Skeptical Thoughts
February 2018
Here are the topics I chose to talk about on RadioLive for the month. Some of them may not have been mentioned on the radio due to a lack of time.
11 February 2018
The ASA has written some new guidelines… and they're crap!
Categories: Skepticism , Tags: Pseudoscience, ASA
2 min read, 236 words. Continue Reading...
Can Cannabis Cure Cancer?
Categories: Skepticism , Tags: Pseudoscience, Cannabis, CAM
2 min read, 229 words. Continue Reading...
Elon Musk proves the earth is round - or does he?
Categories: Skepticism , Tags: Conspiracy, FlatEarth
3 min read, 409 words. Continue Reading...
Homeopathy Course Cancelled at Canadian College
Categories: Skepticism , Tags: Pseudoscience, Homeopathy, CAM
1 min read, 100 words. Continue Reading...
Raw Water is Daft
Categories: Skepticism , Tags: Pseudoscience, Water, Raw, CAM
2 min read, 204 words. Continue Reading...
25 February 2018
Attack Survivor has to defend himself
Categories: Skepticism , Tags: Conspiracy, Shooting
2 min read, 220 words. Continue Reading...
Pastafarianism Knocked Back
Categories: Skepticism , Tags: Religion, FSM, Pastafarianism
1 min read, 139 words. Continue Reading...
Memorising a big number will create a black hole?
Categories: Skepticism , Tags: Pseudoscience, Physics
2 min read, 285 words. Continue Reading...
Teen Lays Eggs
Categories: Skepticism , Tags: Scam, Magic, Egg
2 min read, 252 words. Continue Reading...
NZ Herald Promoting Animal Quackery
Categories: Skepticism , Tags: Pseudoscience, Vet
1 min read, 96 words. Continue Reading...