Disciplined osteopath George McKenzie yet to apologise
13 December 2015
Categories: Skepticism , Tags: Pseudoscience, Osteopathy, CAM
An osteopath in Christchurch has been disciplined (opens new window) for treating a patient's toothache by touching her breast.
He said that tightness in her chest muscles was causing problems with her jaw.
This is the second time this osteopath has been disciplined for similar behaviour.
I've looked through the history of Health and Disability Commissioner complaints, and a surprising number are related to alternative health practitioners. I wonder if a lack of professional training, including coaching on acceptable behaviour, is to blame in at least some of these cases.
- 14HDC00614: Osteopath, Failure to provide information, and inappropriate diagnosis of stroke in baby.
- 13HDC00966: Alternative Therapist/Clinic, Monitoring of patient following administration of an unapproved, prescription-only medication.
- 13HDC01307: Massage Therapist, Information provided by massage therapist.
- 13HDC00172: Massage Therapist, Informed consent prior to examination and referral to another practitioner.
- 11HDC00231: Chiropractor, Consent to, and appropriateness of treatment of lower back and leg pain.
- 10HDC00970: Natural Health Practitioner, Treatment of woman with cancer by natural therapist/iridologist.
- 09HDC02122: Shiatsu Practitioner, Unprofessional and unethical behaviour with a client.
- 08HDC02247: Chiropractor, Chiropractic management of lower back sprain.
- 08HDC14166: Chiropractor, Management of cervical spinal injury.
- 07HDC17307: Chiropractor, Chiropractic management of elbow injury.
- 08HDC00218: Alternative Therapist, Use of alternative therapy to treat breast cancer.
- 08HDC07644: Massage Therapist, Inappropriate treatment by massage therapist.
- 07HDC18827: Massage Therapist, Inappropriate treatment by massage therapist
- 07HDC20616: Chiropractor, Lack of assessment following cervical manipulation
- 07HDC03068: Massage Therapist, Spinal manipulation undertaken by massage therapist.
- 06HDC18721: Midwife, Death of baby following prolonged pregnancy.
- 07HDC12714: Acupuncturist, Complication following acupuncture treatment.
- 06HDC08238: Midwife, Death of baby several hours after home birth.
- 06HDC12937: Massage Therapist, Informed consent prior to massage therapy.
- 06HDC09882: Natural Health Practitioner, Informed consent prior to massage therapy.
- 06HDC09325: Natural Health Practitioner, Inappropriate sexual relationship with a client.
- 06HDC07873: Natural Health Practitioner, Inappropriate sexual relationship with a client.
- 04HDC05503: Midwife, Management of labour and subsequent death of baby.
- 04HDC06861: General Practitioner, Conflict of interest in treatment options.
- 04HDC17805: Massage Therapist, Inappropriate massage and lack of informed consent.
- 03HDC19027: General Practitioner, Spiritual approach in GP consultation.
- 03HDC09752: Osteopath, Vertebral artery dissection following neck manipulation by osteopath.
- 02HDC16651: Dentist, Dental treatment; information provided to patient.
- 02HDC18117: Massage Therapist, Financial exploitation by Shiatsu therapist.
- 03HDC03984: General Practitioner, Failure to monitor appropriately after introducing acupuncture needles.
- 02HDC11987: Osteopath, Stroke a rare complication of neck manipulation by osteopath.
- 03HDC00910: Chiropractor, Inadequate history, examination, treatment, and provision of information by chiropractor.
- 03HDC07831: Chiropractor, Sexual exploitation of client.
- 02HDC09817: Chiropractor, Sexual exploitation of client by chiropractor; failure to supply adequate information about weight control pills.
- 00HDC08628: Midwife, Inadequate communication during prolonged labour.
- 01HDC02649: General Practitioner, Interval Hypoxic Training in the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
- 98HDC15904: General Practitioner, GP practising unorthodox medicine and spiritual healing; lack of respect, financial exploitation, and lack of care and informed consent.
- 98HDC19278: General Practitioner, GP practising unorthodox medicine; financial exploitation and lack of care and informed consent.
- 98HDC14193: Massage Therapist, Care provided by massage therapist.
- 97HDC9933: Homeopath, Reaction to homeopathic treatment.
- 97HDC6418: Natural Health Practitioner, Massage provided when counselling expected.
- 97HDC9575: General Practitioner, Inadequate information regarding different possible treatments, and exploitation of patient.
- 97HDC7669: General Practitioner, Consent prior to spinal manipulation.
- 97HDC5980: Primal Healing Therapist, Inappropriate relationship with client.
- 97HDC5467: Chiropractor, Treatment provided for prolapsed disc.
- 97HDC6854: Natural Health Practitioner, Inappropriate communication.
- 97HDC7400: General Practitioner, Suggestion of prayer as a form of treatment.
- 97HDC4036: Naturopath, Use of natural remedy to treat child.
- 97HDC6543: Primal Healing Therapist, Inappropriate relationship with client.
- 03HDC15086: Midwife, Lack of maternal assessment on commencement of established labour; inadequate monitoring of fetal heart rate once meconium noted.
- 97HDC7015: General Practitioner, Communication between providers.