Org\" Grand Opening",
"slug": "scientology",
"date": "2017-01-22T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "22 January 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/01/22/scientology/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/01/22/scientology/index.md",
"key": "v-39e0ff04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/01/22/scientology/",
"excerpt": "<p>Scientology are pushing to open new "Ideal Orgs" around the world, and Auckland's old Whitecliffe Art school building has been converted to a new Org. It was purchased in 2007 with a $10 million loan from Scientology central, but recently local Scientologists borrowed a further $6 million to restore and modernise the building.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.285,
"time": 137100.00000000003,
"words": 457
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/01/22/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/01/22/index.md",
"key": "v-6c8e3c8a",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/01/22/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/01/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/01/index.md",
"key": "v-2408371e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/01/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Kiwi Creationism",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Kiwi Creationism",
"slug": "creation",
"date": "2017-01-29T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/Skeptical-Thoughts-with-Mark-Honeychurch/tabid/506/articleID/135838/Default.aspx",
"audio": "http://prog.radiolive.co.nz/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/Jan 2017/29_01_17_Mark.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "29 January 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/01/29/creation/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/01/29/creation/index.md",
"key": "v-67a50b9e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/01/29/creation/",
"excerpt": "<p>Robert Hunt spoke on behalf of Creation Ministries International this morning at Upper Hutt Baptist Church.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.6,
"time": 276000,
"words": 920
"title": "Ex fraudster released early trying alternative cancer treatment",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Ex fraudster released early trying alternative cancer treatment",
"slug": "fraudster",
"date": "2017-02-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/02/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/Feb 2017/05_02_17_Honeychurch.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 February 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/05/fraudster/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/02/05/fraudster/index.md",
"key": "v-00bfef08",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/05/fraudster/",
"excerpt": "<p>Vicki Latele, who was jailed for mortgage fraud, has had a tough time. She has cancer, and has had her stomach removed. It appears that the standard treatments, such as chemotherapy, have not helped her, and she's been released from prison on compassionate grounds.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.595,
"time": 95700,
"words": 319
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/02/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/Feb 2017/05_02_17_Honeychurch.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/05/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/02/05/index.md",
"key": "v-e99b417c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/05/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Ricky Gervais talks about science vs belief",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Ricky Gervais talks about science vs belief",
"slug": "gervais",
"date": "2017-02-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/02/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/Feb 2017/05_02_17_Honeychurch.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 February 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/05/gervais/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/02/05/gervais/index.md",
"key": "v-28389be4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/05/gervais/",
"excerpt": "<p>This is <a href=\"http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2017/02/02/ricky-gervais-to-stephen-colbert-you-dont-believe-in-2999-gods-i-dont-believe-in-just-1-more/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">an argument<OutboundLink/></a> I've never heard before against an idea I occasionally hear - that belief in science is just like religion, because it requires faith. In fact, I last heard this argument only a couple of weeks ago.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.6,
"time": 36000,
"words": 120
"title": "Scientology out on the streets in Grafton",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Scientology out on the streets in Grafton",
"slug": "scientology",
"date": "2017-02-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/02/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/Feb 2017/05_02_17_Honeychurch.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 February 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/05/scientology/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/02/05/scientology/index.md",
"key": "v-c06db888",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/05/scientology/",
"excerpt": "<p>I was messaged this week by someone who works near the new Scientology centre in Auckland. They told me that there are lots of Scientologists out on the streets at the moment, including outside the nearby hospital, trying to bring people into the church. The way they do this is quite disingenuous, normally starting with offering a free personality test - the <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford_Capacity_Analysis\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Oxford Capacity Analysis<OutboundLink/></a> test (nothing to do with Oxford University)</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.93,
"time": 115800,
"words": 386
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/19/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/02/19/index.md",
"key": "v-4d046588",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/19/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Homeopathic Teething Tablets linked to US deaths for sale in NZ",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Homeopathic Teething Tablets linked to US deaths for sale in NZ",
"slug": "homeopathy",
"date": "2017-02-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 February 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/19/homeopathy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/02/19/homeopathy/index.md",
"key": "v-00a2537e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/19/homeopathy/",
"excerpt": "<p>Homeopathic products are made by diluting a substance that causes similar symptoms to the condition they're meant to treat. In the case of Hyland's Teething Tablets, that substance is belladonna, also known as deadly nightshade. Wikipedia says that it's "one of the most toxic plants found in the Eastern Hemisphere".</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.9,
"time": 54000,
"words": 180
"title": "Strange lottery \"tactic\" - buying multiple tickets with the same numbers",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Strange lottery \"tactic\" - buying multiple tickets with the same numbers",
"slug": "lottery",
"date": "2017-02-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 February 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/19/lottery/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/02/19/lottery/index.md",
"key": "v-64dcd170",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/19/lottery/",
"excerpt": "<p>A <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/nelson-mail/news/89413403/nelson-man-wins-over-100000-by-playing-same-numbers-multiple-times-on-lotto-ticket\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">man from Nelson<OutboundLink/></a> won $100,000 recently when his numbers came up in the lottery, and he'd purchased 12 tickets with the same numbers. Although this is touted as a lottery tactic, in the long run, on average, people using this method to play the lottery will win less than others, as any wins they have will result in a lower payout per ticket.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.1,
"time": 66000,
"words": 220
"title": "Vaxxed movie showing in Auckland in April",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Vaxxed movie showing in Auckland in April",
"slug": "vaxxed",
"date": "2017-02-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 February 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/19/vaxxed/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/02/19/vaxxed/index.md",
"key": "v-0dd5033e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/19/vaxxed/",
"excerpt": "<p>Anti-vaccination advocates in New Zealand have raised enough money to bring a <a href=\"https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/vaxxed-from-cover-up-to-catastrophe-auckland-premiere-tickets-31979487508\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">screening of Vaxxed<OutboundLink/></a>, a movie created by disgraced ex-doctor Andrew Wakefield and promoted by Robert de Niro, to New Zealand. The movie is an attempt to sow doubt about vaccines, and makes extensive use of secret audio recordings of CDC employee and "whistleblower" William Thompson.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.605,
"time": 36300,
"words": 121
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/02/index.md",
"key": "v-ea3e1204",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/03/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/Mar 2017/05_03_17_Mark.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/05/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/03/05/index.md",
"key": "v-17e0a1c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/05/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Whales were stranded by \"weather modification\" technology",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Whales were stranded by \"weather modification\" technology",
"slug": "whales",
"date": "2017-02-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 February 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/19/whales/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/02/19/whales/index.md",
"key": "v-cf64f184",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/02/19/whales/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"http://stopsprayingus.com/whales/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Apparently<OutboundLink/></a> the recent stranding of hundreds of whales at Farewell Spit was due to an energy beam from Mount Taranaki. This theory has been posited because of a radar map of rain, which shows an expanding beam supposedly originating from the mountain.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.88,
"time": 112800,
"words": 376
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/19/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/03/19/index.md",
"key": "v-662c0fbe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/19/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "My Visit to faith healer Father John Rea",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "My Visit to faith healer Father John Rea",
"slug": "rea",
"date": "2017-03-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/03/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/Mar 2017/05_03_17_Mark.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 March 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/05/rea/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/03/05/rea/index.md",
"key": "v-a5b8f5f4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/05/rea/",
"excerpt": "<p>Six of us skeptics went along to Father John Rea's healing event on Tuesday in Tawa, Wellington. John is a well known healer in New Zealand, and he's appeared on my skeptical radar in the past for making claims about being able to treat cancer.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.385,
"time": 263099.99999999994,
"words": 877
"title": "Australian who faked cancer diagnosis and cure found guilty",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Australian who faked cancer diagnosis and cure found guilty",
"slug": "fake",
"date": "2017-03-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 March 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/19/fake/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/03/19/fake/index.md",
"key": "v-35f47b3e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/19/fake/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belle_Gibson\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Belle Gibson<OutboundLink/></a> of Australia, who lied about a cancer diagnosis to sell alternative medicine, has been <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=11819388\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">found guilty<OutboundLink/></a> of "defrauding clients and profiting from false cancer claims".</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.12,
"time": 67200,
"words": 224
"title": "Interview with Sensing Murder producers",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Interview with Sensing Murder producers",
"slug": "murder",
"date": "2017-03-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 March 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/19/murder/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/03/19/murder/index.md",
"key": "v-2e618404",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/19/murder/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/tv-radio/90427117/sensing-murder-the-defence\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">An interview<OutboundLink/></a> with Philly de Lacy (chief executive) and Carolyn Harper (executive producer) of Screentime, who make Sensing Murder, was conducted by Steve Kilgannon of the Sunday Star Times this week. Some really good questions were asked, possibly in part because I was able to talk to the journalist before the interview and give some hints. There are some fascinating things said in the answers given in this interview, such as:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "6 min read",
"minutes": 5.725,
"time": 343500,
"words": 1145
"title": "Fiji Government conned by scam artist",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Fiji Government conned by scam artist",
"slug": "fiji",
"date": "2016-12-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 December 2016"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/fiji/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/fiji/index.md",
"key": "v-1e9e46c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2016/12/18/fiji/",
"excerpt": "<p>Fijian government representatives, including leader Frank Bainimarama, were at a lavish launch event a couple of weeks ago to announce the launch of a new app which is set to revolutionise our mobile phone use.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.95,
"time": 57000,
"words": 190
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/03/index.md",
"key": "v-1c8c9244",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Census adds new non-religious categories",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Census adds new non-religious categories",
"slug": "census",
"date": "2017-03-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "26 March 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/26/census/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/03/26/census/index.md",
"key": "v-89476184",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/26/census/",
"excerpt": "<p>The NZ Census asks a question of respondents about Religious Affiliation. Historically, the only response available for non-believers has been "No Religion". NZ Stats have <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/90845887/census-2018-will-better-reflect-a-diverse-new-zealand-thanks-to-stats-nz-update\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">now added several categories<OutboundLink/></a> in time for the next Census in 2018.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.67,
"time": 40200,
"words": 134
"title": "I wrote a letter to the NZ Medical Journal",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "I wrote a letter to the NZ Medical Journal",
"slug": "nzmj",
"date": "2017-03-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "26 March 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/26/nzmj/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/03/26/nzmj/index.md",
"key": "v-3758343e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/26/nzmj/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Pick a bogus treatment...",
"slug": "pick-a-bogus-treatment"
"excerpt": "<p>Mark Hanna of the Society for Science Based Healthcare and I had an exchange over IM a few months ago, where we realised that there are so many bad claims being made for alternative therapies that if you picked a random combination of condition and treatment, chances are high that someone in NZ is making illegal claims that the treatment can successfully treat the condition.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "7 min read",
"minutes": 6.055,
"time": 363299.99999999994,
"words": 1211
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/04/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch-02-04-2017.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/April 2017/02_04_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/02/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/04/02/index.md",
"key": "v-fed1e3e8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/02/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Shaquille O'Neal believes in a flat earth?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Shaquille O'Neal believes in a flat earth?",
"slug": "shaquille",
"date": "2017-03-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "26 March 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/26/shaquille/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/03/26/shaquille/index.md",
"key": "v-9ad84568",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/26/shaquille/",
"excerpt": "<p>Shaquille O'Neal <a href=\"http://www.iflscience.com/brain/shaquille-oneal-thinks-earth-is-flat-because-it-doesnt-go-up-and-down-when-he-drives/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">gave his support<OutboundLink/></a> to the flat earth conspiracy movement on a podcast recently. However, although many websites were quick to jump on this, it turns out that Shaq was just joking:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.105,
"time": 66300,
"words": 221
"title": "NASA spends over $1 million on theology",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "NASA spends over $1 million on theology",
"slug": "nasa",
"date": "2017-04-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/04/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch-02-04-2017.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/April 2017/02_04_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 April 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/02/nasa/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/04/02/nasa/index.md",
"key": "v-4e130dde",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/02/nasa/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"https://whyevolutionistrue.wordpress.com/2017/03/30/the-saga-of-nasas-grant-to-theologians-continues-with-nasa-violating-the-constitution-and-its-employees-apparently-behaving-illegally/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Professor Jerry Coyne<OutboundLink/></a> is in New Zealand at the moment, ticking our country off his bucket list. I talked with him in the pub a few nights ago, and he alerted me to a <a href=\"http://www.patheos.com/blogs/friendlyatheist/2017/03/30/nasas-1-1-million-grant-to-study-how-aliens-could-impact-religion-is-even-worse-than-we-thought/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">developing story<OutboundLink/></a> in the US where NASA has spent over $1 million on the "Center of Theological Inquiry". They have been tasked with investigating the "societal implications of the search for life in the universe", although a look at the topics they're working on makes it sound like the money is being spent on all sorts of weird and wonderful issues:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.395,
"time": 143700,
"words": 479
"title": "Citizen Science and Planet 9",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Citizen Science and Planet 9",
"slug": "science",
"date": "2017-04-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/04/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch-02-04-2017.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/April 2017/02_04_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 April 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/02/science/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/04/02/science/index.md",
"key": "v-7f39cd22",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/02/science/",
"excerpt": "<p>I received an email earlier this week about a new <a href=\"https://www.zooniverse.org/projects?status=live\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Citizen Science<OutboundLink/></a> Project called Planet 9.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.79,
"time": 107400,
"words": 358
"title": "Vaxxed Premiered at Reading Cinemas LynnMall",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Vaxxed Premiered at Reading Cinemas LynnMall",
"slug": "vaxxed",
"date": "2017-04-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/04/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch-02-04-2017.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/April 2017/02_04_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 April 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/02/vaxxed/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/04/02/vaxxed/index.md",
"key": "v-c0dcd784",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/02/vaxxed/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/91093182/If-you-watch-Vaxxed-know-you-re-buying-into-the-manipulation-of-a-disgraced-fraud\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Vaxxed<OutboundLink/></a> played at the LynnMall Reading cinema in Auckland today at 3pm. It's disappointing to see a major corporation allow a misleading, dangerous movie like Vaxxed to <a href=\"https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2017/03/26/16819/vaxxed-in-nz\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">play at their venue<OutboundLink/></a> - and presumably they will be turning a profit from this. Unsurprisingly there's nothing on Reading's website or Facebook page about the screening.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.965,
"time": 57900,
"words": 193
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/04/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/April 2017/09_04_17_skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/09/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/04/09/index.md",
"key": "v-29d9573e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/09/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Otago Uni Screened Vaxxed",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Otago Uni Screened Vaxxed",
"slug": "vaxxed",
"date": "2017-04-09T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/04/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/April 2017/09_04_17_skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "9 April 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/09/vaxxed/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/04/09/vaxxed/index.md",
"key": "v-23465444",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/09/vaxxed/",
"excerpt": "<p>Otago University have <a href=\"https://www.odt.co.nz/news/campus/university-of-otago/anti-vaccines-film-screening-%E2%80%98free-speech%E2%80%99\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">defended their decision<OutboundLink/></a> to allow a screening of Vaxxed, citing free speech and a need to controversial topics to be discussed.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.69,
"time": 41400,
"words": 138
"title": "Te Kiri Gold Cancer \"Treatment\" on sale",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Te Kiri Gold Cancer \"Treatment\" on sale",
"slug": "tekiri",
"date": "2017-04-09T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/04/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/April 2017/09_04_17_skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "9 April 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/09/tekiri/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/04/09/tekiri/index.md",
"key": "v-443c935e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/09/tekiri/",
"excerpt": "<p>We talked about <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/91276243/cancer-sufferers-put-faith-in-te-kiri-gold-bleach-water\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Te Kiri Gold<OutboundLink/></a> last year, when <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/91356942/sir-colin-meads-still-using-te-kiri-gold-water-despite-experts-warning\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Sir Colin Meads<OutboundLink/></a> was in the news endorsing it as a treatment for cancer. Although it wasn't on sale back then, and Vernon had been promising to run proper scientific trials of the product before putting it on the market, this seems to have now been forgotten.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.495,
"time": 149700.00000000003,
"words": 499
"title": "Arise Church",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Arise Church",
"slug": "arise",
"date": "2017-04-23T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "23 April 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/23/arise/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/04/23/arise/index.md",
"key": "v-29c58dd0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/23/arise/",
"excerpt": "<p>Last Sunday I went to church - not once, but twice. Arise is a large evangelical church that started in Wellington about 15 years ago, and has grown and spread to several other cities.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.94,
"time": 296400.00000000006,
"words": 988
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/23/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/04/23/index.md",
"key": "v-73eba0ce",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/23/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/04/index.md",
"key": "v-589276be",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Kelvin Cruickshank talks to Jonah Lomu",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Kelvin Cruickshank talks to Jonah Lomu",
"slug": "kelvin",
"date": "2017-04-23T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "23 April 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/23/kelvin/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/04/23/kelvin/index.md",
"key": "v-1089f83e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/04/23/kelvin/",
"excerpt": "<p>Kelvin Cruickshank has <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/news/article.cfm?c_id=1501119&objectid=11839061\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">made the news<OutboundLink/></a> because he's promoting a new book - "Surrounded by Spirit". In the book he claims he talked with the spirit of Jonah Lomu at a show last year, apparently unaware that Jonah's brother John was in the audience:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.525,
"time": 91500,
"words": 305
"title": "Nigel Antony Gray Still Crazy",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Nigel Antony Gray Still Crazy",
"slug": "nigel",
"date": "2017-05-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/051/skeptical-thoughts.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/May17/070517_WvW_Skeptics.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "7 May 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/07/nigel/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/05/07/nigel/index.md",
"key": "v-1433e33c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/07/nigel/",
"excerpt": "<p>Nigel Antony Gray, who shot to infamy last November when he "predicted" an earthquake, gave a talk in Petone last night.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.495,
"time": 89700,
"words": 299
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/051/skeptical-thoughts.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/May17/070517_WvW_Skeptics.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/07/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/05/07/index.md",
"key": "v-183b3f78",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/07/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Te Kiri Gold makers forced to release a statement",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Te Kiri Gold makers forced to release a statement",
"slug": "cancer",
"date": "2017-05-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/051/skeptical-thoughts.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/May17/070517_WvW_Skeptics.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "7 May 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/07/cancer/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/05/07/cancer/index.md",
"key": "v-4dbfbb7e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/07/cancer/",
"excerpt": "<p>On April 11th I submitted a complaint to Medsafe about <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11849163\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Te Kiri Gold<OutboundLink/></a>, a bleach made by farmer Vernon Coxhead which he is selling as a cancer cure.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "9 min read",
"minutes": 8.305,
"time": 498299.99999999994,
"words": 1661
"title": "Blasphemy Law may finally be repealed",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Blasphemy Law may finally be repealed",
"slug": "blasphemy",
"date": "2017-05-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/051/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/May 17/21_05_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 May 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/21/blasphemy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/05/21/blasphemy/index.md",
"key": "v-50bf7a10",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/21/blasphemy/",
"excerpt": "<p>After incidents with <a href=\"http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/09/stephen-fry-blasphemy-prosecution-ireland-reportedly-dropped/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Stephen Fry<OutboundLink/></a> and <a href=\"https://www.theatlantic.com/news/archive/2017/05/jakartas-christian-governor-imprisoned-for-blasphemy/525990/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Jakarta's mayor<OutboundLink/></a>, blasphemy made the news and there has finally been a push in government to repeal our archaic <a href=\"http://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/1961/0043/latest/DLM329036.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">blasphemy law<OutboundLink/></a>. Bill English <a href=\"http://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2017/05/new-zealand-blasphemy-laws-face-change.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">expressed his surprise<OutboundLink/></a> that we have a blasphemy law (which is funny, given that he's Catholic and the Catholic church have unsuccessfully tried to use the law in this country in the past), and David Seymour attempted to introduce a private member's bill to parliament to repeal the law (section 123 of the Crimes Act).</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.81,
"time": 48600,
"words": 162
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/051/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/May 17/21_05_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/21/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/05/21/index.md",
"key": "v-3df4a9d4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/21/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Proof of a flat earth",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Proof of a flat earth",
"slug": "flat",
"date": "2017-05-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/051/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/May 17/21_05_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 May 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/21/flat/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/05/21/flat/index.md",
"key": "v-0e080e5e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/21/flat/",
"excerpt": "<p>Someone in the US recently <a href=\"https://www.indy100.com/article/flat-earth-conspiracy-theorist-spirit-level-plane-prove-curvature-7746121\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">flew on a plane<OutboundLink/></a> with a spirit level to prove that the earth is flat. Instead he demonstrated a misunderstanding of physics.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.125,
"time": 127500,
"words": 425
"title": "Proof that people were in NZ before Maori?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Proof that people were in NZ before Maori?",
"slug": "maori",
"date": "2017-05-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/051/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/May 17/21_05_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 May 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/21/maori/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/05/21/maori/index.md",
"key": "v-1ff5870e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/21/maori/",
"excerpt": "<p>A <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/northern-advocate/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503450&objectid=11854720\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">claim has been made<OutboundLink/></a> by Noel Hilliam that European settlers beat Maori to settling NZ, and that reconstruction of skulls from a woman and man have shown that they originated in Wales and the Mediterranean, respectively. The woman had blue eyes and blonde hair, and the</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.035,
"time": 62099.99999999999,
"words": 207
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/05/index.md",
"key": "v-812992c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/05/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "USA \"pulls out\" of the Paris Climate Accord",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "USA \"pulls out\" of the Paris Climate Accord",
"slug": "climate",
"date": "2017-06-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/June 17/04_06_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "4 June 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/04/climate/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/06/04/climate/index.md",
"key": "v-7f1bade0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/04/climate/",
"excerpt": "<p>Although there is a history in skepticism of people being "skeptical" of climate change, modern skepticism understands that there is a broad consensus amongst scientists that climate change is both real and caused by humans.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.13,
"time": 127800,
"words": 426
"title": "Nice article about Dave Hansford and 1080",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Nice article about Dave Hansford and 1080",
"slug": "hansford",
"date": "2017-06-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/June 17/04_06_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "4 June 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/04/hansford/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/06/04/hansford/index.md",
"key": "v-2f79a05e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/04/hansford/",
"excerpt": "<p>Dave Hansford from Nelson has <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/the-press/news/92620150/national-portrait-1080-author-dave-hansford\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">written a book<OutboundLink/></a> - called "Protecting Paradise: 1080 and the Fight to Save New Zealand's Wildlife" - about New Zealand's use of the poison 1080. The name appears to be a play on the Graf Boys' documentary Poisoning Paradise, which tried to paint a picture that 1080 is not as safe as the government says it is.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.28,
"time": 76800,
"words": 256
"title": "Robert Bigelow believes aliens are on earth",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Robert Bigelow believes aliens are on earth",
"slug": "bigelow",
"date": "2017-06-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/June 17/04_06_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "4 June 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/04/bigelow/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/06/04/bigelow/index.md",
"key": "v-515b27e8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/04/bigelow/",
"excerpt": "<p>Robert Bigelow is convinced that aliens are not only real, but they <a href=\"http://www.livescience.com/59331-aliens-have-visited-earth-robert-bigelow-says.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">have visited earth<OutboundLink/></a> and are living on our planet. He believes that his grandparents were visited by an alien craft, and says that he has spent millions gathering evidence that aliens are among us. People have pointed out that his company Bigelow Aerospace's logo looks a lot like the head of a "gray" - the most popular depiction of an alien, with big almond shaped eyes and a teardrop face.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.69,
"time": 101399.99999999999,
"words": 338
"title": "Don't put ground up wasp's nest in your vagina",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Don't put ground up wasp's nest in your vagina",
"slug": "wasp",
"date": "2017-06-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/June 17/04_06_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "4 June 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/04/wasp/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/06/04/wasp/index.md",
"key": "v-e0b399c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/04/wasp/",
"excerpt": "<p>A new alternative therapy has <a href=\"https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/ground-wasp-nest-vagina-tighten-warn-gynaecologist-painful-sex-bacteria-hiv-a7766376.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">become popular recently<OutboundLink/></a> - grinding up oak galls and putting the paste in your vagina. Oak galls are woody balls created when a wasp larva grows inside an oak tree's leaf bud. It is being claimed by sellers of this remedy that it can tighten and clean your vagina and improve your sex life.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.14,
"time": 68399.99999999999,
"words": 228
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/June 17/04_06_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/04/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/06/04/index.md",
"key": "v-5c98cc8c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/04/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Apparently I need a colonic",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Apparently I need a colonic",
"slug": "colonic",
"date": "2017-06-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/June18/110617_WvW_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 June 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/11/colonic/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/06/11/colonic/index.md",
"key": "v-7633ef00",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/11/colonic/",
"excerpt": "<p>Nigel Antony Gray is a Scientologist who believes he can predict earthquakes and that the weather is controlled by the government - and recently that fidget spinners send out harmful "frequencies". Nigel has decided that he will allow skeptics to join his secretive Facebook group - Spiritual Awareness New Zealand - as long as they follow his instructions.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 3.005,
"time": 180299.99999999997,
"words": 601
"title": "Credulous alt-med article on Radio NZ",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Credulous alt-med article on Radio NZ",
"slug": "credulous",
"date": "2017-06-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/June18/110617_WvW_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 June 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/11/credulous/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/06/11/credulous/index.md",
"key": "v-0a2be5a2",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/11/credulous/",
"excerpt": "<p>Radio NZ <a href=\"http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/teahikaa/audio/201846807/maori-healers-share-their-work\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">published an article<OutboundLink/></a> this week that seemed to accept, without evidence, claims that traditional Maori medicine can help with medical conditions including cancer.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.825,
"time": 109500,
"words": 365
"title": "Aussie shows how lax sham journals can be",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Aussie shows how lax sham journals can be",
"slug": "journals",
"date": "2017-06-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/June18/110617_WvW_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 June 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/11/journals/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/06/11/journals/index.md",
"key": "v-2f74b604",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/11/journals/",
"excerpt": "<p>Since a letter of mine was published in the New Zealand Medical Journal recently, I've started receiving occasional emails inviting me to send in a paper to a new journal for publication. It's immediately obvious that these are sham journals, as they call me Dr Honeychurch and are for topics that are unrelated to my area of interest (and not even expertise!), alternative medicine:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.9,
"time": 114000,
"words": 380
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/June18/110617_WvW_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/11/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/06/11/index.md",
"key": "v-01a1f154",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/11/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Breatharians make Dangerous Claims",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Breatharians make Dangerous Claims",
"slug": "breatharians",
"date": "2017-06-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/June 17/18_06_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 June 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/18/breatharians/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/06/18/breatharians/index.md",
"key": "v-656cdf9e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/18/breatharians/",
"excerpt": "<p>A <a href=\"(http://www.snopes.com/breatharians/)\">breatharian</a> couple, <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=11878398\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Camila Castello and Akahi Ricardo<OutboundLink/></a>, have publicly claimed that they <a href=\"https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/breatharian-couple-food-free-lifestyle-diet-not-hungry-2008-camila-castello-akahi-ricardo-ecuador-a7792841.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">live on "cosmic nourishment"<OutboundLink/></a> from the "energy that exists in the universe and in themselves". They claim that they didn't eat at all for a period of 3 years, and that they hardly ever eat. When they do eat, it's a piece of fruit or some broth.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.015,
"time": 60899.99999999999,
"words": 203
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/June 17/18_06_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/18/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/06/18/index.md",
"key": "v-aa378af4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/18/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Probable nonsense promoted at Hamilton Fieldays",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Probable nonsense promoted at Hamilton Fieldays",
"slug": "fieldays",
"date": "2017-06-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/June 17/18_06_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 June 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/18/fieldays/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/06/18/fieldays/index.md",
"key": "v-3d8bc03e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/18/fieldays/",
"excerpt": "<p>An <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=11873100\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">article in the Herald<OutboundLink/></a> this week talked about several innovations that were showcased at the Hamilton Fieldays event. Unfortunately, one of the products, <a href=\"http://www.voxy.co.nz/business/5/275039\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">DermaShield<OutboundLink/></a>, appears to be very much pseudo-scientific.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.12,
"time": 67200,
"words": 224
"title": "I was visited by Jehovah's Witnesses",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "I was visited by Jehovah's Witnesses",
"slug": "jw",
"date": "2017-06-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/June 17/18_06_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 June 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/18/jw/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/06/18/jw/index.md",
"key": "v-0b68cb3e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/18/jw/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Jehovah's Witnesses came around for an hour or more yesterday, having previously chatted with me last week.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.86,
"time": 171600,
"words": 572
"title": "Auckland Church Promoting Magical Oil",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Auckland Church Promoting Magical Oil",
"slug": "oil",
"date": "2017-06-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/June 17/18_06_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 June 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/18/oil/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/06/18/oil/index.md",
"key": "v-3be8a280",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/18/oil/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God has been <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11873021\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">handing out<OutboundLink/></a> cross shaped vials of a "holy oil" which it says have been blessed in Jerusalem and can "activate people's faith" in order to treat medical conditions such as depression, addiction, heart problems and chronic pain.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.045,
"time": 122699.99999999999,
"words": 409
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/06/index.md",
"key": "v-2643f67e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/06/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Baby kept sick by mother's bad decision",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Baby kept sick by mother's bad decision",
"slug": "baby",
"date": "2017-07-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch1.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/July 17/02_07_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 July 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/02/baby/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/07/02/baby/index.md",
"key": "v-6087ba44",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/02/baby/",
"excerpt": "<p>A mother in the US was <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/parenting/baby/94291776/us-mums-newborn-kept-getting-sick-because-she-was-ingesting-placenta\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">found by doctors<OutboundLink/></a> to be causing her child to fall ill because she was taking pills made from her own placenta. A company in the US makes the pills from dried placenta, and you supply them with your placenta after your child's birth.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.77,
"time": 46200,
"words": 154
"title": "InfoWars promotes theory that NASA keeps slave kids on Mars",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "InfoWars promotes theory that NASA keeps slave kids on Mars",
"slug": "infowars",
"date": "2017-07-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch1.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/July 17/02_07_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 July 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/02/infowars/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/07/02/infowars/index.md",
"key": "v-3d0c2904",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/02/infowars/",
"excerpt": "<p>Alex Jones, anchor man of the news outlet InfoWars in the US, hosted Robert David Steele on his show this week, and talked about Robert's theory that NASA are <a href=\"http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2017/06/30/alex_jones_trump_endorsed_infowars_site_exposes_nasa_s_martian_slave_colony.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">holding slave children on Mars<OutboundLink/></a>. This has led to NASA officially denying the accusation, along with another recent claim that there are no active rovers on Mars.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.795,
"time": 47700,
"words": 159
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch1.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/July 17/02_07_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/02/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/07/02/index.md",
"key": "v-26a1d592",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/02/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "I went to a Scientology Event",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "I went to a Scientology Event",
"slug": "scientology",
"date": "2017-07-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/06/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch1.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/July 17/02_07_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 July 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/02/scientology/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/07/02/scientology/index.md",
"key": "v-5583260c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/02/scientology/",
"excerpt": "<p>Since I attended the opening of the new Scientology building in January, I have been called occasionally by a church member called Will who has been inviting me to Auckland Scientology events. However, I'm in Wellington and so I've been waiting patiently for a local event to be announced.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.94,
"time": 236400,
"words": 788
"title": "GMO Bananas may save lives",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "GMO Bananas may save lives",
"slug": "bananas",
"date": "2017-07-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/07/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/July 17/16_07_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 July 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/16/bananas/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/07/16/bananas/index.md",
"key": "v-65bc14e4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/16/bananas/",
"excerpt": "<p>I'm hoping that the anti-GMO crowd don't sink the <a href=\"http://www.newsweek.com/scientists-orange-bananas-vitamin-uganda-633136\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">new GMO banana<OutboundLink/></a> before it has a chance to be properly tested. The banana has had genes inserted that allow it to create alpha and beta carotenes, which allow our bodies to create vitamin A, which should help some of the quarter of a million children who die every year due to a lack of the vitamin.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.51,
"time": 30600,
"words": 102
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/07/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/July 17/16_07_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/16/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/07/16/index.md",
"key": "v-74ed438c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/16/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Gifting Circles now illegal",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Gifting Circles now illegal",
"slug": "circles",
"date": "2017-07-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/07/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/July 17/16_07_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 July 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/16/circles/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/07/16/circles/index.md",
"key": "v-55625e64",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/16/circles/",
"excerpt": "<p>Women's gifting circles have made the news again this week as they are now officially considered a pyramid scheme by the Commerce Commission.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.54,
"time": 92400,
"words": 308
"title": "Siggi Henry profiled in the Spinoff",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Siggi Henry profiled in the Spinoff",
"slug": "siggi",
"date": "2017-07-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/07/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/July 17/16_07_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 July 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/16/siggi/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/07/16/siggi/index.md",
"key": "v-269dcbf8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/16/siggi/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Spinoff <a href=\"https://thespinoff.co.nz/science/13-07-2017/is-siggi-henry-new-zealands-most-dangerous-city-councillor/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">did a great job<OutboundLink/></a> of looking into Hamilton Councillor Siggi Henry's views on a variety of topics. It turns out that she's anti fluoride, anti-fat (she recently said that obesity was a risk to others as fat people could fall on you and hurt you) and anti-vaccine.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.4,
"time": 24000,
"words": 80
"title": "Vaxxed is still a nuisance in NZ",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Vaxxed is still a nuisance in NZ",
"slug": "vaxxed",
"date": "2017-07-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/07/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/July 17/16_07_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 July 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/16/vaxxed/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/07/16/vaxxed/index.md",
"key": "v-86c86784",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/16/vaxxed/",
"excerpt": "<p>The group responsible for bringing Vaxxed, an anti-vaccine movie, to Australia and New Zealand is still causing issues in our country. There are more screenings of Vaxxed coming up, including <a href=\"https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/vaxxed-from-cover-up-to-catastrophe-wellington-tickets-35645401355\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">one in Wellington<OutboundLink/></a> that I will try to attend:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.75,
"time": 105000,
"words": 350
"title": "Rural US Doctor may have to leave NZ",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Rural US Doctor may have to leave NZ",
"slug": "bleach",
"date": "2017-07-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/07/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/July 17/30_07_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 July 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/30/bleach/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/07/30/bleach/index.md",
"key": "v-5be16bde",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/30/bleach/",
"excerpt": "<p>There's a lack of rural doctors in NZ, and one doctor has <a href=\"http://www.radionz.co.nz/audio/player?audio_id=201852204\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">spoken on Radio NZ<OutboundLink/></a> this week about the <a href=\"http://www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/checkpoint/audio/201852204/doctor-fears-immigration-red-tape-may-force-him-out-of-nz\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">trials and tribulations<OutboundLink/></a> he's suffered trying to renew his visa to stay in the country. Dr Feller is a GP at Mountainview Medical Centre in Hawera, and the medical centre is badly in need of the service he provides. Losing him would not be good for the local community.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.035,
"time": 62099.99999999999,
"words": 207
"title": "There a major conspiracy theory I've never heard of!",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "There a major conspiracy theory I've never heard of!",
"slug": "bluebeam",
"date": "2017-07-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/07/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/July 17/30_07_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 July 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/30/bluebeam/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/07/30/bluebeam/index.md",
"key": "v-35b0595e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/30/bluebeam/",
"excerpt": "<p>Last week I learned about a new conspiracy theory from Weather Wars International, a Facebook group dedicated to spreading nonsense about government control of the weather. A video <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/groups/1310150419018802/permalink/1666810930019414/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">posted to the group<OutboundLink/></a> shows a field and trees, along with a light halo and what appears to be a rotating planet in the background.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.835,
"time": 170100,
"words": 567
"title": "Sensing Murder hasn't helped NZ Police",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Sensing Murder hasn't helped NZ Police",
"slug": "police",
"date": "2017-07-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/07/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/July 17/30_07_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 July 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/30/police/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/07/30/police/index.md",
"key": "v-274a9484",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/30/police/",
"excerpt": "<p>Emails <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/news/article.cfm?c_id=1501119&objectid=11896421\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">have been released<OutboundLink/></a> about the show Sensing Murder from OIA requests, and have brought to light (unsurprisingly) that the show has not materially helped the Police, and in some circumstances is considered to be a potential problem for ongoing cases.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.82,
"time": 109200,
"words": 364
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/07/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/July 17/30_07_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/30/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/07/30/index.md",
"key": "v-8200e5c8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/30/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/07/index.md",
"key": "v-e5c69344",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/07/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Daughter conned into selling her possessions",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Daughter conned into selling her possessions",
"slug": "conned",
"date": "2017-08-06T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/08/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/August17/06_08_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "6 August 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/06/conned/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/08/06/conned/index.md",
"key": "v-70ce3244",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/06/conned/",
"excerpt": "<p>Lori Harris from the UK has <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=11898322\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">sold all her belongings<OutboundLink/></a> to pay for treatment for her mother, Lisa, who has stage 4 ovarian cancer. The <a href=\"https://www.gofundme.com/lisatogermany\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Go Fund Me<OutboundLink/></a> page for the fundraising effort for this treatment, which asks for £200,000, talks of needing money for immunotherapy in Germany, and links to a <a href=\"https://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/jun/01/immunotherapy-the-big-new-hope-for-cancer-treatment\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">great article<OutboundLink/></a> describing how this new therapy has the potential to allow us to treat some cancers in a novel way.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.7,
"time": 102000,
"words": 340
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/08/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/August17/06_08_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/06/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/08/06/index.md",
"key": "v-389a8b0c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/06/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Haunted Doll \"strikes\" again",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Haunted Doll \"strikes\" again",
"slug": "doll",
"date": "2017-08-06T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/08/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/August17/06_08_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "6 August 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/06/doll/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/08/06/doll/index.md",
"key": "v-b9cbdac4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/06/doll/",
"excerpt": "<p>Debbie Merrick <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=11898052\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">bought a doll<OutboundLink/></a> for £5 and then placed the doll on eBay, after making international news by talking about the doll being haunted. Apparently the doll scratched Debbie's husband, although the doll was not seen causing the scratches - the husband simply woke up with scratches on himself. The determination that the doll caused the scratches came from a psychic friend.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.075,
"time": 124500.00000000001,
"words": 415
"title": "Jacinta Ardern Conspiracy!",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Jacinta Ardern Conspiracy!",
"slug": "jacinda",
"date": "2017-08-06T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/08/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/August17/06_08_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "6 August 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/06/jacinda/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/08/06/jacinda/index.md",
"key": "v-a2fa50e4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/06/jacinda/",
"excerpt": "<p>Vinny Eastwood <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/VinnyEastwoodShow/photos/a.548975021804450.1073741825.205204582848164/1354741621227782/?type=3&theater\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">has suggested<OutboundLink/></a> that the new head of the Labour Party is in league with the Freemasons:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.26,
"time": 75600,
"words": 252
"title": "Finally, a skeptical story about Lotto",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Finally, a skeptical story about Lotto",
"slug": "lotto",
"date": "2017-08-06T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/08/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/August17/06_08_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "6 August 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/06/lotto/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/08/06/lotto/index.md",
"key": "v-2e82aed2",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/06/lotto/",
"excerpt": "<p>There was a <a href=\"http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/money/95354600/30-years-of-lotto-in-nz-your-chances-of-winning-the-big-one\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">nice story<OutboundLink/></a> about the 30th anniversary of the Lotto this week from Stuff. The article talked about how the fact some numbers come up more often than others is likely chance (Lotto take this seriously, and apparently regularly wash and weigh the balls to ensure there's no bias). The difference in frequency between the most drawn ball, number 1 (16.91%) and the least drawn ball number 34 (13.97%) is not huge, and I suspect the number frequency draws a bell curve.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.7,
"time": 42000,
"words": 140
"title": "Naturopath Implicated in Cancer Deaths",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Naturopath Implicated in Cancer Deaths",
"slug": "naturopath",
"date": "2017-08-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/08/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/August17/27_08_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 August 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/27/naturopath/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/08/27/naturopath/index.md",
"key": "v-b77e5644",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/27/naturopath/",
"excerpt": "<p>Stuff has a <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/96110398/naturopathy-under-microscope-after-cancer-sufferers-speak-from-under-shadow-of-death\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">great article<OutboundLink/></a> about a Naturopath who has been involved in treating the cancer of two patients who have died recently. The patients have both spoken out about how they think they made a mistake in trusting the naturopath.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.94,
"time": 176400,
"words": 588
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/08/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/August17/27_08_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/27/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/08/27/index.md",
"key": "v-2bef1dce",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/27/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Satanic Panic",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Satanic Panic",
"slug": "satanic",
"date": "2017-08-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/08/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/August17/27_08_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 August 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/27/satanic/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/08/27/satanic/index.md",
"key": "v-67bca492",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/27/satanic/",
"excerpt": "<p>It looks like the book has <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11911220\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">finally been closed<OutboundLink/></a> on one of the most famous Satanic Panic cases in the US - that of the Kellers.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.22,
"time": 193200.00000000003,
"words": 644
"title": "One-sided article updated after complaint",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "One-sided article updated after complaint",
"slug": "cancer",
"date": "2017-09-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/09/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/September/03_09_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tabs": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 September 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/09/03/cancer/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/09/03/cancer/index.md",
"key": "v-0963807e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/09/03/cancer/",
"excerpt": "<p>Last week an <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/well-good/96117240/former-timaru-woman-battling-leukemia-for-the-third-time\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">article was published<OutboundLink/></a> on Stuff talking about how a young New Zealand woman who has had cancer (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) since she was 14 is going to spend $20,000 on an alternative treatment for her cancer - Ozone Therapy. The clinic says about this therapy:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.125,
"time": 127500,
"words": 425
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/08/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/08/index.md",
"key": "v-18151384",
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"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/09/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/September/03_09_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/09/03/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/09/03/index.md",
"key": "v-bd5e1158",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/09/03/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Nonsense book gets free media coverage",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Nonsense book gets free media coverage",
"slug": "apocalypse",
"date": "2017-09-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/09/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/September/03_09_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tabs": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 September 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/09/03/apocalypse/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/09/03/apocalypse/index.md",
"key": "v-603d1544",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/09/03/apocalypse/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Herald <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/technology/news/article.cfm?c_id=5&objectid=11913705\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">published an article<OutboundLink/></a> about someone's prediction that the world will end in a few weeks. David Meade, described as a Christian numerologist, claims that on or just after September the 20th (my birthday!), the world will meet a fiery end.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.23,
"time": 73800,
"words": 246
"title": "Iraq was Invaded because they had a stargate",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Iraq was Invaded because they had a stargate",
"slug": "stargate",
"date": "2017-09-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/09/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/September/03_09_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tabs": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 September 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/09/03/stargate/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/09/03/stargate/index.md",
"key": "v-8ed8a944",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/09/03/stargate/",
"excerpt": "<p>Another crazy conspiracy theory I'd never heard of - that Saddam Hussein <a href=\"https://www.vice.com/sv/article/533gxx/there-are-people-who-think-the-west-invaded-iraq-over-a-stargate\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">owned a Stargate<OutboundLink/></a>, and that the US had to invade to take it from him.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.935,
"time": 116100.00000000001,
"words": 387
"title": "Newshub thought a picture of someone holding something rectangular was newsworthy",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Newshub thought a picture of someone holding something rectangular was newsworthy",
"slug": "rectangle",
"date": "2017-09-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/09/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Weekend Variety Wireless/September/03_09_17_Skeptical.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tabs": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 September 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/09/03/rectangle/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/09/03/rectangle/index.md",
"key": "v-6edcd854",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/09/03/rectangle/",
"excerpt": "<p>Newshub <a href=\"http://www.newshub.co.nz/home/entertainment/2017/08/80yo-painting-appears-to-show-native-american-man-using-a-smartphone.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">published an article<OutboundLink/></a> about an 80 year old picture showing a native american man holding something rectangular with flat edges. Although it conceivably looks like an iPhone 5, as the article concedes it's much more likely to be a mirror or blade.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.23,
"time": 13800,
"words": 46
"title": "The Apocalypse has been moved",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Apocalypse has been moved",
"slug": "apocalypse",
"date": "2017-10-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/09/skeptical-thoughts.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Oct 17/Mark HoneyChurch 1_10_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "1 October 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/01/apocalypse/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/10/01/apocalypse/index.md",
"key": "v-37b2405e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/01/apocalypse/",
"excerpt": "<p>David Meade, who I spoke about last month as predicting the end of the world around the 20th of September, has <a href=\"http://metro.co.uk/2017/09/25/death-planet-nibiru-is-actually-going-to-hit-earth-on-october-21-christians-now-claim-6953324/#\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">given us all a reprieve<OutboundLink/></a>. Obviously the world didn't end, but he now says that October the 21st is the real end of the world.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.535,
"time": 32100,
"words": 107
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/09/skeptical-thoughts.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Oct 17/Mark HoneyChurch 1_10_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/01/",
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"key": "v-14b515f8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/01/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/09/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/09/index.md",
"key": "v-5ace361e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/09/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "The FreeMan movement/Sovereign Citizens",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The FreeMan movement/Sovereign Citizens",
"slug": "freeman",
"date": "2017-10-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/09/skeptical-thoughts.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Oct 17/Mark HoneyChurch 1_10_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "1 October 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/01/freeman/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/10/01/freeman/index.md",
"key": "v-d319a0f4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/01/freeman/",
"excerpt": "<p>I recently found out that a movement which is popular in America has <a href=\"https://www.reddit.com/r/amibeingdetained/comments/41iave/sovereign_citizen_new_zealand_edition/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">reached our shores<OutboundLink/></a>. The Freeman movement, otherwise known as Sovereign Citizens, consists of people who believe that it is possible to declare yourself no longer beholden to the laws of your country, and not liable to pay taxes. Normally the process involves filling in obscure government forms, opting out of government forms of ID such as driving licenses and passports and writing signed declarations using lots of very big legal sounding words.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.22,
"time": 133200.00000000003,
"words": 444
"title": "Some great common sense advice from Rob Stock at Stuff",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Some great common sense advice from Rob Stock at Stuff",
"slug": "pharmacy",
"date": "2017-10-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/09/skeptical-thoughts.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Oct 17/Mark HoneyChurch 1_10_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "1 October 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/01/pharmacy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/10/01/pharmacy/index.md",
"key": "v-43fa6ec4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/01/pharmacy/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Pharmacy Council recently ran a consultation about a new proposed Code of Ethics, after they tried to weaken their code a couple of years ago to remove the requirement that pharmacists could only sell alternative medicines where there was evidence that they work.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.935,
"time": 116100.00000000001,
"words": 387
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/10/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Oct 17/Mark HoneyChurch 8_10_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/08/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/10/08/index.md",
"key": "v-c2308394",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/08/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "New healing device about to go on sale in NZ",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "New healing device about to go on sale in NZ",
"slug": "qsb",
"date": "2017-10-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/10/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Oct 17/Mark HoneyChurch 8_10_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 October 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/08/qsb/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/10/08/qsb/index.md",
"key": "v-518362d8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/08/qsb/",
"excerpt": "<p>A couple of years ago I went along to a talk in Wellington about a new device called the QTB (Quantum TrailBlazer), now rebranded as a QSB - <a href=\"http://life-energy.org/qsb/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Quantum Scalar Box<OutboundLink/></a>. Back then the device was made from a piece of sewage pipe spray painted black, with several blue LEDs around the top. We were told to believe that the device was emitting "scalar waves" (a pseudo-scientific idea) on the Solfeggio frequencies. I sat there for half an hour while the device went through a range of these frequencies, supposedly healing areas of my life.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.135,
"time": 68100,
"words": 227
"title": "Sun protection pill goes on sale in NZ",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Sun protection pill goes on sale in NZ",
"slug": "pill",
"date": "2017-10-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/10/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Oct 17/Mark HoneyChurch 8_10_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 October 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/08/pill/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/10/08/pill/index.md",
"key": "v-d1ddd184",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/08/pill/",
"excerpt": "<p>NZ now has its <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/well-good/teach-me/97465093/first-sun-protection-pill-hits-the-kiwi-market\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">second ingested product<OutboundLink/></a> for sun protection being sold. The first hit the market a few years ago, and is from a company called Osmosis Skincare. Their product contains "harmonised" water, which is described as:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.51,
"time": 90600,
"words": 302
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/10/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch-and-robert-bartholomew.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Oct 17/Speticalthoughts15_10_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/15/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/10/15/index.md",
"key": "v-43f0e2fe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/15/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Conspiracy Theorists waste no time after Las Vegas shooting",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Conspiracy Theorists waste no time after Las Vegas shooting",
"slug": "vegas",
"date": "2017-10-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/10/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Oct 17/Mark HoneyChurch 8_10_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 October 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/08/vegas/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/10/08/vegas/index.md",
"key": "v-5684e980",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/08/vegas/",
"excerpt": "<p>These days, with modern technology, it only takes a matter of days after most tragic events before conspiracy theorists have converged on an "alternative narrative". For the Sandy Hook massacre, there are people who claim it was a "false flag" operation where no children were actually killed. For missing flight MH370, the aeroplane was apparently re-routed to a secret military base.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.04,
"time": 182400,
"words": 608
"title": "Doterra selling cancer cure in NZ",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Doterra selling cancer cure in NZ",
"slug": "doterra",
"date": "2017-10-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/10/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch-and-robert-bartholomew.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Oct 17/Speticalthoughts15_10_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "15 October 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/15/doterra/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/10/15/doterra/index.md",
"key": "v-81f85e5c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/15/doterra/",
"excerpt": "<p>Doterra is a successful multinational company which sells innovative medical treatments - or at least that's what they'd have you believe. In reality, it <a href=\"https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/doterra-multilevel-marketing-of-essential-oils/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">appears to be<OutboundLink/></a> a Multi Level Marketing scheme, based on Essential Oils, which preys on vulnerable people and makes <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/97569498/essential-oil-sellers-believe-they-have-a-cure-for-cancer\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">dangerous untrue claims<OutboundLink/></a> about <a href=\"https://skeptoid.com/blog/2013/02/02/essential-oils-a-perfect-example-of-alternative-medicine-exaggeration/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">their products<OutboundLink/></a>.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.505,
"time": 210299.99999999997,
"words": 701
"title": "Christchurch private detective offering lie detector test which is unlikely to work",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Christchurch private detective offering lie detector test which is unlikely to work",
"slug": "lie",
"date": "2017-10-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/10/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch-and-robert-bartholomew.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Oct 17/Speticalthoughts15_10_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "15 October 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/15/lie/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/10/15/lie/index.md",
"key": "v-b9cb6168",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/15/lie/",
"excerpt": "<p>The prevailing scientific opinion on lie detector tests is that they don't work well enough to be relied on in courts as evidence - in fact, they're probably not even a good way of discerning the truth. Unfortunately a Christchurch based private detective is <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/love-sex/97726673/Many-New-Zealand-couples-turning-to-lie-detector-test-to-catch-cheating-partners\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">selling tests to couples<OutboundLink/></a> as a way of finding out whether a partner has cheated.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.52,
"time": 31200.000000000004,
"words": 104
"title": "Breast Milk Soap",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Breast Milk Soap",
"slug": "soap",
"date": "2017-10-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/10/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch-and-robert-bartholomew.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Oct 17/Speticalthoughts15_10_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "15 October 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/15/soap/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/10/15/soap/index.md",
"key": "v-98c2eb04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/15/soap/",
"excerpt": "<p>A company is <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/parenting/97506100/These-new-mums-are-making-soap-out-of-their-breast-milk\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">making claims<OutboundLink/></a> about their soap made out of breast milk.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.84,
"time": 50400,
"words": 168
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/10/index.md",
"key": "v-316eb35e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/10/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Auckland thinking of dropping Glyphosate",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Auckland thinking of dropping Glyphosate",
"slug": "glyphosate",
"date": "2017-11-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/11/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Nov17/SkepticalThoughts5_11_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 November 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/05/glyphosate/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/11/05/glyphosate/index.md",
"key": "v-37d58d5e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/05/glyphosate/",
"excerpt": "<p>Auckland council are <a href=\"http://www.radionz.co.nz/news/country/342521/auckland-council-reconsiders-weedkiller-use\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">"revisiting" their decision<OutboundLink/></a> to use popular weedkiller glyphosate, more commonly known as RoundUp. Auckland councillor Wayne Walker seems to be pushing a move to stop using the weedkiller, despite the fact that Federated Farmers and New Zealand's EPA say that it is safe.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.605,
"time": 36300,
"words": 121
"title": "NZ Skeptics conference in Wellington",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "NZ Skeptics conference in Wellington",
"slug": "conference",
"date": "2017-11-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/11/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Nov17/SkepticalThoughts5_11_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 November 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/05/conference/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/11/05/conference/index.md",
"key": "v-f67176c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/05/conference/",
"excerpt": "<p>This year's <a href=\"http://conference.skeptics.nz\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">NZ Skeptics conference<OutboundLink/></a> is in Wellington in 3 weeks. We have speakers such as Cara Santa Maria from the USA, and an ex naturopath, Britt Marie Hermes. We're hoping to officially announce our $100,000 prize for evidence of the supernatural, and it will be interesting to see what kinds of applicants we see over the next few months.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.315,
"time": 18900,
"words": 63
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/11/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Nov17/SkepticalThoughts5_11_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/05/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/11/05/index.md",
"key": "v-079e2a7e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/05/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Children handed religious tracts at Halloween",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Children handed religious tracts at Halloween",
"slug": "tracts",
"date": "2017-11-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/11/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Nov17/SkepticalThoughts5_11_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 November 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/05/tracts/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/11/05/tracts/index.md",
"key": "v-227b88fe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/05/tracts/",
"excerpt": "<p>My kids went out trick or treating the other day for halloween, and came back with more than just chocolate and lollies. Religious pamphlets were being handed out at some of the local houses, and my 10 year old daughter knew that I'd be interested to see them.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.025,
"time": 121500,
"words": 405
"title": "Women Stranded at Sea for 5 months",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Women Stranded at Sea for 5 months",
"slug": "stranded",
"date": "2017-11-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/11/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Nov17/SkepticalThoughts5_11_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 November 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/05/stranded/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/11/05/stranded/index.md",
"key": "v-67c38c3e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/05/stranded/",
"excerpt": "<p>Two women in a yacht were <a href=\"https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2017/11/experts-question-details-from-the-story-of-two-women-stranded-at-sea-for-5-months/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">rescued this week<OutboundLink/></a>, adrift a long way off the coast of Japan. Their story is that they left Honolulu for Tahiti, and immediately hit a storm which damaged their boat. After drifting for 6 months at sea, and being attacked by sharks, they were eventually rescued by the US Navy.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.21,
"time": 132600,
"words": 442
"title": "Ghost in TradeMe mirror",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Ghost in TradeMe mirror",
"slug": "ghost",
"date": "2017-11-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/11/clare-curran--labour-mp/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Nov17/SkepticalThoughts12_11_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 November 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/12/ghost/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/11/12/ghost/index.md",
"key": "v-07868046",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/12/ghost/",
"excerpt": "<p>After a <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/98635179/ghost-in-trade-me-auction-photo-debunked\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">ghost was spotted<OutboundLink/></a> in a picture of a mirror being sold in a <a href=\"https://www.trademe.co.nz/home-living/home-d%C3%A9cor/mirrors/wall-mounted/auction-1456374682.htm\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">TradeMe auction<OutboundLink/></a>, Wendy McCawe from Wellington Photographic Supplies quickly spotted that the "ghost" in question was actually a picture of the lead character from TV show Outlander. I'm impressed that she spotted it - I put the image through online forensic image tool Forensically, and couldn't see anything.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.74,
"time": 44400,
"words": 148
"title": "Sexual Harassment of kids is okay, because of Joseph and Mary?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Sexual Harassment of kids is okay, because of Joseph and Mary?",
"slug": "harassment",
"date": "2017-11-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/11/clare-curran--labour-mp/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Nov17/SkepticalThoughts12_11_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 November 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/12/harassment/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/11/12/harassment/index.md",
"key": "v-4e116e5e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/12/harassment/",
"excerpt": "<p>Republican Senate candidate Judge Roy Moore has been <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11942862\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">accused of sexually assaulting<OutboundLink/></a> a 14 girl when he was 14. He has a worrying track record - as well as other accusations of sexual harassment of young girls, he's twice been promoted to the Supreme Court and then removed because of his refusal to follow church/state separation laws. He was suspended for trying to stop legal gay marriages from being performed.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.62,
"time": 37200,
"words": 124
"title": "Go Green Expo still full of woo",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Go Green Expo still full of woo",
"slug": "green",
"date": "2017-11-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/11/clare-curran--labour-mp/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Nov17/SkepticalThoughts12_11_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 November 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/12/green/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/11/12/green/index.md",
"key": "v-59d3855e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/12/green/",
"excerpt": "<p>There's <a href=\"http://www.gogreenexpo.co.nz/exhibitor-directory/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">lots of nonsense<OutboundLink/></a> at this year's Go Green expo, and I'll be there today sampling the weird and wonderful.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.035,
"time": 122100.00000000001,
"words": 407
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/11/clare-curran--labour-mp/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Nov17/SkepticalThoughts12_11_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/12/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/11/12/index.md",
"key": "v-a6b16174",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/12/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Dr Libby Weaver hits the news - twice",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Dr Libby Weaver hits the news - twice",
"slug": "libby",
"date": "2017-11-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/11/clare-curran--labour-mp/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Nov17/SkepticalThoughts12_11_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 November 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/12/libby/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/11/12/libby/index.md",
"key": "v-753624a8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/12/libby/",
"excerpt": "<p>Dr Libby is a nutritional biochemist, not a medical doctor, who regularly posts alternative medicine articles in Stuff. She sells books, goes on speaking tours, has promoted a Multi Level Marketing scheme - USANA over-priced vitamins - and now sells her own alt-med products</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.955,
"time": 57300,
"words": 191
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/11/index.md",
"key": "v-cf711984",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/11/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Most UK Water Boards use dowsing",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Most UK Water Boards use dowsing",
"slug": "dowsing",
"date": "2017-12-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/12/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Dec17/SkepticalThoughts3_12_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 December 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/03/dowsing/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/12/03/dowsing/index.md",
"key": "v-5b571bec",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/03/dowsing/",
"headers": [
"level": 3,
"title": "NZ Skeptics Conference",
"slug": "nz-skeptics-conference"
"excerpt": "<h3 id=\"nz-skeptics-conference\"><a class=\"header-anchor\" href=\"#nz-skeptics-conference\">#</a> NZ Skeptics Conference</h3>\n<p>The NZ Skeptics conference was a great success, with a quiz on the Friday night and a weekend of fascinating talks. We gave all the attendees a bag of alternative medicine nonsense.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.77,
"time": 106200,
"words": 354
"title": "Acupuncture websites are misleading",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Acupuncture websites are misleading",
"slug": "acupuncture",
"date": "2017-12-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/12/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Dec17/SkepticalThoughts3_12_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 December 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/03/acupuncture/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/12/03/acupuncture/index.md",
"key": "v-53fa5cc0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/03/acupuncture/",
"excerpt": "<p>Daniel Ryan from the Society for Science Based Healthcare wrote a study <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11950955\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">looking at acupuncture advertising<OutboundLink/></a> in NZ. He <a href=\"https://www.nzma.org.nz/journal/read-the-journal/all-issues/2010-2019/2017/vol-130-no-1466-1-december-2017/7430\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">ran a targeted search<OutboundLink/></a> for New Zealand websites making claims about being able to treat a list of conditions for which advertising claims are restricted by the Medicines Act.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.365,
"time": 81900,
"words": 273
"title": "Gluckman talks about science denialism",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Gluckman talks about science denialism",
"slug": "denialism",
"date": "2017-12-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/12/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Dec17/SkepticalThoughts3_12_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 December 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/03/denialism/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/12/03/denialism/index.md",
"key": "v-4f247f6a",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/03/denialism/",
"excerpt": "<p>Sir Peter Gluckman, the PM's Science Advisor, says that NZ has a <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11952249\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">science denial problem<OutboundLink/></a>, but that it's no worse than the rest of the world. Peter thinks that social media bubbles are contributing to this issue, by allowing people to get their news only from places that agree with their existing views on topics. He points out that traditional media is becoming more likely to be polarised as well, which is not good.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.385,
"time": 23100,
"words": 77
"title": "Holes in popular conspiracy theories",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Holes in popular conspiracy theories",
"slug": "holes",
"date": "2017-12-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/12/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Dec17/SkepticalThoughts3_12_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 December 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/03/holes/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/12/03/holes/index.md",
"key": "v-8d09e308",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/03/holes/",
"excerpt": "<p>In a <a href=\"http://www.cracked.com/article_24943_6-fatal-flaws-behind-famous-conspiracy-theories.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">recent article<OutboundLink/></a> Cracked dot com has pointed out flaws in several popular conspiracy theories.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.46,
"time": 87600,
"words": 292
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/12/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/Hill/Dec17/SkepticalThoughts3_12_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/03/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/12/03/index.md",
"key": "v-5cb198f8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/03/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "My visit to the OTO",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "My visit to the OTO",
"slug": "oto",
"date": "2017-12-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/12/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skepticalthoughts17_12_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 December 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/oto/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/oto/index.md",
"key": "v-a4cc71f0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/oto/",
"excerpt": "<p>A friend recently contacted the <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordo_Templi_Orientis\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">OTO<OutboundLink/></a> to ask about us attending one of their services, and last night we went to their Gnostic Mass in Wellington.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.37,
"time": 262200,
"words": 874
"title": "UK has scrapped useless treatments",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "UK has scrapped useless treatments",
"slug": "nhs",
"date": "2017-12-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/12/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skepticalthoughts17_12_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 December 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/nhs/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/nhs/index.md",
"key": "v-4930602a",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/nhs/",
"excerpt": "<p>18 classes of health product <a href=\"https://www.pharmacy.biz/nhs-england-scraps-18-low-value-treatments-prescription-following-consultation/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">are being de-funded<OutboundLink/></a> by the NHS in the UK, including 7 that are blacklisted:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.36,
"time": 21599.999999999996,
"words": 72
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/12/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skepticalthoughts17_12_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/index.md",
"key": "v-1ff2a17e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "First Pastafarian Citizenship in NZ",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "First Pastafarian Citizenship in NZ",
"slug": "pastafarian",
"date": "2017-12-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/12/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skepticalthoughts17_12_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 December 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/pastafarian/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/pastafarian/index.md",
"key": "v-741f8200",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/pastafarian/",
"excerpt": "<p>Adding legitimacy to the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the first citizenship <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/99910254/church-of-the-flying-spaghetti-monster-breaks-another-milestone-in-new-zealand\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">has just taken place<OutboundLink/></a> with a new citizen wearing a colander on his head. Bjorn Oback, from Germany, wore a colander in Hamilton recently.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.435,
"time": 26100,
"words": 87
"title": "Spontaneous Human Combustion in London",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Spontaneous Human Combustion in London",
"slug": "shc",
"date": "2017-12-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/12/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skepticalthoughts17_12_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 December 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/shc/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/shc/index.md",
"key": "v-bd053e00",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/shc/",
"excerpt": "<p>In September, a 70 year old man apparently <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11960916\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">burst into flames<OutboundLink/></a> in London. It's a sad event, and a horrible way to die. The press have started calling it a case of Spontaneous Human Combustion - the idea that people sometimes just randomly burn.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.02,
"time": 61200,
"words": 204
"title": "Nonsense Pharmacy to open in Wellington",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Nonsense Pharmacy to open in Wellington",
"slug": "wellworks",
"date": "2017-12-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2017/12/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skepticalthoughts17_12_17.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 December 2017"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/wellworks/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/wellworks/index.md",
"key": "v-4bc2e498",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/17/wellworks/",
"excerpt": "<p>A new pharmacy called Wellworks, focussing on natural health products, is <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/99891673/medicine-deliveries-apps-and-kombucha-tonics-welcome-to-the-millennial-pharmacy\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">due to open<OutboundLink/></a> in Wellington in January.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.675,
"time": 40500,
"words": 135
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/index.md",
"key": "v-1b0ebb88",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/12/index.md",
"key": "v-01bf99c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/12/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2018/01/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts21_01_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/21/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/01/21/index.md",
"key": "v-3609360a",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/21/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Grounding",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Grounding",
"slug": "grounding",
"date": "2018-01-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2018/01/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts21_01_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 January 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/21/grounding/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/01/21/grounding/index.md",
"key": "v-222ee29c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/21/grounding/",
"excerpt": "<p>I'm in Nelson on holiday at the moment, and at a market today I saw a lot of nonsense - many bad medical claims being made about honey, jewellery, etc.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.185,
"time": 71100.00000000001,
"words": 237
"title": "Ex naturopath being sued",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Ex naturopath being sued",
"slug": "naturopath",
"date": "2018-01-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2018/01/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts21_01_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 January 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/21/naturopath/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/01/21/naturopath/index.md",
"key": "v-4d08249e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/21/naturopath/",
"excerpt": "<p>Britt Hermes used to be a naturopath. She graduated and treated patients in the US, before realising that naturopathy was all bluster and no substance, and she wasn't helping anyone with their medical issues.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.085,
"time": 125100,
"words": 417
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/26/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2017/03/26/index.md",
"key": "v-0b353486",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2017/03/26/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2018/01/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts28_01_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/",
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"key": "v-41690188",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Treating Bears with Acupuncture",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Treating Bears with Acupuncture",
"slug": "bears",
"date": "2018-01-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2018/01/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts28_01_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 January 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/bears/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/bears/index.md",
"key": "v-a4aae3c8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/bears/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory/bears-burned-california-wildfires-holistic-pain-52591990\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">This story<OutboundLink/></a> comes from listener Stu. A couple of bears were injured recently in California's wildfires. They were delivered to UC Davis, a respected university in California. Unfortunately they were handed over to Jamie Payton of UC Davis' Integrative Medicine Service, who proceeded to treat them with unproven therapies such as acupuncture, a "homemade" burn salve, fish skins, cold laser therapy and chiropractic.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.21,
"time": 72600,
"words": 242
"title": "Peppering of Rabbits?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Peppering of Rabbits?",
"slug": "peppering",
"date": "2018-01-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2018/01/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts28_01_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 January 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/peppering/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/peppering/index.md",
"key": "v-8488e5cc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/peppering/",
"excerpt": "<p>This story starts back in 2002. The winner of the NZ Skeptics' Bent Spoon award that year was Green MP Jeanette Fitzsimons. She won the award for supporting the idea of using Possum Peppering to rid NZ of possums.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.975,
"time": 118500,
"words": 395
"title": "Unvaccinated Pets",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Unvaccinated Pets",
"slug": "pet",
"date": "2018-01-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2018/01/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts28_01_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 January 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/pet/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/pet/index.md",
"key": "v-4800e09c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/pet/",
"excerpt": "<p>As if people not vaccinating their kids isn't enough nonsense to deal with, there's an <a href=\"http://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2018/01/anti-vaccination-movement-turns-its-sights-to-pet-vaccines.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">increasing trend<OutboundLink/></a> for pet owners to <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=11981394\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">not vaccinate their pets<OutboundLink/></a> as well. This appears to be due to silly concerns such as that their pets might suffer from autism, despite the fact that autism hasn't been observed in animals.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.62,
"time": 37200,
"words": 124
"title": "Another quake prediction",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Another quake prediction",
"slug": "quake",
"date": "2018-01-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2018/01/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts28_01_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 January 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/quake/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/quake/index.md",
"key": "v-c1593228",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/quake/",
"excerpt": "<p>Frank Hoogerbeets from the Netherlands has <a href=\"http://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2018/01/man-s-huge-quake-prediction-is-fearmongering-geonet.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">predicted a major earthquake<OutboundLink/></a> of 8 or 9 in the first week of March. His predictions says that "electromagnetic amplifications caused by planetary alignments" will increase seismic activity, and that this will be caused by the alignment of 6 planets.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.795,
"time": 47700,
"words": 159
"title": "Scientology in Disguise",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Scientology in Disguise",
"slug": "scientology",
"date": "2018-01-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2018/01/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts28_01_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 January 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/scientology/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/scientology/index.md",
"key": "v-facbad94",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/28/scientology/",
"excerpt": "<p>Scientology has been trying to get the public to buy into its anti-psychiatry ideas in NZ recently. The religion's branch called the Citizens' Commission for Human Rights has been visiting shopping malls around Auckland and setting up displays that seek to teach people that psychiatry is evil.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.235,
"time": 74100.00000000001,
"words": 247
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/01/index.md",
"key": "v-f52e2984",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "The ASA has written some new guidelines… and they're crap!",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The ASA has written some new guidelines… and they're crap!",
"slug": "asa",
"date": "2018-02-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/02/skeptical-thoughts---cannabis--the-asa-and-the-roundness-of-the-.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/SundaySocial/Weekend_Variety_Wireless_skeptics.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 February 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/asa/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/asa/index.md",
"key": "v-b72fe46c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/asa/",
"excerpt": "<p>The ASA have had issues recently with the amount of complaints us skeptics have been submitting to them for dodgy medical claims. It appears that as a result of a particular complaint about an acupuncturist they've decided to <a href=\"http://www.asa.co.nz/codes/code-guidance-notes/guidance-note-advertising-health-services/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">write a guideline<OutboundLink/></a> for healthcare related complaints.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.18,
"time": 70800,
"words": 236
"title": "Can Cannabis Cure Cancer?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Can Cannabis Cure Cancer?",
"slug": "cannabis",
"date": "2018-02-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/02/skeptical-thoughts---cannabis--the-asa-and-the-roundness-of-the-.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/SundaySocial/Weekend_Variety_Wireless_skeptics.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 February 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/cannabis/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/cannabis/index.md",
"key": "v-1a57bbfe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/cannabis/",
"excerpt": "<p>An Australian woman, Shona Leigh, has <a href=\"https://www.dailymercury.com.au/news/cannanannas-are-coming-to-the-region/3325848/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">publicly spoken<OutboundLink/></a> about how she supposedly cured herself of cervical cancer with cannabis oil. This story seems to be <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=11988312\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">popular in NZ<OutboundLink/></a> because of the new Labour government's recent efforts to relax our laws on medicinal cannabis use.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.145,
"time": 68700,
"words": 229
"title": "Elon Musk proves the earth is round - or does he?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Elon Musk proves the earth is round - or does he?",
"slug": "elon",
"date": "2018-02-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/02/skeptical-thoughts---cannabis--the-asa-and-the-roundness-of-the-.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/SundaySocial/Weekend_Variety_Wireless_skeptics.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 February 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/elon/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/elon/index.md",
"key": "v-d0c44d44",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/elon/",
"excerpt": "<p>Elon Musk's company SpaceX successfully launched their first Falcon Heavy rocket this week, after a recent successful launch in New Zealand by RocketLab. It's been a good time for private space companies.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.045,
"time": 122699.99999999999,
"words": 409
"title": "Homeopathy Course Cancelled at Canadian College",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Homeopathy Course Cancelled at Canadian College",
"slug": "homeopathy",
"date": "2018-02-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/02/skeptical-thoughts---cannabis--the-asa-and-the-roundness-of-the-.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/SundaySocial/Weekend_Variety_Wireless_skeptics.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 February 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/homeopathy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/homeopathy/index.md",
"key": "v-d774a344",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/homeopathy/",
"excerpt": "<p>Georgian College in Toronto has <a href=\"http://www.cbc.ca/news/health/georgian-college-diploma-homeopathy-pseudoscience-1.4529339\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">cancelled a course in homeopathy<OutboundLink/></a>, due to negative feedback.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.5,
"time": 30000,
"words": 100
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/02/skeptical-thoughts---cannabis--the-asa-and-the-roundness-of-the-.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/SundaySocial/Weekend_Variety_Wireless_skeptics.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/index.md",
"key": "v-0c9304ec",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Attack Survivor has to defend himself",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Attack Survivor has to defend himself",
"slug": "crisis",
"date": "2018-02-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/02/skeptical-thoughts--laying-eggs--animal-quackery-and-the-spaghet.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "25 February 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/crisis/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/crisis/index.md",
"key": "v-2751a144",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/crisis/",
"excerpt": "<p>The conspiracy theorists are out in force already after the recent school shooting tragedy. One of the survivors, 17 year old David Hogg, has <a href=\"https://edition.cnn.com/2018/02/21/us/david-hogg-conspiracy-theories-response/index.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">gone on national TV<OutboundLink/></a> in the US to publicly state that he's not a "<a href=\"https://www.factcheck.org/2018/02/no-crisis-actors-parkland-florida/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">crisis actor<OutboundLink/></a>".</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.1,
"time": 66000,
"words": 220
"title": "Raw Water is Daft",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Raw Water is Daft",
"slug": "water",
"date": "2018-02-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/02/skeptical-thoughts---cannabis--the-asa-and-the-roundness-of-the-.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/SundaySocial/Weekend_Variety_Wireless_skeptics.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 February 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/water/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/water/index.md",
"key": "v-91573e0c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/11/water/",
"excerpt": "<p>Companies in the US are selling <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=11981874\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">"raw" water<OutboundLink/></a>, which means the water has been untreated. At $50 for 9 litres, it seems pretty expensive for something that's likely to leave you sick.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.02,
"time": 61200,
"words": 204
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/02/skeptical-thoughts--laying-eggs--animal-quackery-and-the-spaghet.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/index.md",
"key": "v-4801eb84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Pastafarianism Knocked Back",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Pastafarianism Knocked Back",
"slug": "fsm",
"date": "2018-02-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/02/skeptical-thoughts--laying-eggs--animal-quackery-and-the-spaghet.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "25 February 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/fsm/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/fsm/index.md",
"key": "v-62d8dbe2",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/fsm/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/101665235/student-blocked-from-wearing-colander-as-religious-headwear-in-school-photo\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">In a setback<OutboundLink/></a> for the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM), a school kid has been told that his rights at his school don't cover being able to wear a colander on his head for a school picture.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.695,
"time": 41699.99999999999,
"words": 139
"title": "Memorising a big number will create a black hole?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Memorising a big number will create a black hole?",
"slug": "number",
"date": "2018-02-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/02/skeptical-thoughts--laying-eggs--animal-quackery-and-the-spaghet.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "25 February 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/number/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/number/index.md",
"key": "v-3200cf1e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/number/",
"excerpt": "<p>The UK Mirror recently <a href=\"https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/enormous-number-could-create-black-12061626\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">carried a weird story<OutboundLink/></a> claiming that there are numbers so big that they would create a black hole in your brain if you could memorise them. The title of the article is:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.425,
"time": 85500,
"words": 285
"title": "Teen Lays Eggs",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Teen Lays Eggs",
"slug": "eggs",
"date": "2018-02-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/02/skeptical-thoughts--laying-eggs--animal-quackery-and-the-spaghet.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "25 February 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/eggs/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/eggs/index.md",
"key": "v-1789c3be",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/eggs/",
"excerpt": "<p>An Indonesian teenager has apparently "baffled" doctors by <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=12001160\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">laying eggs<OutboundLink/></a>. He's laid about 20 eggs over the last 2 years, and x-ray images show an egg inside him before he lays it. The x-ray image makes it unlikely that sleight of hand is involved - he's probably not pretending to produce an egg from internally, but actually just making it appear in his hand at the right time.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.26,
"time": 75600,
"words": 252
"title": "NZ Herald Promoting Animal Quackery",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "NZ Herald Promoting Animal Quackery",
"slug": "quackery",
"date": "2018-02-25T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/02/skeptical-thoughts--laying-eggs--animal-quackery-and-the-spaghet.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "25 February 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/quackery/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/quackery/index.md",
"key": "v-ea6487c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/25/quackery/",
"excerpt": "<p>Liza Schneider has <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/animals-pets/news/article.cfm?c_id=500834&objectid=11999154\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">written an article<OutboundLink/></a> for the BoP Times, printed online in the Herald, which promotes nonsense therapies for animals.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.48,
"time": 28799.999999999996,
"words": 96
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/02/index.md",
"key": "v-277ca9c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/02/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "New Zealand's own Fantastical AI",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "New Zealand's own Fantastical AI",
"slug": "ai",
"date": "2018-03-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/03/skeptical-thoughts--artificial-intelligence.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_11_03_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 March 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/11/ai/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/03/11/ai/index.md",
"key": "v-9c8b6e04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/11/ai/",
"excerpt": "<p>The field of Artificial Intelligence is blooming at the moment, with companies like Google and Alexa delivering small, inexpensive devices to your living room for $75 that can listen to you talk and tell you the weather, order pizza and turn your TV on.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.785,
"time": 227100.00000000003,
"words": 757
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/03/skeptical-thoughts--artificial-intelligence.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_11_03_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/11/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/03/11/index.md",
"key": "v-f3367fe8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/11/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Reiki Meeting in New Plymouth",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Reiki Meeting in New Plymouth",
"slug": "reiki",
"date": "2018-03-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/03/skeptical-thoughts--artificial-intelligence.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_11_03_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 March 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/11/reiki/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/03/11/reiki/index.md",
"key": "v-53643202",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/11/reiki/",
"excerpt": "<p>A Reiki meeting has been <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/taranaki-daily-news/news/midweek/102049692/taranaki-to-host-reiki-gathering\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">deemed newsworthy<OutboundLink/></a> by the Taranaki Daily News.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.055,
"time": 63300,
"words": 211
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/18/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/03/18/index.md",
"key": "v-2fa7093e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/18/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Is Dunedin's Regent Theatre Haunted?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Is Dunedin's Regent Theatre Haunted?",
"slug": "ghost",
"date": "2018-03-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 March 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/18/ghost/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/03/18/ghost/index.md",
"key": "v-264d333e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/18/ghost/",
"excerpt": "<p>The <a href=\"http://hauntedauckland.com/site/regent-theatre-dunedin/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Regent Theatre in Dunedin<OutboundLink/></a> is in the news again, as <a href=\"https://www.odt.co.nz/news/dunedin/ghostly-gushing-mystifies-regent-workers\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">it's been flooded<OutboundLink/></a>. This is unfortunate, as it appears that someone accidentally left a tap on that has caused damage to carpets and the ceiling. However, the staff at the theatre believe that this wasn't negligence, it was a ghost!</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.245,
"time": 74700,
"words": 249
"title": "Is the US ignoring UFOs?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Is the US ignoring UFOs?",
"slug": "ufo",
"date": "2018-03-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/03/skeptical-thoughts--artificial-intelligence.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_11_03_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 March 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/11/ufo/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/03/11/ufo/index.md",
"key": "v-35ed826e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/11/ufo/",
"excerpt": "<p>In an <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/opinion/news/article.cfm?c_id=466&objectid=12010486\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">article on the NZ Herald<OutboundLink/></a>, reprinted from the Washington Post, Christopher Mellon argues that there is solid evidence for UFOs, and that the US are not doing enough to investigate.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.94,
"time": 56400,
"words": 188
"title": "Local psychic plays the odds, gets lucky",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Local psychic plays the odds, gets lucky",
"slug": "psychic",
"date": "2018-03-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 March 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/18/psychic/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/03/18/psychic/index.md",
"key": "v-571b2bb2",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/18/psychic/",
"excerpt": "<p>Kelvin Cruickshank, one of our famous local psychics who has appeared on Sensing Murder, has <a href=\"https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/daughter-in-law-missing-hamilton-man-reveals-psychic-medium-kelvin-cruickshank-led-them-body-discovery\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">"helped" a family<OutboundLink/></a> to locate the body of "Curly" - an elderly gentleman called Raymond Stirling who went missing in Hamilton in January. A police search had been halted after 11 days with no luck, and then Curly's daughter in law ended up at one of Kelvin's paid shows (at $65 a ticket).</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.335,
"time": 80100,
"words": 267
"title": "Auckland woman builds fence to keep radiation out",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Auckland woman builds fence to keep radiation out",
"slug": "radiation",
"date": "2018-03-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 March 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/18/radiation/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/03/18/radiation/index.md",
"key": "v-5bd9254c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/18/radiation/",
"excerpt": "<p>7 Sharp have <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/sevensharp/videos/10156359127297268/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">interviewed Marta Fisch<OutboundLink/></a> on Waiheke Island, who has built an ugly looking metal box - three side walls - in her garden, to keep out "radiation". Radiation in this sense is the kind of electromagnetic energy that is used to send TV signals and offer WiFi, and also background radiation from nature.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.36,
"time": 81600.00000000001,
"words": 272
"title": "Quack \"doctor\" opens up clinic in Auckland",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Quack \"doctor\" opens up clinic in Auckland",
"slug": "quack",
"date": "2018-03-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 March 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/18/quack/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/03/18/quack/index.md",
"key": "v-6f722cdc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/18/quack/",
"excerpt": "<p>A quack Chinese doctor from Australia has <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12014208\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">opened up a clinic in Auckland<OutboundLink/></a>, to better serve his kiwi patients. Shuquan Liu will likely be selling his weight loss herbal diet in NZ, which consists of getting people to consume nothing but Chinese herbs for two weeks. The diet is an extreme calorie restriction diet (< 200 calories a day), which is likely to be dangerous to those who follow it.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.225,
"time": 73500,
"words": 245
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/03/index.md",
"key": "v-531a6afe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/03/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "New NZ Diet aid Calocurb launched",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "New NZ Diet aid Calocurb launched",
"slug": "calocurb",
"date": "2018-04-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/04/skeptical-thoughts--diet-pills---life-expectancy.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/MarkHoneychurch08_04_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 April 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/08/calocurb/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/04/08/calocurb/index.md",
"key": "v-fb2b0104",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/08/calocurb/",
"excerpt": "<p>A new <a href=\"https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/06/160602220545.htm\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">locally made diet pill<OutboundLink/></a> has gone <a href=\"http://www.newshub.co.nz/home/health/2018/04/can-nz-made-pill-calocurb-actually-help-people-lose-weight.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">on sale in NZ<OutboundLink/></a>, and will soon be available in the US as well. Its makers are promoting the product at the moment</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.8,
"time": 108000,
"words": 360
"title": "Who cons the conmen?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Who cons the conmen?",
"slug": "psychic",
"date": "2018-04-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/04/skeptical-thoughts--diet-pills---life-expectancy.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/MarkHoneychurch08_04_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 April 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/08/psychic/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/04/08/psychic/index.md",
"key": "v-a60d999c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/08/psychic/",
"excerpt": "<p>A fraudster has <a href=\"https://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/fp/news/local/caught-dead-handed-north-east-clairvoyant-shocked-after-fraudster-impersonated-her-and-tried-to-con-people-out-of-cash1/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">conned a clairvoyant<OutboundLink/></a>, Maureen Smith, in the UK by pretending to be her on Facebook and charging people money for online readings. The scammer sent messages to all of Maureen's friends through an account that was a copy of the real Maureen's account. Things were going well for the scammer until they sent an invite to Maureen's husband.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.535,
"time": 32100,
"words": 107
"title": "Does god hate vaccines?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Does god hate vaccines?",
"slug": "vaccines",
"date": "2018-04-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/04/skeptical-thoughts--diet-pills---life-expectancy.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/MarkHoneychurch08_04_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 April 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/08/vaccines/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/04/08/vaccines/index.md",
"key": "v-472e439e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/08/vaccines/",
"excerpt": "<p>Brittany Kara, from the US, is apparently a Christian author, NLP practitioner, hypnotherapist and nutrition coach. She's also an anti-vaxxer, and records herself speaking for a YouTube channel where she talks about her views.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.59,
"time": 35400,
"words": 118
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/04/skeptical-thoughts--diet-pills---life-expectancy.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/MarkHoneychurch08_04_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/08/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/04/08/index.md",
"key": "v-19575e84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/08/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Call for government funding of natural therapies",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Call for government funding of natural therapies",
"slug": "cam",
"date": "2018-04-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/04/skeptical-thoughts--diet-pills---life-expectancy.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/MarkHoneychurch08_04_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 April 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/08/cam/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/04/08/cam/index.md",
"key": "v-004e9184",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/08/cam/",
"excerpt": "<p>Tanya Filia, who has beaten the odds and outlived doctors' estimates of her life expectancy, is now <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/auckland/local-news/northland/102823347/woman-with-brain-tumour-wants-natural-therapies-subsidised-by-pharmac\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">pushing for the government<OutboundLink/></a> to subsidise natural treatments.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.86,
"time": 51600,
"words": 172
"title": "Therapeutic Mushroom Coffee",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Therapeutic Mushroom Coffee",
"slug": "coffee",
"date": "2018-04-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/04/skeptical-thoughts--ufo-s---flat-earth.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts15_04_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "15 April 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/15/coffee/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/04/15/coffee/index.md",
"key": "v-6c928cc4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/15/coffee/",
"excerpt": "<p>There's a new fad to put <a href=\"https://www.telegraph.co.uk/food-and-drink/features/farewell-turmeric-latte-mushroom-latest-coffee-trend/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">mushroom in your coffee<OutboundLink/></a>. Claims are being made that these powdered mushrooms can help your health and wellbeing.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.14,
"time": 68399.99999999999,
"words": 228
"title": "The US is losing the war on ignorance",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The US is losing the war on ignorance",
"slug": "ignorance",
"date": "2018-04-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/04/skeptical-thoughts--ufo-s---flat-earth.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts15_04_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "15 April 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/15/ignorance/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/04/15/ignorance/index.md",
"key": "v-73085420",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/15/ignorance/",
"excerpt": "<p>A <a href=\"http://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2018/04/a-third-of-millennials-aren-t-sure-the-earth-is-round-survey.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">recent poll in the US<OutboundLink/></a> showed an alarming amount of disbelief about whether our world is round. The survey of 8,000 Americans showed that whereas the vast majority of over 55s are happy accepting that we live on a round planet, like all the other planets we see, only two thirds of eighteen to twenty four year olds are sure. The others either don't know either way, are not totally sure or believe in a flat earth.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.1,
"time": 66000,
"words": 220
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/04/skeptical-thoughts--ufo-s---flat-earth.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts15_04_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/15/",
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"key": "v-cf4514f4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/15/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Did NASA Astronauts see aliens?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Did NASA Astronauts see aliens?",
"slug": "nasa",
"date": "2018-04-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/04/skeptical-thoughts--ufo-s---flat-earth.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts15_04_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "15 April 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/15/nasa/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/04/15/nasa/index.md",
"key": "v-0a2ef13e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/15/nasa/",
"excerpt": "<p>The NZ Herald <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?c_id=2&objectid=12028755\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">seems to think so<OutboundLink/></a>, republishing a Daily Mail article this week about a lie detector test that Buzz Aldrin apparently took recently to prove that he believes he saw an alien craft on his way to the moon in 1969.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.35,
"time": 141000,
"words": 470
"title": "The Keeper of the Secrets",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Keeper of the Secrets",
"slug": "tapu",
"date": "2018-04-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/04/skeptical-thoughts--ufo-s---flat-earth.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts15_04_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "15 April 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/15/tapu/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/04/15/tapu/index.md",
"key": "v-03a8321e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/15/tapu/",
"excerpt": "<p>A while ago I was contacted by an older gentleman, Cedric, who told me over the phone that he'd heard me on the show and wanted to know if I was interested in a theory he has about the origins of the Māori race. Of course I was, I said, and after a while I received a self-published 32 page book about the theory.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.55,
"time": 153000,
"words": 510
"title": "Dr Google",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Dr Google",
"slug": "google",
"date": "2018-04-29T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/04/skeptical-thoughts--homeopathy---ken-ring.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/MarkHoneychurch29_04_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "29 April 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/29/google/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/04/29/google/index.md",
"key": "v-7e4c9fde",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/29/google/",
"excerpt": "<p>There's been some <a href=\"http://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12036436\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">interesting local research<OutboundLink/></a> on people with health conditions doing their own research. The Southern Cross Health Society has looked into whether people look up their symptoms on google before visiting their GP. They talked to GPs about their patients, and found out that an increasing number of them are coming into their practices with knowledge taken from the internet of what is wrong with them.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.355,
"time": 81300,
"words": 271
"title": "Homeopaths trying to \"cure\" Autism",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Homeopaths trying to \"cure\" Autism",
"slug": "homeopathy",
"date": "2018-04-29T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/04/skeptical-thoughts--homeopathy---ken-ring.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/MarkHoneychurch29_04_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "29 April 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/29/homeopathy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/04/29/homeopathy/index.md",
"key": "v-7f126bbe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/29/homeopathy/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.775,
"time": 106500,
"words": 355
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/04/skeptical-thoughts--homeopathy---ken-ring.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/MarkHoneychurch29_04_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/29/",
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"key": "v-32ae3900",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/29/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Ken Ring is predicting earthquakes again",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Ken Ring is predicting earthquakes again",
"slug": "ken",
"date": "2018-04-29T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/04/skeptical-thoughts--homeopathy---ken-ring.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/MarkHoneychurch29_04_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "29 April 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/29/ken/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/04/29/ken/index.md",
"key": "v-78d06494",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/29/ken/",
"excerpt": "<p>I was contacted by a journalist for the Sunday Star times a few days ago with some questions about Ken Ring. He's predicting an earthquake for June or July the 13th to 15th.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.63,
"time": 277800,
"words": 926
"title": "V2K - what is it?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "V2K - what is it?",
"slug": "v2k",
"date": "2018-04-29T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/04/skeptical-thoughts--homeopathy---ken-ring.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/MarkHoneychurch29_04_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "29 April 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/29/v2k/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/04/29/v2k/index.md",
"key": "v-618be540",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/29/v2k/",
"excerpt": "<p>I've found another fun conspiracy theory - <a href=\"https://targetedindividualscanada.com/2010/06/24/article-what-is-voice-to-skull/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">V2K<OutboundLink/></a>. Weirdly, it stands for "Voice to Skull" and is a technology where voices can be beamed directly to your head. This is another conspiracy theory that until recently was new to me. The idea is <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microwave_auditory_effect\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">based on the fact<OutboundLink/></a> that microwaves can be used to create a clicking noise inside someone's head. This is known as the microwave auditory effect, and was discovered in World War Two by people who worked near radar devices. The likely mechanism for the clicking is that parts of the inner ear are being rapidly heated up by the radio waves. The microwaves can be varied to create what sounds like a human voice inside someone's head, which is pretty cool.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.545,
"time": 92699.99999999999,
"words": 309
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/04/index.md",
"key": "v-8c19aa44",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/04/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Does your star sign dictate how you drive?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Does your star sign dictate how you drive?",
"slug": "astrology",
"date": "2018-05-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/05/skeptical-thoughts--healing-crystals---wondermins.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts13_05_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 May 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/13/astrology/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/05/13/astrology/index.md",
"key": "v-97b022fc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/13/astrology/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"https://www.goget.com.au/blog/goget-zodiac/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">An advert masquerading as an article<OutboundLink/></a>, almost totally devoid of any useful data that would allow people to work out whether the results are even significant. However, it seems that <a href=\"https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=12044421\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">some media outlets<OutboundLink/></a> took it a little too seriously.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.21,
"time": 12600,
"words": 42
"title": "Dawkins has been to visit NZ",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Dawkins has been to visit NZ",
"slug": "dawkins",
"date": "2018-05-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/05/skeptical-thoughts--healing-crystals---wondermins.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts13_05_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 May 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/13/dawkins/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/05/13/dawkins/index.md",
"key": "v-256b54a0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/13/dawkins/",
"excerpt": "<p>Dawkins has been talking to audiences in NZ, and a local pastor <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/entertainment/books/103653644/why-richard-dawkins-is-wrong-about-christianity\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">took to Stuff<OutboundLink/></a> to complain about him in an article. Now, I'm not saying that Dawkins is without flaws - it's common knowledge that he often opens his mouth on Twitter before thinking about what he's saying, and he's no stranger to controversy. But pastor Geoff Robson seems to have gone overboard in trying to protect his belief.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.215,
"time": 192899.99999999997,
"words": 643
"title": "Healing Crystals",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Healing Crystals",
"slug": "crystals",
"date": "2018-05-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/05/skeptical-thoughts--healing-crystals---wondermins.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts13_05_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 May 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/13/crystals/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/05/13/crystals/index.md",
"key": "v-c7e37c44",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/13/crystals/",
"excerpt": "<p>Healing crystals have become very popular recently, with people buying many different crystals to either wear or place in their homes and help with physical and mental health issues, monetary problems and any other problem you could imagine. There are even water bottles with crystals in that are supposed to somehow "energise" the water you drink.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.555,
"time": 93300,
"words": 311
"title": "Homeopathic treatment for Autism?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Homeopathic treatment for Autism?",
"slug": "respen",
"date": "2018-01-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/audio/2018/01/skeptical-thoughts-with-mark-honeychurch.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts21_01_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 January 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/21/respen/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/01/21/respen/index.md",
"key": "v-47b66604",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/01/21/respen/",
"excerpt": "<p>One of the issues with fundraising sites like IndieGogo and Kickstarter is that there's a lack of adequate oversight to ensure that the products being offered are actually plausible. Sometimes things end up on my radar that look too good to be true, and at other times they're just plain ridiculous.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.37,
"time": 82200,
"words": 274
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/05/skeptical-thoughts--healing-crystals---wondermins.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts13_05_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/13/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/05/13/index.md",
"key": "v-62667e8c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/13/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Personalised Vitamins",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Personalised Vitamins",
"slug": "vitamins",
"date": "2018-05-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/05/skeptical-thoughts--healing-crystals---wondermins.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/SkepticalThoughts13_05_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 May 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/13/vitamins/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/05/13/vitamins/index.md",
"key": "v-124fb944",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/13/vitamins/",
"headers": [
"level": 3,
"title": "Vitally",
"slug": "vitally"
"level": 3,
"title": "Wondermins",
"slug": "wondermins"
"level": 3,
"title": "Vitally",
"slug": "vitally-2"
"level": 3,
"title": "Wondermins",
"slug": "wondermins-2"
"level": 3,
"title": "Vitally",
"slug": "vitally-3"
"level": 3,
"title": "Wondermins",
"slug": "wondermins-3"
"excerpt": "<p>Stuff had <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/well-good/teach-me/103568893/the-rise-of-personalised-vitamin-services-in-new-zealand\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">an article this week<OutboundLink/></a> about personalised vitamins. Companies who require you to talk to a dietician before being recommended vitamins have been around in NZ for a while, but two companies have started up in New Zealand recently that recommend which of their vitamins you should take based on online questionnaires.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.29,
"time": 137400,
"words": 458
"title": "First NZ Flat Earth Conference",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "First NZ Flat Earth Conference",
"slug": "flat",
"date": "2018-05-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/05/skeptical-thoughts--flat-earthers--lochness-monster.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_27_05.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 May 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/flat/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/flat/index.md",
"key": "v-a2687b84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/flat/",
"excerpt": "<p>New Zealand's <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/renewsnz/videos/325896241277213/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">first flat earth conference<OutboundLink/></a> has just been hosted, last Saturday in Auckland. Around 30 "flat mates" crowded into the Backyard Bar's function room to listen to conversations about how the earth is flat, including live streaming of speakers from overseas.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.85,
"time": 111000,
"words": 370
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/05/skeptical-thoughts--flat-earthers--lochness-monster.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_27_05.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/index.md",
"key": "v-9e9c26f4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "New search for Loch Ness Monster",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "New search for Loch Ness Monster",
"slug": "ness",
"date": "2018-05-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/05/skeptical-thoughts--flat-earthers--lochness-monster.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_27_05.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 May 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/ness/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/ness/index.md",
"key": "v-0feea87e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/ness/",
"excerpt": "<p>In the past, searches have been conducted for Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, using technologies ranging from men with binoculars to underwater video cameras and sonar.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.21,
"time": 132600,
"words": 442
"title": "Kangen Water has made the news again :(",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Kangen Water has made the news again :(",
"slug": "kangen",
"date": "2018-05-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/05/skeptical-thoughts--flat-earthers--lochness-monster.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_27_05.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 May 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/kangen/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/kangen/index.md",
"key": "v-511225c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/kangen/",
"excerpt": "<p>As we talked about at the end of last year, there's been a real push to sell Kangen Water devices in NZ recently. An <a href=\"https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/news/article.cfm?c_id=1&objectid=12047470\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">article in the Herald<OutboundLink/></a> recently has detailed Ainsley Brunton's efforts to sell the water in Whanganui to unsuspecting customers. Her water devices are selling for $4,000, with promises that the water can help with cancer, diabetes and other serious diseases. Enagic in Australia is <a href=\"https://store.enagic.com/au/machines.html?dir=desc&order=price\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">selling the machines<OutboundLink/></a> to New Zealanders who are passing them on, and Enagic's prices for a machine that does nothing useful to water vary between $2,300 and $6,500.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.715,
"time": 102900,
"words": 343
"title": "Dr Oz to join Trump's health focused Presidential Council",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Dr Oz to join Trump's health focused Presidential Council",
"slug": "oz",
"date": "2018-05-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/05/skeptical-thoughts--flat-earthers--lochness-monster.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_27_05.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 May 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/oz/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/oz/index.md",
"key": "v-58d188fe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/oz/",
"excerpt": "<p>President Trump will be promoting Dr Mehmet Oz to the President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition, which is a little worrying. Trump's no stranger to making what look like very bad staffing decisions, and this one is no exception. Dr Oz is well known in the US, having risen from the Oprah show to having his own show. On his show, the Dr Oz Show, he's promoted <a href=\"https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-nominating-dr-oz-presidential-council-sport-fitness-nutrition/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">so many nonsense treatments<OutboundLink/></a> that he's been told off by the FTC and summoned to talk in front of a senate sub-committee.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.835,
"time": 50099.99999999999,
"words": 167
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/05/index.md",
"key": "v-20cbeabe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Dr Oz promoting Astrology",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Dr Oz promoting Astrology",
"slug": "astrology",
"date": "2018-06-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/06/skeptical-thoughts--shakti-mat---dr-oz.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_10_06_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 June 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/10/astrology/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/06/10/astrology/index.md",
"key": "v-0a9cc3ca",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/10/astrology/",
"excerpt": "<p>Dr Oz is <a href=\"https://www.doctoroz.com/episode/your-worrying-and-anxiety-could-be-because-you-re-not-getting-enough?video_id=5299154688001\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">up to his usual nonsense<OutboundLink/></a>, promoting an author who claims that astrology can predict your health. Rebecca Gordon believes that the Vitruvian Man may hold the key to how the signs of the zodiac map to parts of our body and indicate health issues, and has a new book: "Your Body and the Stars: The Zodiac As Your Wellness Guide".</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.91,
"time": 114600,
"words": 382
"title": "Spirit Whisperer guilty of indecent assault",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Spirit Whisperer guilty of indecent assault",
"slug": "psychic",
"date": "2018-05-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/05/skeptical-thoughts--flat-earthers--lochness-monster.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_27_05.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 May 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/psychic/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/psychic/index.md",
"key": "v-2f1d62fa",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/05/27/psychic/",
"excerpt": "<p>A <a href=\"https://www.eventfinda.co.nz/2017/messages-from-the-other-side/napier\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Napier based psychic<OutboundLink/></a> has been <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/104132866/spiritual-medium-found-guilty-of-indecently-assaulting-teen-during-cleansing-ritual\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">convicted of indecent assault<OutboundLink/></a>. Craig Wright, called the <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/Craig-Wright-spirit-whisperer-363478993810326/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Spirit Whisperer<OutboundLink/></a>, has been offering his services in NZ for several years, and has even worked on a pilot for a TV show with Sue Nicholson. Now he's been found guilty of indecent assault of a teenager after performing a "ritual cleansing". Craig's defence was that he puts his finger in someone's belly button to find out if they are possessed by an entity. When he asserted that the victim had this problem, he took him to another room to rid him of the spiritual attachment and that is when the assault took place.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.155,
"time": 69300,
"words": 231
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/06/skeptical-thoughts--shakti-mat---dr-oz.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_10_06_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/10/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/06/10/index.md",
"key": "v-69c62a58",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/10/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "NHS defends its decision to dump homeopathy",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "NHS defends its decision to dump homeopathy",
"slug": "nhs",
"date": "2018-06-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/06/skeptical-thoughts--shakti-mat---dr-oz.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_10_06_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 June 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/10/nhs/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/06/10/nhs/index.md",
"key": "v-6c6e3e00",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/10/nhs/",
"excerpt": "<p>The NHS recently <a href=\"https://www.england.nhs.uk/2018/06/nhs-england-welcomes-homeopathy-court-ruling/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">decided to stop funding homeopathy<OutboundLink/></a>. Until recently, taxpayers' money was used in the UK to fund homeopathic hospitals (in London, Bristol, Glasgow, Liverpool and Tunbridge Wells) and prescriptions for homeopathy. In part of a <a href=\"https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/homeopathy-nhs-prescriptions-medication-pills-high-court-a8385036.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">suite of changes<OutboundLink/></a> in an effort to avoid paying for ineffective treatments (including herbal remedies and fish oil), the NHS decided to stop paying money for these pseudoscientific medicines that don't work.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.065,
"time": 63900,
"words": 213
"title": "Shakti Mat",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Shakti Mat",
"slug": "shakti",
"date": "2018-06-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/06/skeptical-thoughts--shakti-mat---dr-oz.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_10_06_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 June 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/10/shakti/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/06/10/shakti/index.md",
"key": "v-342868fe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/10/shakti/",
"excerpt": "<p>Breakfast on 1 recently <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/Breakfaston1/videos/10156311805527719/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">hosted a physiotherapist<OutboundLink/></a> advertising the Shakti Mat - a yoga mat covered in plastic circles, with each circle consisting of 20 or more sharp spikes. The mat is supposed to work like a bed of nails, activating acupressure points. I've seen the mat sold at shows such as the Go Green Expo, and have stood on one - the points are really sharp, and without socks it was especially painful.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.24,
"time": 74400,
"words": 248
"title": "NZ Doctor complains to ASA about weet-bix",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "NZ Doctor complains to ASA about weet-bix",
"slug": "weetbix",
"date": "2018-06-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/articles/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/06/skeptical-thoughts--shakti-mat---dr-oz.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_10_06_18.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 June 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/10/weetbix/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/06/10/weetbix/index.md",
"key": "v-73d76eca",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/10/weetbix/",
"excerpt": "<p>It's always good to see people who aren't known to me in the skeptical community making complaints to the Advertising Standards Authority. Dr Holmes <a href=\"http://www.asa.co.nz//backend/documents/2018/05/11/18135.pdf\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">complained to the ASA<OutboundLink/></a> recently about a <a href=\"https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12065533\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Sanitarium Weet-Bix advert<OutboundLink/></a> for their new gluten free product. In the advert a woman says:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.14,
"time": 68399.99999999999,
"words": 228
"title": "Cannabis Oil for cancer, again...",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Cannabis Oil for cancer, again...",
"slug": "cannabis",
"date": "2018-06-24T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/06/skeptical-thoughts--hotdog-water--cannabis-oil.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_24_6.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 June 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/24/cannabis/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/06/24/cannabis/index.md",
"key": "v-57865684",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/24/cannabis/",
"excerpt": "<p>The NZ Herald has <a href=\"https://www.nzherald.co.nz/lifestyle/news/article.cfm?c_id=6&objectid=12069885&ref=NZH_fb\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">published a story<OutboundLink/></a> about a woman whose terminal cancer was cured after she took cannabis oil. Of course, there's more to this story - isn't there always. In this case, the woman used both cannabis oil and chemotherapy to fight her cancer - no prizes for guessing which of those two will have helped her more. It also turns out that cancer was only "terminal" if the woman had not received any treatment. This is not what is normally considered to be a diagnosis of terminal cancer - terminal usually means that the cancer is not treatable with medicine, not that the cancer is not treatable without medicine.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.575,
"time": 34500,
"words": 115
"title": "Is hot dog water good for you?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Is hot dog water good for you?",
"slug": "hotdog",
"date": "2018-06-24T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/06/skeptical-thoughts--hotdog-water--cannabis-oil.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_24_6.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 June 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/24/hotdog/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/06/24/hotdog/index.md",
"key": "v-5ecb4ffe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/24/hotdog/",
"excerpt": "<p>In Canada, a man has been selling bottles of <a href=\"https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/lifestyle/hot-dog-water-seller-in-vancouver-gets-laughs-to-prove-point-1.3984356\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">medicinal hot dog water<OutboundLink/></a> for $38. The organic beef hot dogs were boiled before being added to unfiltered water and poured into a vial shaped like a test tube. The seller, Douglas Bevans, said that the water would:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.43,
"time": 85800,
"words": 286
"title": "Government hoping to scrap blasphemy law",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Government hoping to scrap blasphemy law",
"slug": "blasphemy",
"date": "2018-06-24T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/06/skeptical-thoughts--hotdog-water--cannabis-oil.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_24_6.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 June 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/24/blasphemy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/06/24/blasphemy/index.md",
"key": "v-267f2d9c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/24/blasphemy/",
"excerpt": "<p>You may ask what blasphemy has to do with skepticism - often I've talked with people about the intersection of skepticism and religious belief. I feel that religion should never be above skeptical scrutiny. A common question asked of the Skeptics Society is whether someone can be both an atheist and a skeptic - I always say that yes, someone can be both, but that I believe it requires the person to avoid shining a skeptical light on their belief. Skeptics usually stand by the idea that nothing is above questioning, and so a skeptic who isn't willing to scrutinise their religious beliefs seems to be a strange case to me. We should have no sacred cows.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.445,
"time": 266700.00000000006,
"words": 889
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/06/skeptical-thoughts--hotdog-water--cannabis-oil.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_24_6.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/24/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/06/24/index.md",
"key": "v-196858ce",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/24/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Bullet repelling magic in Nigeria",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Bullet repelling magic in Nigeria",
"slug": "bullet",
"date": "2018-07-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/07/skeptical-thoughts--aids-denialism-and-bullet-repellent.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/skeptical_thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 July 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/08/bullet/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/07/08/bullet/index.md",
"key": "v-2de1d0be",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/08/bullet/",
"excerpt": "<p>A seller of magic charms in Nigeria has been <a href=\"http://punchng.com/herbalist-dies-as-client-tests-bullet-repelling-charms-on-him/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">killed this week<OutboundLink/></a> while demonstrating a bullet repelling charm. The sale of charms and potions is commonplace in Nigeria and other parts of Africa, and the charms are very popular.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.515,
"time": 90899.99999999999,
"words": 303
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/06/index.md",
"key": "v-f0b6aac4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "LED lights are apparently not safe for us",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "LED lights are apparently not safe for us",
"slug": "led",
"date": "2018-06-24T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/06/skeptical-thoughts--hotdog-water--cannabis-oil.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Skeptical_Thoughts_24_6.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 June 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/24/led/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/06/24/led/index.md",
"key": "v-8762ac54",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/06/24/led/",
"excerpt": "<p>It seems that every new advance in technology is accompanied by people who are willing to warn the world of made up dangers. Anti-vaccine advocates have been around since the beginning of vaccine use over a hundred years ago. People have warned others about the dangers of artificial sweeteners, GM foods and the LHC - all of which have a very low risk profile, and confer major benefits to society.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.97,
"time": 178200.00000000003,
"words": 594
"title": "Chiropractors finding it hard to be ethical",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Chiropractors finding it hard to be ethical",
"slug": "chiros",
"date": "2018-07-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/07/skeptical-thoughts--aids-denialism-and-bullet-repellent.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/skeptical_thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 July 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/08/chiros/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/07/08/chiros/index.md",
"key": "v-08b38284",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/08/chiros/",
"excerpt": "<p>Mark Hanna has <a href=\"https://honestuniverse.com/2018/07/01/chiropractors-struggle-to-drop-testimonials/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">written a great blog post<OutboundLink/></a> detailing the issues the Chiropractic Board has had getting their members to abide by their codes and New Zealand law. While I'm not surprised to hear about Chiropractors' efforts to circumvent laws designed to protect patients, it is disappointing to hear. The Chair of the board wrote in their newsletter about a worrying experience she had:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.615,
"time": 96900,
"words": 323
"title": "New HIV vaccine, but is it a made up disease?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "New HIV vaccine, but is it a made up disease?",
"slug": "hiv",
"date": "2018-07-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/07/skeptical-thoughts--aids-denialism-and-bullet-repellent.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/skeptical_thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 July 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/08/hiv/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/07/08/hiv/index.md",
"key": "v-1304cb90",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/08/hiv/",
"excerpt": "<p>There have been promising results from a recent trial of an HIV vaccine. An effective vaccine would be a useful part of our fight against AIDS related deaths. The new vaccine needs further trials, but in the study showed an 80% immune response, which is much better than previous attempts to create a vaccine. In brief, as I'm sure everyone knows, the HIV virus causes AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome - and it's this compromised immune system that can be fatal.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.735,
"time": 164100,
"words": 547
"title": "HRV admits they deceived customers",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "HRV admits they deceived customers",
"slug": "hrv",
"date": "2018-07-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/07/skeptical-thoughts--aids-denialism-and-bullet-repellent.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/skeptical_thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 July 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/08/hrv/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/07/08/hrv/index.md",
"key": "v-05caa0ca",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/08/hrv/",
"excerpt": "<p>HRV <a href=\"https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/news/article.cfm?c_id=3&objectid=12078015\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">have plead guilty<OutboundLink/></a> to 11 counts of misleading customers about their water filters. They were charged with making untrue claims about the levels of chemicals in New Zealand tap water, as well as their filter's ability to soften the water and help with eczema and dermatitis.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.245,
"time": 74700,
"words": 249
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/07/skeptical-thoughts--aids-denialism-and-bullet-repellent.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/skeptical_thoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
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"key": "v-cd41cf78",
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"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/07/skeptical-thoughts-0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Honeychurch.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/22/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/07/22/index.md",
"key": "v-391d3c58",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/22/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Alternative cancer therapies linked to earlier death",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Alternative cancer therapies linked to earlier death",
"slug": "cancer",
"date": "2018-07-22T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/07/skeptical-thoughts-0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Honeychurch.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "22 July 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/22/cancer/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/07/22/cancer/index.md",
"key": "v-61e96f04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/22/cancer/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-44884601\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">A new study<OutboundLink/></a> of over 1,000 cancer patients in the US has shown that a choice to use alternative therapies alongside conventional therapy leads to a higher chance of dying from cancer. This is a very important finding, and it's something that skeptics have warned about for many years.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.7,
"time": 102000,
"words": 340
"title": "Prophet Arrested for Attempted Resurrection",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Prophet Arrested for Attempted Resurrection",
"slug": "resurrection",
"date": "2018-07-22T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/07/skeptical-thoughts-0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Honeychurch.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "22 July 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/22/resurrection/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/07/22/resurrection/index.md",
"key": "v-da83b0c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/22/resurrection/",
"excerpt": "<ul>\n<li><a href=\"https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-44911913\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">BBC<OutboundLink/></a></li>\n<li><a href=\"https://www.borkena.com/2018/07/21/pastor-rescued-and-arrested-after-attempts-to-resurrect-from-the-dead-turns-awry/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Video<OutboundLink/></a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>Talking of superstition, a man in Ethiopia has been arrested for convincing a family to let him resurrect a dead family member.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.24,
"time": 74400,
"words": 248
"title": "Massive payout for talc \"victims\"",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Massive payout for talc \"victims\"",
"slug": "talc",
"date": "2018-07-22T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/07/skeptical-thoughts-0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Honeychurch.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "22 July 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/22/talc/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/07/22/talc/index.md",
"key": "v-c79ae404",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/22/talc/",
"excerpt": "<p>We talked about a court case a while ago involving Johnson & Johnson, and a claim that asbestos in their talcum powder has been giving people cancer. <a href=\"https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/world/johnson-told-pay-6-9-billion-over-claims-cancer-causing-asbestos-in-talcum-powder\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">A new decision in the US<OutboundLink/></a> has seen a court award damages of nearly NZ$7 billion to 22 people who claim to have been affected by this issue.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.73,
"time": 103800,
"words": 346
"title": "Visa issues for International Humanists",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Visa issues for International Humanists",
"slug": "visas",
"date": "2018-07-22T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/07/skeptical-thoughts-0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/Honeychurch.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "22 July 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/22/visas/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/07/22/visas/index.md",
"key": "v-ba010fe4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/22/visas/",
"excerpt": "<p>Stuff <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/105660382/humanists-conference-organisers-shocked-at-immigration-nz-denials-for-hero-members\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">wrote an article<OutboundLink/></a> today about the issues the Humanist Society have been having with international conference delegates and speakers visiting New Zealand next month.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 2,
"time": 120000,
"words": 400
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/08/skeptical-thoughts--what-really-happens-at-a-skeptic-s-conferenc.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/050818_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/08/05/",
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"key": "v-0215848c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/08/05/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/07/index.md",
"key": "v-23052b04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/07/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Humanist Conference",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Humanist Conference",
"slug": "conf",
"date": "2018-08-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/08/skeptical-thoughts--what-really-happens-at-a-skeptic-s-conferenc.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/050818_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 August 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/08/05/conf/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/08/05/conf/index.md",
"key": "v-ac5b5304",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/08/05/conf/",
"excerpt": "<p>This weekend was the Humanist Conference in Auckland, with some great international and local speakers.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.82,
"time": 229200,
"words": 764
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/08/skeptical-thoughts--190818-charlatains.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/1990818_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/08/19/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/08/19/index.md",
"key": "v-5060f286",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/08/19/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "QAnon",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "QAnon",
"slug": "qanon",
"date": "2018-08-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/08/skeptical-thoughts--what-really-happens-at-a-skeptic-s-conferenc.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/050818_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 August 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/08/05/qanon/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/08/05/qanon/index.md",
"key": "v-5335a770",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/08/05/qanon/",
"excerpt": "<ul>\n<li><a href=\"https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-trending-45040614\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">BBC<OutboundLink/></a></li>\n<li><a href=\"https://www.newsweek.com/how-storm-biggest-fake-news-story-796725\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Newsweek<OutboundLink/></a></li>\n</ul>\n<p>A fun new conspiracy theory has popped up in America, called QAnon. The name comes from the signature of the person who started the conspiracy, Q, posting on the 4chan internet board where messages can be posted anonymously under the username Anonymous.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.32,
"time": 139200,
"words": 464
"title": "My JW weekend",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "My JW weekend",
"slug": "jw",
"date": "2018-08-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/08/skeptical-thoughts--190818-charlatains.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/1990818_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 August 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/08/19/jw/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/08/19/jw/index.md",
"key": "v-0fa84b3e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/08/19/jw/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Patriarchy",
"slug": "patriarchy"
"level": 2,
"title": "Worldly pursuits",
"slug": "worldly-pursuits"
"level": 2,
"title": "Revelation",
"slug": "revelation"
"level": 2,
"title": "Persecution",
"slug": "persecution"
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/08/skeptical-thoughts--190818-charlatains.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Source<OutboundLink/></a></p>\n<p>I've spent this weekend at the <a href=\"https://www.jw.org/en/publications/books/convention-program-2018/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Jehovah's Witnesses convention<OutboundLink/></a>, titled "Be Courageous", in Porirua. There were estimated to be 2,000 attendees. I ended up going this year because a couple of local Jehovah's Witnesses, both of which have come to my door over the last few years, made a point of visiting me earlier this week to invite me.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "10 min read",
"minutes": 9.04,
"time": 542400,
"words": 1808
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/08/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/08/index.md",
"key": "v-55562a5e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/08/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Wellington's \"Allergy\" Expo",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Wellington's \"Allergy\" Expo",
"slug": "allergy",
"date": "2018-09-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/08/skeptical-thoughts--preaching-in-schools-and-allergy-expo-sed-.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/020918_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 September 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/02/allergy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/09/02/allergy/index.md",
"key": "v-d6931a9c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/02/allergy/",
"headers": [
"level": 3,
"title": "ZenTeq",
"slug": "zenteq"
"level": 3,
"title": "ASEA",
"slug": "asea"
"level": 3,
"title": "Avatar",
"slug": "avatar"
"excerpt": "<p>Yesterday I went to an "<a href=\"http://www.healthylivingshow.co.nz/location/wellington/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Allergy Free and Healthy Living Show<OutboundLink/></a>" in Porirua. Sadly there were very few stands at the expo that were about allergies - there was Allergy NZ and Coeliac New Zealand. Most of the stands were selling fake cures for big bucks.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.205,
"time": 192300,
"words": 641
"title": "Catholic Church Abuse",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Catholic Church Abuse",
"slug": "catholic",
"date": "2018-09-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/08/skeptical-thoughts--preaching-in-schools-and-allergy-expo-sed-.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/020918_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 September 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/02/catholic/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/09/02/catholic/index.md",
"key": "v-9c041844",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/02/catholic/",
"excerpt": "<p>Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro <a href=\"https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2018/08/28/priest-abuse-prosecutor-vatican-knew-priest-abuse-cover-up/1122098002/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">released a report last week<OutboundLink/></a>, detailing credible accusations of child abuse against over 300 priests in the state, with over 1,000 victims. Shapiro doesn't think they found all instances of abuse.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.035,
"time": 62099.99999999999,
"words": 207
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/08/skeptical-thoughts--preaching-in-schools-and-allergy-expo-sed-.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/020918_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/02/",
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"key": "v-6acbf0d4",
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"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Jehovah's Witnesses recommend staying with an abusive partner",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Jehovah's Witnesses recommend staying with an abusive partner",
"slug": "jw",
"date": "2018-09-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/08/skeptical-thoughts--preaching-in-schools-and-allergy-expo-sed-.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/020918_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 September 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/02/jw/",
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"key": "v-085705c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/02/jw/",
"excerpt": "<p>An upcoming edition of the Watchtower from the Jehovah's Witnesses is recommending that church members should consider staying with an abusive partner, even if they feel their life is in danger. Of course, this flies in the face of recommendations from professional organisations the world over who deal with victims of spousal abuse.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.84,
"time": 50400,
"words": 168
"title": "Khandallah School allowing evangelism",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Khandallah School allowing evangelism",
"slug": "sen",
"date": "2018-09-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/08/skeptical-thoughts--preaching-in-schools-and-allergy-expo-sed-.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/020918_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 September 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/02/sen/",
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"key": "v-4b0d59fa",
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"headers": [
"level": 3,
"title": "The Policy",
"slug": "the-policy"
"excerpt": "<p>On Friday afternoon <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/education/106744580/reading-writing-and-god-at-wellingtons-khandallah-school\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">I headed out to Khandallah School<OutboundLink/></a> in Wellington as part of the Secular Education Network. SEN believes that schools should be secular, and that there is no place in our school system for Religious Instruction.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "6 min read",
"minutes": 5.565,
"time": 333900.00000000006,
"words": 1113
"title": "Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Hikoi of a Poisoned Nation",
"slug": 1080,
"date": "2018-09-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/09/skeptical-thoughts--indian-scammers--alex-jones-losing-his-grip.html",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 September 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/16/1080/",
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"key": "v-17614004",
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"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/106933934/protesters-make-a-nationwide-stand-against-1080\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Protests have been happening<OutboundLink/></a> around the country this week on the topic of the government's use of 1080 poison.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.35,
"time": 81000,
"words": 270
"title": "Church Visits",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Church Visits",
"slug": "church",
"date": "2018-09-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
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"datestring": "16 September 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/16/church/",
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"key": "v-8abc7204",
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"excerpt": "<p>This morning I went along to two church services with a visiting academic, Hamed, who is over in New Zealand from Iran. He had never seen a Christian service before, and had been told to ask me about taking him along to a service. I decided to show him two extremes of what church can be. We started at the <a href=\"http://wellingtoncathedral.org.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Cathedral of St Paul<OutboundLink/></a>, and then went to <a href=\"https://www.arisechurch.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Arise<OutboundLink/></a> evangelical church.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.15,
"time": 129000,
"words": 430
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
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"key": "v-8dd14264",
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"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Indian Scammers",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Indian Scammers",
"slug": "scammers",
"date": "2018-09-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
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"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/160918_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 September 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/16/scammers/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/09/16/scammers/index.md",
"key": "v-e4eec584",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/16/scammers/",
"excerpt": "<p>I had a phone call this week from "Spark". I spoke to a couple of Indian gentlemen who explained that my private IP address had been made public, and that this meant that my internet connection was compromised.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.1,
"time": 126000,
"words": 420
"title": "Alex Jones is losing his grip",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Alex Jones is losing his grip",
"slug": "jones",
"date": "2018-09-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Ryan Bradley",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/09/skeptical-thoughts--indian-scammers--alex-jones-losing-his-grip.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/160918_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 September 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/16/jones/",
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"key": "v-37fcc37e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/16/jones/",
"excerpt": "<p>Alex Jones, who runs the website InfoWars, seems to be coming apart at the seams.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.605,
"time": 96300,
"words": 321
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/09/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/300918_WVW_Sketicalthouhgts_2.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/30/",
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"key": "v-0329a85e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/30/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "A meeting with ex Jehovah's Witnesses",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "A meeting with ex Jehovah's Witnesses",
"slug": "jw",
"date": "2018-09-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/09/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/300918_WVW_Sketicalthouhgts_2.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 September 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/30/jw/",
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"key": "v-4ae04cbe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/30/jw/",
"excerpt": "<p>Yesterday afternoon I met with a group of ex Jehovah's Witnesses.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.39,
"time": 143400,
"words": 478
"title": "Backward step at the World Health Organisation",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Backward step at the World Health Organisation",
"slug": "who",
"date": "2018-09-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/09/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/300918_WVW_Sketicalthouhgts_2.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 September 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/30/who/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/09/30/who/index.md",
"key": "v-d29a9480",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/30/who/",
"excerpt": "<p>In a frankly scary move, the WHO are <a href=\"https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-06782-7\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">legitimising unproven medical therapies<OutboundLink/></a> by including them in the new edition of its "International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems" - ICD11.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.66,
"time": 39600,
"words": 132
"title": "I went back to the OTO",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "I went back to the OTO",
"slug": "oto",
"date": "2018-09-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/09/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/300918_WVW_Sketicalthouhgts_2.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 September 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/30/oto/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/09/30/oto/index.md",
"key": "v-3e5d25e8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/30/oto/",
"excerpt": "<p>At the end of last year I went along to an occult ceremony, the OTO's Gnostic Mass. I tried to return in June for the Winter Solstice, but the venue was changed on me at the last minute - apparently they had an issue with the normal venue.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.89,
"time": 173400,
"words": 578
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/09/index.md",
"key": "v-87a22b84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/09/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Have I been hacked?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Have I been hacked?",
"slug": "hacked",
"date": "2018-10-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/10/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/141018_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 October 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/14/hacked/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/10/14/hacked/index.md",
"key": "v-344b50c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/14/hacked/",
"excerpt": "<p>The other day I received an ominous email telling me that I have malware installed on my PC as a result of visiting porn sites, and that I need to cough up £850 so that my sordid life isn’t made public:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "6 min read",
"minutes": 5.74,
"time": 344400.00000000006,
"words": 1148
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/10/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/141018_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/14/",
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"key": "v-0d6bdc7e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/14/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "I tried Kangen Water",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "I tried Kangen Water",
"slug": "kangen",
"date": "2018-10-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/10/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/141018_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 October 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/14/kangen/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/10/14/kangen/index.md",
"key": "v-0a37229e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/14/kangen/",
"excerpt": "<p>Last week a friend let me know that someone in my area was <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1710084989102799&set=gm.2381021538580963&type=3&theater\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">giving away kangen water for free<OutboundLink/></a> - presumably in an effort to get people to sign up to buy a water filter.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.69,
"time": 101399.99999999999,
"words": 338
"title": "Pakistanis trying to influence justice",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Pakistanis trying to influence justice",
"slug": "pakistan",
"date": "2018-10-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/10/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/141018_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 October 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/14/pakistan/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/10/14/pakistan/index.md",
"key": "v-e6a7fd84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/14/pakistan/",
"excerpt": "<p>Pakistanis are threatening to strike nationwide if leniency is shown to <a href=\"(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asia_Bibi_blasphemy_case)\">Asia Bibi</a> [Ah-seea Beebee], a woman who has been sentenced to death for a blasphemy charge. The charge was related to the fact that she is Christian, and in 2009 she drank water with the same cup some Muslims at her workplace had been drinking with, and then made comments defending her religious belief when challenged about her actions and told that she was unclean.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.375,
"time": 82500,
"words": 275
"title": "Australian Bent Spoon winner",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Australian Bent Spoon winner",
"slug": "sarah",
"date": "2018-10-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/10/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday0.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/141018_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 October 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/14/sarah/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/10/14/sarah/index.md",
"key": "v-38d60f86",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/14/sarah/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Aussies have just had their skeptics conference, and have <a href=\"https://www.skeptics.com.au/2018/10/13/a-bad-day-for-sarah/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">given out a Bent Spoon award<OutboundLink/></a> to Sarah Stevenson, for her Sarah's Day brand of nonsense.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.92,
"time": 55200,
"words": 184
"title": "Blasphemy law likely to be removed in Ireland",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Blasphemy law likely to be removed in Ireland",
"slug": "blasphemy",
"date": "2018-10-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/10/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday2.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WvWsat/281018_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 October 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/28/blasphemy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/10/28/blasphemy/index.md",
"key": "v-3b25681c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/28/blasphemy/",
"excerpt": "<p>Ireland has had a bit of a rocky history with its blasphemy law, with a complaint made against a local comedian for calling the Catholic communion wafer "haunted bread", and Stephen Fry being threatened with legal action for an interview he gave on Irish TV a few years ago.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.295,
"time": 77699.99999999999,
"words": 259
"title": "HRV fined for false claims",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "HRV fined for false claims",
"slug": "hrv",
"date": "2018-10-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/10/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday2.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WvWsat/281018_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 October 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/28/hrv/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/10/28/hrv/index.md",
"key": "v-35dc3bfe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/28/hrv/",
"excerpt": "<p>HRV has <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/business/108037249/water-filter-company-hrv-fined-400000-for-false-claims\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">had to pay out $400k<OutboundLink/></a> for bad claims it made about its water filters. The interesting thing about this case, in my opinion, is that the fine was given because it was shown that HRV didn't have the evidence for its claims when it made them.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.705,
"time": 42300,
"words": 141
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/10/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday2.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WvWsat/281018_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/28/",
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"key": "v-5bb74a78",
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"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Can natural health products be bad for you?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Can natural health products be bad for you?",
"slug": "natural",
"date": "2018-10-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/10/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday2.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WvWsat/281018_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 October 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/28/natural/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/10/28/natural/index.md",
"key": "v-10dcbe78",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/28/natural/",
"excerpt": "<p>Herbal remedies are very popular these days, with many pharmacies in New Zealand happy to promote products that don't work as treatments for medical conditions, or even just as a preventative measure - a way of keeping healthy.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.905,
"time": 114300,
"words": 381
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/10/",
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"key": "v-da613104",
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"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Asia Bibi is Acquitted",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Asia Bibi is Acquitted",
"slug": "bibi",
"date": "2018-11-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/11/weekend-variety-wireless-icymi-041118.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/041118_WVW_SkepticalThoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "4 November 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/11/04/bibi/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/11/04/bibi/index.md",
"key": "v-ab1dc1c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/11/04/bibi/",
"excerpt": "<p>Asia Bibi, who has been on death row in Pakistan for blasphemy for nearly 10 years, has been acquitted this week. Unsurprisingly, this is far from the end of her troubles.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.945,
"time": 56699.99999999999,
"words": 189
"title": "Jesus for NZ",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Jesus for NZ",
"slug": "jesus",
"date": "2018-11-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/11/weekend-variety-wireless-icymi-041118.html",
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"datestring": "4 November 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/11/04/jesus/",
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"key": "v-6ffb9730",
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"excerpt": "<p>There were hundreds of Christians at Parliament on Tuesday calling for the reinstatement of the name of Jesus in parliament’s prayer. There were people wearing Make America Great Again hats, bikers in leathers proclaiming the lord, and some pretty horrendous banners - including one calling Speaker of the House Trevor Mallard a "dishonourable Judas".</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.705,
"time": 222300,
"words": 741
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/11/weekend-variety-wireless-icymi-041118.html",
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"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "OBDII Fuel Saver",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "OBDII Fuel Saver",
"slug": "obdii",
"date": "2018-11-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/11/weekend-variety-wireless-icymi-041118.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/041118_WVW_SkepticalThoughts.mp3",
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"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "4 November 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/11/04/obdii/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/11/04/obdii/index.md",
"key": "v-7e12ba7a",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/11/04/obdii/",
"excerpt": "<p>A friend <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/amazingnewtech/videos/335884820575715/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">sent me a video<OutboundLink/></a> the other day about a fuel saving device for your car. The video was quite well done, and like so many videos on FB had no voice over - instead having a soundtrack, along with large subtitles telling the story:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.845,
"time": 170700.00000000003,
"words": 569
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/11/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/11/index.md",
"key": "v-0cafb144",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/11/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "SleepDrops is fundraising",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "SleepDrops is fundraising",
"slug": "sleepdrops",
"date": "2018-11-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/11/weekend-variety-wireless-icymi-041118.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/041118_WVW_SkepticalThoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "4 November 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/11/04/sleepdrops/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/11/04/sleepdrops/index.md",
"key": "v-307850be",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/11/04/sleepdrops/",
"excerpt": "<p>SleepDrops is a New Zealand company which sells small vials of liquid drops which are supposed to help you get to sleep and stay asleep. Their ingredients are a mixture of small doses of herbs and very small (homeopathic) doses of herbs. A look at the Scientific Research page on their website shows that there’s a dearth of research for any of the ingredients in the SleepDrops products, and absolutely no research on the SleepDrops formulation.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.515,
"time": 150900,
"words": 503
"title": "Ark Man",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Ark Man",
"slug": "ark",
"date": "2018-12-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/11/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday-021218.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/021218_WVW_SKepticalthoughts.mp3",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 December 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/02/ark/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/12/02/ark/index.md",
"key": "v-004c68a4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/02/ark/",
"excerpt": "<p>On Wednesday a group of us skeptics visited the Ark Man, Rod Walsh, who has been <a href=\"https://creation.com/ark-man-tour-of-nz-with-rod-walsh\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">over in New Zealand<OutboundLink/></a> from Australia on tour. Rod’s schtick is that god told him in the ‘90s to build a scale model of Noah’s Ark from Genesis. Apparently the day after he was told this by god, he turned on the radio and two people were having a conversation about the ark - which proved to him that god’s voice had been real. Rod has now built 6 scale replicas of Noah’s Ark over the last 20 years, and has been touring the world with his scale models since the ‘90s.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.805,
"time": 168300,
"words": 561
"title": "Go Green Expo full of woo yet again",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Go Green Expo full of woo yet again",
"slug": "green",
"date": "2018-12-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/11/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday-021218.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/021218_WVW_SKepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 December 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/02/green/",
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"key": "v-f1910d48",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/02/green/",
"excerpt": "<p>A few weeks ago the Wellington Skeptics made their annual pilgrimage to the Go Green Expo. Billed as a Green Living and Sustainable Lifestyle Show, in reality the majority of stands push nonsense alternative therapies, making illegal medical claims about cherry juice, magnetic bracelets and turmeric shakes and scaring people about the dangers of dirty electricity, blue light, toxins and chemicals. There are also talks with titles such as:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.84,
"time": 110400,
"words": 368
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/11/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday-021218.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/021218_WVW_SKepticalthoughts.mp3",
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"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/02/",
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"key": "v-c9bba5f8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/02/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "MoE Religious Instruction Guidelines Consultation",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "MoE Religious Instruction Guidelines Consultation",
"slug": "ri",
"date": "2018-12-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/11/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday-021218.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WVWSun/021218_WVW_SKepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 December 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/02/ri/",
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"key": "v-46cbb35e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/02/ri/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Ministry of Education are finally getting close to publishing guidelines for schools about allowing Religious Instruction classes.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.9,
"time": 174000,
"words": 580
"title": "Blasphemy Law repeal passes second reading",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Blasphemy Law repeal passes second reading",
"slug": "blasphemy",
"date": "2018-12-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/12/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday-161218-final.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WvWsat/1612118_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 December 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/16/blasphemy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/12/16/blasphemy/index.md",
"key": "v-3b513162",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/16/blasphemy/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Crimes Amendment Bill passed its second reading in parliament this week, and it now looks likely that our blasphemy law will be repealed in the near future. This is great news, and is being mirrored in other countries.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.83,
"time": 49800,
"words": 166
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/12/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday-161218-final.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WvWsat/1612118_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/16/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/12/16/index.md",
"key": "v-2d24ca04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/16/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "SleepDrops in Trouble",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "SleepDrops in Trouble",
"slug": "sleepdrops",
"date": "2018-12-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/12/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday-161218-final.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WvWsat/1612118_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
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"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 December 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/16/sleepdrops/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/12/16/sleepdrops/index.md",
"key": "v-ea0a7e84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/16/sleepdrops/",
"excerpt": "<p>SleepDrops is a New Zealand based company offering herbal/homeopathic products that are supposed to help you to sleep, although there’s absolutely no evidence that they work.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.65,
"time": 99000,
"words": 330
"title": "Another Te Kiri Gold celebrity endorsement",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Another Te Kiri Gold celebrity endorsement",
"slug": "tekiri",
"date": "2018-12-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "RadioLive",
"program": "Weekend Variety Wireless",
"page": "https://www.radiolive.co.nz/home/on-demand/weekend-variety-wireless/2018/12/weekend-variety-wireless--in-case-you-missed-sunday-161218-final.html",
"audio": "https://audio.mediaworks.nz/content/radiolive/WvWsat/1612118_WVW_Skepticalthoughts.mp3",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 December 2018"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/16/tekiri/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/12/16/tekiri/index.md",
"key": "v-18410144",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/16/tekiri/",
"excerpt": "<p>Cocksy, a celebrity builder on New Zealand TV, has cancer and is currently on an experimental new treatment.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.65,
"time": 39000,
"words": 130
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/12/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/12/index.md",
"key": "v-6080e73e",
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"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2018/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2018/index.md",
"key": "v-b98208f4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2018/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/08/",
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"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Medical Myths",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Medical Myths",
"slug": "myths",
"date": "2020-08-18T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "18 August 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/08/18/myths/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/08/18/myths/index.md",
"key": "v-bb76675c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/08/18/myths/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "We Only use 10% of our brain",
"slug": "we-only-use-10-of-our-brain"
"level": 2,
"title": "More X happens on a full moon",
"slug": "more-x-happens-on-a-full-moon"
"level": 2,
"title": "Kids get a sugar rush",
"slug": "kids-get-a-sugar-rush"
"level": 2,
"title": "Amber beads help babies with teething",
"slug": "amber-beads-help-babies-with-teething"
"level": 2,
"title": "Chewing gum stays in your stomach",
"slug": "chewing-gum-stays-in-your-stomach"
"level": 2,
"title": "We need to take vitamin tablets to stay healthy",
"slug": "we-need-to-take-vitamin-tablets-to-stay-healthy"
"level": 2,
"title": "Vitamin C helps with colds and flu",
"slug": "vitamin-c-helps-with-colds-and-flu"
"level": 2,
"title": "Feed a cold, starve a fever",
"slug": "feed-a-cold-starve-a-fever"
"level": 2,
"title": "Being cold makes you more likely to catch a cold/flu",
"slug": "being-cold-makes-you-more-likely-to-catch-a-cold-flu"
"level": 2,
"title": "6-8 glasses of water a day",
"slug": "_6-8-glasses-of-water-a-day"
"level": 2,
"title": "Vaccines cause autism",
"slug": "vaccines-cause-autism"
"excerpt": "<p>Here are some common medical myths that are easy to dispel:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "9 min read",
"minutes": 8.6,
"time": 516000,
"words": 1720
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/08/18/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/08/18/index.md",
"key": "v-70f2554c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/08/18/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Election Special",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Election Special",
"slug": "election",
"date": "2020-10-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 October 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/10/20/election/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/10/20/election/index.md",
"key": "v-2c5d50fe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/10/20/election/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Vision NZ",
"slug": "vision-nz"
"level": 2,
"title": "The Outdoors Party",
"slug": "the-outdoors-party"
"level": 2,
"title": "Advance NZ (Public Party)",
"slug": "advance-nz-public-party"
"level": 3,
"title": "Billy Te Kahika",
"slug": "billy-te-kahika"
"level": 3,
"title": "Siggi Henry",
"slug": "siggi-henry"
"level": 3,
"title": "Nigel Antony Gray",
"slug": "nigel-antony-gray"
"level": 3,
"title": "Ricky Cribb",
"slug": "ricky-cribb"
"level": 3,
"title": "Jeanette Wilson",
"slug": "jeanette-wilson"
"level": 3,
"title": "Vinny Eastwood",
"slug": "vinny-eastwood"
"level": 3,
"title": "Mary Byrne",
"slug": "mary-byrne"
"excerpt": "<p>I’ve been keeping a close eye on some of the more fringe political parties in New Zealand's election, and it’s been great to see that not many kiwis have been swayed by their radical ideas. In case you were too focused on whether the Greens were going to get a seat at the table, or if this is the last we’ll see of Winston Peters, here’s a summary of three of the more extreme parties, all of whom appear to have little respect for evidence:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "8 min read",
"minutes": 7.395,
"time": 443700,
"words": 1479
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/10/20/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/10/20/index.md",
"key": "v-299ae41a",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/10/20/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/10/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/10/index.md",
"key": "v-527f965e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/10/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Can a jade amulet protect against COVID?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Can a jade amulet protect against COVID?",
"slug": "jade",
"date": "2020-11-09T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "9 November 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/09/jade/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/11/09/jade/index.md",
"key": "v-fbcc1144",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/09/jade/",
"excerpt": "<p>The above title is my paraphrasing of <a href=\"https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048969720363592\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">a recent paper<OutboundLink/></a> published in an Elsevier-owned scientific journal, Science of The Total Environment. The paper’s actual title is:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.43,
"time": 145800,
"words": 486
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/09/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/11/09/index.md",
"key": "v-dfa29974",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/09/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "NZ’s Luminate Festival is moving away from reality",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "NZ’s Luminate Festival is moving away from reality",
"slug": "luminate",
"date": "2020-11-09T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "9 November 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/09/luminate/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/11/09/luminate/index.md",
"key": "v-7c747f3e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/09/luminate/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Luminate festival, held each year outside of Nelson, has always been a little out of touch with science. But, <a href=\"https://www.webworm.co/p/kiwi-wellness-festival-gets-red-pilled\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">as David Farrier shows<OutboundLink/></a>, things appear to be getting worse. The festival has been flirting with conspiracy theories and woo peddlers, in a list they published on the Luminate website called the "13 Crystal Seeds of Positive Change". The list included the names of people who have inspired the festival’s organisers. You get one point for each of the following names you recognise:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.85,
"time": 111000,
"words": 370
"title": "Not everyone loved Randi",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Not everyone loved Randi",
"slug": "randi",
"date": "2020-11-09T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "9 November 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/09/randi/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/11/09/randi/index.md",
"key": "v-1b19cf1c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/09/randi/",
"excerpt": "<p>If the US election hasn’t caused you enough stress, you could read a recent "take down" of James Randi titled <a href=\"https://boingboing.net/2020/10/26/the-man-who-destroyed-skepticism.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">The man who destroyed skepticism<OutboundLink/></a>, published soon after his death on the popular Boing Boing blog, that is sure to make your blood boil. I for one was very surprised and disappointed to see the Boing Boing website, which normally has a reputation for good quality reporting, hosting this hit piece written by Mitch Horowitz. Mitch is a believer in the spiritual realm, and <a href=\"https://mitchhorowitz.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">his own website<OutboundLink/></a> describes him as "a historian of alternative spirituality and one of today's most literate voices of esoterica, mysticism, and the occult". The article includes such gems as:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.245,
"time": 134700.00000000003,
"words": 449
"title": "WWG1WGA",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "WWG1WGA",
"slug": "wwg1wga",
"date": "2020-11-09T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "9 November 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/09/wwg1wga/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/11/09/wwg1wga/index.md",
"key": "v-9a25ac54",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/09/wwg1wga/",
"excerpt": "<p>I’m sure most people will have heard of QAnon by now - the anonymously named Q who posts online about shadowy organisations, and talks about how president Trump is fighting dark forces in the US. QAnon tends to use lots of code names and obscure references, including the oft used acronym as the title of this section - it means Where We Go 1, We Go All. Here are a couple of examples of QAnon messages:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.19,
"time": 131400,
"words": 438
"title": "A visit to AMORC",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "A visit to AMORC",
"slug": "amorc",
"date": "2020-11-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 November 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/amorc/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/amorc/index.md",
"key": "v-af69a458",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/amorc/",
"excerpt": "<p>Tonight I’m off to a meeting of <a href=\"https://www.rosicrucian.org/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">AMORC<OutboundLink/></a> - the Ancient Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis. It occurred to me the other day that there’s <a href=\"https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2009/04/why-do-the-least-democratic-countries-always-have-the-most-democratic-sounding-names.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">an old idea<OutboundLink/></a> which might be appropriate here. I’m sure many of you have heard of the guideline that the more a country’s name stresses that it is democratic, the less likely it is to actually resemble a democracy. Take the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) or the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Laos) as examples. I wonder whether the same rule might hold for cult groups. For example, the Order of Oriental Templars (OTO) is not related to either the Orient or Templars (it was invented in the 20th century by German occultists), The Church of Scientology is not really a church (it’s just a tax dodge) and the Unification Church (Moonies) didn’t unify the Christian church. So I have a sneaking suspicion that the Ancient Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis is probably going to turn out to be neither Ancient nor Mystical.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.175,
"time": 70500,
"words": 235
"title": "Billy TK’s Religious Influences",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Billy TK’s Religious Influences",
"slug": "billy",
"date": "2020-11-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Billy TK",
"Advance NZ"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 November 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/billy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/billy/index.md",
"key": "v-01ce1698",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/billy/",
"excerpt": "<p>There’s <a href=\"https://www.newsroom.co.nz/ideasroom/how-billy-tk-is-using-the-far-right\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">an interesting article<OutboundLink/></a> published by Dr Deane Galbraithe this week about Billy Te Kakiha’s evangelical influence, and how this may explain his adoption of so many conspiracy theories in his talks. For those who don’t remember, Billy TK started a political party earlier this year, the Public Party, with a platform based on conspiracies and other unscientific nonsense. Deane has been talking in our Facebook group about his article, and, although it’s not mentioned in the article itself, on Facebook he’s talked about <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/groups/nzskeptics/permalink/10157571771347761/?comment_id=10157572179082761&reply_comment_id=10157572209742761\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">someone who has messaged him<OutboundLink/></a> to let him know that Billy TK has a history with the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.27,
"time": 196200,
"words": 654
"title": "Colour Therapy",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Colour Therapy",
"slug": "colour",
"date": "2020-11-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Alternative Medicine",
"Colour Therapy"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 November 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/colour/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/colour/index.md",
"key": "v-08df991e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/colour/",
"excerpt": "<p>For some of us who have attended the regular <a href=\"https://www.meetup.com/Wellington-Skeptics-in-the-Pub\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Skeptical Activism meetings<OutboundLink/></a> in Wellington, <a href=\"http://www.colourtherapymanukau.co.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Colour Therapy Manukau<OutboundLink/></a>'s egregious claims about colour therapy such as "incurable means curable from within" and "synthetic fibres have a frequency that is detrimental to our health and well being" are a familiar sight. Several of us have cut our teeth on their website, making Advertising Standards Authority complaints about lists of diseases that colour can therapy can supposedly cure, and pseudo-scientific claims about how coloured wool in a metal bowl can help you. These days, when you browse their website, instead of seeing those kinds of claims you read the following:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.175,
"time": 70500,
"words": 235
"title": "Guerrilla Skeptics strike again",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Guerrilla Skeptics strike again",
"slug": "guerrilla",
"date": "2020-11-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 November 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/guerrilla/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/guerrilla/index.md",
"key": "v-3d0d8e9e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/guerrilla/",
"excerpt": "<p>The amazing members of the GSoW (Guerrilla Skeptics on Wikipedia) group have struck again. In recent years the group have done some amazing work creating new Wikipedia articles and rewriting existing ones on topics of importance to skepticism, including quite a few that are related to New Zealand - including pages for skeptic <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siouxsie_Wiles\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Siouxsie Wiles<OutboundLink/></a>, psychic <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeanette_Wilson\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Jeanette Wilson<OutboundLink/></a> and even our organisation, the <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NZ_Skeptics\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">NZ Skeptics<OutboundLink/></a>. We’ve also had Susan Gerbic, head of the project, come to New Zealand twice in the last few years to talk to us at our conferences about both the GSoW project and her work using sting operations to bust psychics.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.895,
"time": 53700,
"words": 179
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/index.md",
"key": "v-7f4a219e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/11/index.md",
"key": "v-8d4f5384",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "2020 - A Desert Odyssey",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "2020 - A Desert Odyssey",
"slug": "odyssey",
"date": "2020-11-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 November 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/odyssey/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/odyssey/index.md",
"key": "v-60a948cc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/11/30/odyssey/",
"excerpt": "<p>I’m sure most people saw the intriguing news that a tall prism shaped metal structure, now known as the Utah Monolith, had been found by conservationists in the desert in the US, sticking out from the rock floor of a canyon. It’s been great to see <a href=\"https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/world/2020/11/internet-users-find-utah-s-mystery-2001-monolith-sit-on-it.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">sleuths figure out<OutboundLink/></a> where the monolith is located, using flight plans and google maps satellite view (in a slot canyon in Lockhart Basin in San Juan County, Utah), approximately when it was placed, using historical satellite photos (between August 2015 and October 2016) and how it was made, with several people visiting the site (it’s hollow and made from riveted stainless steel sheets). However, the mystery of who put it there has still not been solved.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.375,
"time": 142500,
"words": 475
"title": "Does anyone know what Dark DNA is?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Does anyone know what Dark DNA is?",
"slug": "dark",
"date": "2020-12-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Dark Matter"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 December 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/dark/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/dark/index.md",
"key": "v-7adc4584",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/dark/",
"excerpt": "<p>Retraction Watch have written a nice summary of <a href=\"https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/the-top-retractions-of-2020-68284\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">the year in retractions<OutboundLink/></a> for The Scientist magazine. Unsurprisingly many of the scientific articles that have been retracted this year are on the topic of COVID-19, but there was one that caught my eye from the Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences titled:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.775,
"time": 226500,
"words": 755
"title": "Crystal Healing that works?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Crystal Healing that works?",
"slug": "crystal",
"date": "2020-12-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Alternative Medicine",
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 December 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/crystal/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/crystal/index.md",
"key": "v-4f3a02ce",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/crystal/",
"excerpt": "<p>In one of our Facebook groups this week there was a recent discussion started by Donald Pettitt about his visit to a "crystal healer" to help with issues he’s been having with his balance:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.805,
"time": 168300,
"words": 561
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/index.md",
"key": "v-b76bf448",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Glittery Just Desserts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Glittery Just Desserts",
"slug": "glitter",
"date": "2020-12-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 December 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/glitter/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/glitter/index.md",
"key": "v-68426c50",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/glitter/",
"excerpt": "<p>As Skeptics we're not very fond of scammers, and we often try to protect the public from those who would rip them off with dodgy devices and ineffective products. The video below documents a feat of engineering, a device that targets the problem in the US of people who steal people's parcels - and it targets them in a pretty funny way. Although theft is not really a scam, it's still enjoyable to see unethical people get their comeuppance - and it's mentioned later on in the video that this device has also recently been used against scammers. And to be honest, I needed a good excuse to share this video!</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.575,
"time": 34500,
"words": 115
"title": "A Sikh Visit",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "A Sikh Visit",
"slug": "sikh",
"date": "2020-12-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 December 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/sikh/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/sikh/index.md",
"key": "v-7234f89e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/sikh/",
"excerpt": "<p>I mentioned three weeks ago that I was going to visit the Ancient Mystical Order of Rosicrucians, and I can report that I survived the meeting intact. My friend Tim and I had a great chat with three of the group’s members about their beliefs, and about the history of the organisation. Much of what we heard sounded very familiar, with an organisational structure that reminded me of Scientology (making your way up the "Bridge") and a belief in visualisation that was akin to Rhonda Byrne’s "The Secret", where if you imagine something enough it will come true for you.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.29,
"time": 77400,
"words": 258
"title": "We have our own Monolith",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "We have our own Monolith",
"slug": "monolith",
"date": "2020-12-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 December 2020"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/monolith/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/monolith/index.md",
"key": "v-f7fbf904",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/12/21/monolith/",
"excerpt": "<p>In the news this morning, it’s been reported that our very own <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/123769650/aliens-or-artists-mysterious-metal-monolith-pops-up-in-christchurch-the-latest-home-to-the-global-phenomenon\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">New Zealand monolith<OutboundLink/></a> has appeared at Adventure Park in Christchurch. I’d love to think that this monolith could stay until I get a chance to visit it, but given that the original monolith mysteriously disappeared, and that a bunch of young Christians destroyed a similar monolith in California and replaced it with a cross, I worry that our version may not last long.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.7,
"time": 42000,
"words": 140
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2020/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2020/index.md",
"key": "v-40d68950",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2020/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/01/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/01/01/index.md",
"key": "v-b1655454",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/01/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "2020 In Review",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "2020 In Review",
"slug": "review",
"date": "2021-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "1 January 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/01/review/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/01/01/review/index.md",
"key": "v-62bf721e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/01/review/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "5G",
"slug": "_5g"
"level": 2,
"title": "COVID",
"slug": "covid"
"level": 2,
"title": "Elections",
"slug": "elections"
"level": 2,
"title": "Death of James Randi",
"slug": "death-of-james-randi"
"level": 2,
"title": "Haunted House",
"slug": "haunted-house"
"level": 2,
"title": "Monoliths",
"slug": "monoliths"
"level": 2,
"title": "My Visits",
"slug": "my-visits"
"excerpt": "<p>Looking back at 2020 from a skeptical viewpoint, it was interesting that things got weirder as the year went on.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "14 min read",
"minutes": 13.205,
"time": 792300,
"words": 2641
"title": "A Faraday Cage to protect you from WiFi",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "A Faraday Cage to protect you from WiFi",
"slug": "faraday",
"date": "2021-01-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Faraday Cage",
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 January 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/11/faraday/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/01/11/faraday/index.md",
"key": "v-3508065c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/11/faraday/",
"excerpt": "<p>On the popular tech news YouTube channel Linus Tech Tips, Linus has evaluated a couple of small faraday cages that are sold in the US as a way to protect home users from the harmful radiation coming from their WiFi base stations. At around NZ$120 a piece I’m not sure which of the findings I think is the funnier - that they do a really bad job of blocking WiFi, or that they turn out to just be repurposed wire paper trays with a couple of modifications to allow wires to be inserted, and that they cost less than NZ$10 each to buy from China.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.545,
"time": 32700.000000000004,
"words": 109
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/11/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/01/11/index.md",
"key": "v-704e50d8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/11/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Auckland Lockdown Protest",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Auckland Lockdown Protest",
"slug": "protest",
"date": "2021-01-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Billy TK",
"Advance NZ"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 January 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/11/protest/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/01/11/protest/index.md",
"key": "v-8d10b710",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/11/protest/",
"excerpt": "<p>Billy TK held an anti-lockdown rally in Auckland on Saturday. The rally was accompanied by a variety of interesting flags, signs and chants:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.19,
"time": 191400,
"words": 638
"title": "Beware of JP Sears",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Beware of JP Sears",
"slug": "jp",
"date": "2021-01-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"JP Sears"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 January 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/11/jp/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/01/11/jp/index.md",
"key": "v-a167b504",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/11/jp/",
"excerpt": "<p>I’m sure many skeptics have enjoyed JP Sears’ <a href=\"https://www.youtube.com/user/AwakenWithJP\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">parody videos<OutboundLink/></a> of the wellness industry, such as <a href=\"https://youtu.be/Oht9AEq1798\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">How to Become Gluten Intolerant<OutboundLink/></a> and <a href=\"https://youtu.be/1kDso5ElFRg\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">How to be Ultra Spiritual<OutboundLink/></a>. It was a surprise to me, just before Christmas, to read that despite poking fun, JP Sears has for a long time been a seller of nonsense. <a href=\"https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19-critical-thinking-pseudoscience/clown-prince-wellness\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">An article<OutboundLink/></a> from the Office for Science and Society at McGill University in Canada details JP Sears’ history of selling unregulated therapy sessions and useless supplements, and sadly also his recent descent into COVID-19 science denial.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.815,
"time": 48900,
"words": 163
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/17/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/01/17/index.md",
"key": "v-8f840568",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/17/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Musical Vaccine",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Musical Vaccine",
"slug": "vaccine",
"date": "2021-01-11T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "11 January 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/11/vaccine/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/01/11/vaccine/index.md",
"key": "v-ceda35e8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/11/vaccine/",
"excerpt": "<p>An image that has been making its way round the internet recently purports to be a circuit diagram for a 5G chip which is inside COVID vaccines. However, those who are technically musical minded have <a href=\"https://www.musictech.net/news/covid-19-vaccine-5g-chip-boss-metal-zone-guitar-pedal/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">pointed out<OutboundLink/></a> that the image is actually that of a guitar effects pedal called Metal Zone from company Boss.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.3,
"time": 78000,
"words": 260
"title": "Lockdown Protests",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Lockdown Protests",
"slug": "lockdown",
"date": "2021-01-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 January 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/17/lockdown/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/01/17/lockdown/index.md",
"key": "v-49fc43de",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/17/lockdown/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "Wellington Rally",
"slug": "wellington-rally"
"level": 3,
"title": "Mary Byrne",
"slug": "mary-byrne"
"level": 3,
"title": "Antoinette James",
"slug": "antoinette-james"
"level": 3,
"title": "Billy TK",
"slug": "billy-tk"
"level": 3,
"title": "Rashid Buttar",
"slug": "rashid-buttar"
"level": 2,
"title": "Auckland Rally",
"slug": "auckland-rally"
"excerpt": "<p>Last weekend <strong>Billy TK</strong> organised a <strong>protest against lockdown</strong> in <strong>Auckland</strong>, and followed it up with a second rally in **Wellington **on Thursday. As soon as I heard about the Wellington rally, during my lunch break in the office, I dropped my sandwich and headed to **parliament **to mingle with those who have a very different worldview to mine. Police presence was near non-existent when I arrived, although the media were there in force - ready to report in case Billy ordered his minions to storm the Beehive.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "7 min read",
"minutes": 6.555,
"time": 393299.99999999994,
"words": 1311
"title": "Psychic Predictions",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Psychic Predictions",
"slug": "predictions",
"date": "2021-01-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 January 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/17/predictions/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/01/17/predictions/index.md",
"key": "v-a108d0bc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/17/predictions/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "2020",
"slug": "_2020"
"level": 3,
"title": "Asparagus",
"slug": "asparagus"
"level": 3,
"title": "Sylvia Browne",
"slug": "sylvia-browne"
"level": 2,
"title": "2021",
"slug": "_2021"
"level": 3,
"title": "June Field",
"slug": "june-field"
"level": 3,
"title": "Nostradamus",
"slug": "nostradamus"
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.21,
"time": 192600,
"words": 642
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/01/index.md",
"key": "v-b30c6384",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/01/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/01/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/02/01/index.md",
"key": "v-33fb9858",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/01/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Jewish space laser",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Jewish space laser",
"slug": "laser",
"date": "2021-02-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Marjorie Taylor Greene",
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "1 February 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/01/laser/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/02/01/laser/index.md",
"key": "v-3d158ac0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/01/laser/",
"excerpt": "<p>I wish I was making this news story up - partially because it’s getting a little bit tiresome writing about US politics. However, the recently elected Republican Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, who likes to ride on the QAnon conspiracy carriage of the Trump Train, has been put through the wringer in the last week. Journalists have been poring over her social media history and documenting her words, shares and likes - some of which are so weird and wonderful it doesn’t take much to debunk them.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.815,
"time": 108899.99999999999,
"words": 363
"title": "Ngaire McCarthy",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Ngaire McCarthy",
"slug": "ngaire",
"date": "2021-02-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "1 February 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/01/ngaire/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/02/01/ngaire/index.md",
"key": "v-6dff6b84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/01/ngaire/",
"excerpt": "<p>Last week I attended, online, the funeral of Ngaire McCarthy, who died just over a week ago from cancer. Ngaire was an outspoken Māori atheist, humanist and rationalist who <a href=\"https://youtu.be/RwSH9wGU8aI\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">spoke to the NZ Skeptics<OutboundLink/></a> at our 2014 conference in Auckland. She told us about how the census shows comparable rates of dis-belief amongst Māori and Pākehā in New Zealand, and how Christianity had imposed itself on Māori culture, merging in a way that makes it hard to pick them apart today.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.79,
"time": 107400,
"words": 358
"title": "Reiki is here to save us all",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Reiki is here to save us all",
"slug": "reiki",
"date": "2021-02-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Alternative Medicine",
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "1 February 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/01/reiki/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/02/01/reiki/index.md",
"key": "v-b9502664",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/01/reiki/",
"excerpt": "<p>Or at least that’s what NewsHub would have us believe, with an <a href=\"https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/lifestyle/2021/01/auckland-reiki-healer-says-guided-energy-healing-on-the-rise-for-stressed-burnt-out-kiwis.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">article published<OutboundLink/></a> on Tuesday about the benefits of Reiki, an energy healing technique that involves the practitioner manipulating your "energy field" by waving their hands around your body.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.665,
"time": 219900,
"words": 733
"title": "Billy Te Kahika has Quit",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Billy Te Kahika has Quit",
"slug": "billy",
"date": "2021-02-22T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "22 February 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/billy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/billy/index.md",
"key": "v-7f0ae6d8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/billy/",
"excerpt": "<p>Or, at the very least he’s <a href=\"https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/436757/billy-te-kahika-quits-politics-shuts-down-new-zealand-public-party\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">apparently quit politics<OutboundLink/></a>. This one was a bit of a surprise to me, as Billy had only just announced that he was re-naming his Public Party to the Freedom Party. Maybe he just quit because he realised that there had already been a Freedom Party in NZ, and that all the most obvious domain names had already been taken? Alternatively, it might be that recent accusations of <a href=\"https://www.nzpublicparty.org.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">financial mis-management<OutboundLink/></a> and <a href=\"https://thisquality.com/billy-te-kahika-and-vinny-eastwood-admit-200000-business-loan-fraud-video/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">fraud<OutboundLink/></a> are making life in the limelight a little too uncomfortable for Billy at the moment.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.915,
"time": 54900.00000000001,
"words": 183
"title": "Grant Robertson has Had Enough",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Grant Robertson has Had Enough",
"slug": "grant",
"date": "2021-02-22T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "22 February 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/grant/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/grant/index.md",
"key": "v-7a3d8400",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/grant/",
"excerpt": "<p>MP Grant Robertson was on Peter Williams’ Magic Talk radio show this week when he was asked about the "Great Reset". His immediate reaction was to quit the interview early. He has subsequently let Magic Talk know that he won’t be returning for his regular weekly slot with Williams. So, what’s going on in this drama that’s of interest to skeptics?</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.015,
"time": 120900,
"words": 403
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/index.md",
"key": "v-27502b1a",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "A local Psychic has Guessed Wrong",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "A local Psychic has Guessed Wrong",
"slug": "psychic",
"date": "2021-02-22T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "22 February 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/psychic/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/psychic/index.md",
"key": "v-60e7638e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/psychic/",
"excerpt": "<p>Lockdown timing predictions from a Hamilton based psychic, <a href=\"https://www.theinnerspace.online/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Sarah King<OutboundLink/></a>, have been unearthed and posted to our Facebook group this week:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 1.005,
"time": 60300,
"words": 201
"title": "Rush Limbaugh has Died",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Rush Limbaugh has Died",
"slug": "rush",
"date": "2021-02-22T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "22 February 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/rush/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/rush/index.md",
"key": "v-779937c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/rush/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.55,
"time": 33000,
"words": 110
"title": "Conspiracy spam",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Conspiracy spam",
"slug": "spam",
"date": "2021-02-22T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "22 February 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/spam/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/spam/index.md",
"key": "v-3e3a74fe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/22/spam/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.815,
"time": 48900,
"words": 163
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/02/index.md",
"key": "v-0d528e1e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/02/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Worried about 5G? There’s a pill for that!",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Worried about 5G? There’s a pill for that!",
"slug": "5g",
"date": "2021-03-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/08/5g/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/08/5g/index.md",
"key": "v-ae1f2784",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/08/5g/",
"excerpt": "<p>I’m guessing that <strong>Jami-Lee Ross</strong>, head of the failed conspiracy themed political party Advance NZ, has run out of money. Why else would he be planning to flog useless <strong>anti-5G pills</strong> to us?</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.845,
"time": 110700,
"words": 369
"title": "An unexpected endorsement for the COVID vaccine",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "An unexpected endorsement for the COVID vaccine",
"slug": "endorsement",
"date": "2021-03-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/08/endorsement/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/08/endorsement/index.md",
"key": "v-990c0fe4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/08/endorsement/",
"excerpt": "<p>I’ve recently read calls for high profile figures in New Zealand to endorse the new COVID vaccines, as a way to reassure the portion of the public who currently feel unsure about the vaccines’ safety. It’s been suggested that public figures such as <strong>Jacinda Ardern</strong>, <strong>Ashley Bloomfield</strong> and others might want to allow the media to record them being **immunised **against COVID. Personally I think that, at least for those who are conspiracy minded, watching those who are supposedly a part of the conspiracy be injected is probably not going to be very convincing.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.55,
"time": 93000,
"words": 310
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/08/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/08/index.md",
"key": "v-69ec240c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/08/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptics 0, Ken Ring 1",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptics 0, Ken Ring 1",
"slug": "ring",
"date": "2021-03-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/08/ring/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/08/ring/index.md",
"key": "v-5c2d1e04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/08/ring/",
"excerpt": "<p>After last week’s nocturnal <strong>earthquake</strong>, <strong>Ken Ring</strong> has been on Facebook proving how right he is. He’s pointed out that he **predicted **the earthquake in his 2021 almanac:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "6 min read",
"minutes": 5.07,
"time": 304200.00000000006,
"words": 1014
"title": "Cat Buttons",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Cat Buttons",
"slug": "cat",
"date": "2021-03-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/10/cat/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/10/cat/index.md",
"key": "v-75c24c50",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/10/cat/",
"excerpt": "<p>Videos have been making their way around the internet this week showing a vet communicating with her cat via a set of large buttons placed on the floor. Each button speaks a word or two when pressed, and in this case both the cat (Billi) and owner (Kendra) press the buttons to communicate with each other. At first glance, it appears that the cat is engaging in meaningful communication with its owner, conveying complex thoughts.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.625,
"time": 217500,
"words": 725
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/10/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/10/index.md",
"key": "v-2858391e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/10/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Builders Of The Adytum",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Builders Of The Adytum",
"slug": "bota",
"date": "2021-03-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/bota/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/bota/index.md",
"key": "v-0412477e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/bota/",
"excerpt": "<p>On Sunday I finally made it to the Builders Of The Adytum, a strange group whose beliefs combine Kabbalah and Tarot into an unusual, but enjoyable, philosophy.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.41,
"time": 144600.00000000003,
"words": 482
"title": "Should we be worried about blood clots?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Should we be worried about blood clots?",
"slug": "clots",
"date": "2021-03-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/clots/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/clots/index.md",
"key": "v-53071438",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/clots/",
"excerpt": "<p>The AstraZeneca vaccine has made the news recently, as several European countries have halted its rollout temporarily due to reports of blood clots. These issues are real, but it’s important to look at how many incidences of this issue there are, and how that compares to other vaccines. It turns out that not only is the incidence of reported clotting similar to that seen with other COVID vaccines, but it’s also similar to what you’d expect from a population that haven’t received any medical interventions. Both deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism levels for the millions of people who have taken the vaccine are about what would be expected of a random selection of people in their day to day lives. Sadly some people just get blood clots at times, and people can have exacerbating medical conditions that mean they’re more susceptible to this issue.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 1.005,
"time": 60300,
"words": 201
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/index.md",
"key": "v-5ccafb60",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "The Luck of the Cantabrians",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Luck of the Cantabrians",
"slug": "luck",
"date": "2021-03-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/luck/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/luck/index.md",
"key": "v-3425ccc4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/luck/",
"excerpt": "<p>Rebecca Booth, from Fairlie in the South Island, recently <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/timaru-herald/news/124523390/fairlie-woman-plucks-sevenleaf-clover-in-one-in-250-million-find\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">found a seven leaf clover<OutboundLink/></a>. The Stuff article about this find mentioned that this is not the first clover-related find Rebecca has had. Apparently earlier this year, in January, she found both four and five leaf clovers.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.355,
"time": 81300,
"words": 271
"title": "Football Index is just a Ponzi Scheme",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Football Index is just a Ponzi Scheme",
"slug": "index",
"date": "2021-03-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Ponzi Scheme"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/index/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/index/index.md",
"key": "v-24d7a7ec",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/index/",
"excerpt": "<p>A UK company, Football Index, has financially collapsed over the last as its users have realised that the entire thing is nothing more than a pack of cards.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "6 min read",
"minutes": 5.47,
"time": 328200,
"words": 1094
"title": "Christchurch massacre conspiracy theories",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Christchurch massacre conspiracy theories",
"slug": "massacre",
"date": "2021-03-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/massacre/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/massacre/index.md",
"key": "v-8bec71c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/massacre/",
"excerpt": "<p>We’ve just had the second anniversary of the horrific Christchurch massacre, and as skeptics it’s sad to have seen over the last two years those in our country who have posted content denying that the attack was real, or claiming that it was a "false flag" operation. It’s been hard enough over the last 20 years watching high profile conspiracy theorists, such as Alex Jones, engage in denial in the US for events such as the Sandy Hook massacre and the 9/11 attacks. But to see this kind of wrong headed thinking at home somehow feels worse. I guess we’ve been able to rest on our laurels watching America suffer from a spread of the conspiracy mindset, and at least for me it seemed implausible that the problem would ever reach our fair shores. I guess I was just too naive.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.485,
"time": 209100,
"words": 697
"title": "An Open Letter to Plan B",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "An Open Letter to Plan B",
"slug": "planb",
"date": "2021-03-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/planb/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/planb/index.md",
"key": "v-25edeb7c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/planb/",
"excerpt": "<p>A new group called FACT (Fight Against Conspiracy Theories) has published an <a href=\"https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yQg8AILerY5FWUHkbZ5NgTUx2sgEgQNr/view\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">open letter<OutboundLink/></a> to Plan B about their <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/coronavirus/124552930/antilockdown-group-of-academics-criticised-for-promoting-conspiracy-theorists\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">connection with Voices for Freedom<OutboundLink/></a>. The letter calls on <a href=\"https://www.covidplanb.co.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Plan B<OutboundLink/></a> to distance themselves from <a href=\"https://voicesforfreedom.co.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Voices for Freedom<OutboundLink/></a> and the groups anti-science stance on COVID related issues:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.625,
"time": 97500,
"words": 325
"title": "Beware of Scientologists Bearing Gifts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Beware of Scientologists Bearing Gifts",
"slug": "scientologists",
"date": "2021-03-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/scientologists/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/scientologists/index.md",
"key": "v-1512f184",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/scientologists/",
"excerpt": "<p>At a meeting last night I was made aware of a conversational English course offered on the MeetUp website that someone had attended, and when they arrived they found out that the course was being run by Scientologists. This type of bait and switch sneakiness is about what we’d expect from Scientology, so I decided to search google and find the course.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.875,
"time": 112500,
"words": 375
"title": "QAnon 2.0?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "QAnon 2.0?",
"slug": "sabmyk",
"date": "2021-03-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/sabmyk/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/sabmyk/index.md",
"key": "v-f943f7c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/17/sabmyk/",
"excerpt": "<p>A group who monitor extreme Right Wing groups, Hope Not Hate, have <a href=\"https://www.hopenothate.org.uk/2021/02/12/the-sabmyk-network-how-a-mysterious-disinformation-network-is-hijacking-qanon/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">published an article<OutboundLink/></a> detailing a weird attempt to hijack the QAnon conspiracy. The new conspiracy theory, called Sabmyk, has been creating new channels on Telegram, Gab and BitChute in an attempt to entice those who have become disillusioned with QAnon since Trump left office and the promises of QAnon fell through. Why not Facebook and Twitter? Probably because many right wing activists have been driven off of those platforms in the last few months as admins have removed thousands of accounts for posting hate and misinformation. Telegram offers a modicum of anonymity, and Gab and Bitchute are a social network and video hosting site respectively that are less regulated and more welcoming to extreme views than the mainstream social media sites, claiming that they’re pro free speech.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.14,
"time": 68399.99999999999,
"words": 228
"title": "Football Index is nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Football Index is nothing more than a Ponzi Scheme",
"slug": "football",
"date": "2021-03-24T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/football/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/football/index.md",
"key": "v-50647a1e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/football/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "6 min read",
"minutes": 5.46,
"time": 327600,
"words": 1092
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/index.md",
"key": "v-76a3a718",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Should we worry about LED bulbs?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Should we worry about LED bulbs?",
"slug": "led",
"date": "2021-03-24T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/led/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/led/index.md",
"key": "v-05da88a0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/led/",
"excerpt": "<p>Stuff <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/life-style/well-good/300254567/how-energysaving-led-lights-disrupt-our-sleep\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">published an article recently<OutboundLink/></a> about the dangers of LED light bulbs, arguing that the blue light from LED bulbs disturbs our circadian rhythm and disrupts our sleep, with wide ranging knock-on effects to our health. My skeptical radar beeped at reading this, as I’ve looked into this issue in the past and found much speculation and very little actual science, even though every digital device these days seems to have a night mode for reducing blue light emission from the screen.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.625,
"time": 157500,
"words": 525
"title": "Freedom Rally",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Freedom Rally",
"slug": "rally",
"date": "2021-03-24T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/rally/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/rally/index.md",
"key": "v-bd355ebc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/rally/",
"excerpt": "<p>On Saturday I attended one of several Freedom Rallies around the country. In Wellington, the rally was set for midday at the train station. It was a fairly low key affair, with flyers being handed out saying that masks and the vaccine are both ineffective.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.3,
"time": 138000,
"words": 460
"title": "Prayers @ Parliament",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Prayers @ Parliament",
"slug": "prayers",
"date": "2021-03-24T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/prayers/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/prayers/index.md",
"key": "v-4ae76c1e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/prayers/",
"excerpt": "<p>On Thursday evening last week I visited Parliament to pray for the future of our country. Now I’m not a Christian, so I’m pretty sure my prayers aren’t going to make a difference, but it’s interesting to see what influential Christians think about what is wrong with our country and how it should be fixed.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.945,
"time": 116700,
"words": 389
"title": "Is BitCoin like a Ponzi Scheme?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Is BitCoin like a Ponzi Scheme?",
"slug": "bitcoin",
"date": "2021-03-31T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Ponzi Scheme",
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "31 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/31/bitcoin/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/31/bitcoin/index.md",
"key": "v-0c146502",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/31/bitcoin/",
"headers": [
"level": 3,
"title": "Ponzi Scheme?",
"slug": "ponzi-scheme"
"excerpt": "<p>Bitcoin is a digital currency that allows people to transfer money to other bitcoin users anonymously and securely (although <a href=\"https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2016/03/why-criminals-cant-hide-behind-bitcoin\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">there are ways<OutboundLink/></a> of tracking unsuspecting users if they don’t know how to cover their tracks properly). There are two main pieces of technology that allow Bitcoin to work.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.625,
"time": 277500,
"words": 925
"title": "Oumuamua probably isn’t aliens",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Oumuamua probably isn’t aliens",
"slug": "oumuamua",
"date": "2021-03-24T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/oumuamua/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/oumuamua/index.md",
"key": "v-96631d04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/24/oumuamua/",
"excerpt": "<p>A new astronomy paper suggests that the strange object named Oumuamua that passed through our solar system a couple of years ago was probably a <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/science/300256287/no-cigar-interstellar-object-named-oumuamua-is-cookieshaped-planet-shard\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">thin disc of planetary matter<OutboundLink/></a>, and not a piece of alien technology.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.94,
"time": 116399.99999999999,
"words": 388
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/31/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/31/index.md",
"key": "v-1baccbe0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/31/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/index.md",
"key": "v-742b4dfe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "A BitCoin Primer",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "A BitCoin Primer",
"slug": "primer",
"date": "2021-03-31T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "31 March 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/31/primer/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/03/31/primer/index.md",
"key": "v-25addbc4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/03/31/primer/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.855,
"time": 291300,
"words": 971
"title": "Homeopathic Hippo Sweat Sun Block",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Homeopathic Hippo Sweat Sun Block",
"slug": "hippo",
"date": "2021-04-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Alternative Medicine",
"Sun Screen",
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "7 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/07/hippo/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/07/hippo/index.md",
"key": "v-2cf43b92",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/07/hippo/",
"excerpt": "<p>Honestly, I don’t think I could make up something this daft if I tried. Thanks to an astute member of the NZ Skeptics Facebook group, I now know about a New Zealand company - Hippo Health - who are marketing a fascinating sun block for animals.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.365,
"time": 141900,
"words": 473
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/07/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/07/index.md",
"key": "v-d5706c60",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/07/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Evergreen’s sins go beyond blocking the Suez Canal",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Evergreen’s sins go beyond blocking the Suez Canal",
"slug": "evergreen",
"date": "2021-04-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "7 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/07/evergreen/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/07/evergreen/index.md",
"key": "v-4ecf6038",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/07/evergreen/",
"excerpt": "<p>The Outdoors Party's health spokesperson recently <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/tracy.livingston.14/posts/3617057235086350\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">shared a video clip<OutboundLink/></a> from the TV show Dexter, showing a scene where the serial killer protagonist of the show remembers being rescued as a child from a shipping container - and, as you might have guessed, the container has EVERGREEN written down the side. Coincidence? Apparently not, if you’re one of the many people who believe that the Ever Given, which was recently freed from the Suez Canal, was transporting children as part of a child sex trade run by Hillary Clinton.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.51,
"time": 90600,
"words": 302
"title": "A timely reminder for schools",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "A timely reminder for schools",
"slug": "schools",
"date": "2021-04-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "7 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/07/schools/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/07/schools/index.md",
"key": "v-26027820",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/07/schools/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "A Short Guide to Religious Instruction for Boards of Trustees",
"slug": "a-short-guide-to-religious-instruction-for-boards-of-trustees"
"level": 3,
"title": "Relevant Terms",
"slug": "relevant-terms"
"level": 3,
"title": "Recommendations for Boards",
"slug": "recommendations-for-boards"
"level": 3,
"title": "What Are The Risk Factors for Boards?",
"slug": "what-are-the-risk-factors-for-boards"
"level": 3,
"title": "Further Info",
"slug": "further-info"
"excerpt": "<p>The Secular Education Network, a group of parents and others who are passionate about ensuring the Education Act’s promise of secular education in schools is realised, have just released a document reminding schools of their new obligations after the law was changed last year:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "9 min read",
"minutes": 8.51,
"time": 510599.99999999994,
"words": 1702
"title": "Sue Grey is threatening to sue the Government",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Sue Grey is threatening to sue the Government",
"slug": "sue",
"date": "2021-04-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "7 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/07/sue/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/07/sue/index.md",
"key": "v-26636ee8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/07/sue/",
"excerpt": "<p>Sue Grey, for those who are not aware, is a Nelson based lawyer who also holds a degree in biochemistry, so on the face of it it would make sense to think that she would be a force for good in the world. However, Sue’s world is one of paranoia and scaremongering, where the government is out to take away our freedoms.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.43,
"time": 145800,
"words": 486
"title": "New COVID misinformation pamphlet",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "New COVID misinformation pamphlet",
"slug": "covid",
"date": "2021-04-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/covid/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/covid/index.md",
"key": "v-4e19752c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/covid/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyle_Chapman_(New_Zealand_activist)\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Kyle Chapman<OutboundLink/></a>, ex head of the New Zealand National Front, is planning to <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/kerry.coffin.35/posts/1194222714342415\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">distribute leaflets<OutboundLink/></a> about the COVID vaccine in New Zealand:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.57,
"time": 94200,
"words": 314
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/index.md",
"key": "v-3a50ee98",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "The Pope is a hologram",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Pope is a hologram",
"slug": "pope",
"date": "2021-04-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/pope/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/pope/index.md",
"key": "v-c3116484",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/pope/",
"excerpt": "<p>I’m a bit late to the party with this one, but there is footage on YouTube from last year where the pope gives a blessing from an upper floor window. After the blessing the pope turns around and starts walking away from the window. After a couple of steps, he suddenly just pops out of existence - disappears into thin air. Some people have taken this as evidence that the pope was never actually physically at the window, but instead had been replaced with a hologram - and that this hologram had been turned off prematurely, before it had moved out of sight. Maybe a decision was taken not to risk the pope’s health during a pandemic. Maybe the pope is a lie? It does look pretty weird.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.66,
"time": 99600,
"words": 332
"title": "How to help those who have lost their way",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "How to help those who have lost their way",
"slug": "lost",
"date": "2021-04-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/lost/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/lost/index.md",
"key": "v-6ffb7fbe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/lost/",
"excerpt": "<p>A work colleague reached out to me the other day with an interesting question. One of his close family members has fallen down a conspiracy rabbit hole, and now spends a lot of time talking about QAnon, the "Deep State", etc. Unfortunately, as is so often the case with these kinds of rabbit holes, it’s not entirely benign - the family member has now branched into COVID vaccine denial, which has a real chance of negatively impacting on their health.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.36,
"time": 261600.00000000003,
"words": 872
"title": "The Prince Philip Movement",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Prince Philip Movement",
"slug": "philip",
"date": "2021-04-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/philip/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/philip/index.md",
"key": "v-dfa0e204",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/philip/",
"excerpt": "<p>On the news of Prince Philip’s death, my thoughts go out not just to the British Royal Family, but also to the members of the Prince Philip Movement in Vanuatu. This movement, a very small religious group, believe that Prince Philip is the son of a local mountain god who traveled overseas and married a powerful woman. The group has been described as a cargo cult, and there’s even a suggestion that Philip was John Frum’s brother - John Frum is a mythical American military man, around which a cargo cult religion started in the late 1930s.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.125,
"time": 67500,
"words": 225
"title": "Sue Grey update",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Sue Grey update",
"slug": "sue",
"date": "2021-04-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/sue/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/sue/index.md",
"key": "v-c182c4a0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/sue/",
"excerpt": "<p>After talking about Sue Grey’s threat to sue the government last week, I found out that Sue was planning to give a talk on the steps of parliament the next day. So during my lunch break last Thursday I wandered up to the Beehive, to see more about why Sue thinks the government’s rollout of the COVID vaccine needs to be stopped.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.015,
"time": 120900,
"words": 403
"title": "Another credulous alt-med article from a Stuff journalist",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Another credulous alt-med article from a Stuff journalist",
"slug": "credulous",
"date": "2021-04-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/21/credulous/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/21/credulous/index.md",
"key": "v-6a7b192e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/21/credulous/",
"excerpt": "<p>An article was published by Stuff the other day about <a href=\"https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/lifestyle/2021/04/going-under-the-needle-is-cosmetic-acupuncture-the-new-botox.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">cosmetic acupuncture<OutboundLink/></a> - a discredited idea that sticking needles in your face can be an alternative to paying for a face lift. Half way through reading the article it started to feel really familiar, like I’d already read it but on the topic of a different unproven therapy. Sure enough, a quick search for the reporter’s previous work turned up a recent article in stuff <a href=\"https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/lifestyle/2021/01/auckland-reiki-healer-says-guided-energy-healing-on-the-rise-for-stressed-burnt-out-kiwis.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">about reiki<OutboundLink/></a> - a "therapy" where someone heals you by holding their hands near you.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.85,
"time": 111000,
"words": 370
"title": "The Exclusive Brethren are spying on ex members",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Exclusive Brethren are spying on ex members",
"slug": "brethren",
"date": "2021-04-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/21/brethren/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/21/brethren/index.md",
"key": "v-782c9104",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/21/brethren/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.7,
"time": 102000,
"words": 340
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/21/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/21/index.md",
"key": "v-414bd940",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/21/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "UFOs over Melbourne?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "UFOs over Melbourne?",
"slug": "ufo",
"date": "2021-04-14T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "14 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/ufo/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/ufo/index.md",
"key": "v-0036b7fa",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/14/ufo/",
"excerpt": "<p>Disappointingly, <a href=\"https://www.9news.com.au/videos/national/uf-os-melbourne-residents-left-baffled-after-light-display-resembles-unidentified-flying-objects/cknfpy8w8005p0hksht28fe62\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">despite the excitement<OutboundLink/></a>, I’m sure many listeners will already have figured out what the rational explanation for this string of lights in the sky over Melbourne was: Elon Musk’s Starlink, a company that is providing satellite based internet - with a few tens of thousands of satellites planned to be deployed over the next few years. There are valid questions about whether these devices are damaging to astronomy, and have the potential to clutter earth’s orbit, but they’re definitely not visiting aliens. If you are able to get out and see these satellites as they maneuver themselves into their operational orbits, I’d definitely recommend it. I saw them late last year, and it was an impressive sight - a real testament to modern technology.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.64,
"time": 38400,
"words": 128
"title": "Are thousands dying from COVID vaccines?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Are thousands dying from COVID vaccines?",
"slug": "dying",
"date": "2021-04-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/21/dying/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/21/dying/index.md",
"key": "v-62292238",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/21/dying/",
"excerpt": "<p>There’s been a lot of talk recently in "alternative" circles about vaccine deaths. This has been prompted by the massive global rollout of several different types of COVID vaccines - mRNA (Pfizer, Moderna), Viral Vector (AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson), Inactivated (CoronaVac, Covaxin), and <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_vaccine#Vaccine_types\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">others<OutboundLink/></a>.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.575,
"time": 274500,
"words": 915
"title": "Are Christian men worried about their penis size?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Are Christian men worried about their penis size?",
"slug": "penis",
"date": "2021-04-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/21/penis/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/21/penis/index.md",
"key": "v-27897638",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/21/penis/",
"excerpt": "<p>A friend sent me <a href=\"https://www.psypost.org/2021/04/new-study-links-evangelical-christianity-to-insecurity-60461\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">an article<OutboundLink/></a> about a paper published recently in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion called:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.74,
"time": 104400,
"words": 348
"title": "Accelerated Christian Education - ugh",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Accelerated Christian Education - ugh",
"slug": "ace",
"date": "2021-04-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/ace/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/ace/index.md",
"key": "v-630ef3aa",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/ace/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.415,
"time": 144900,
"words": 483
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/index.md",
"key": "v-eec746dc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Influential Biologist in New Zealand",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Influential Biologist in New Zealand",
"slug": "lipton",
"date": "2021-04-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/lipton/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/lipton/index.md",
"key": "v-3516e444",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/lipton/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.49,
"time": 89400,
"words": 298
"title": "Essential Oils may not be so essential after all",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Essential Oils may not be so essential after all",
"slug": "oils",
"date": "2021-04-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Alternative Medicine",
"Essential Oils"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/oils/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/oils/index.md",
"key": "v-358a1304",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/oils/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.51,
"time": 150600,
"words": 502
"title": "Miami School quarantines vaccinated staff members",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Miami School quarantines vaccinated staff members",
"slug": "quarantine",
"date": "2021-04-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/quarantine/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/quarantine/index.md",
"key": "v-9638bfc4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/quarantine/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.615,
"time": 96900,
"words": 323
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/index.md",
"key": "v-49f7e444",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Buy your own Get Out of Jail Free card for only $50",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Buy your own Get Out of Jail Free card for only $50",
"slug": "card",
"date": "2021-05-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Sovereign Citizen"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 May 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/05/card/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/05/card/index.md",
"key": "v-c4e20944",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/05/card/",
"excerpt": "<p>The website of an organisation called the <a href=\"https://www.maorirangersecuritydivision.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Maori Ranger Security Division<OutboundLink/></a> is currently selling ID cards that they claim can help you avoid being arrested by police, protect you from Child Services, make you exempt from fisheries quotas, and may even let you travel without a passport - and all for the low, low price of $50.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.105,
"time": 246300,
"words": 821
"title": "TV Psychic didn’t see it coming",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "TV Psychic didn’t see it coming",
"slug": "psychic",
"date": "2021-04-28T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "28 April 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/psychic/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/psychic/index.md",
"key": "v-4119bdf4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/04/28/psychic/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.385,
"time": 83100,
"words": 277
"title": "Christchurch health clinic bans vaccinated customers",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Christchurch health clinic bans vaccinated customers",
"slug": "clinic",
"date": "2021-05-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 May 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/05/clinic/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/05/clinic/index.md",
"key": "v-22451c1e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/05/clinic/",
"excerpt": "<p>Late last week, an "alternative" health clinic in Christchurch, which specialises in colonic irrigation and coffee enemas, <a href=\"https://www.backdoorspa.co.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">announced online<OutboundLink/></a> that it will <a href=\"https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/coronavirus/124955112/christchurch-alternative-health-clinic-imposes-30day-wait-on-vaccinated-clients\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">not treat anyone<OutboundLink/></a> who has been vaccinated within the last 30 days.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.215,
"time": 132899.99999999997,
"words": 443
"title": "Lies, Damned Lies and shonky Statistics",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Lies, Damned Lies and shonky Statistics",
"slug": "lies",
"date": "2021-05-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 May 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/05/lies/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/05/lies/index.md",
"key": "v-fdc11604",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/05/lies/",
"excerpt": "<p>A <a href=\"https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/mediawatch/audio/2018793607/the-news-stories-making-readers-dumber\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">recent article<OutboundLink/></a> from Radio NZ did a great job of pointing out just how useless online polls are, and raising concerns about how often New Zealand media outlets, including Newshub, the AM Show and the Herald, rely on them as source material for news articles.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.285,
"time": 137100.00000000003,
"words": 457
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/05/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/05/index.md",
"key": "v-5f50d2d6",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/05/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Conspiracy Theorists are Going Underground",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Conspiracy Theorists are Going Underground",
"slug": "underground",
"date": "2021-05-05T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Social Media"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "5 May 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/05/underground/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/05/underground/index.md",
"key": "v-03381636",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/05/underground/",
"excerpt": "<p>I’ve noticed an interesting, and worrying, shift with some of the more extreme online communities recently. On the one hand it’s great to finally, and belatedly, see social media companies like Facebook, Twitter and Google hold people and organisations to account when they spread nonsense such as COVID vaccine misinformation. For example, just this week Advance NZ’s Facebook page has been <a href=\"https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/facebook-removes-page-controversial-anti-vax-party-advance-nz-again\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">temporarily removed<OutboundLink/></a>. Local conspiracy theorists such as Damien DeMent, Lee Williams, Vinny Eastwood and Karen Brewer are currently concerned over suspension of their social media profiles, because they are perpetuating dangerous untruths. Of course, most of these people also have multiple social media accounts, and although they lose much of their audience when one account is banned from social media, they don’t always disappear altogether.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.745,
"time": 104700,
"words": 349
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/12/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/12/index.md",
"key": "v-0459f79e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/12/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Evorich - where con, cult and crypto collide",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Evorich - where con, cult and crypto collide",
"slug": "evorich",
"date": "2021-05-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 May 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/12/evorich/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/12/evorich/index.md",
"key": "v-69c25788",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/12/evorich/",
"excerpt": "<p>Earlier this week I opened the LinkedIn app on my phone, and noticed a comment on a post that was made by someone who was an EvoRich consultant. His profile didn’t seem to match what I’d expect from a consultant, so I had a quick search for EvoRich to see what it was - with the suspicion that it might be a Multi Level Marketing scheme.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.15,
"time": 249000.00000000003,
"words": 830
"title": "The fastest hands in Russia?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The fastest hands in Russia?",
"slug": "fastest",
"date": "2021-05-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 May 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/12/fastest/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/12/fastest/index.md",
"key": "v-0cea1ba8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/12/fastest/",
"excerpt": "<p>A video from "LADbible" has been doing the rounds recently, showing members of a Russian fitness group performing feats of amazing speed. The video shows several clips of them punching something or someone so quickly that you barely see any movement, punching in circles in front of their body with a speed that makes their arms blur, and repeatedly punching something in front of them at an unbelievable rate.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.94,
"time": 176400,
"words": 588
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/19/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/19/index.md",
"key": "v-a4c77e60",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/19/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Herbs for weight loss don’t work",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Herbs for weight loss don’t work",
"slug": "herbs",
"date": "2021-05-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Alternative Medicine",
"Herbal Remedies"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 May 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/19/herbs/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/19/herbs/index.md",
"key": "v-0daeade2",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/19/herbs/",
"excerpt": "<p>A recent <a href=\"https://www.bbc.com/news/health-57039848\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">major report<OutboundLink/></a> into herbs and supplements for weight loss has concluded that they don’t work, and that not enough is known about their safety. Erica Bessell, the lead author from the University of Sydney, points out that in many countries no evidence is needed that these products actually work, and of course many companies are happy to exploit that failing and sell a wide variety of unproven products to buyers who hope for a simple solution to the hard problem of controlling their weight.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.395,
"time": 143700,
"words": 479
"title": "Simon Bridges for Jesus for NZ",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Simon Bridges for Jesus for NZ",
"slug": "jesus",
"date": "2021-05-12T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "12 May 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/12/jesus/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/12/jesus/index.md",
"key": "v-454896d0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/12/jesus/",
"excerpt": "<p>On Monday night I visited parliament, where a group called <a href=\"https://www.jesusfornz.org/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Jesus for NZ<OutboundLink/></a> had been invited by National MP Simon Bridges to hold a church service called the Power of One.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.88,
"time": 172799.99999999997,
"words": 576
"title": "Sue Grey may have had a valid point",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Sue Grey may have had a valid point",
"slug": "sue",
"date": "2021-05-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 May 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/19/sue/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/19/sue/index.md",
"key": "v-4a2ab430",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/19/sue/",
"excerpt": "<p>Sue Grey, Nelson lawyer and co-leader of The Outdoors Party (an anti-vax, anti-5g, anti-1080 political party), had her day in court last week, taking the government to court over their COVID vaccine rollout. Although I was not able to spare the time to spend the day in court, I did manage to briefly visit the outside of the High Court in the morning, and when I got there Billy TK, who had decided to join the circus, was arguing outside with security guards. It turns out he had been kicked out of the court foyer for filming in a prohibited area, and of course his being removed was just proof that the system is corrupt. Go Billy!</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.745,
"time": 224700.00000000003,
"words": 749
"title": "WTF is Vortex Water?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "WTF is Vortex Water?",
"slug": "vortex",
"date": "2021-05-19T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "19 May 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/19/vortex/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/19/vortex/index.md",
"key": "v-1f764bfe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/19/vortex/",
"excerpt": "<p>There’s a website in New Zealand promoting "<a href=\"http://vortexwater.co.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Vortex Water<OutboundLink/></a>". The front page of the site starts by saying:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.275,
"time": 136500,
"words": 455
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/26/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/26/index.md",
"key": "v-52a56598",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/26/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Does the COVID vaccine contain a microchip?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Does the COVID vaccine contain a microchip?",
"slug": "chip",
"date": "2021-05-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "26 May 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/26/chip/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/26/chip/index.md",
"key": "v-0b817a84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/26/chip/",
"excerpt": "<p>I’ve watched a few videos from a recent panic where people show themselves sticking a magnet to their arm at the injection site of their COVID vaccine. The same magnet pushed against other parts of the arm will fall off and not stick. Could this be proof that there’s a metallic microchip in the vaccine?</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.945,
"time": 236700,
"words": 789
"title": "Christian Science - neither Christian nor Scientific",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Christian Science - neither Christian nor Scientific",
"slug": "science",
"date": "2021-05-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Christian Science"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "26 May 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/26/science/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/26/science/index.md",
"key": "v-32179aa4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/26/science/",
"excerpt": "<p>For a long time now I’ve been promising to take a friend of mine to a Christian Science church service. He’s been interested in doing this because he was brought up in the church in America, but hasn’t been back since he was a child. Finally, last weekend, the stars aligned and we managed to arrange a visit.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.715,
"time": 222899.99999999997,
"words": 743
"title": "UFO sighted in Hawkes Bay",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "UFO sighted in Hawkes Bay",
"slug": "ufo",
"date": "2021-05-26T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "26 May 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/26/ufo/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/26/ufo/index.md",
"key": "v-9684220c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/26/ufo/",
"excerpt": "<p>Apparently a UFO was <a href=\"https://www.nzherald.co.nz/hawkes-bay-today/news/ufo-sightings-in-hawkes-bay-weather-expert-suggests-clouds-to-blame/RB4HL6YPLJKZBC3KFFGFHEON6Y/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">seen in Hawkes Bay<OutboundLink/></a> late last week. Several people reported seeing a large rectangular shaped object in the sky at dusk, with green and red lights, moving strangely.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.465,
"time": 207899.99999999997,
"words": 693
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/05/index.md",
"key": "v-41dccdbe",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/05/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/02/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/02/index.md",
"key": "v-6ff181c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/02/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "The Theosophical Society",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Theosophical Society",
"slug": "theosophy",
"date": "2021-06-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 June 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/02/theosophy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/02/theosophy/index.md",
"key": "v-245667ae",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/02/theosophy/",
"excerpt": "<p>Last night I visited the <a href=\"https://theosophy.nz/centres/wellington\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Theosophical Society<OutboundLink/></a>’s building in Wellington to hear their National President, John Vorstermans, give a talk titled "The Ageless Wisdom". The Society has a great little building on Marion Street, with a comfortable library of esoteric mystical books at the front, and a large main room with lots of wood and painted mystical symbols, and a particularly Masonic feel to it.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.33,
"time": 139800,
"words": 466
"title": "Voltex can save 90% on your power bill",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Voltex can save 90% on your power bill",
"slug": "voltex",
"date": "2021-06-02T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "2 June 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/02/voltex/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/02/voltex/index.md",
"key": "v-25188a1e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/02/voltex/",
"excerpt": "<p>I’ve seen adverts pop up recently on news sites, such as NewsHub and YouTube, that are selling a device which claims to be able to cut your power bill by 90%. Now, wouldn’t that be nice - if it were true!</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 4,
"time": 240000,
"words": 800
"title": "New Freeland",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "New Freeland",
"slug": "freeland",
"date": "2021-06-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Sovereign Citizen"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 June 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/16/freeland/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/16/freeland/index.md",
"key": "v-5520edde",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/16/freeland/",
"excerpt": "<p>There’s a lawyer called Liz Lambert who thinks she has hit upon a legal loophole that allows her to claim any piece of land as her own. As background, there are two main forms of land ownership in many countries - <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fee_simple\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Fee Simple<OutboundLink/></a> and <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allodial_title\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Allodial<OutboundLink/></a>. Fee simple is the type of land ownership you or I have access to. Archaic legal terms, Fee in this case means ownership, and Simple means without any kind of time limit (freehold rather than leasehold). Governments, on the other hand, usually have Allodial ownership of land, which is more of an absolute ownership without a requirement to pay anyone rates, etc (although in some cases there may be private allodial ownership, such as church land in some european countries). So, in New Zealand’s case, the Crown has Allodial Title over New Zealand, and we citizens can then purchase a Fee Simple Title to part of that land. It still belongs to the Crown under their allodial title, but we’ve purchased a right to live on it forever (barring certain circumstances like compulsory acquisition).</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.3,
"time": 258000,
"words": 860
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/16/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/16/index.md",
"key": "v-1652ad18",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/16/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "How not to handle a COVID outbreak",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "How not to handle a COVID outbreak",
"slug": "outbreak",
"date": "2021-06-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Alternative Medicine",
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 June 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/16/outbreak/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/16/outbreak/index.md",
"key": "v-3ec5d39e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/16/outbreak/",
"excerpt": "<p>Obviously India has been through the wringer recently with a huge increase in the number of COVID cases, and deaths, in the country. Thankfully the number of active cases is dropping, but at its peak around four and a half thousand people were dying per day, and there have been over three hundred and eighty thousand reported deaths so far - although many experts fear the real total is likely to be much higher.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.125,
"time": 187500,
"words": 625
"title": "German psychic solves yet another case",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "German psychic solves yet another case",
"slug": "psychic",
"date": "2021-06-16T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "16 June 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/16/psychic/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/16/psychic/index.md",
"key": "v-2c9e588c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/16/psychic/",
"excerpt": "<p>(In)famous German psychic Michael Schneider made the news this week when he claimed to know the exact coordinates of Madeleine McCann’s body. Madeleine’s case hit headlines many years ago when her parents in Spain left her in their resort apartment for the evening, returning from over the road to find that she had gone missing. Despite several leads (and many psychics making predictions) over the years, there’s been no definitive answer so far as to what happened to Madeleine (although there is one likely suspect).</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.44,
"time": 266400.00000000006,
"words": 888
"title": "US Senator has novel plan to combat climate change",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "US Senator has novel plan to combat climate change",
"slug": "gohmert",
"date": "2021-06-23T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Climate Change"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "23 June 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/23/gohmert/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/23/gohmert/index.md",
"key": "v-31dc518a",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/23/gohmert/",
"excerpt": "<p>US Senator Louie Gohmert, from Texas, has recently asked the country’s Forestry Service if they can look into a thought he’s had about how to combat climate change:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.76,
"time": 165600,
"words": 552
"title": "Petition for a Military Coup in NZ",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Petition for a Military Coup in NZ",
"slug": "coup",
"date": "2021-06-23T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "23 June 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/23/coup/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/23/coup/index.md",
"key": "v-437ed7de",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/23/coup/",
"excerpt": "<p>Someone called Daryl Trask has recently placed <a href=\"https://www.change.org/p/department-of-defence-military-arrest-nz-government\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">a petition<OutboundLink/></a> on change.org asking people to sign their support for an overthrow of our government. The petition says:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.54,
"time": 212400,
"words": 708
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/23/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/23/index.md",
"key": "v-89485c40",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/23/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Proof of UFOs is \"just around the corner\"...",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Proof of UFOs is \"just around the corner\"...",
"slug": "ufos",
"date": "2021-06-23T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "23 June 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/23/ufos/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/23/ufos/index.md",
"key": "v-051977c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/23/ufos/",
"excerpt": "<p>Now that I’ve found out about Rebel Wisdom, I’m hooked. I usually have to go hunting for my nonsense, but the Rebel Wisdom website has everything in one place: Rupert Sheldrake (who has silly ideas about supernatural mental powers), Alan Watts (who has silly ideas about religion and philosophy) and Jordan Peterson (who has silly ideas about all sorts of things) are all featured.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.63,
"time": 277800,
"words": 926
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/30/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/30/index.md",
"key": "v-6064f6a8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/30/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Earth 2",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Earth 2",
"slug": "earth2",
"date": "2021-06-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 June 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/30/earth2/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/30/earth2/index.md",
"key": "v-780f1084",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/30/earth2/",
"excerpt": "<p>I enjoy playing computer games, and own a gaming PC and a VR headset. So when I heard about an ambitious new game for PCs, VR and phones, it piqued my interest. The game is called <a href=\"https://earth2.io/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Earth2<OutboundLink/></a>, and is pipped to be a 1:1 copy of earth, with a faithful reproduction of the entire planet in software. Their website makes comparisons to the movies The Matrix and Ready Player One, both of which feature VR environments that are indistinguishable from reality. This sounds pretty ambitious, maybe too ambitious!</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.91,
"time": 234600.00000000003,
"words": 782
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/index.md",
"key": "v-ae94e4c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Fun With Numbers!",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Fun With Numbers!",
"slug": "numerology",
"date": "2021-06-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 June 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/30/numerology/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/30/numerology/index.md",
"key": "v-39defc44",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/30/numerology/",
"excerpt": "<p>While trawling conspiracy websites and videos, as I tend to do for fun, I stumbled across a recommendation for a local kiwi numerologist. But the recommendation said that, unlike the usual mystical nonsense, this particular numerologist uses science and maths to find real patterns that are actually useful.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "6 min read",
"minutes": 5.485,
"time": 329100,
"words": 1097
"title": "Lady Crown",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Lady Crown",
"slug": "crown",
"date": "2021-06-30T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Sovereign Citizen"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "30 June 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/30/crown/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/06/30/crown/index.md",
"key": "v-3c23ad18",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/06/30/crown/",
"excerpt": "<p>I wrote a couple of weeks ago about lawyer Liz Lambert’s effort to claim a small part of New Zealand - the Abel Tasman National Park - as her own property, which she’s called New Freeland. Well, it turns out that she’s worried about an organisation who have not just claimed Allodial Title over a piece of land, but have claimed sovereignty over the entirety of New Zealand. Liz <a href=\"https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2xpYmVydHluei9mZWVkLnhtbA/episode/bGliZXJ0eW56LnBvZGJlYW4uY29tLzgzMzU1ZGIzLTUwYTEtMzlmMi04ZjlmLWU0NGU2ZDkyNDIyMw?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwiA57KS6LzxAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQEQ\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">has been warning<OutboundLink/></a> anyone who will listen that this rival group, the <a href=\"https://mauricrown.org/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Crown of the Mauri Nation<OutboundLink/></a>, have secretly entered into an agreement with the government to hand over the keys to our country.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.505,
"time": 210299.99999999997,
"words": 701
"title": "Birds aren’t real",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Birds aren’t real",
"slug": "birds",
"date": "2021-07-07T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Poe's Law"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "7 July 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/07/birds/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/07/07/birds/index.md",
"key": "v-6d6de840",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/07/birds/",
"excerpt": "<p>I’ve just learned about the absolutely fun conspiracy that is "<a href=\"https://birdsarentreal.com/pages/the-history\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">birds aren’t real<OutboundLink/></a>". According to the theory, the CIA in the 1950s were trying to solve two hard problems. Firstly, they wanted to be able to secretly spy on the entire population of the United States. Secondly, they needed to stop birds pooping on their cars in the CIA headquarters car park. These two seemingly disconnected problems gave birth to the genius idea to replace all the birds in America with flying camera drones that look just like birds. As the Birds Aren’t Real twitter account states:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.225,
"time": 133500,
"words": 445
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/07/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/07/07/index.md",
"key": "v-3b529156",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/07/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Psychic Kelvin is on tour",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Psychic Kelvin is on tour",
"slug": "kelvin",
"date": "2021-07-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 July 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/21/kelvin/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/07/21/kelvin/index.md",
"key": "v-ae131084",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/21/kelvin/",
"excerpt": "<p>Sensing Murder psychic Kelvin Cruickshank is currently touring the country. He’s been down in the South Island recently, visiting Christchurch and a lot of smaller towns, and selling tickets at $65 a pop. Next month he’ll be touring the North Island.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.51,
"time": 150600,
"words": 502
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/21/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/07/21/index.md",
"key": "v-f5364a34",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/21/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Famous actress jailed for her role in NXIVM",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Famous actress jailed for her role in NXIVM",
"slug": "nxivm",
"date": "2021-07-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 July 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/21/nxivm/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/07/21/nxivm/index.md",
"key": "v-794cd1d8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/21/nxivm/",
"excerpt": "<p>Allison Mack was once famous for her role in the TV show Smallville, a spin-off show about Superman. However, a few years ago she joined a group called NXIVM (Nexium) who promised to help her on the path to enlightenment and happiness. The group pulled in more famous people, including other TV celebrities, the director of What the Bleep Do We Know, and the Bronfman sisters, heirs to the Seagram fortune.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.925,
"time": 175500,
"words": 585
"title": "Conspiracy Farmers",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Conspiracy Farmers",
"slug": "farmers",
"date": "2021-07-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 July 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/21/farmers/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/07/21/farmers/index.md",
"key": "v-75137c38",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/21/farmers/",
"excerpt": "<p>There is an increasingly vocal sub-set of farmers around the country who are buying into conspiracy theories. A group called the <a href=\"https://aag.org.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Agricultural Action Group<OutboundLink/></a> - AAG - have been touring the country in recent months warning people about what they consider to be the real issues facing not just farmers but all citizens of our country:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.05,
"time": 122999.99999999999,
"words": 410
"title": "When scientists go wrong",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "When scientists go wrong",
"slug": "pharma",
"date": "2021-07-21T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "21 July 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/21/pharma/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/07/21/pharma/index.md",
"key": "v-26fb383e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/21/pharma/",
"excerpt": "<p>Mahin Khatami looks at first blush to be a respectable scientist - she has a long history as a scientist spanning decades, used to work for the NIH (National Institutes for Health) in the US as a program director, and has not only been published in respectable peer reviewed journals but has also been a journal editor.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.805,
"time": 108300,
"words": 361
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/07/index.md",
"key": "v-0f8e4d7e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/07/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/09/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/08/09/index.md",
"key": "v-eab3e558",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/09/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Hate Speech Submission",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Hate Speech Submission",
"slug": "hate",
"date": "2021-08-09T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Free Speech"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "9 August 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/09/hate/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/08/09/hate/index.md",
"key": "v-0a869f3e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/09/hate/",
"headers": [
"level": 2,
"title": "NZ Skeptics submission on the Ministry of Justice Proposals against incitement of hatred and discrimination",
"slug": "nz-skeptics-submission-on-the-ministry-of-justice-proposals-against-incitement-of-hatred-and-discrimination"
"level": 3,
"title": "The NZ Skeptics",
"slug": "the-nz-skeptics"
"level": 3,
"title": "The Proposals",
"slug": "the-proposals"
"excerpt": "<p>The NZ Skeptics put together a submission for the Ministry of Justice in response to their new Hate Speech proposals. You can <a href=\"https://skeptics.nz/submissions/hate-speech\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">read the submission<OutboundLink/></a> on our website, but I thought it would be fun to use EleutherAI's <a href=\"https://6b.eleuther.ai/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">free online GPT-J-6G<OutboundLink/></a> deep learning model to write a submission for us. I gave the software the first few paragraphs of our real submission, and then clicked the button to guess the next hundred or so words. I then fed the result back into the algorithm so that it could create the next block of text, and so on.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "7 min read",
"minutes": 6.28,
"time": 376800,
"words": 1256
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/22/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/08/22/index.md",
"key": "v-7365ba26",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/22/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "QAnonsense",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "QAnonsense",
"slug": "qanonsense",
"date": "2021-08-09T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "9 August 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/09/qanonsense/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/08/09/qanonsense/index.md",
"key": "v-6a3e5ec4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/09/qanonsense/",
"excerpt": "<p>Using an older algorithm, GPT-2, with a fairly small data set that it had been pre-trained on, I fine tuned this particular piece of software on the entire back catalogue of QAnon posts. Below are 6 QAnon posts - three are the genuine article, and three are fakes created by GPT-2. Can you figure out which is which?</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.745,
"time": 104700,
"words": 349
"title": "Lockdown Bingo",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Lockdown Bingo",
"slug": "bingo",
"date": "2021-08-22T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "22 August 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/22/lockdown/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/08/22/lockdown/index.md",
"key": "v-2ac3f2be",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/22/lockdown/",
"excerpt": "<p>It feels like it was inevitable that some of the conspiracy theorists, or "freedom fighters" as they call themselves, would end up protesting our latest level 4 lockdown. I’m not surprised that their shared delusion that lockdown is just a ploy by the government to permanently remove our freedoms would cause them to risk the health of all of us. But it has been disappointing to see a few hundred people around the country gathering to protest at a time when we’ve all been told to stay at home to limit the spread of a deadly disease.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "7 min read",
"minutes": 6.13,
"time": 367800,
"words": 1226
"title": "An alternative legal opinion",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "An alternative legal opinion",
"slug": "opinion",
"date": "2021-08-22T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "22 August 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/22/opinion/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/08/22/opinion/index.md",
"key": "v-da686700",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/22/opinion/",
"excerpt": "<p>Of all the people who spoke publicly about this week’s lockdown protest arrests, <a href=\"https://academics.aut.ac.nz/amy.benjamin\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Amy Benjamin<OutboundLink/></a>, a senior lecturer of international law at AUT, was the most surprising to me.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.51,
"time": 90600,
"words": 302
"title": "(Another) Psychic Failure",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "(Another) Psychic Failure",
"slug": "psychic",
"date": "2021-08-22T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "22 August 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/22/psychic/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/08/22/psychic/index.md",
"key": "v-4d1c7ecc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/22/psychic/",
"excerpt": "<p>This one’s a little light hearted, and not overly surprising - Kelvin Cruickshank, one of our most famous local psychics, appears to have failed to have been warned by the spirits about the impending lockdown. Kelvyn had booked a live event for Thursday in New Plymouth, in what turned out to be the second day of our national lockdown. David Chisholm, a member of our Facebook group, managed to <a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/groups/nzskeptics/posts/10158133853147761/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">take a great screenshot<OutboundLink/></a> of the event being advertised under a large banner warning of event date changes due to our COVID lockdown.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.48,
"time": 28799.999999999996,
"words": 96
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/08/index.md",
"key": "v-76670d5e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/08/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Newton’s Flaming Laser Sword",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Newton’s Flaming Laser Sword",
"slug": "flaming",
"date": "2021-09-06T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Skeptics in the Pub",
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "6 September 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/06/flaming/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/09/06/flaming/index.md",
"key": "v-1c6c741a",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/06/flaming/",
"excerpt": "<p>During lockdown, the Wellington Skeptics in the Pub group have been meeting online every week. It’s been great to be able to continue our social meetings, but I also think it’s a really good way to keep us all sane! That connection of being able to chat and have a fun social time with others seems to be really good at helping with feelings of isolation and worry that lockdown can bring to some of us.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.94,
"time": 116399.99999999999,
"words": 388
"title": "Don’t take Horse Dewormer",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Don’t take Horse Dewormer",
"slug": "dewormer",
"date": "2021-09-06T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "6 September 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/06/dewormer/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/09/06/dewormer/index.md",
"key": "v-40a83344",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/06/dewormer/",
"excerpt": "<p>Obviously as skeptics we’re pretty clued up on the idea of not using unproven therapies, especially when there’s positive evidence that they don’t work. It’s been apparent for a while now that the evidence for Ivermectin as a COVID treatment or preventative is not very good, and it’s been sad to see how many people don’t seem to care.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.435,
"time": 206100,
"words": 687
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/06/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/09/06/index.md",
"key": "v-19470cc8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/06/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "The Satanists are doing god’s work",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Satanists are doing god’s work",
"slug": "satanists",
"date": "2021-09-06T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "6 September 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/06/satanists/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/09/06/satanists/index.md",
"key": "v-ff2047fc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/06/satanists/",
"excerpt": "<p>Texas has recently introduced a draconian new abortion law, one that feels not only perverse (in that it allows for civil lawsuits where anyone can sue those who are involved in providing abortion services), but also seems to be yet another attempt to test the Supreme Court’s willingness to overturn Roe v Wade (the landmark Supreme Court decision on abortion that has allowed for legal abortions in the US for many years). And, so far, it seems that the Supreme Court, with its conservative majority, is willing to court this kind of testing of the waters.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.62,
"time": 217200.00000000003,
"words": 724
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/20/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/09/20/index.md",
"key": "v-3d6ec32c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/20/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Conversion Conversation",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Conversion Conversation",
"slug": "satanists",
"date": "2021-09-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Conversion Therapy"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "20 September 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/20/conversion/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/09/20/conversion/index.md",
"key": "v-4dcb2e84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/20/conversion/",
"excerpt": "<p>Following on from the NZ Skeptics' submission to the Justice Select Committee a couple of weeks ago on the Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill (outlawing Conversion Therapy), myself and Bronwyn Rideout from the NZ Skeptics committee gave an oral submission to some of the Justice Select Committee last week. I was surprised that oral submissions started so quickly after the deadline for written submissions, but thankfully in very little time we were able to put together an oral submission that was complementary to our written one, but different enough that we weren’t just boring the MPs with the same information they’d already read from us.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.81,
"time": 108600.00000000001,
"words": 362
"title": "No, Steve from Blue’s Clues did not leave to join the Army",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "No, Steve from Blue’s Clues did not leave to join the Army",
"slug": "steve",
"date": "2021-09-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"outlet": "NZ Skeptics Newsletter",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Blue's Clues"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "20 September 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/20/steve/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/09/20/steve/index.md",
"key": "v-8bcc3e38",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/20/steve/",
"excerpt": "<p>I have three school age kids, and so I’m no stranger to Blue’s Clues. I’ve watched many episodes with both Steve (Steve Burns) and Joe (Donovan Patton) hosting the show alongside the animated dog Blue, following the clues each week. Steve left the show back in 2002, but he made the news recently when he released a feel-good video:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.375,
"time": 202500,
"words": 675
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/27/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/09/27/index.md",
"key": "v-329de744",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/27/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/09/index.md",
"key": "v-45806584",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Wellness Influencers",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Wellness Influencers",
"slug": "influencers",
"date": "2021-09-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Drive Time",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 September 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/27/influencers/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/09/27/influencers/index.md",
"key": "v-4075ba50",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/09/27/influencers/",
"excerpt": "<p>Dr Samantha Murton, president of the Royal NZ College of GPs, has <a href=\"https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/lifestyle/2021/09/wellness-influencer-misinformation-partly-to-blame-for-vaccine-hesitancy-in-new-zealand-experts.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">spoken out<OutboundLink/></a> about the problems of social media "influencers" who spread wellness misinformation online. Although many influential people on social media are followed because they have celebrity status - sports stats, TV celebrities, etc - many influencers have built their following purely based on their social media work, posting on topics that people want to read about, and pushing for people to "like and subscribe" using a variety of often dubious tactics.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.015,
"time": 240899.99999999997,
"words": 803
"title": "An evening of I Ching",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "An evening of I Ching",
"slug": "iching",
"date": "2021-10-06T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"I Ching"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "6 October 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/06/iching/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/06/iching/index.md",
"key": "v-3fc5fd3e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/06/iching/",
"excerpt": "<p>Last week I attended an I Ching meeting online, where I learned how to use the I Ching to help me to make life decisions. The I Ching, or Book of Changes, is a book of 64 different sayings which are meant to be used for divination.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.385,
"time": 203100,
"words": 677
"title": "Alex Jones loses in court, again",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Alex Jones loses in court, again",
"slug": "alex",
"date": "2021-10-06T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Alex Jones"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "6 October 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/06/alex/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/06/alex/index.md",
"key": "v-2658e904",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/06/alex/",
"excerpt": "<p>Alex Jones, host of the conspiracy spreading TV channel InfoWars, has an illustrious history of pushing nonsense ideas about the US - from the ridiculous to the downright dangerous.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.725,
"time": 103500,
"words": 345
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/06/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/06/index.md",
"key": "v-0a5630c8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/06/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/13/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/13/index.md",
"key": "v-a14154e0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/13/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Will the US mint a trillion dollar coin?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Will the US mint a trillion dollar coin?",
"slug": "mint",
"date": "2021-10-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 October 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/13/mint/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/13/mint/index.md",
"key": "v-2fd5ee7e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/13/mint/",
"excerpt": "<p>Rumours are flying in the US that President Biden plans to fix the debt ceiling issue by minting a one trillion dollar coin. Although this sounds patently absurd, there’s some logic behind this.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.35,
"time": 81000,
"words": 270
"title": "Were Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by an Asteroid?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Were Sodom and Gomorrah destroyed by an Asteroid?",
"slug": "sodom",
"date": "2021-10-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "20 October 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/06/sodom/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/06/sodom/index.md",
"key": "v-2b69ff4c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/06/sodom/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"https://retractionwatch.com/2021/10/01/criticism-engulfs-paper-claiming-an-asteroid-destroyed-biblical-sodom-and-gomorrah/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Retraction Watch<OutboundLink/></a> has documented a recent debacle where an open access journal from Nature, called Scientific Reports, <a href=\"https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-97778-3\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">published an article<OutboundLink/></a> titled "A Tunguska sized airburst destroyed Tall el-Hammam a Middle Bronze Age city in the Jordan Valley near the Dead Sea". Tunguska, for those who’ve never heard of it, is the site in Russia where there was a suspected asteroid airburst 100 years ago. I love the Tunguska event - it’s one of those mysteries that looks so cool. Scientists were expecting an impact crater, but what they found was burned upright trees at the epicentre, and 80 million trees further out that had been knocked down - all facing away from the epicentre.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.07,
"time": 244200.00000000003,
"words": 814
"title": "Psychic sued for false claims",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Psychic sued for false claims",
"slug": "psychic",
"date": "2021-10-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 October 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/13/psychic/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/13/psychic/index.md",
"key": "v-109fe5f8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/13/psychic/",
"excerpt": "<p>It seems ridiculous, but a man in the US is <a href=\"https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/man-sues-psychic-who-allegedly-promised-to-remove-curse-for-5100/2707289/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">suing a psychic<OutboundLink/></a> he asked for life advice. The psychic, Sophia Adams, told customer Mauro Restrepo that his marriage was at risk because of a "mala suerte" (bad luck) curse placed on him by an ex-girlfriend. For only $5 grand, she was willing to lift the curse and save his marriage.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.82,
"time": 169200,
"words": 564
"title": "The big Vaccine Push",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The big Vaccine Push",
"slug": "push",
"date": "2021-10-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 October 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/13/push/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/13/push/index.md",
"key": "v-a8fb4104",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/13/push/",
"excerpt": "<p>The government is really pushing the COVID vaccine at the moment, which is great to see. Wellington is getting a vaccine bus for the Hutt area, and the local MP, Ginny Andersen, is pushing for it to be called Jabba the Hutt.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.42,
"time": 145200,
"words": 484
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/20/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/20/index.md",
"key": "v-54687a58",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/20/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "The thin end of the QAnon wedge",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The thin end of the QAnon wedge",
"slug": "mint",
"date": "2021-10-13T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "13 October 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/13/qanon/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/13/qanon/index.md",
"key": "v-5ab78818",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/13/qanon/",
"excerpt": "<p>I naively thought that the whole QAnon movement would fall apart after Trump lost his bid for re-election. For those who have somehow not heard about QAnon before, it’s a conspiracy that started in the US a few years, and is supposed to be the writings of a high-level government insider who leaks secrets via hidden meaning and codes in his messages. However, it’s been obvious since the start that QAnon is not an insider, but just a made up persona used to promote right wing ideas and Donald Trump in particular. As Wikipedia says:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.095,
"time": 185700.00000000003,
"words": 619
"title": "Doctors Speaking Out with Science",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Doctors Speaking Out with Science",
"slug": "nzdsos",
"date": "2021-10-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "20 October 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/20/nzdsos/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/20/nzdsos/index.md",
"key": "v-3bf3931e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/20/nzdsos/",
"excerpt": "<p>A few months ago Voices for Freedom, an anti-vaccine group of Multi-Level-Marketing Mums, created a group called <a href=\"https://nzdsos.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science<OutboundLink/></a> - with a website address of nzdsos.com. The group has 56 doctors as members who have apparently signed an open letter that erroneously states the following concerns:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.305,
"time": 198300,
"words": 661
"title": "Mike Adams behind mass misinformation campaign",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Mike Adams behind mass misinformation campaign",
"slug": "misinformation",
"date": "2021-10-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "20 October 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/20/misinformation/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/20/misinformation/index.md",
"key": "v-133599de",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/20/misinformation/",
"excerpt": "<p>Mike Adams is well known to skeptics. For many years he’s run the Natural News website, which started out as a source of medical misinformation paired with a shop selling expensive, useless supplements. Some of his sillier posts included using a microscope to take zoomed-in photos of McDonald’s chicken nuggets as a way to make them look unappealing.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.155,
"time": 129299.99999999999,
"words": 431
"title": "Are boats the answer to our rising sea level?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Are boats the answer to our rising sea level?",
"slug": "boats",
"date": "2021-10-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Climate Change"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 October 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/27/boats/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/27/boats/index.md",
"key": "v-6a441cc2",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/27/boats/",
"excerpt": "<p>One of the many effects of climate change is that the oceans are rising. This is going to be an increasing problem for coastal settlements and island nations. But one American political candidate who has worked for Trump in the past, Scott Pio, thinks he’s <a href=\"https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/virginia-scott-pio-sea-levels-b1937355.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">figured out an answer to the problem<OutboundLink/></a>, and posted his idea on Twitter:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.51,
"time": 90600,
"words": 302
"title": "When Doctors go wrong",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "When Doctors go wrong",
"slug": "wrong",
"date": "2021-10-20T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "20 October 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/20/wrong/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/20/wrong/index.md",
"key": "v-c986bc48",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/20/wrong/",
"excerpt": "<p>One of the signatories to the NZD SOS declaration, Dr Matt Shelton, is an interesting case - he made the news a few weeks ago when he sent a text message to his patients saying:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.76,
"time": 165600,
"words": 552
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/27/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/27/index.md",
"key": "v-04aa78ec",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/27/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "NZ Doctors Called Sarah Speaking Out with Science",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "NZ Doctors Called Sarah Speaking Out with Science",
"slug": "sarah",
"date": "2021-10-27T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "27 October 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/27/sarah/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/27/sarah/index.md",
"key": "v-6728c112",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/27/sarah/",
"excerpt": "<p>Last week we talked about how the <a href=\"https://www.doctors-stand-up-for-vaccination.com/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Doctors Stand Up For Vaccination<OutboundLink/></a> group had released its list of names of six and a half thousand doctors who have signed a letter in support of COVID vaccination. This letter was in response to a declaration created by Voices for Freedom, casting doubt on vaccination, that was signed by 56 doctors.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.68,
"time": 160800,
"words": 536
"title": "How do you measure haunting?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "How do you measure haunting?",
"slug": "ghosts",
"date": "2021-11-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 November 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/03/ghosts/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/03/ghosts/index.md",
"key": "v-b0ca0c84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/03/ghosts/",
"excerpt": "<p>The BBC (in its travel section) has an <a href=\"https://www.bbc.com/travel/article/20211028-the-skirvin-the-us-most-haunted-hotel\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">interesting article<OutboundLink/></a> on the Skirvin hotel in Oklahoma, supposedly the most haunted hotel in the US. The article talks a little about the hotel and the ghosts that supposedly haunt it, and then details how the journalist paid for a ghost hunting couple to come and see if the hotel was really haunted. Things have changed in the ghost hunting world - where historically ghost hunters have used physical devices to record "anomalies" such as temperature changes, Electromagnetic Frequency (EMF) fluctuations and the like, these modern day ghost hunters have an app for that - or rather several apps, of which they mention the names of two of them in the article. So I figured that, as a skeptic, I really should take them for a test drive and see what they can do.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.905,
"time": 234299.99999999997,
"words": 781
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/10/index.md",
"key": "v-983f6b04",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/10/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/03/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/03/index.md",
"key": "v-730c9d10",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/03/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Italian Soldiers are roaming the streets of NZ",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Italian Soldiers are roaming the streets of NZ",
"slug": "soldiers",
"date": "2021-11-03T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "3 November 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/03/soldiers/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/03/soldiers/index.md",
"key": "v-645ea21e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/03/soldiers/",
"excerpt": "<p>There’s a rumour going around in conspiracy circles that the UN, and/or Italian soldiers, are due to come to New Zealand at the end of November, or that they might already be here.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.97,
"time": 118200,
"words": 394
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/10/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/10/index.md",
"key": "v-1815c1d8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/10/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Givealittle being used to fund bogus treatments",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Givealittle being used to fund bogus treatments",
"slug": "givealittle",
"date": "2021-11-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 November 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/10/givealittle/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/10/givealittle/index.md",
"key": "v-9b01272c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/10/givealittle/",
"excerpt": "<p>About a year ago a colleague and I wrote to Give A Little, an organisation in NZ that runs an online platform which allows people to fundraise for needy causes. We expressed our concerns about misuse of the platform:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.635,
"time": 218100,
"words": 727
"title": "JFK Jr is a no-show",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "JFK Jr is a no-show",
"slug": "jfkjr",
"date": "2021-11-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 November 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/10/jfkjr/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/10/jfkjr/index.md",
"key": "v-6d75c348",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/10/jfkjr/",
"excerpt": "<p>QAnon is the recent conspiracy theory in the US that refuses to go away. Someone has been using the name QAnon, short for an Anonymous person with Q Level Security Clearance, since 2017 to post cryptic messages to the internet, pretending to be a government insider leaking secrets.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.17,
"time": 130199.99999999999,
"words": 434
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/17/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/17/index.md",
"key": "v-7d4fe9ec",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/17/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Things are a little crazy right now",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Things are a little crazy right now",
"slug": "crazy",
"date": "2021-11-10T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "10 November 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/10/protest/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/10/protest/index.md",
"key": "v-19dd9578",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/10/protest/",
"excerpt": "<p>I’m sure everyone is aware of the protests that happened yesterday. I watched them from the comfort of my home, and didn’t feel the need to visit this particular march on Parliament. There was one thing at yesterday’s protests that really struck me. The protesters, under the banner of the Freedoms and Rights Coalition created by "Apostle" Brian Tamaki, have been asking for our best protections against people dying of COVID to be removed - lockdowns, vaccine mandates, MIQ, and all other restrictions. A frequent message throughout the day was about the government needing to listen to the public - the speakers outside parliament talked about how a government should heed the people.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.43,
"time": 145800,
"words": 486
"title": "Were Satanists involved in the Travis Scott tragedy?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Were Satanists involved in the Travis Scott tragedy?",
"slug": "satanists",
"date": "2021-11-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 November 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/17/satanism/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/17/satanism/index.md",
"key": "v-0f2496c4",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/17/satanism/",
"excerpt": "<p>Astroworld is an annual music festival run by rapper Travis Scott in Texas. There was a tragedy at this year’s festival, two weeks ago, when a crowd surge caused a crush and resulted in the deaths of 10 people - the latest being a <a href=\"https://www.nzherald.co.nz/entertainment/travis-scott-concert-tragedy-9-year-old-dallas-boy-dies-after-astroworld-festival-crush/LKXNF4BMWS6A2KEDNKM47ELGVM/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">9 year old boy<OutboundLink/></a> who died two days ago from his injuries.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.34,
"time": 140399.99999999997,
"words": 468
"title": "Jacinda Ardern is not selling cryptocurrency",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Jacinda Ardern is not selling cryptocurrency",
"slug": "jacinda",
"date": "2021-11-17T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "17 November 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/17/jacinda/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/17/jacinda/index.md",
"key": "v-0a306ae8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/17/jacinda/",
"excerpt": "<p>For those who use Facebook - you may have seen a video advert recently using Jacinda Ardern as a way to promote a cryptocurrency. Obviously this is fake - Jacinda does not want you to "invest" your money in any crypto currency, and it’s very likely that there’s not even a real crypto currency or crypto company - just a website that will get you to transfer your hard earned money to scammers. Even if there was a real cryptocurrency involved, you would likely lose most or all of the money you risked. I saw people talking about this scam on Facebook, but I have enough layers of ad blocking at home that it proved too hard to get Facebook to show me any adverts at all, so I don’t have a copy of the video.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.895,
"time": 293700,
"words": 979
"title": "Look who got themselves arrested",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Look who got themselves arrested",
"slug": "arrested",
"date": "2021-11-24T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Sovereign Citizen"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 November 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/24/arrested/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/24/arrested/index.md",
"key": "v-2024799e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/24/arrested/",
"excerpt": "<p>So I want to talk about an interesting arrest that happened yesterday, but not the arrest of Brian and Hannah Tamaki.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "2 min read",
"minutes": 1.895,
"time": 113700,
"words": 379
"title": "Amy Benjamin \"Resigns\" from AUT",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Amy Benjamin \"Resigns\" from AUT",
"slug": "amy",
"date": "2021-11-24T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 November 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/24/amy/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/24/amy/index.md",
"key": "v-295cf8d6",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/24/amy/",
"excerpt": "<p>International Law lecturer Amy Benjamin <a href=\"https://thespinoff.co.nz/society/19-11-2021/aut-academic-resigns-after-calling-christchurch-attack-a-false-flag\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">resigned<OutboundLink/></a> from Auckland University of Technology last week. We spoke about Amy back in August; she made the news at the beginning of our second national lockdown, when she started up her YouTube channel called "American Spirit" where she posted videos about COVID and lockdowns. Her opinions seemed somewhat fringe, and she talked about how the threat to people’s mental health in lockdown was worse than that of COVID, that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine could treat COVID, and that the government had criminalised peaceful protest. None of this is true.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.085,
"time": 125100,
"words": 417
"title": "The Skeptics’ annual conference",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Skeptics’ annual conference",
"slug": "conference",
"date": "2021-11-24T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 November 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/24/conference/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/24/conference/index.md",
"key": "v-3d2f1dde",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/24/conference/",
"excerpt": "<p>We had a great conference on the weekend, which was a live streamed conference shared with the Australian Skeptics. It’s the first online conference I’ve run, or been to even, and although there were a few technical hiccups, the weekend went well with over two hundred attendees from not just here and Australia, but also from several other countries around the world.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.41,
"time": 144600.00000000003,
"words": 482
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/index.md",
"key": "v-1ab90a5e",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/24/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/24/index.md",
"key": "v-66612fd2",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/24/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Wanaka Health Bridge",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Wanaka Health Bridge",
"slug": "wanaka",
"date": "2021-11-24T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "24 November 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/24/wanaka/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/11/24/wanaka/index.md",
"key": "v-27e05084",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/11/24/wanaka/",
"excerpt": "<p>Last night at about 1am a friend of mine sent me a link to a brand new COVID website called <a href=\"https://www.wanakahealthbridge.co.nz/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Wanaka Health Bridge<OutboundLink/></a>. I clicked on the link, and saw that the site talks about the risks resulting from Wanaka being three and half hours from a major hospital, and what that means for COVID-19 treatment. The website says:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.895,
"time": 173700,
"words": 579
"title": "Is Celine Dion suffering from vaccine injury?",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Is Celine Dion suffering from vaccine injury?",
"slug": "celine",
"date": "2021-12-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "1 December 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/01/celine/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/12/01/celine/index.md",
"key": "v-b7007e44",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/01/celine/",
"excerpt": "<p>I was talking to a friend on the weekend who works as a tradesman. He asked me, as a skeptic, what I thought of the coronavirus vaccine - did I think it was dangerous? And was COVID real? He’s pretty sure the scientists aren’t lying to him, but he’s talked with a lot of colleagues who aren’t so sure. Most of my friends are fairly skeptical, and a lot of the time I breathe the rarefied air of skepticism, so it was interesting to hear a perspective that I don’t really come in contact with in my daily life - a friend who’s intelligent but has heard enough misinformation from the anti-vaccine crowd that he’s becoming a little unsure.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.59,
"time": 215399.99999999997,
"words": 718
"title": "Tin Foil Treatments",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Tin Foil Treatments",
"slug": "foil",
"date": "2021-12-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Alternative Medicine"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "1 December 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/01/foil/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/12/01/foil/index.md",
"key": "v-21ae9044",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/01/foil/",
"excerpt": "<p>I was sent a <a href=\"https://www.tips-and-tricks.co/health/wrap-feet-aluminum-foil-hours-later-will-result-genius/2/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">funny article<OutboundLink/></a> the other day about the benefits of aluminium foil on a website called Tips and Tricks. The website appears to be a prolific source of clickbait - articles with catchy titles that are designed to suck you in and get you to click the link to read more, so that the company can take you away from social media sites and onto their website to show you adverts and make money.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.195,
"time": 251700.00000000003,
"words": 839
"title": "The sad death of Rex Warwood",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The sad death of Rex Warwood",
"slug": "rex",
"date": "2021-12-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "1 December 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/01/rex/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/12/01/rex/index.md",
"key": "v-11a2072c",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/01/rex/",
"excerpt": "<p>Rex Warwood sadly died late last week. He was a long time reporter and later editor for the Franklin County News, and was apparently well liked. However in recent years he appears to have succumbed to conspiratorial thinking, and became a <a href=\"https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/r4t235/herman_cain_award_new_zealand_edition/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">vocal critic<OutboundLink/></a> of <a href=\"https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/r4u5d8/new_zealand_journalist_exposed_to_imported_and/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">vaccination<OutboundLink/></a> against COVID, saying things online such as:</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "4 min read",
"minutes": 3.24,
"time": 194400,
"words": 648
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/01/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/12/01/index.md",
"key": "v-3d15a616",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/01/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Black Oxygen Organics - the new panacea",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Black Oxygen Organics - the new panacea",
"slug": "boo",
"date": "2021-12-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"Alternative Medicine"
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 December 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/08/boo/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/12/08/boo/index.md",
"key": "v-ced0f3bc",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/08/boo/",
"excerpt": "<p><a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Oxygen_Organics\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Black Oxygen Organics<OutboundLink/></a> is a <a href=\"https://www.nbcnews.com/news/magic-dirt-internet-fueled-defeated-pandemics-weirdest-mlm-rcna6950\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">recent craze<OutboundLink/></a> in alternative medicine. Many people swear by it, saying that it can treat all sorts of conditions - from heart issues and ADHD to COVID and cancer.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "5 min read",
"minutes": 4.205,
"time": 252300,
"words": 841
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/08/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/12/08/index.md",
"key": "v-33502170",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/08/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Tiger King’s Psychic",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Tiger King’s Psychic",
"slug": "tiger",
"date": "2021-12-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 December 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/08/tiger/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/12/08/tiger/index.md",
"key": "v-4cabcda8",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/08/tiger/",
"excerpt": "<p>I’m sure most people know the story of the Tiger King, a documentary series which became required viewing last year around the world when many countries went into lockdown. The series followed Joe Exotic, a flamboyant character who ran a big cat attraction and ended up behind bars for some of his questionable life decisions.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.27,
"time": 136200,
"words": 454
"title": "Sneaky Scientology Duping the Media",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Sneaky Scientology Duping the Media",
"slug": "scientology",
"date": "2021-12-08T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "8 December 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/08/scientology/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/12/08/scientology/index.md",
"key": "v-166ace42",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/08/scientology/",
"excerpt": "<p>Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital made the news today, with an 89 year old man being charged for his part in the abuse of children who were under the hospital’s care in the 1970s. Dr Selwyn Leeks, who was the lead psychiatrist at the centre, has been charged with "wilful ill treatment of a child", but due to his ill health will not be prosecuted.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.35,
"time": 141000,
"words": 470
"title": "Brian Tamaki is God",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Brian Tamaki is God",
"slug": "brian",
"date": "2021-12-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "15 December 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/15/brian/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/12/15/brian/index.md",
"key": "v-0769b562",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/15/brian/",
"excerpt": "<p>Just over a week ago I attended an online sermon from Destiny Church with a few friends. The sermon started off fairly tame, with Brian joking about viewers eating popcorn, so I went and grabbed a bag of popcorn for us to eat while we watched - I figured it was the least a group of heathens could do.</p>\n",
"readingTime": {
"text": "3 min read",
"minutes": 2.2,
"time": 132000,
"words": 440
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/15/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/12/15/index.md",
"key": "v-e93dd7e0",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/15/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/12/index.md",
"key": "v-fcdc6b84",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"layout": "Post",
"readingShow": "top"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/index.md",
"key": "v-67c4fb56",
"path": "/blog/skepticism/2021/",
"readingTime": {
"text": "1 min read",
"minutes": 0.01,
"time": 600,
"words": 2
"title": "The Great Australian Psychic Prediction Project",
"frontmatter": {
"title": "The Great Australian Psychic Prediction Project",
"slug": "psychics",
"date": "2021-12-15T00:00:00.000Z",
"host": "Graeme Hill",
"outlet": "MagicTalk",
"program": "Magic Nights",
"layout": "Post",
"categories": [
"tags": [
"readingShow": "top",
"datestring": "15 December 2021"
"regularPath": "/blog/skepticism/2021/12/15/psychics/",
"relativePath": "blog/skepticism/2021/12/15/psychics/index.md",
"key": "v-3c816604",
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"excerpt": "<p>The Australian Skeptics have spent the last few years working hard on <a href=\"https://www.skeptics.com.au/wp-content/uploads/magazine/The%20Skeptic%20Volume%2041%20(2021)%20No%204%20(Cover).pdf\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">an amazing project<OutboundLink/></a>, led by Richard Saunders, to find and analyse as many psychic predictions as they could find.</p>\n",
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"title": "Lotus-Heart fined for \"taking a stand\"",
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"date": "2022-01-03T00:00:00.000Z",
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"excerpt": "<p>The Lotus-Heart restaurant in Christchurch has chosen to take a stand against vaccine mandates, by refusing to let customers know if they require a vaccine pass, not promoting use of their COVID Tracer QR Code, and not having any system in place to check vaccine passes. As a result they have been fined $20,000 dollars by WorkSafe.</p>\n",
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"title": "An unusual vaccine endorsement",
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"date": "2022-01-03T00:00:00.000Z",
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"excerpt": "<p>A surprising endorsement of COVID vaccines came out recently - from none other than Donald Trump. Trump has a spotty history when it comes to supporting good science, and he’s well known to skeptics for touting several unproven cures (including that particularly confusing press conference where he talked about bleach and an internal UV light).</p>\n",
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"excerpt": "<p>As a programmer, I love a good story about buggy software. Maybe it makes me feel better about my own mistakes! So when I recently heard about a fun bug in the strategy game Civilisation, from way back in 1991, I was intrigued. Apparently the fallout from this particular code error (no pun intended) was that the peaceful world leader Mahatma Gandhi would suddenly become very fond of amassing and using nuclear weapons - a quirk that has been named <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuclear_Gandhi\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Nuclear Gandhi<OutboundLink/></a>.</p>\n",
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"text": "Life",
"title": "My occasional life",
"link": "/blog/life/",
"description": "Infrequent blogging about my life",
"full": "Here are my sporadic blog entries from over the years. I've never been great at talking about my day-to-day life, as it all seems a little bit boring!",
"type": "link"
"text": "Random",
"title": "Mark's.random(musings);",
"link": "/blog/random/",
"description": "Random thoughts I've had on disparate topics",
"full": "Here are a collection of random thoughts I've felt like jotting down and pursuing in the past - a mixture of geeky and strange, often the product of a bored mind.",
"type": "link"
"text": "Code",
"title": "Code I've Written, and more",
"link": "/blog/code/",
"description": "Some of the interesting code I've played with over the years",
"full": "Over the years I've written some bad code, and some okay code. But one constant is that I've always enjoyed writing code, and always enjoyed the challenge of learning new languages and libraries.\nI guess I started learning to code at primary school with <a href=\"https: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logo_(programming_language)\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Logo</a>, before dabbling with <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BASIC\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">BASIC</a> in secondary school. At University I learned <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pascal_(programming_language)\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Pascal</a> and <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">C++</a>.\nSince then I've learned, to varying degrees of competence (and in roughly chronological order): <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visual_Basic_for_Applications\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">VBA</a>, <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perl\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Perl</a>, <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PHP\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">PHP</a>, <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KiXtart\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">KiXtart</a>, <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rexx\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Rexx</a>, <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_(programming_language)\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Python</a>, <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_(programming_language)\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">C</a>, <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C_Sharp_(programming_language)\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">C#</a>, <a href=\"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Javascript</a>.\nHere are some of the projects I 've worked on.",
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"title": "How To...",
"link": "/blog/howto/",
"description": "How to guides for technical tasks",
"full": "Some of my projects I've done and issues I've fixed have been niche enough that I wasn't able to find any help online, and had to muddle through them by myself. Here are the write-ups of some of the solutions I've come up with, or dug up from an obscure manual or forum post after hours or searching.",
"type": "link"
"text": "Projects",
"title": "Tech Projects I've built",
"link": "/blog/projects/",
"description": "Geeky projects I've completed",
"full": "I enjoy playing with tech, and have taken pictures of and written up some of the more fun and/or cool projects that I've worked on.",
"type": "link"
"text": "Skeptical Thoughts",
"title": "Skeptical Thoughts with Mark Honeychurch",
"link": "/blog/skepticism/",
"description": "Notes from my radio segments",
"full": "I've been very fortunate to have been allowed to talk on the radio for the last few years, on the topic of skepticism. Anything and everything has been fair game, and I've tried to mix a skeptical critique of news stories with some field work - going out and visiting various weird and wonderful places and groups and talking about my experiences.\nHere are my notes from the show, which I tend to write a few hours before I go live. I don't often use the notes while I'm on air, but they help me to sort out my thoughts. Some of these are fully typed up, but others (especially when I've had limited time after an event to put my thoughts together) are just lists of talking points.",
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"text": "2015",
"link": "/blog/skepticism/2015/"
"text": "2016",
"link": "/blog/skepticism/2016/"
"text": "2017",
"link": "/blog/skepticism/2017/"
"text": "2018",
"link": "/blog/skepticism/2018/"
"text": "2020",
"link": "/blog/skepticism/2020/"
"text": "2021",
"link": "/blog/skepticism/2021/"
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"text": "CV",
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"text": "Contact",
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